Пример #1
$arraything = $commandInterpreter->sliceInput($cli->out("You have a spanner, there is a nut.", "p"));
$arraything = $commandInterpreter->sliceInput($cli->out("You have a spanner, there is a nut.", "p"));
$flibble = $knettenba->ask("I SPEeAAK. MROWL.");
echo $flibble;

$knettenba->say("Hello, my name is ".$knettenba->getVar("name").".");

$knettenba->say("Hello, my name is ".$knettenba->getVar("name").".");

//cho $cli->out("", "p");
$chk->inpContains("What are birds?", array(1 => array("We just don't know", "don't know,", "I don't know")), array("BOLLOCKS!", "We just don't know."))["outputKey"];

	"You walk into x room. In the room is a table. On the table is a loaf of BREAD.",
	array(array("eat","bread"), array("leave", "exit"),array("knife", "cut", "chop", "slice"))
	array(0 => "NONSENSE", 1 => "You eat the bread. OMNOMNOM", "You f**k RIGHT OFF. You have no interest in this silly room.", "You realise kthere is a bread knife! Such fun! You carefully slice the bread and eat it. OM TO THE NOM TO THE NOM. Yes. Good."));
$chk->inpContains("Having enjoyed the delicious bread, you look around you. There is a cat under the table.", array(array("pet", "stroke", "touch", "play"), array("eat", "kick"), array("leave", "exit")), array(0 => "NONSENSE", 1 => "You pet the cat. The cat is happy. You wish that for you, happiness was so simple.", "You monster.", "Oh fine. I didn't want you to play this game anyway."));
$cli->out("The cat is a magic cat. You can tell this because of its pointy purple hat with stars on it. Magic cats, as everybody knows, can talk.");
$x = true;
$name = $knettenba->ask("Hello oddly hairless one. What is your name?", "p");
while ($x) {
    if (stristr($name, " ")) {
        $name = $knettenba->ask("Nobody should have more than one name. That's just pretentious! \n What's your name?", "p");
Пример #2
            return false;
class player extends character
$cli = new cli();
$chk = new chk();
$knettenba = new character($cli, "CAT", "Cat", 22, "Bugger all.");
$knettenba->ask("I SPEeAAK. MROWL.");
$knettenba->say("Hello, my name is " . $knettenba->getVar("name") . ".");
$knettenba->updateVar("name", "TWAT");
$knettenba->say("Hello, my name is " . $knettenba->getVar("name") . ".");
//cho $cli->out("", "p");
$chk->inpContains("What are birds?", array(array("We just don't know", "don't know,", "I don't know")), array("BOLLOCKS!", "We just don't know."));
$chk->inpContains("You walk into x room. In the room is a table. On the table is a loaf of BREAD.", array(array("eat", "bread"), array("leave", "exit"), array("knife", "cut", "chop", "slice")), array(0 => "NONSENSE", 1 => "You eat the bread. OMNOMNOM", "You f**k RIGHT OFF. You have no interest in this silly room.", "You realise kthere is a bread knife! Such fun! You carefully slice the bread and eat it. OM TO THE NOM TO THE NOM. Yes. Good."));
$chk->inpContains("Having enjoyed the delicious bread, you look around you. There is a cat under the table.", array(array("pet", "stroke", "touch", "play"), array("eat", "kick"), array("leave", "exit")), array(0 => "NONSENSE", 1 => "You pet the cat. The cat is happy. You wish that for you, happiness was so simple.", "You monster.", "Oh fine. I didn't want you to play this game anyway."));
$cli->out("The cat is a magic cat. You can tell this because of its pointy purple hat with stars on it. Magic cats, as everybody knows, can talk.");
$x = true;
$name = $knettenba->ask("Hello oddly hairless one. What is your name?", "p");
while ($x) {
    if (stristr($name, " ")) {
        $name = $knettenba->ask("Nobody should have more than one name. That's just pretentious! \n What's your name?", "p");
    } elseif ($name == null || $name == "") {
        $name = $knettenba->ask("I said, what is your name?! That's not a name, that's nothing!", "p");
    } else {
        $x = false;
$player = new player($cli, $name);