function _get_conditions($query, $filters)
     //Removes season_name from filters if the season_id is already included in the filters
     if (isset($filters['season_name']) and isset($filters['season_id'])) {
     //Removes building_name from filters if the building_id is already included in the filters
     if (isset($filters['building_name']) and isset($filters['building_id'])) {
     $where_clauses = isset($filters['where']) ? (array) $filters['where'] : array();
     if (isset($filters['season_id'])) {
         $season_id = $this->marshal_field_value('season_id', $filters['season_id']);
         $where_clauses[] = "(%%table%%.season_id = {$season_id} OR (%%table%%.reservation_type = 'event' AND %%table%%.season_id IS NULL) " . "AND %%table%%.reservation_type != 'event' OR " . "(%%table%%.reservation_type = 'event' AND %%table%%.reservation_id IN " . "(SELECT event_id FROM bb_event_resource er JOIN bb_season_resource sr ON er.resource_id = sr.resource_id AND sr.season_id = {$season_id}) " . "))";
     if (count($where_clauses) > O) {
         $filters['where'][] = join($where_clauses, ' AND ');
     return parent::_get_conditions($query, $filters);