function jsaGetLog($txt)
    $xHT = new cHObject();
    $log_file = "grep error_log /etc/php.ini";
    $vars = file_get_contents(SYS_LOG_FILE);
    $vars = $xHT->Out($vars, OUT_HTML);
    return $vars;
function jsaPrevalidarCredito($socio, $solicitud, $numpagos, $periocidad, $convenio, $contrato, $fechaMin, $fechaVenc, $monto)
    $clave = md5($socio . $solicitud . ROTTER_KEY . date("Ymd"));
    $out = false;
    $msg = "";
    $ctrl = "";
    $xHO = new cHObject();
    $xBtn = new cHButton();
    $arrDatos = array("numero_de_solicitud" => $solicitud, "periocidad_de_pago" => $periocidad, "tipo_de_producto" => $convenio, "numero_de_pagos" => $numpagos, "contrato_corriente_relacionado" => $contrato, "fecha_de_ministracion" => $fechaMin, "fecha_de_vencimiento" => $fechaVenc);
    if ($socio == DEFAULT_SOCIO or $socio == 0) {
        $msg .= "ERROR\t{$socio}\tClave de Persona no Valido\r\n";
        $out = false;
    } else {
        if ($solicitud == DEFAULT_CREDITO or $solicitud == 0) {
            $msg .= "ERROR\t{$socio}\t{$solicitud}\tNumero de Credito no Valido\r\n";
            $out = false;
        } else {
            //Valorar Numero de Creditos por Socio
            $xSoc = new cSocio($socio);
            if ($xSoc->existe($socio) == false) {
                $msg .= "ERROR\t{$socio}\tEl Socio No Existe\r\n";
                $out = false;
            } else {
                $out = $xSoc->setPrevalidarCredito($arrDatos);
                $msg .= $xSoc->getMessages();
    if ($out == true) {
        $ctrl .= $xBtn->getBasic("TR.guardar credito", "jsFormularioValidado('{$clave}')", "guardar", "idvalidarok");
        $ctrl .= $xBtn->getBasic("TR.validar nuevamente", "jsPrevalidarCredito()", "checar", "idnuevavalidacion");
    } else {
        //$ctrl = "<input type=\"button\" name=\"cmdSubmit\" onclick=\"jsPrevalidarCredito();\" value=\"VALIDAR CREDITO NUEVAMENTE\" />";
        $ctrl .= $xBtn->getBasic("TR.validar nuevamente", "jsPrevalidarCredito()", "checar", "idnuevavalidacion");
    $msg = $xHO->Out($msg, OUT_HTML);
    $svalidate = "{$msg} {$ctrl}";
    return $svalidate;
 function getMessages($put = OUT_TXT)
     $xH = new cHObject();
     return $xH->Out($this->mMessages, $put);
  * Genera la Tabla
  * @param string	$vCaption	Titulo de la Tabla
  * @param boolean	$retorna	Retornar la Tabla como Valor? true/false
 function Show($vCaption = "", $retorna = true, $TableID = "")
     $xHComm = new cHObject();
     $xD = new cFecha();
     $xLng = new cLang();
     $xT = new cTipos();
     $xQL = new MQL();
     $xBtn = new cHButton();
     $xIcs = $this->ODicIcons();
     $this->mID = $TableID == "" ? $this->mID : $TableID;
     if (MODO_DEBUG == true and isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) {
         if (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "rpt") === false) {
     if ($this->mSql != "") {
         //Miembros de las Tablas
         $tds = "";
         $ths = "";
         //Inicio de Tabla
         $pushInit = "";
         $pushEnd = "";
         $vClassT = "";
         $vWidth = "";
         $tdt = "";
         $tht = "";
         $tab = "";
         $tfoot = "";
         $trick = 1;
         $capTable = "";
         $oldTags = false;
         if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
             $oldTags = true;
         //si hay Caption formar el caption
         if ($vCaption != "" and $this->mPrepareChart == false) {
             $vCaption = $xLng->getT($vCaption);
             $vCaption = "<legend>[&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$vCaption}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;]</legend>";
             $pushInit = "<fieldset>{$vCaption}";
             $pushEnd = "</fieldset>";
         if ($vCaption != "" and $this->mPrepareChart == true) {
             $capTable = "<caption>{$vCaption}</caption>";
         if ($vCaption != "" and $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
             $capTable = "<caption>{$vCaption}</caption>";
         //Clase de la Tabla
         if ($this->mClassT != "") {
             $this->mClassT = " " . $this->mClassT;
         $vClassT = "class=\"listado" . $this->mClassT . "\" ";
         //Contar Tools
         $il = count($this->mTool);
         $itmCmd = count($this->mEspCMD);
         $itmEspTool = count($this->mEspTool);
         $itmTot = $il + $itmCmd + $itmEspTool;
         if ($itmTot > 0) {
             $wd = setNoMenorQueCero($this->mWidthTool) <= 0 ? $itmTot * 26 . "px" : $this->mWidthTool;
             $tht = "<th style='min-width:" . $wd . ";width:" . $wd . ";'>Acciones</th>";
         // --------------------------------------------------------------
         $rs = getRecordset($this->mSql);
         if ($this->mKeyField == "") {
             $this->mKeyField = mysql_field_name($rs, $this->mKey);
         if ($this->mTbl == "") {
             $this->mTbl = mysql_field_table($rs, $this->mKey);
         //Arrays de Nombres y tipo
         $arrFieldNames = array();
         $arrFieldTypes = array();
         $preCols = count($this->Fields) <= 1 ? false : true;
         $ifl = mysql_num_fields($rs) - 1;
         //Limite de Fields
         //-------------------------------------------------------------	//Cabeceras de Columnas
         for ($iCols = 0; $iCols <= $ifl; $iCols++) {
             $fname = mysql_field_name($rs, $iCols);
             $ftypes = mysql_field_type($rs, $iCols);
             $this->Fields[] = $fname;
             if ($this->mKey == 0 and $this->mKeyField != "") {
                 if (strtolower($fname) == strtolower($this->mKeyField)) {
                     $this->mKey = $iCols;
             $tths = "";
             if (isset($this->mColTitles[$fname])) {
                 $tths = $this->mColTitles[$fname];
             } else {
                 $tths = strtoupper(str_replace("_", " ", $fname));
             $tths = $xLng->getT("TR.{$tths}");
             $cssTh = $iCols == $this->mKey ? " class='key' " : "";
             $scope = $this->mPrepareChart == true ? " scope='col' " : "";
             //Mejorar codigo
             if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
                 $ths .= "<th class=\"xl25\">{$tths}</th>";
             } else {
                 if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_TXT or $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_CSV) {
                     $ths .= $iCols == 0 ? $tths : $this->mDelimiter . $tths;
                     $ths .= $iCols == $ifl ? "\r\n" : "";
                 } else {
                     $ths .= ($this->mPrepareChart == true and $iCols == $this->mKey) ? "<td></td>" : "<th {$scope} {$cssTh}>{$tths}</th>";
              * Construye el Array de Tipos y Nombres
             $arrFieldNames[$iCols] = $fname;
             $arrFieldTypes[$iCols] = $ftypes;
         //$ths . "\n $tht";
         // --------------------------------------------------------------
         while ($rw = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
             $tdt = "";
             $pKey = $this->mKey;
             $idKey = is_string($rw[$pKey]) == true ? "'" . $rw[$pKey] . "'" : $rw[$pKey];
             $dataCustom = "";
             $trick = $trick >= 2 ? 1 : $trick + 1;
             //switch oddr
             $lis = "";
             $liCss = $trick == 2 ? "tags green" : "tags blue";
             /*$t = array(
             			0 => $xBtn->getBasic("TR.Ejecutar", $this->mActionExec . "($idKey)", ) "<img src='../images/common/execute.png' onclick=\"" . $this->mActionExec . "($idKey);\" title='Ejecutar Una acci&oacute;n' />",
             			1 => "<img src='../images/common/edit.png' onclick=\"if(typeof actualizame" . $this->mRndK . " != 'undefined'){actualizame" . $this->mRndK . "($idKey);} else {jsUp('" . $this->mTbl . "','" . $this->mKeyField . "', $idKey); } \" title='Editar Registro' />",
             			SYS_DOS => "<img src='../images/common/trash.png' onclick=\"var xG = new Gen(); xG.rmRecord({tabla:'" . $this->mTbl .  "',id:" . $idKey . "});\" title='Eliminar Registro' />"
             $t = array(0 => $xBtn->getBasic("TR.Ejecutar", $this->mActionExec . "({$idKey})", $xIcs->EJECUTAR, "exec{$idKey}", false, true), 1 => $xBtn->getBasic("TR.Editar", "if(typeof actualizame" . $this->mRndK . " != 'undefined'){actualizame" . $this->mRndK . "({$idKey});} else {jsUp('" . $this->mTbl . "','" . $this->mKeyField . "', {$idKey}); }", $xIcs->EDITAR, "redit{$idKey}", false, true), 2 => $xBtn->getBasic("TR.Eliminar", "var xG = new Gen(); xG.rmRecord({tabla:'" . $this->mTbl . "',id:" . $idKey . "});", $xIcs->ELIMINAR, "rdel{$idKey}", false, true), 3 => $xBtn->getBasic("TR.Ver", "var xDev=new SafeDev(); xDev.recordRAW({tabla:'" . $this->mTbl . "',id:" . $idKey . "});", $xIcs->EXPORTAR, "idcmdview{$idKey}", false, true));
             foreach ($this->mTool as $idx => $clave) {
                 $lis .= isset($t[$clave]) ? "<li>" . $t[$clave] . "</li>" : "";
             foreach ($this->mEspCMD as $idx => $cnt) {
                 $lis .= "<li>" . str_replace(HP_REPLACE_ID, $rw[$pKey], $cnt) . "</li>";
             $tdt = $lis == "" ? "" : "<ul class='{$liCss}'>{$lis}</ul>";
              * Herramientas especiales
             foreach ($this->mEspTool as $key => $value) {
                 $DefValue = str_replace(HP_REPLACE_ID, $rw[$pKey], $value);
                 //validar si no es PHP
                 if (strpos($DefValue, "PHP::") !== false) {
                     $cod = str_replace("PHP::", "\$DefValue=", $DefValue);
                 $tdt .= "\n " . $DefValue;
             $tdt = trim($tdt) != "" ? "<td id=\"options-" . $rw[$pKey] . "\" class=\"toolbar-24\">{$tdt}</td>" : "";
             if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
                 $tdt = "";
             $ttds = "";
             for ($i = 0; $i <= $ifl; $i++) {
                 $event = "";
                 $css = "";
                 $oprp = "";
                 $currVal = $rw[$i];
                 $sanID = str_replace(" ", "_", $currVal);
                 $type = isset($arrFieldTypes[$i]) ? $arrFieldTypes[$i] : "text";
                 $name = $arrFieldNames[$i];
                 $scope = "";
                 $delims = "td";
                 $mkEnd = "";
                 $extraCNT = "";
                 if ($i == $this->mKey) {
                     $event = $this->EventKey;
                     if ($event != "") {
                         $event = "<a class='button' onclick=\"{$event}('{$rw[$i]}');\" >";
                         $mkEnd = "</a>";
                     $css .= "key";
                     $oprp = " id=\"pk-" . $sanID . "\" ";
                     $scope = $this->mPrepareChart == true ? "scope=\"row\"" : "";
                     $delims = $this->mPrepareChart == true ? "th" : "td";
                  *Agrega el data Custom
                 if ($this->mDataCustom == true) {
                     $dataCustom .= $dataCustom == "" ? "{$name}={$currVal}" : "|{$name}={$currVal}";
                  * Agrega una suma si el tipo aplica
                 if (isset($this->arrTypesPHP[$type]) and $this->arrTypesPHP[$type] == "numeric") {
                     if (!isset($this->mFieldSum[$name])) {
                         $this->mFieldSum[$name] = 0;
                     $this->mFieldSum[$name] += $currVal;
                 //Agregar sub consulta
                 /*if($this->mSubsEnable	== true){
                 			$sqlSub			= "";
                 			//si no encuentra
                 				$sqlSub		= $this->mSubSQLs[$i];
                 			} elseif(isset($this->mSubSQLs[$name])){
                 				$sqlSub		= $this->mSubSQLs[$name];
                 			} else {
                 				if ($i == $this->mKey OR $name == $this->mKeyField){
                 					$sqlSub		= (isset($this->mSubSQLs[0])) ? $this->mSubSQLs[0] : "";
                 			if($sqlSub == ""){
                 			} else {
                 				$sqlSub			= str_replace(HP_REPLACE_ID,$currVal, $sqlSub);
                 				//if($currVal == 	200039104){setLog($sqlSub);}
                 				$mql			= new MQL();
                 				$data			= $mql->getDataRecord($sqlSub);
                 				$cnt			= "";
                 				$outc			= new cHObject();
                 				foreach($data as $info){
                 					foreach($info as $pfield => $pvalue){
                 						$cnt		.= $pvalue . "\r\n";
                 				$extraCNT			.= $outc->Out($cnt, OUT_HTML);
                 //Tipo de Dato
                  * Si la Opcion de Class por tipo es verdadero
                  * formatea cada Td como su tipo
                 $oStr = array("string" => "string", "varchar" => "varchar", "text" => "text", "tinytext" => "tinytext");
                 if (!isset($oStr[$type])) {
                     $css = $css == "" ? $type : "{$css} {$type}";
                 if (isset($this->arrRowCSS[$name])) {
                     $css = $css == "" ? $type : "{$css} " . $this->arrRowCSS[$name];
                 $css = $css == "" ? "" : " class=\"{$css}\" ";
                 //Formatea a Moneda el valor si es tpo real
                 if ($type == "real") {
                     $currVal = ($this->mPrepareChart == true or $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) ? round($currVal, 2) : getFMoney($currVal);
                 if ($type == "date") {
                     $currVal = $xD->getFechaMX($currVal);
                 if (isset($oStr[$type])) {
                     $currVal = $xHComm->Out($currVal, OUT_HTML);
                 if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
                     //class=xl2216681 nowrap
                     $ttds .= "<{$delims} class=\"xl25\" >" . $currVal . "</{$delims}>";
                 } else {
                     if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_TXT or $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_CSV) {
                         $ttds .= $i == 0 ? $currVal : $this->mDelimiter . $currVal;
                     } else {
                         $css = $this->mPrepareChart == true ? "" : $css;
                         $ttds .= "<{$delims} {$scope} {$css} {$oprp}>{$event}" . $currVal . "{$mkEnd}{$extraCNT}</{$delims}>";
             $trcss = $trick >= 2 ? " class='trOdd' " : "";
             if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
                 $tds .= "<tr>{$ttds}{$tdt}</tr>\r\n";
             } else {
                 if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_TXT or $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_CSV) {
                     $tds .= $ttds . "\r\n";
                 } else {
                     $dataCustom = $dataCustom != "" ? " data-info=\"{$dataCustom}\" " : "";
                     $tds .= "<tr id=\"tr-" . $this->mTbl . "-" . str_replace(" ", "_", $rw[$this->mKey]) . "\"{$dataCustom} {$trcss}>{$ttds} {$tdt} </tr>";
             if ($this->mSubsEnable == true) {
                 foreach ($this->mSubSQLs as $idx => $sqls) {
                     if ($sqls != "") {
                         $sqlSub = str_replace(HP_REPLACE_ID, $rw[$this->mKey], $sqls);
                         $mql = new MQL();
                         $data = $mql->getDataRecord($sqlSub);
                         $outc = new cHObject();
                         foreach ($data as $info) {
                             foreach ($info as $pfield => $pvalue) {
                                 $cnt .= $pvalue . "\r\n";
                         $extraCNT .= $outc->Out($cnt, OUT_HTML);
                         $icx22 = $ifl + 2;
                         $tds .= "<tr id=\"tr-subs-" . $this->mTbl . "-" . str_replace(" ", "_", $rw[$this->mKey]) . "\"><td colspan='{$icx22}'>{$extraCNT}</td></tr>";
         $this->vFields = $rw;
         // --------------------------------------------------------------
         $ism = $this->mFootSums;
         $tfoot = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i <= $ifl; $i++) {
             if (isset($ism[$i])) {
                 if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL) {
                     $tfoot .= isset($this->mFieldSum[$ism[$i]]) ? "<th>" . getFMoney($this->mFieldSum[$ism[$i]]) . "</th>" : "<td></td>";
                 } else {
                     $tfoot .= isset($this->mFieldSum[$ism[$i]]) ? "<th><input type='hidden' id='idsum-" . $ism[$i] . "' value='" . $this->mFieldSum[$ism[$i]] . "' /><mark id='sum-" . $ism[$i] . "'>" . getFMoney($this->mFieldSum[$ism[$i]]) . "</mark></th>" : "<td></td>";
             } else {
                 $tfoot .= $i == 0 ? "<th>Filas: " . $this->mRowCount . "</th>" : "<td></td>";
         $tfoot = $oldTags == true ? "<tr>{$tfoot}</tr>" : "<tfoot><tr>{$tfoot}</tr></tfoot>";
         $tfoot = ($this->mSumFoot == false or $this->mPrepareChart == true) ? "" : $tfoot;
         //Da Salida  a la Tbla
         $mID = $this->mID;
         $aProps = $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_EXCEL ? " x:str border=0   style='border-collapse: collapse' " : " {$vClassT} id=\"{$mID}\"";
         $aProps = $this->mPrepareChart == true ? "  style=\"display: none; text-align: center \" > " : $aProps;
         $tBody = $oldTags == true ? "{$tds}" : "<tbody>{$tds}</tbody>";
         $tHead = $oldTags == true ? "<tr>{$ths}{$tht}</tr>" : "<thead><tr>{$ths}{$tht}</tr></thead>";
         $tHead = trim($ths) == "" ? "" : $tHead;
         if ($this->mTipoSalida == OUT_TXT or $this->mTipoSalida == OUT_CSV) {
             $tab = "{$ths} {$tds}";
         } else {
             $tab = "{$pushInit}<table{$aProps}>{$capTable}{$tHead}{$tBody}{$tfoot}</table>{$pushEnd}";
         if ($retorna == true) {
             return $tab;
         } else {
             echo $tab;
                        } else {
                            $msg .= "{$iReg}\t{$socio}\t{$credito}\tERROR\tEl credito {$credito} de la persona {$socio} no se pudo leer\r\n";
                        if (!$socio or $socio == "") {
                            $td = "";
                            $msg .= "{$iReg}\t.\t.\tALERTA\tLa Linea({$iReg}) no se Imprimio ({$bufer})\r\n";
                        } else {
                            echo $td;
                    echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan='3'>SUMAS</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($SCapital) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($SInteres) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($SIva) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($SAhorro) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($STotal) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan='8'>" . convertirletras($STotal) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th>Diferencias</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th class='warn'>" . getFMoney($diferencias) . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan='2'>Numero de Cheque</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th><input type=\"text\" id=\"cCheque\" value=\"\" size='8' /></th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan='2'>Observaciones</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan='3'><input type=\"text\" id=\"cObservaciones\" value=\"\" size='35' /></th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th id=\"idThGo\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"Enviar Pago\" onclick=\"addNewMvto()\" id=\"idButtonGo\" /></th>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tbody>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"maxCounts\" value=\"{$iReg}\" />";
                    $html = new cHObject();
                    $hmsg = $html->Out($msg, "html");
                    echo "<p class ='aviso'>{$hmsg}</p>";
                    //echo $msg;
                $xLog = new cFileLog("recibo_masivo_num_" . $_SESSION["recibo_en_proceso"]);
            } else {
                echo "<p class='aviso'>EL TIPO DE ARCHIVO DE " . $usrFiles[$i]['name'] . "(" . $mExt . ") NO SE ACEPTA</p>";
if (!isset($iReg)) {
    $iReg = 0;
    if ($procesado != SYS_AUTOMATICO) {
        $xFRM->addToolbar($xFL->getLinkDownload("TR.Archivo de sucesos", ""));
if ($procesado != SYS_AUTOMATICO) {
    $total_letras = convertirletras($total_recibo);
    $xBtn = new cHButton("");
    $xFRM->addToolbar($xBtn->getRegresar("./frmcobrosdecreditos.php", true));
    $xFRM->addToolbar($xBtn->getBasic("TR.Imprimir Recibo", "printrec()", "imprimir", "cmdPrint", false));
    $xFRM->addHTML("<table><tbody>{$tds}</tbody><tfoot><tr><th></th><th>TOTAL</th><th class='mny'>" . getFMoney($total_recibo) . "</th></tr><tr><th colspan=\"3\" class='warn'>{$total_letras}</th></tr></tfoot></table>");
    echo $xFRM->get();
    echo $oRec->getJsPrint(true);
var Wo	= new Gen();
function jsCloseRecibo(){ window.close(); }
function getEdoCtaCredito(){ Wo.w({url: "../rpt_edos_cuenta/rptestadocuentacredito.php?pb=" + mCredito}); }
} else {
    $xho = new cHObject();
    header("Content-type: text/xml");
    $msg = $xho->Out($msg, OUT_TXT);
    echo "<?xml version =\"1.0\" ?>\n<resultados>{$msg}</resultados>";