Пример #1
  * List users.
  * @subcommand list
  * @synopsis [--role=<role>] [--ids]
 public function _list($args, $assoc_args)
     global $blog_id;
     $params = array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'fields' => isset($assoc_args['ids']) ? 'ids' : 'all_with_meta');
     if (array_key_exists('role', $assoc_args)) {
         $params['role'] = $assoc_args['role'];
     $users = get_users($params);
     if (isset($assoc_args['ids'])) {
         WP_CLI::out(implode(' ', $users));
     $fields = array('ID', 'user_login', 'display_name', 'user_email', 'user_registered');
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array_merge($fields, array('roles')));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $line[] = $user->{$field};
         $line[] = implode(',', $user->roles);
     WP_CLI::line('Total: ' . count($users) . ' users');
  * Lists one-time logins
  *     wp one-time-login list
  * @subcommand list
 function _list($args, $assoc_args)
     // Get all one-time logins
     $otl_posts = get_posts(array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'onetimelogin', 'order' => ASC));
     // Error if no logins found
     if (empty($otl_posts)) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('No one time logins found.', 'one-time-login'));
     // Set table headers
     $headers = array(__('ID', 'one-time-login'), __('Password', 'one-time-login'), __('User ID', 'one-time-login'), __('Date Generated', 'one-time-login'), __('Status', 'one-time-login'), __('Date Used', 'one-time-login'));
     $data = array();
     // loop through logins and format
     foreach ($otl_posts as $otl) {
         $id = $otl->ID;
         $password = $otl->post_title;
         $user_id = get_post_meta($otl->ID, 'otl_user', true);
         $generated = $otl->post_date;
         $status = '0' === get_post_meta($otl->ID, 'otl_times_used', true) ? __('Available', 'one-time-login') : __('Expired', 'one-time-login');
         $used = get_post_meta($otl->ID, 'otl_datetime_used', true);
         $data[] = array($id, $password, $user_id, $generated, $status, $used);
     // Output table
     $table = new \cli\Table();
Пример #3
  * Show table
  * @param array $header
  * @param array $body
 protected static function table($header, $body)
     $table = new \cli\Table();
Пример #4
 public static function print_profile_list()
     $configuration = PS_CLI_CONFIGURE::getConfigurationInstance();
     $profiles = Profile::getProfiles($configuration->lang);
     $table = new cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'Name'));
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         $table->addRow(array($profile['id_profile'], $profile['name']));
     return true;
Пример #5
 public static function list_customers($lang = null)
     // TODO: check if lang exists before using it
     if ($lang === null) {
         $lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
     $customers = Customer::getCustomers();
     $table = new cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'email', 'First name', 'Last name'));
     foreach ($customers as $customer) {
         // print_r($customer);
         $table->addRow(array($customer['id_customer'], $customer['email'], $customer['firstname'], $customer['lastname']));
Пример #6
  * Get a list of posts.
  * @subcommand list
  * @synopsis [--<field>=<value>] [--ids]
 public function _list($_, $assoc_args)
     $query_args = array('posts_per_page' => -1);
     foreach ($assoc_args as $key => $value) {
         if (true === $value) {
         $query_args[$key] = $value;
     if (isset($assoc_args['ids'])) {
         $query_args['fields'] = 'ids';
     $query = new WP_Query($query_args);
     if (isset($assoc_args['ids'])) {
         WP_CLI::out(implode(' ', $query->posts));
     } else {
         $fields = array('ID', 'post_title', 'post_name', 'post_date');
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         foreach ($query->posts as $post) {
             $line = array();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 $line[] = $post->{$field};
Пример #7
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in all tables and will replace all
  * appearances of the old string with the new one.
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $dry_run = isset($assoc_args['dry-run']);
     $recurse_objects = isset($assoc_args['recurse-objects']);
     if (isset($assoc_args['skip-columns'])) {
         $skip_columns = explode(',', $assoc_args['skip-columns']);
     } else {
         $skip_columns = array();
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     $tables = self::get_table_list($args, isset($assoc_args['network']));
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         list($primary_key, $columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (null === $primary_key) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $skip_columns)) {
             $count = self::handle_col($col, $primary_key, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $recurse_objects);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count);
             $total += $count;
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements'));
     if (!$dry_run) {
         WP_CLI::success("Made {$total} replacements.");
Пример #8
  * List all of the currently configured redirects
  * @subcommand list
 public function _list()
     global $safe_redirect_manager;
     $fields = array('ID', 'redirect_from', 'redirect_to', 'status_code', 'enable_regex', 'post_status');
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $redirects = $safe_redirect_manager->get_redirects(array('post_status' => 'any'));
     foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
         $line = array();
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if ('enable_regex' == $field) {
                 $line[] = $redirect[$field] ? 'true' : 'false';
             } else {
                 $line[] = $redirect[$field];
     WP_CLI::line("Total of " . count($redirects) . " redirects");
Пример #9
 public function test_column_value_too_long()
     $constraint_width = 80;
     $table = new cli\Table();
     $renderer = new cli\Table\Ascii();
     $table->setHeaders(array('Field', 'Value'));
     $table->addRow(array('description', 'The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background.'));
     $table->addRow(array('author', '<a href="http://wordpress.org/" title="Visit author homepage">the WordPress team</a>'));
     $out = $table->getDisplayLines();
     // "+ 1" accommodates "\n"
     $this->assertCount(12, $out);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[0]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[1]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[2]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[3]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[4]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[5]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[6]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[7]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[8]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[9]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[10]) + 1);
     $this->assertEquals($constraint_width, strlen($out[11]) + 1);
Пример #10

$domains = (require __DIR__ . '/config.php');
$whois = new Joelvardy\Whois(__DIR__ . '/cache');
$certificate = new Joelvardy\Certificate(__DIR__ . '/cache');
$table = new \cli\Table();
$table->setHeaders(['Domain', 'Domain Expiry', 'Certificate Expiry']);
$formatColour = function ($expires) {
    $oneMonth = new DateTime();
    $oneMonth->modify('+1 month');
    $oneWeek = new DateTime();
    $oneWeek->modify('+1 week');
    return $expires < $oneWeek ? '%r' : ($expires < $oneMonth ? '%y' : '%g');
print "Checking domains:\n";
Joelvardy\Progress::bar(1, count($domains));
foreach ($domains as $i => $domain) {
    if ($domainDetails = $whois->check($domain->domain)) {
        $domainExpiresText = $formatColour($domainDetails->domain->expires) . $domainDetails->domain->expires->format('jS F Y') . '%n';
    } else {
        $domainExpiresText = '%rUnable to load whois data%n';
    if (isset($domain->certificate) && $domain->certificate) {
        if ($certificateDetails = $certificate->check($domain->domain)) {
            $certificateExpiresText = $formatColour($certificateDetails->domain->expires) . $certificateDetails->domain->expires->format('jS F Y') . '%n';
        } else {
            $certificateExpiresText = '%rUnable to load certificate data%n';
    } else {
        $certificateExpiresText = 'N/A';
Пример #11
 public function execute(array $args, array $options = array())
     # setUserMigration Path
     $this->migrationPath = isset($options['migration_path']) ? $options['migration_path'] : null;
     $list = $this->getDirectoryTree($this->getMigrationPath(), "php");
     # get filename
     $file = isset($options['f']) ? true : false;
     $filter_apply = isset($options['a']) ? $options['a'] : false;
     $filter_new = isset($options['n']) ? $options['n'] : false;
     $filter_from = isset($options['from']) ? $options['from'] : false;
     $filter_to = isset($options['to']) ? $options['to'] : false;
     $filter_from = $filter_from ? strtotime($filter_from) : false;
     $filter_to = $filter_to ? strtotime($filter_to) : false;
     #check tag list
     $filer_tag = isset($options['tag']) ? $options['tag'] : false;
     if (!empty($list)) {
         $headers = array('№', 'id', 'Author', 'Date');
         if ($file) {
             $headers[] = 'File';
         $headers[] = 'Description';
         $headers[] = 'Status';
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $count = 0;
         $applied = 0;
         $new = 0;
         $i = 1;
         $return_array_new = array();
         $return_array_apply = array();
         $is_filter = false;
         $this->prepareFilter($list, $filter_from, $filter_to, $filer_tag, $options, $is_filter);
         foreach ($list as $id => $data) {
             $row = $data['file'];
             $name = $data['name'];
             # check in db
             $is_new = !$this->checkInDb($id);
             $class_name = "Migration" . $id;
             include_once "" . $this->getMigrationPath() . $row . "";
             $color = ConsoleKit\Colors::GREEN;
             $status = ConsoleKit\Colors::colorize('apply', Colors::GREEN);
             # check in db
             if ($is_new) {
                 $color = ConsoleKit\Colors::RED;
                 $status = ConsoleKit\Colors::colorize('new', Colors::RED);
             } else {
             $rowArray = array(ConsoleKit\Colors::colorize($i, $color), ConsoleKit\Colors::colorize($id, $color), $data['author'], date("d.m.y G:h", $data['date']));
             if ($file) {
                 $rowArray[] = $row;
             $rowArray[] = $data['description'];
             $rowArray[] = $status;
             if ($is_new) {
                 $return_array_new[] = $rowArray;
             } else {
                 $return_array_apply[] = $rowArray;
         if ($filter_new) {
         } else {
             if ($filter_apply) {
             } else {
                 $table->setRows(array_merge($return_array_apply, $return_array_new));
         $displayArray = $table->getDisplayLines();
         if (!empty($displayArray)) {
         if (!$is_filter) {
             # count info
             $return[] = Colors::colorize('New:', Colors::RED) . " " . $new;
             $return[] = Colors::colorize('Applied:', Colors::GREEN) . " " . $applied;
             $return[] = "Count: " . $count;
         # display
         $this->padding(implode(PHP_EOL, $return));
     } else {
         $this->info('Empty migration');
Пример #12
  * @inheritdoc
 public function call($args, $flags)
     // Check version and operations on remote server
     if (in_array('-c', $flags)) {
         $client = self::loadClient($args);
         \cli\line('%_Base URI:%n ' . $client->getBaseURI());
         \cli\line('%_Version:%n ' . $client->serverVersion());
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Class', 'Methods', 'Path'));
         foreach ($client->request('GET', 'operations')->body as $data) {
             $table->addRow(array_values((array) $data));
     } elseif (isset($args['-r'])) {
         $servers = $this->loadStoredServerInfo();
         if (isset($servers[$args['-r']])) {
             file_put_contents($this->infoFile, serialize($servers));
             \cli\line('Server removed (add flag -l to list servers)');
     } elseif (in_array('-l', $flags)) {
         $servers = $this->loadStoredServerInfo();
     } elseif (isset($args['-d'])) {
         $servers = $this->loadStoredServerInfo();
         if (empty($servers[$args['-d']])) {
             \cli\line('Server does not exist....');
         } else {
             $servers['__default'] = $args['-d'];
             file_put_contents($this->infoFile, serialize($servers));
             \cli\line('%gServer "' . $args['-d'] . '" set as default %n');
     } else {
         \cli\line('Add remote server');
         $name = \cli\prompt('Server name (any name of your choice)');
         $address = rtrim(\cli\prompt('Server address'), '/') . '/';
         $user = \cli\prompt('Admin e-mail');
         $pass = Utils::promptPassword('Admin password: '******'Secret (leave empty if not used)'));
         try {
             // Try to request server
             $auth = $user . ':' . $pass;
             if ($secret) {
                 $auth = 'RC4 ' . base64_encode(RC4Cipher::encrypt($secret, $auth));
             } else {
                 $auth = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($auth);
             $client = new Client($address);
             $user = $client->me();
             // just to check that auth is correct
             if (!$user) {
                 throw new \Exception('Could not authenticate');
             $version = $client->serverVersion();
             $this->addServer($name, $address, $auth);
             \cli\line('%gSuccessfully added server "' . $name . '" (v' . $version . ')%n');
             \cli\line('... add flag -l to list all added servers');
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             \cli\err('Failed adding server with message "' . $e->getMessage() . '"');
Пример #13
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in a selection of tables
  * and will replace all appearances of the old string with the new one.  The
  * default tables are those registered on the $wpdb object (usually
  * just WordPress core tables).
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to. Wildcards are supported, e.g. wp_\*_options or wp_post\?.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--precise]
  * : Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. Use if you see issues with serialized data.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings. Defaults to true; pass --no-recurse-objects to disable.
  * [--all-tables-with-prefix]
  * : Enable replacement on any tables that match the table prefix even if not registered on wpdb
  * [--all-tables]
  * : Enable replacement on ALL tables in the database, regardless of the prefix, and even if not registered on $wpdb. Overrides --network and --all-tables-with-prefix.
  * [--verbose]
  * : Prints rows to the console as they're updated.
  * [--regex]
  * : Runs the search using a regular expression. Warning: search-replace will take about 15-20x longer when using --regex.
  * [--export[=<file>]]
  * : Write transformed data as SQL file instead of performing in-place replacements. If <file> is not supplied, will output to STDOUT.
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
  *     # Turn your production database into a local database
  *     wp search-replace --url=example.com example.com example.dev wp_\*_options
  *     # Search/replace to a SQL file without transforming the database
  *     wp search-replace foo bar --export=database.sql
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     global $wpdb;
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $this->dry_run = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'dry-run');
     $php_only = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'precise');
     $this->recurse_objects = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'recurse-objects', true);
     $this->verbose = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'verbose');
     $this->regex = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'regex');
     $this->skip_columns = explode(',', \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'skip-columns'));
     if ($old === $new && !$this->regex) {
         WP_CLI::warning("Replacement value '{$old}' is identical to search value '{$new}'. Skipping operation.");
     if (null !== ($export = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'export'))) {
         if ($this->dry_run) {
             WP_CLI::error('You cannot supply --dry-run and --export at the same time.');
         if (true === $export) {
             $this->export_handle = STDOUT;
             $this->verbose = false;
         } else {
             $this->export_handle = fopen($assoc_args['export'], 'w');
             if (false === $this->export_handle) {
                 WP_CLI::error(sprintf('Unable to open "%s" for writing.', $assoc_args['export']));
         $php_only = true;
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $this->skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     // Get table names based on leftover $args or supplied $assoc_args
     $tables = \WP_CLI\Utils\wp_get_table_names($args, $assoc_args);
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         if ($this->export_handle) {
             fwrite($this->export_handle, "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\n");
             $row = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", ARRAY_N);
             fwrite($this->export_handle, $row[1] . ";\n");
             list($table_report, $total_rows) = $this->php_export_table($table, $old, $new);
             $report = array_merge($report, $table_report);
             $total += $total_rows;
             // Don't perform replacements on the actual database
         list($primary_keys, $columns, $all_columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (empty($primary_keys)) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $this->skip_columns)) {
             if ($this->verbose) {
                 $this->start_time = microtime(true);
                 WP_CLI::log(sprintf('Checking: %s.%s', $table, $col));
             if (!$php_only && !$this->regex) {
                 $serialRow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$col}` REGEXP '^[aiO]:[1-9]' LIMIT 1");
             if ($php_only || $this->regex || NULL !== $serialRow) {
                 $type = 'PHP';
                 $count = $this->php_handle_col($col, $primary_keys, $table, $old, $new);
             } else {
                 $type = 'SQL';
                 $count = $this->sql_handle_col($col, $table, $old, $new);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count, $type);
             $total += $count;
     if ($this->export_handle && STDOUT !== $this->export_handle) {
     // Only informational output after this point
     if (WP_CLI::get_config('quiet') || STDOUT === $this->export_handle) {
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements', 'Type'));
     if (!$this->dry_run) {
         if (!empty($assoc_args['export'])) {
             $success_message = "Made {$total} replacements and exported to {$assoc_args['export']}.";
         } else {
             $success_message = "Made {$total} replacements.";
             if ($total && 'Default' !== WP_CLI\Utils\wp_get_cache_type()) {
                 $success_message .= ' Please remember to flush your persistent object cache with `wp cache flush`.';
Пример #14
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in all tables and will replace all
  * appearances of the old string with the new one.
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--precise]
  * : Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. Use if you see issues with serialized data.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     global $wpdb;
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $dry_run = isset($assoc_args['dry-run']);
     $php_only = isset($assoc_args['precise']);
     $recurse_objects = isset($assoc_args['recurse-objects']);
     if (isset($assoc_args['skip-columns'])) {
         $skip_columns = explode(',', $assoc_args['skip-columns']);
     } else {
         $skip_columns = array();
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     $tables = self::get_table_list($args, isset($assoc_args['network']));
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         list($primary_keys, $columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (empty($primary_keys)) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $skip_columns)) {
             if (!$php_only) {
                 $serialRow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$col}` REGEXP '^[aiO]:[1-9]' LIMIT 1");
             if ($php_only || NULL !== $serialRow) {
                 $type = 'PHP';
                 $count = self::php_handle_col($col, $primary_keys, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $recurse_objects);
             } else {
                 $type = 'SQL';
                 $count = self::sql_handle_col($col, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count, $type);
             $total += $count;
     if (!WP_CLI::get_config('quiet')) {
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements', 'Type'));
         if (!$dry_run) {
             WP_CLI::success("Made {$total} replacements.");
Пример #15
  * @param $data
  * @param $headers
 private function formatTable($data, $headers = null)
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     if ($headers) {
     foreach ($data as $row_data) {
         $row = array();
         foreach ((array) $row_data as $key => $value) {
             $value = PrettyFormatter::flattenValue($value);
             $row[] = $value;
     // @TODO: This does not test well. PHPUnit uses output buffering.
     $out = ob_get_contents();
     return $out;
Пример #16
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in a selection of tables
  * and will replace all appearances of the old string with the new one.  The
  * default tables are those registered on the $wpdb object (usually
  * just WordPress core tables).
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to. Wildcards are supported, e.g. wp_\*_options or wp_post\?.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--precise]
  * : Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. Use if you see issues with serialized data.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings. Defaults to true; pass --no-recurse-objects to disable.
  * [--all-tables-with-prefix]
  * : Enable replacement on any tables that match the table prefix even if not registered on wpdb
  * [--all-tables]
  * : Enable replacement on ALL tables in the database, regardless of the prefix, and even if not registered on $wpdb. Overrides --network and --all-tables-with-prefix.
  * [--verbose]
  * : Prints rows to the console as they're updated.
  * [--regex]
  * : Runs the search using a regular expression. Warning: search-replace will take about 15-20x longer when using --regex.
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
  *     # Turn your production database into a local database
  *     wp search-replace --url=example.com example.com example.dev wp_\*_options
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     global $wpdb;
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $dry_run = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'dry-run');
     $php_only = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'precise');
     $recurse_objects = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'recurse-objects', true);
     $verbose = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'verbose');
     $regex = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'regex');
     $skip_columns = explode(',', \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'skip-columns'));
     if ($old === $new && !$regex) {
         WP_CLI::warning("Replacement value '{$old}' is identical to search value '{$new}'. Skipping operation.");
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     // Get table names based on leftover $args or supplied $assoc_args
     $tables = \WP_CLI\Utils\wp_get_table_names($args, $assoc_args);
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         list($primary_keys, $columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (empty($primary_keys)) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $skip_columns)) {
             if ($verbose) {
                 $this->start_time = microtime(true);
                 WP_CLI::log(sprintf('Checking: %s.%s', $table, $col));
             if (!$php_only) {
                 $serialRow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$col}` REGEXP '^[aiO]:[1-9]' LIMIT 1");
             if ($php_only || $regex || NULL !== $serialRow) {
                 $type = 'PHP';
                 $count = $this->php_handle_col($col, $primary_keys, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $recurse_objects, $verbose, $regex);
             } else {
                 $type = 'SQL';
                 $count = $this->sql_handle_col($col, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $verbose);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count, $type);
             $total += $count;
     if (!WP_CLI::get_config('quiet')) {
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements', 'Type'));
         if (!$dry_run) {
             $success_message = "Made {$total} replacements.";
             if ($total && 'Default' !== WP_CLI\Utils\wp_get_cache_type()) {
                 $success_message .= ' Please remember to flush your persistent object cache with `wp cache flush`.';
Пример #17

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
echo "Hello World!\n\n";
echo "Payload: ";
echo "\nConfig: ";
// Add iron.json and uncomment this block to actually use it
$ironmq = new \IronMQ\IronMQ();
$ironmq->postMessage('Some Queue', "Hello world");
$msg = $ironmq->getMessage('Some Queue');
echo "\n\nCLI Table:\n";
$headers = array('Id', 'Name', 'City');
$data = array(array(1, 'Elliott', 'San Francisco'), array(2, 'Washington', 'Bessemer'), array(3, 'Hopkins', 'Altoona'));
$table = new \cli\Table();
Пример #18
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in a selection of tables
  * and will replace all appearances of the old string with the new one.  The
  * default tables are those registered on the $wpdb object (usually
  * just WordPress core tables).
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to. Wildcards are supported, e.g. wp_\*_options or wp_post\?.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--precise]
  * : Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. Use if you see issues with serialized data.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings. Defaults to true; pass --no-recurse-objects to disable.
  * [--all-tables-with-prefix]
  * : Enable replacement on any tables that match the table prefix even if not registered on wpdb
  * [--all-tables]
  * : Enable replacement on ALL tables in the database, regardless of the prefix, and even if not registered on $wpdb. Overrides --network and --all-tables-with-prefix.
  * [--verbose]
  * : Prints rows to the console as they're updated.
  * [--regex]
  * : Runs the search using a regular expression. Warning: search-replace will take about 15-20x longer when using --regex.
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
  *     # Turn your production database into a local database
  *     wp search-replace --url=example.com example.com example.dev wp_\*_options
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     global $wpdb;
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $dry_run = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'dry-run');
     $php_only = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'precise');
     $recurse_objects = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'recurse-objects', true);
     $verbose = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'verbose');
     $regex = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'regex');
     $skip_columns = explode(',', \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'skip-columns'));
     if ($old === $new && !$regex) {
         WP_CLI::warning("Replacement value '{$old}' is identical to search value '{$new}'. Skipping operation.");
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     // Determine how to limit the list of tables. Defaults to 'wordpress'
     $table_type = 'wordpress';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'network')) {
         $table_type = 'network';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'all-tables-with-prefix')) {
         $table_type = 'all-tables-with-prefix';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'all-tables')) {
         $table_type = 'all-tables';
     if (!empty($args)) {
         $new_tables = array();
         foreach ($args as $key => $table) {
             if (false !== strpos($table, '*') || false !== strpos($table, '?')) {
                 $expanded_tables = self::get_tables_for_glob($table);
                 if (empty($expanded_tables)) {
                     WP_CLI::error("Couldn't find any tables matching: {$table}");
                 $new_tables = array_merge($new_tables, $expanded_tables);
             } else {
                 $new_tables[] = $table;
         $args = $new_tables;
     // Get the array of tables to work with. If there is anything left in $args, assume those are table names to use
     $tables = empty($args) ? self::get_table_list($table_type) : $args;
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         list($primary_keys, $columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (empty($primary_keys)) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $skip_columns)) {
             if (!$php_only) {
                 $serialRow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$col}` REGEXP '^[aiO]:[1-9]' LIMIT 1");
             if ($php_only || $regex || NULL !== $serialRow) {
                 $type = 'PHP';
                 $count = self::php_handle_col($col, $primary_keys, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $recurse_objects, $verbose, $regex);
             } else {
                 $type = 'SQL';
                 $count = self::sql_handle_col($col, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $verbose);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count, $type);
             $total += $count;
     if (!WP_CLI::get_config('quiet')) {
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements', 'Type'));
         if (!$dry_run) {
             $success_message = "Made {$total} replacements.";
             if ($total && 'Default' !== WP_CLI\Utils\wp_get_cache_type()) {
                 $success_message .= ' Please remember to flush your persistent object cache with `wp cache flush`.';
Пример #19
  * Get bundle details
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <bundle_name>
  * : The bundle name to inspect.
  * wp config show_bundle <bundle_name>
  * @synopsis <bundle_name>
 function show_bundle($args, $assoc_args)
     $file_bundle = WPCFM()->readwrite->read_file($args[0]);
     $db_bundle = WPCFM()->readwrite->read_db($args[0]);
     $header = array('Config', 'File value', 'DB value');
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($file_bundle as $key => $value) {
         $rows[$key] = array($key, $value);
         if (isset($db_bundle[$key])) {
             $rows[$key][] = $db_bundle[$key];
         } else {
             $rows[$key][] = 'n/a';
     foreach ($file_bundle as $key => $value) {
         if (!isset($db_bundle[$key])) {
             $rows[$key] = array($key, 'n/a', $db_bundle[$key]);
     $table = new \cli\Table($header, $rows);
Пример #20
function print_cli_table($table_rows, $table_header = array(), $descr = NULL)
    if (!is_array($table_rows)) {
        print_error("print_cli_table() argument {$table_rows} should be an array. Please report this error to developers.");
    if (OBS_QUIET) {
    if (!cli_is_piped() || OBS_DEBUG) {
        $count_rows = count($table_rows);
        if ($count_rows == 0) {
        if (strlen($descr)) {
            print_cli_data($descr, '', 3);
        $table = new \cli\Table();
        $count_header = count($table_header);
        if ($count_header) {
        echo PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        print_cli_data("Notice", "Table output suppressed due to piped output." . PHP_EOL);
Пример #21
 public function testTables()
     $suffix = \cli\Shell::isPiped() ? "_piped" : "";
     $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($columns = \cli\Shell::columns()));
     $headers = array('First Name', 'Last Name', 'City', 'State');
     $data = array(array('Maryam', 'Elliott', 'Elizabeth City', 'SD'), array('Jerry', 'Washington', 'Bessemer', 'ME'), array('Allegra', 'Hopkins', 'Altoona', 'ME'), array('Audrey', 'Oneil', 'Dalton', 'SK'));
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $table->setRenderer(new \cli\table\Ascii());
     $output = $this->getStreams();
     $this->assertEquals("", $output['errors']);
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/table_1"), $output['contents']);
     $output = $this->getStreams();
     $this->assertEquals("", $output['errors']);
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/table_2"), $output['contents']);
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $data[$k] = array_combine(array("name", "surname", "city", "state"), $v);
     $renderer = new \cli\table\Ascii();
     $renderer->setCharacters(array("corner" => "x", "line" => "=", "border" => "!"));
     $table = new \cli\Table($data);
     $output = $this->getStreams();
     $this->assertEquals("", $output['errors']);
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/table_3"), $output['contents']);
     $this->assertEquals("", \cli\Colors::color("reset"));
     $this->assertEquals("foo\tbar", \cli\table\Tabular::row(array("foo", "bar")));
     // test output
     \cli\out("  \\cli\\out sends output to STDOUT\n");
     \cli\out("  It does not automatically append a new line\n");
     \cli\out("  It does accept any number of %s which are then %s to %s for formatting\n", 'arguments', 'passed', 'sprintf');
     \cli\out("  Alternatively, {:a} can use an {:b} as the second argument.\n\n", array('a' => 'you', 'b' => 'array'));
     \cli\err('  \\cli\\err sends output to STDERR');
     \cli\err('  It does automatically append a new line');
     \cli\err('  It does accept any number of %s which are then %s to %s for formatting', 'arguments', 'passed', 'sprintf');
     \cli\err("  Alternatively, {:a} can use an {:b} as the second argument.\n", array('a' => 'you', 'b' => 'array'));
     \cli\line('  \\cli\\line forwards to \\cli\\out for output');
     \cli\line('  It does automatically append a new line');
     \cli\line('  It does accept any number of %s which are then %s to %s for formatting', 'arguments', 'passed', 'sprintf');
     \cli\line("  Alternatively, {:a} can use an {:b} as the second argument.\n", array('a' => 'you', 'b' => 'array'));
     $output = $this->getStreams();
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/out_errors"), $output['errors']);
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/out_contents"), $output['contents']);
     $string = "";
     $string .= \cli\render('  \\cli\\err sends output to STDERR' . "\n");
     $string .= \cli\render('  It does automatically append a new line' . "\n");
     $string .= \cli\render('  It does accept any number of %s which are then %s to %s for formatting' . "\n", 'arguments', 'passed', 'sprintf');
     $string .= \cli\render("  Alternatively, {:a} can use an {:b} as the second argument.\n\n", array('a' => 'you', 'b' => 'array'));
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents("test/output/out_errors"), $string);
     $in = tmpfile();
     fputs($in, "quit\n");
     fseek($in, 0);
     \cli\Streams::setStream("in", $in);
     $line = \cli\prompt("prompt", false, "# ");
     $output = $this->getStreams();
     $this->assertEquals("quit", $line);
     $this->assertEquals("", $output['errors']);
     $this->assertEquals("prompt# ", $output['contents']);
     fseek($in, 0);
     $this->assertEquals("quit", \cli\input());
Пример #22
 public static function print_module_list($status = 'all', $onDiskOnly = true)
     $_GET['controller'] = 'AdminModules';
     $_GET['tab'] = 'AdminModules';
     $modulesOnDisk = Module::getModulesOnDisk();
     switch ($status) {
         case 'all':
             $table = new cli\Table();
             $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'Name', 'Installed', 'Active', 'Upgradable'));
             foreach ($modulesOnDisk as $module) {
                 if ($onDiskOnly && isset($module->not_on_disk)) {
                 Module::isInstalled($module->name) ? $iStat = 'Yes' : ($iStat = 'No');
                 Module::isEnabled($module->name) ? $aStat = 'Yes' : ($aStat = 'No');
                 // check for updates
                 if (isset($module->version_addons) && $module->version_addons) {
                     $uStat = 'Yes';
                 } else {
                     $uStat = 'No';
                 $table->addRow(array($module->id, $module->name, $iStat, $aStat, $uStat));
         case 'installed':
             foreach ($modulesOnDisk as $module) {
                 if ($module->installed) {
                     echo "{$module->id};" . "{$module->name};" . "{$module->installed};" . "{$module->active}\n";
         case 'active':
             foreach ($modulesOnDisk as $module) {
                 if ($module->active) {
                     echo "{$module->id};" . "{$module->name};" . "{$module->installed};" . "{$module->active}\n";
             return false;
     $interface = PS_CLI_Interface::getInterface();
     if ($table) {
     return true;
Пример #23
  * Show items in a \cli\Table.
  * @param array $items
  * @param array $fields
 private static function show_table($items, $fields)
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     $enabled = \cli\Colors::shouldColorize();
     if ($enabled) {
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $table->addRow(array_values(\WP_CLI\Utils\pick_fields($item, $fields)));
     foreach ($table->getDisplayLines() as $line) {
     if ($enabled) {
Пример #24
  * Search/replace strings in the database.
  * This command will go through all rows in all tables and will replace all
  * appearances of the old string with the new one.
  * It will correctly handle serialized values, and will not change primary key values.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * <old>
  * : The old string.
  * <new>
  * : The new string.
  * [<table>...]
  * : List of database tables to restrict the replacement to.
  * [--network]
  * : Search/replace through all the tables in a multisite install.
  * [--skip-columns=<columns>]
  * : Do not perform the replacement in the comma-separated columns.
  * [--dry-run]
  * : Show report, but don't perform the changes.
  * [--precise]
  * : Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. Use if you see issues with serialized data.
  * [--recurse-objects]
  * : Enable recursing into objects to replace strings
  * [--all-tables-with-prefix]
  * : Enable replacement on any tables that match the table prefix even if not registered on wpdb
  * [--all-tables]
  * : Enable replacement on ALL tables in the database, regardless of the prefix. Overrides --network and --all-tables-with-prefix.
  * [--verbose]
  * : Prints rows to the console as they're updated.
  * [--regex]
  * : Runs the search using a regular expression. Warning: search-replace will take about 15-20x longer when using --regex.
  *     wp search-replace 'http://example.dev' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid
  *     wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run
  *     # Turn your production database into a local database
  *     wp search-replace --url=example.com example.com example.dev
 public function __invoke($args, $assoc_args)
     global $wpdb;
     $old = array_shift($args);
     $new = array_shift($args);
     $total = 0;
     $report = array();
     $dry_run = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'dry-run');
     $php_only = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'precise');
     $recurse_objects = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'recurse-objects');
     $verbose = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'verbose');
     $regex = \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'regex');
     $skip_columns = explode(',', \WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'skip-columns'));
     // never mess with hashed passwords
     $skip_columns[] = 'user_pass';
     // Determine how to limit the list of tables. Defaults to 'wordpress'
     $table_type = 'wordpress';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'network')) {
         $table_type = 'network';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'all-tables-with-prefix')) {
         $table_type = 'all-tables-with-prefix';
     if (\WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'all-tables')) {
         $table_type = 'all-tables';
     // Get the array of tables to work with. If there is anything left in $args, assume those are table names to use
     $tables = empty($args) ? self::get_table_list($table_type) : $args;
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         list($primary_keys, $columns) = self::get_columns($table);
         // since we'll be updating one row at a time,
         // we need a primary key to identify the row
         if (empty($primary_keys)) {
             $report[] = array($table, '', 'skipped');
         foreach ($columns as $col) {
             if (in_array($col, $skip_columns)) {
             if (!$php_only) {
                 $serialRow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` WHERE `{$col}` REGEXP '^[aiO]:[1-9]' LIMIT 1");
             if ($php_only || $regex || NULL !== $serialRow) {
                 $type = 'PHP';
                 $count = self::php_handle_col($col, $primary_keys, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $recurse_objects, $verbose, $regex);
             } else {
                 $type = 'SQL';
                 $count = self::sql_handle_col($col, $table, $old, $new, $dry_run, $verbose);
             $report[] = array($table, $col, $count, $type);
             $total += $count;
     if (!WP_CLI::get_config('quiet')) {
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Table', 'Column', 'Replacements', 'Type'));
         if (!$dry_run) {
             WP_CLI::success("Made {$total} replacements.");
  * Show items in a \cli\Table.
  * @param array $items
  * @param array $fields
 private static function show_table($items, $fields)
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $table->addRow(array_values(\WP_CLI\Utils\pick_fields($item, $fields)));
Пример #26
 public static function list_employees($lang = NULL)
     // TODO: check if lang exists before using it
     if ($lang === NULL) {
         $lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
     $profiles = Profile::getProfiles($lang);
     $table = new cli\Table();
     $table->setHeaders(array('ID', 'email', 'profile', 'First name', 'Last name', 'Active'));
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         $employees = Employee::getEmployeesByProfile($profile['id_profile']);
         if (!$employees) {
         foreach ($employees as $employee) {
             $enabled = $employee['active'] == 1 ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';
             $table->addRow(array($employee['id_employee'], $employee['email'], $profile['name'], $employee['firstname'], $employee['lastname'], $enabled));
Пример #27
  * Constructs table for data going to STDOUT
  * TODO: Complexity too high. Refactor.
  * @param [mixed] $data    Object or hash of data for output
  * @param [array] $headers Array of strings for table headers
  * @return [void]
 protected function constructTableForResponse($data, $headers = array())
     $table = new \cli\Table();
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $data = (array) $data;
     if (\Terminus\Utils\result_is_multiobj($data)) {
         if (!empty($headers)) {
         } elseif (property_exists($this, '_headers') && !empty($this->_headers[$this->func])) {
             if (is_array($this->_headers[$this->func])) {
         } else {
         foreach ($data as $row => $row_data) {
             $row = array();
             foreach ($row_data as $key => $value) {
                 if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
                     $value = join(', ', (array) $value);
                 $row[] = $value;
     } else {
         if (!empty($headers)) {
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) {
                 $value = implode(', ', (array) $value);
             $table->addRow(array($key, $value));
Пример #28
  * Output user info in console
  * @param \stdClass $user
 public static function displayUser($user)
     \cli\line('%_' . $user->nick . '%n ' . $user->email . ' (#' . $user->id . ')');
     if (!empty($user->meta)) {
         $metaData = array();
         foreach ($user->meta as $name => $val) {
             if (is_bool($val)) {
                 $val = '%Wbool(' . ($val ? 'true' : 'false') . ')%n';
             } elseif (is_array($val)) {
                 $val = 'ARRAY: ' . json_encode($val) . ')';
             } elseif ($val instanceof \stdClass) {
                 $val = 'OBJECT: ' . json_encode((array) $val) . ')';
             if (strlen($val) > 70) {
                 $val = substr($val, 0, 70) . '...';
             $metaData[] = array($name, $val);
         $table = new \cli\Table();
         $table->setHeaders(array('Meta name', 'Meta value'));