/** * @param cbautoactionsActionTable $trigger * @param UserTable $user */ public function execute( $trigger, $user ) { if ( ! $this->installed() ) { if ( $trigger->getParams()->get( 'debug', false, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { var_dump( CBTxt::T( 'AUTO_ACTION_PRIVACY_NOT_INSTALLED', ':: Action [action] :: CB Privacy is not installed', array( '[action]' => (int) $trigger->get( 'id' ) ) ) ); } return; } foreach ( $trigger->getParams()->subTree( 'privacy' ) as $row ) { /** @var ParamsInterface $row */ $owner = $row->get( 'owner', null, GetterInterface::STRING ); if ( ! $owner ) { $owner = (int) $user->get( 'id' ); } else { $owner = (int) $trigger->getSubstituteString( $owner ); } if ( ! $owner ) { if ( $trigger->getParams()->get( 'debug', false, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { var_dump( CBTxt::T( 'AUTO_ACTION_PRIVACY_NO_OWNER', ':: Action [action] :: CB Privacy skipped due to missing owner', array( '[action]' => (int) $trigger->get( 'id' ) ) ) ); } continue; } $type = $trigger->getSubstituteString( $row->get( 'type', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) ); if ( ! $type ) { if ( $trigger->getParams()->get( 'debug', false, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { var_dump( CBTxt::T( 'AUTO_ACTION_PRIVACY_NO_TYPE', ':: Action [action] :: CB Privacy skipped due to missing type', array( '[action]' => (int) $trigger->get( 'id' ) ) ) ); } continue; } $rule = $row->get( 'rule', null, GetterInterface::STRING ); if ( ! $rule ) { if ( $trigger->getParams()->get( 'debug', false, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { var_dump( CBTxt::T( 'AUTO_ACTION_PRIVACY_NO_RULE', ':: Action [action] :: CB Privacy skipped due to missing rule', array( '[action]' => (int) $trigger->get( 'id' ) ) ) ); } continue; } $subtype = $trigger->getSubstituteString( $row->get( 'subtype', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) ); $item = $trigger->getSubstituteString( $row->get( 'item', null, GetterInterface::STRING ) ); $privacy = new cbprivacyPrivacyTable(); if ( $item && $row->get( 'load', true, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { $load = array( 'user_id' => $owner, 'type' => $type, 'item' => $item ); if ( $subtype ) { $load['subtype'] = $subtype; } $privacy->load( $load ); } $privacy->set( 'user_id', $user ); $privacy->set( 'type', $type ); if ( $subtype ) { $privacy->set( 'subtype', $subtype ); } if ( $item ) { $privacy->set( 'item', $item ); } $privacy->set( 'rule', implode( '|*|', cbprivacyClass::validatePrivacy( $rule ) ) ); if ( ! $privacy->store() ) { if ( $trigger->getParams()->get( 'debug', false, GetterInterface::BOOLEAN ) ) { var_dump( CBTxt::T( 'AUTO_ACTION_PRIVACY_FAILED', ':: Action [action] :: CB Privacy failed to save. Error: [error]', array( '[action]' => (int) $trigger->get( 'id' ), '[error]' => $privacy->getError() ) ) ); } } } }
/** * @param FieldTable $field * @param UserTable $user * @param array $postdata * @param string $reason */ public function commitFieldDataSave( &$field, &$user, &$postdata, $reason ) { if ( in_array( $reason, array( 'edit', 'register' ) ) ) { $value = implode( '|*|', cbprivacyClass::validatePrivacy( $this->input( $field->get( 'name' ), '0', GetterInterface::RAW ) ) ); if ( $value != '' ) { $privacy = new cbprivacyPrivacyTable(); $query = 'SELECT *' . "\n FROM " . $privacy->getDbo()->NameQuote( $privacy->getTableName() ) . "\n WHERE " . $privacy->getDbo()->NameQuote( 'user_id' ) . " = " . (int) $user->get( 'id' ) . "\n AND " . $privacy->getDbo()->NameQuote( 'type' ) . " = " . $privacy->getDbo()->Quote( 'profile' ) . "\n AND ( " . $privacy->getDbo()->NameQuote( 'subtype' ) . " IS NULL OR " . $privacy->getDbo()->NameQuote( 'subtype' ) . " = " . $privacy->getDbo()->Quote( '' ) . " )"; $privacy->getDbo()->setQuery( $query, 0, 1 ); $privacy->getDbo()->loadObject( $privacy ); if ( ( ! $privacy->get( 'id' ) ) || ( $privacy->get( 'rule' ) != $value ) ) { if ( ! $privacy->get( 'id' ) ) { $privacy->set( 'user_id', (int) $user->get( 'id' ) ); $privacy->set( 'type', 'profile' ); } $privacy->set( 'rule', $value ); $privacy->store(); } } } }