Пример #1
  * Discover all the addressbooks collections for a user under a root.
 private function discoverAddressbooks()
     $this->addressbooks = array();
     $raw = $this->server->get(false, false, true);
     if ($raw !== false) {
         $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($raw);
         foreach ($xml->addressbook_element as $response) {
             if ($this->gal_url !== false) {
                 if (strcmp(urldecode($response->url), $this->gal_url) == 0) {
                     ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendCardDAV::discoverAddressbooks() Ignoring GAL addressbook '%s'", $this->gal_url));
             ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendCardDAV::discoverAddressbooks() Found addressbook '%s'", urldecode($response->url)));
             $this->addressbooks[] = urldecode($response->url);
Пример #2
 public static function initClass()
     self::$helper = new carddav_common('BACKEND: ');
Пример #3
  * Returns a valid and unused vCard id
  * @return	string	$vcard_id	Valid vCard id
 private function generate_vcard_id()
     $vcard_id = null;
     for ($number = 0; $number <= 25; $number++) {
         if ($number == 8 || $number == 17) {
             $vcard_id .= '-';
         } else {
             $vcard_id .= $this->vcard_id_chars[mt_rand(0, count($this->vcard_id_chars) - 1)];
     try {
         $carddav = new carddav_backend($this->url);
         $carddav->set_auth($this->username, $this->password);
         $result = $carddav->query($this->url . $vcard_id . $this->url_vcard_extension, 'GET');
         if ($result['http_code'] !== 404) {
             $vcard_id = $this->generate_vcard_id();
         return $vcard_id;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), self::EXCEPTION_COULD_NOT_GENERATE_NEW_VCARD_ID);
  * Deletes the CardDAV server contact
  * @param  array $carddav_contact_ids CardDAV contact ids
  * @return mixed                      affected CardDAV contacts or false
 private function carddav_delete($carddav_contact_ids)
     $server = current(carddav::get_carddav_server($this->carddav_server_id));
     $carddav_backend = new carddav_backend($server['url']);
     if ($this->rc->decrypt($server['password']) == '%p') {
         $server['password'] = $this->rcpassword;
     $carddav_backend->set_auth($server['username'], $this->rc->decrypt($server['password']), $server['authtype']);
     if ($carddav_backend->check_connection()) {
         foreach ($carddav_contact_ids as $carddav_contact_id) {
             $contact = $this->get_carddav_addressbook_contact($carddav_contact_id);
             if ($this->counter < count($carddav_contact_ids)) {
             if ($this->counter > 1) {
                 $contact['vcard_id'] = false;
             $this->carddav_addressbook_sync($server, $carddav_contact_id, $contact['vcard_id']);
         return count($carddav_contact_ids);
     return false;
Пример #5
  * @param $url: url of the requested resource
  * @param $http_opts: Options for the HTTP request, keys:
  *             - method: request method (GET, PROPFIND, etc.)
  *             - content: request body
  *             - header: array of HTTP request headers as simple strings
  * @param $carddav: config array containing at least the keys
  *             - url: base url, used if $url is a relative url
  *             - username
  *             - password: password (encoded/encrypted form as stored in DB)
 public function cdfopen($url, $http_opts, $carddav)
     $redirect_limit = 5;
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $username = $carddav['username'];
     $password = self::decrypt_password($carddav['password']);
     $baseurl = $carddav['url'];
     // determine calling function for debug output
     $caller = self::getCaller();
     $local = $rcmail->user->get_username('local');
     $domain = $rcmail->user->get_username('domain');
     // Substitute Placeholders
     if ($username == '%u') {
         $username = $_SESSION['username'];
     if ($username == '%l') {
         $username = $local;
     if ($password == '%p') {
         $password = $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['password']);
     $baseurl = str_replace("%u", $username, $carddav['url']);
     $url = str_replace("%u", $username, $url);
     $baseurl = str_replace("%l", $local, $baseurl);
     $url = str_replace("%l", $local, $url);
     $baseurl = str_replace("%d", $domain, $baseurl);
     $url = str_replace("%d", $domain, $url);
     // if $url is relative, prepend the base url
     $url = self::concaturl($baseurl, $url);
     do {
         $isRedirect = false;
         if (self::DEBUG) {
             $this->debug("{$caller} requesting {$url} [RL {$redirect_limit}]");
         $httpful = \Httpful\Request::init();
         $scheme = strtolower($carddav['authentication_scheme']);
         if ($scheme != "basic" && $scheme != "digest") {
             /* figure out authentication */
             $httpful->addHeader("User-Agent", "RCM CardDAV plugin/1.0.0");
             $error = $httpful->send();
             $httpful = \Httpful\Request::init();
             $scheme = "unknown";
             if (preg_match("/\\bDigest\\b/i", $error->headers["www-authenticate"])) {
                 $httpful->digestAuth($username, $password);
                 $scheme = "digest";
             } else {
                 if (preg_match("/\\bBasic\\b/i", $error->headers["www-authenticate"])) {
                     $httpful->basicAuth($username, $password);
                     $scheme = "basic";
             if ($scheme != "unknown") {
                 carddav_backend::update_addressbook($carddav['abookid'], array("authentication_scheme"), array($scheme));
         } else {
             if (strtolower($scheme) == "digest") {
                 $httpful->digestAuth($username, $password);
             } else {
                 if (strtolower($scheme) == "basic") {
                     $httpful->basicAuth($username, $password);
         $httpful->addHeader("User-Agent", "RCM CardDAV plugin/1.0.0");
         if (array_key_exists('content', $http_opts) && strlen($http_opts['content']) > 0 && $http_opts['method'] != "GET") {
         if (array_key_exists('header', $http_opts)) {
             foreach ($http_opts['header'] as $header) {
                 $h = explode(": ", $header);
                 if (strlen($h[0]) > 0 && strlen($h[1]) > 0) {
                     // Only append headers with key AND value
                     $httpful->addHeader($h[0], $h[1]);
         $reply = $httpful->send();
         $scode = $reply->code;
         if (self::DEBUG) {
             $this->debug("Code: {$scode}");
         $isRedirect = $scode > 300 && $scode < 304 || $scode == 307;
         if ($isRedirect && strlen($reply->headers['location']) > 0) {
             $url = self::concaturl($baseurl, $reply->headers['location']);
         } else {
             $retVal["status"] = $scode;
             $retVal["headers"] = $reply->headers;
             $retVal["body"] = $reply->raw_body;
             if (self::DEBUG_HTTP) {
                 $this->debug_http("success: " . var_export($retVal, true));
             return $retVal;
     } while ($redirect_limit-- > 0 && $isRedirect);
     return $reply->code;
Пример #6
 	Considering we are running as a long running process, we should
 	definetely run as a non-privileged user to protect in case of a 
 	worst-case exploit.
 	Note that this doesn't apply unless the process is launched by
 	the root user, such as when started by init
 if ($config["SMStoXMPP"]["app_user"] && $config["SMStoXMPP"]["app_group"]) {
     $user = posix_getpwnam($config["SMStoXMPP"]["app_user"]);
     $group = posix_getgrnam($config["SMStoXMPP"]["app_group"]);
 // connect to CardDAV
 $carddav = new carddav_backend($config["SMStoXMPP"]["contacts_url"]);
 $carddav->set_auth($config["SMStoXMPP"]["contacts_username"], $config["SMStoXMPP"]["contacts_password"]);
 // handle posix signals in a sane way
 pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "sig_handler_child", false);
 pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, "sig_handler_child", false);
 pcntl_signal(SIGINT, "sig_handler_child", false);
 pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, "sig_handler_child", false);
 // we set the rescan option here, and do the actual CardDAV download
 // and sync inside the loop - this allows us to schedule automatic
 // rechecks
 $address_rescan = true;
 // store address to contact mapping in memory
 $address_map = array();
 // background worker loop
 while (true) {
     // garbage collect - needed with long running scripts
Пример #7
 private static function delete_abook($abookid)
     carddav_backend::delete_dbrecord($abookid, 'addressbooks');
     // we explicitly delete all data belonging to the addressbook, since
     // cascaded deleted are not supported by all database backends
     // ...contacts
     carddav_backend::delete_dbrecord($abookid, 'contacts', 'abook_id');
     // ...custom subtypes
     carddav_backend::delete_dbrecord($abookid, 'xsubtypes', 'abook_id');
     // ...groups and memberships
     $delgroups = carddav_backend::get_dbrecord($abookid, 'id as group_id', 'groups', false, 'abook_id');
     carddav_backend::delete_dbrecord($abookid, 'groups', 'abook_id');
     carddav_backend::delete_dbrecord($delgroups, 'group_user', 'group_id');
Пример #8
  * Returns a valid and unused vCard id
  * @return	string	Valid vCard id
 private function generate_vcard_id()
     $id = null;
     for ($number = 0; $number <= 25; $number++) {
         if ($number == 8 || $number == 17) {
             $id .= '-';
         } else {
             $id .= $this->vcard_id_chars[mt_rand(0, count($this->vcard_id_chars) - 1)];
     $this->current_id = $id;
     $carddav = new carddav_backend($this->url);
     $carddav->set_auth($this->username, $this->password);
     if ($carddav->query($this->url . $id . $this->ext, 'GET', null, null, true)) {
         return $this->generate_vcard_id();
     } else {
         return $id;
define('CARDDAV_PATH', '/SOGo/dav/%u/Contacts/');
define('CARDDAV_DEFAULT_PATH', CARDDAV_PATH . 'personal/');
$username = "******";
$password = "******";
$domain = "";
$url = CARDDAV_PROTOCOL . '://' . CARDDAV_SERVER . ':' . CARDDAV_PORT . str_replace("%d", $domain, str_replace("%u", $username, CARDDAV_PATH));
$default_url = CARDDAV_PROTOCOL . '://' . CARDDAV_SERVER . ':' . CARDDAV_PORT . str_replace("%d", $domain, str_replace("%u", $username, CARDDAV_DEFAULT_PATH));
if (defined('CARDDAV_GAL_PATH')) {
    $gal_url = CARDDAV_PROTOCOL . '://' . CARDDAV_SERVER . ':' . CARDDAV_PORT . str_replace("%d", $domain, str_replace("%u", $username, CARDDAV_GAL_PATH));
} else {
    $gal_url = false;
echo "{$url}\n";
echo "{$default_url}\n";
echo "{$gal_url}\n";
$server = new carddav_backend($url);
$server->set_auth($username, $password);
$raw = $server->get(false, false, true);
echo "{$raw}\n";
if ($raw !== false) {
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($raw);
    foreach ($xml->addressbook_element as $response) {
        if ($gal_url !== false) {
            if (strcmp(urldecode($response->url), $gal_url) == 0) {
                echo sprintf("BackendCardDAV::discoverAddressbooks() Ignoring GAL addressbook '%s'\n", $this->gal_url);
        echo sprintf("BackendCardDAV::discoverAddressbooks() Found addressbook '%s'\n", urldecode($response->url));