Пример #1
  * Static constructor
  * @param string $db Data base connection config name
 public static function __init($db = 'db')
     static::$_tbname = cot::$db->banners;
     static::$fetchJoins[] = "LEFT JOIN " . brs_model_Client::tableName() . " as cl ON " . static::$_tbname . ".client=cl.id";
     static::$fetchColumns[] = "cl.track_impressions as client_track_impressions";
     static::$fetchColumns[] = "cl.track_clicks as client_track_clicks";
Пример #2
            $purchase = array(BaClient::PURCHASE_DEFAULT => $L['Default'], BaClient::PURCHASE_UNLIMITED => $L['ba_unlimited'], BaClient::PURCHASE_YEARLY => $L['ba_pt_yearly'], BaClient::PURCHASE_MONTHLY => $L['ba_pt_monthly'], BaClient::PURCHASE_WEEKLY => $L['ba_pt_weekly'], BaClient::PURCHASE_DAILY => $L['ba_pt_daily']);
            $temp_array = array();
            if ($client->bac_id > 0) {
                $item_link = cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'other', 'p' => 'banners', 'n' => 'clients', 'a' => 'edit', 'id' => $client->bac_id));
                $temp_array = array('URL' => $item_link, 'ID' => $client->bac_id, 'TITLE' => htmlspecialchars($client->bac_title), 'PUBLISHED' => $client->bac_published ? $L['Yes'] : $L['No'], 'PURCHASE' => $client->bac_purchase_type, 'PURCHASE_TEXT' => $purchase[$client->bac_purchase_type]);
                /* === Hook === */
                foreach ($extp_main as $pl) {
                    include $pl;
                /* ===== */
                $cacheitem && ($cache[$client->bac_id] = $temp_array);
            } else {
                // Клиента не существует
        $return_array = array();
        foreach ($temp_array as $key => $val) {
            $return_array[$tagPrefix . $key] = $val;
        return $return_array;
    public static function fieldList()
        $fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'description' => 'id', 'primary' => true), 'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'default' => '', 'nullable' => false, 'description' => cot::$L['Title']), 'email' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'default' => '', 'description' => cot::$L['Email']), 'extrainfo' => array('type' => 'text', 'default' => '', 'description' => cot::$L['brs_extrainfo']), 'published' => array('type' => 'tinyint', 'length' => '1', 'default' => 0, 'description' => cot::$L['brs_published']), 'purchase_type' => array('type' => 'tinyint', 'default' => -1, 'description' => cot::$L['brs_purchase_type']), 'track_clicks' => array('type' => 'tinyint', 'default' => -1, 'description' => cot::$L['brs_track_clicks']), 'track_impressions' => array('type' => 'tinyint', 'default' => -1, 'description' => cot::$L['brs_track_impressions']));
        return $fields;
// Class initialization for some static variables
Пример #3
  * основная статистика кликов и показов
 public function indexAction()
     global $admintitle, $adminpath, $structure;
     $admintitle = cot::$L['brs_tracks'];
     $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs', 'n' => 'track')), cot::$L['brs_tracks']);
     $sortFields = array('b.title' => cot::$L['Title'], 'b.category' => cot::$L['Category'], 'b.client' => cot::$L['brs_client'], 't.type' => cot::$L['Type'], 't.track_count' => cot::$L['Count'], 't.date' => cot::$L['Date']);
     $sort = cot_import('s', 'G', 'TXT');
     // order field name
     $way = cot_import('w', 'G', 'ALP', 4);
     // order way (asc, desc)
     $f = cot_import('f', 'G', 'ARR');
     // filters
     $f['date_from'] = cot_import_date('f_df', true, false, 'G');
     $f['date_to'] = cot_import_date('f_dt', true, false, 'G');
     $maxrowsperpage = cot::$cfg['maxrowsperpage'];
     if ($maxrowsperpage < 1) {
         $maxrowsperpage = 1;
     list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxrowsperpage);
     //page number for banners list
     $sort = empty($sort) ? 't.date' : $sort;
     $way = empty($way) || !in_array($way, array('asc', 'desc')) ? 'desc' : $way;
     $urlParams = array('m' => 'brs', 'n' => 'track');
     if ($sort != 't.date') {
         $urlParams['s'] = $sort;
     if ($way != 'desc') {
         $urlParams['w'] = $way;
     $where = array();
     $params = array();
     if (!empty($f)) {
         foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
             $val = trim(cot_import($val, 'D', 'TXT'));
             if (empty($val) && $val !== '0') {
             if (in_array($key, array('b.title'))) {
                 $kkey = str_replace('.', '_', $key);
                 $params[$kkey] = "%{$val}%";
                 $where['filter'][] = "{$key} LIKE :{$kkey}";
                 $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val;
             } elseif ($key == 'date_from') {
                 if ($f[$key] == 0) {
                 $where['filter'][] = "t.date >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $f[$key]) . "'";
                 $urlParams["f_df[year]"] = cot_date('Y', $f[$key]);
                 $urlParams["f_df[month]"] = cot_date('m', $f[$key]);
                 $urlParams["f_df[day]"] = cot_date('d', $f[$key]);
             } elseif ($key == 'date_to') {
                 if ($f[$key] == 0) {
                 $where['filter'][] = "t.date <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $f[$key]) . "'";
                 $urlParams["f_dt[year]"] = cot_date('Y', $f[$key]);
                 $urlParams["f_dt[month]"] = cot_date('m', $f[$key]);
                 $urlParams["f_dt[day]"] = cot_date('d', $f[$key]);
             } else {
                 $kkey = str_replace('.', '_', $key);
                 $params[$kkey] = $val;
                 $where['filter'][] = "{$key} = :{$kkey}";
                 $urlParams["f[{$key}]"] = $val;
         empty($where['filter']) || ($where['filter'] = implode(' AND ', $where['filter']));
     } else {
         $f = array();
     $orderby = "{$sort} {$way}";
     $where = array_filter($where);
     $where = $where ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
     $sql = "SELECT `t`.`date`, `t`.`type` , `t`.`track_count`, `t`.`banner`, b.title, b.category, cl.title as client_title,\n                cl.id as client_id\n            FROM " . cot::$db->banner_tracks . " AS t\n            LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banners . " AS b ON b.id=t.banner\n            LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banner_clients . " AS cl ON cl.id=b.client\n            {$where} ORDER BY {$orderby} LIMIT {$d}, {$maxrowsperpage}";
     $sqlCount = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n            FROM " . cot::$db->banner_tracks . " AS t\n            LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banners . " AS b ON b.id=t.banner\n            LEFT JOIN " . cot::$db->banner_clients . " AS cl ON cl.id=b.client\n            {$where}";
     $totallines = cot::$db->query($sqlCount, $params)->fetchColumn();
     $sqllist = cot::$db->query($sql, $params);
     // Без Ajax, а то дата пропадает (UI datetime)
     $pagenav = cot_pagenav('admin', $urlParams, $d, $totallines, $maxrowsperpage);
     $track_types = array(1 => cot::$L['brs_impressions'], 2 => cot::$L['brs_clicks']);
     $items = $sqllist->fetchAll();
     if ($items) {
         foreach ($items as $key => $itemRow) {
             $items[$key]['categoryTitle'] = '';
             if (!empty($itemRow['category']) && !empty($structure['brs'][$itemRow['category']])) {
                 $items[$key]['categoryTitle'] = $structure['brs'][$itemRow['category']]['title'];
             $items[$key]['track_typeTitle'] = $track_types[$itemRow['type']];
     $clients = brs_model_Client::keyValPairs();
     if (!$clients) {
         $clients = array();
     $filterForm = array('hidden' => cot_inputbox('hidden', 'n', 'track'), 'title' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'f[b.title]', $f['b.title']), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('title')), 'category' => array('element' => brs_selectbox_structure('brs', $f['b.category'], 'f[b.category]', '', false, false, true), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('category')), 'client' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['b.client'], 'f[b.client]', array_keys($clients), array_values($clients)), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('client')), 'type' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($f['t.type'], 'f[t.type]', array_keys($track_types), array_values($track_types)), 'label' => cot::$L['Type']), 'date_from' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date($f['date_from'], 'short', 'f_df'), 'label' => cot::$L['brs_from']), 'date_to' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date($f['date_to'], 'short', 'f_dt'), 'label' => cot::$L['brs_to']), 'sort' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($sort, 's', array_keys($sortFields), array_values($sortFields), false), 'label' => cot::$L['adm_sort']), 'way' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($way, 'w', array('asc', 'desc'), array(cot::$L['Ascending'], cot::$L['Descending']), false)));
     if (isset(cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']) && cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']['preset'] != 'handy') {
         $filterForm['hidden'] .= cot_inputbox('hidden', 'm', 'brs');
     $template = array('brs', 'admin', 'track');
     $view = new View();
     $view->page_title = $admintitle;
     $view->fistNumber = $d + 1;
     $view->items = $items;
     $view->clients = $clients;
     $view->track_types = $track_types;
     $view->totalitems = $totallines;
     $view->filterForm = $filterForm;
     $view->pagenav = $pagenav;
     //        $view->addNewUrl = $addNewUrl;
     $view->urlParams = $urlParams;
     $view->filter = $f;
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('brs.admin.track.view') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     return $view->render($template);
Пример #4
  * Создание / редактирование купона
  * @todo произвольный урл баннера
  * @return string
 public function editAction()
     global $admintitle, $adminpath, $structure, $cot_import_filters;
     $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs')), cot::$L['brs_banners']);
     if (empty($structure['brs'])) {
     $id = cot_import('id', 'G', 'INT');
     $act = cot_import('act', 'P', 'ALP');
     if (!$id) {
         $id = 0;
         $item = new brs_model_Banner();
         $admintitle = $title = cot::$L['brs_banner_new'];
         $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs', 'a' => 'edit')), cot::$L['brs_banner_new']);
     } else {
         $item = brs_model_Banner::getById($id);
         if (!$item) {
             cot_redirect(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs'), '', true));
         $title = htmlspecialchars($item->title) . ' [' . cot::$L['Edit'] . ']';
         $admintitle = cot::$L['brs_banner_edit'];
         $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs', 'a' => 'edit', 'id' => $id)), $title);
     if ($act == 'save') {
         $data = $_POST;
         $nullDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 0);
         // 1970-01-01 00:00:00
         // Импортируем файл
         $file = brs_importFile('file', $item->file);
         $delFile = cot_import('del_file', 'P', 'BOL') ? 1 : 0;
         if ($delFile) {
             $data['file'] = '';
         // Импортируем даты
         $data['publish_up'] = cot_import_date('publish_up');
         if (!empty($data['publish_up'])) {
             $data['publish_up'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['publish_up']);
         } else {
             $data['publish_up'] = $nullDate;
         $data['publish_down'] = cot_import_date('publish_down');
         if (!empty($data['publish_down'])) {
             $data['publish_down'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['publish_down']);
         } else {
             $data['publish_down'] = $nullDate;
         $bannerType = cot_import('banner_type', 'P', 'INT');
         if (isset($data['client'])) {
             $data['client'] = (int) $data['client'];
         // Отключим html-фильтры для установк произвольного кода:
         $tmp = $cot_import_filters['HTM'] = array();
         if ($bannerType == brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM) {
             $item->type = $bannerType;
         $cot_import_filters['HTM'] = $tmp;
         if (!empty($file)) {
             $fileProps = brs_fileProperties($file);
             if (empty($fileProps)) {
                 $item->type = brs_model_Banner::TYPE_UNKNOWN;
                 cot_error(cot::$L['brs_err_inv_file_type'], 'file');
             } else {
                 if (empty($item->width)) {
                     $item->width = $fileProps['width'];
                 if (empty($item->height)) {
                     $item->height = $fileProps['height'];
                 if ($item->type != brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM) {
                     $item->type = $fileProps['type'];
                 if ($fileProps['type'] == brs_model_Banner::TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
                     $item->type = brs_model_Banner::TYPE_UNKNOWN;
                     cot_error(cot::$L['brs_err_inv_file_type'], 'file');
         } elseif ($bannerType != brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM) {
             // Если файл не передан
             if ($delFile) {
                 $item->type = brs_model_Banner::TYPE_UNKNOWN;
             } elseif (!empty($item->file)) {
                 $item->type = brs_type($item->file);
         $backUrl = array('m' => 'brs', 'a' => 'edit');
         if ($item->id > 0) {
             $backUrl['id'] = $item->id;
         if (!cot_error_found()) {
             if (!empty($file)) {
                 $item->file = $file;
             if ($id = $item->save()) {
             } else {
                 // Удалим загруженный файл
                 if (!empty($file) && file_exists($file)) {
             $backUrl['id'] = $item->id;
             cot_redirect(cot_url('admin', $backUrl, '', true));
         } else {
             // Удалим загруженный файл
             if (!empty($file) && file_exists($file)) {
             cot_redirect(cot_url('admin', $backUrl, '', true));
     $deleteUrl = '';
     if ($item->id > 0) {
         $deleteUrl = cot_confirm_url(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'brs', 'a' => 'delete', 'id' => $item->id)), 'admin');
     $types = array('0' => cot::$L['brs_type_file'], brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM => cot::$L['brs_custom_code']);
     $clients = brs_model_Client::keyValPairs();
     if (!$clients) {
         $clients = array();
     $purchase = array(brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_DEFAULT => cot::$L['brs_client_default'], brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_UNLIMITED => cot::$L['brs_unlimited'], brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_YEARLY => cot::$L['brs_pt_yearly'], brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_MONTHLY => cot::$L['brs_pt_monthly'], brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_WEEKLY => cot::$L['brs_pt_weekly'], brs_model_Client::PURCHASE_DAILY => cot::$L['brs_pt_daily']);
     $track = array(-1 => cot::$L['brs_client_default'], 0 => cot::$L['No'], 1 => cot::$L['Yes']);
     $formFile = cot_inputbox('file', 'file', $item->file);
     if (!empty($item->file)) {
         $formFile .= cot_checkbox(false, 'del_file', cot::$L['Delete']);
     $published = $item->published;
     if ($item->id == 0 && !isset($_POST['published'])) {
         $published = 1;
     $showForm = true;
     if (empty($structure['brs'])) {
         $showForm = false;
     $bannerType = 0;
     if ($item->type == brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM) {
         $bannerType = brs_model_Banner::TYPE_CUSTOM;
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('brs.admin.edit.main') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $formElements = array('hidden' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('hidden', 'act', 'save')), 'title' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'title', $item->rawValue('title')), 'required' => true, 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('title')), 'category' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_structure('brs', $item->rawValue('category'), 'category', '', false, false), 'required' => true, 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('category')), 'type' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($bannerType, 'banner_type', array_keys($types), array_values($types), false), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('type')), 'file' => array('element' => $formFile, 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('file')), 'width' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'width', $item->width), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('width')), 'height' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'height', $item->height), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('height')), 'alt' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'alt', $item->alt), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('alt')), 'customcode' => array('element' => cot_textarea('customcode', $item->customcode, 5, 60), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('customcode')), 'clickurl' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'clickurl', $item->clickurl), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('clickurl')), 'description' => array('element' => cot_textarea('description', $item->description, 5, 60), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('description')), 'sticky' => array('element' => cot_checkbox($item->sticky, 'sticky', brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('sticky')), 'hint' => cot::$L['brs_sticky_tip']), 'publish_up' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date(cot_date2stamp($item->publish_up, 'auto'), 'long', 'publish_up'), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('publish_up')), 'publish_down' => array('element' => cot_selectbox_date(cot_date2stamp($item->publish_down, 'auto'), 'long', 'publish_down'), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('publish_down')), 'imptotal' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'imptotal', $item->imptotal), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('imptotal'), 'hint' => '0 - ' . cot::$L['brs_unlimited']), 'impressions' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'impressions', $item->impressions), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('impressions')), 'clicks' => array('element' => cot_inputbox('text', 'clicks', $item->clicks), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('clicks')), 'client' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($item->rawValue('client'), 'client', array_keys($clients), array_values($clients), true), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('client')), 'purchase_type' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($item->rawValue('purchase_type'), 'purchase_type', array_keys($purchase), array_values($purchase), false), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('purchase_type')), 'track_impressions' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($item->rawValue('track_impressions'), 'track_impressions', array_keys($track), array_values($track), false), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('track_impressions'), 'hint' => cot::$L['brs_track_impressions_hint']), 'track_clicks' => array('element' => cot_selectbox($item->rawValue('track_clicks'), 'track_clicks', array_keys($track), array_values($track), false), 'label' => brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('track_clicks'), 'hint' => cot::$L['brs_track_clicks_hint']), 'published' => array('element' => cot_checkbox($published, 'published', brs_model_Banner::fieldLabel('published'))));
     // Превью загруженного файла
     $banner_image = '';
     if (!empty($item->file)) {
         $type = $item->type;
         $imgArr = array(brs_model_Banner::TYPE_IMAGE, brs_model_Banner::TYPE_FLASH);
         if (in_array($item->type, $imgArr)) {
             $w = $item->width;
             $h = $item->height;
         } else {
             $fileProps = brs_fileProperties($item->file);
             if (!empty($fileProps)) {
                 $type = $fileProps['type'];
                 $w = $fileProps['width'];
                 $h = $fileProps['height'];
         if (in_array($type, $imgArr)) {
             // расчитаем размеры картинки:
             if ($h > 100) {
                 $k = $w / $h;
                 $h = 100;
                 $w = intval($h * $k);
             if ($type == brs_model_Banner::TYPE_IMAGE) {
                 $rc = 'banner_image_admin';
             } elseif ($type == brs_model_Banner::TYPE_FLASH) {
                 $rc = 'banner_flash_admin';
             $image = cot_rc($rc, array('file' => $item->file, 'alt' => $item->alt, 'width' => $w, 'height' => $h));
             $banner_image = cot_rc('admin_banner', array('banner' => $image));
         } else {
             // Просто выведем путь к файлу:
             $banner_image = cot_rc('admin_banner', array('banner' => $item->file));
     // /Превью загруженного файла
     $actionParams = array('m' => 'brs', 'a' => 'edit');
     if ($item->id > 0) {
         $actionParams['id'] = $item->id;
     $template = array('brs', 'admin', 'edit');
     $view = new View();
     $view->page_title = $title;
     $view->showForm = $showForm;
     $view->item = $item;
     $view->deleteUrl = $deleteUrl;
     $view->banner_image = $banner_image;
     $view->formElements = $formElements;
     $view->formAction = cot_url('admin', $actionParams);
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('brs.admin.edit.view') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     return $view->render($template);