Пример #1
 private function getProviderQueueTickets(&$queue)
     $headers = ['#', 'Client', 'Subject', 'Status', 'Updated', 'Assigned'];
     if ($this->canSeeBilling()) {
         $headers[] = 'Quoted/Billed';
     $tickets = $this->query("SELECT * from tickets WHERE queue_id='{$queue['id']}' and ticket_isclosed = false");
     $rows = [];
     foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
         $well = $ticket['ticket_standing'] ? "<div class='well'>" . nl2br($ticket['ticket_standing']) . "</div>" : null;
         $color = $ticket['ticket_status'] == 'Waiting for Admin' ? "blue" : null;
         $popover = base::popover($ticket['ticket_title'], $this->chop($ticket['ticket_body'], 150) . $well, 'right');
         $row = [$ticket['id'], $this->getCompanyByID($ticket['company_id']), "<a {$popover} href='/ticket/{$ticket['id']}/'>{$ticket['ticket_title']}</a>", $ticket['ticket_status'], $this->fbTime($ticket['ticket_lastupdated']), $ticket['ticket_assigned'] ? "<a class='get' href='/selfassign/{$ticket['id']}/'> " . $this->getUserByID($ticket['ticket_assigned']) . "</a>" : "<a class='get' href='/selfassign/{$ticket['id']}/'>Unassigned</a>", $this->getQuotedBilled($ticket), $color];
         if (!$this->canSeeBilling()) {
         if (!$color) {
         $rows[] = $row;
     $table = table::init()->headers($headers)->rows($rows)->render();
     return $table;
Пример #2
 public function listClients()
     // At a glance - Let's view the client's basic info, If you can see billing, then show subscription
     // and show total amount collected.  Put in a datatable so we can search.
     $headers = ["Client", "Address", "VIP", "Tickets"];
     if ($this->canSeeBilling()) {
         $billing = ['Subscription', 'Total Income'];
         $headers = array_merge($headers, $billing);
     $rows = [];
     $companies = $this->query("SELECT * from companies ORDER by company_since DESC");
     foreach ($companies as $company) {
         $tcontent = null;
         $ticks = $this->query("SELECT id,ticket_title FROM tickets WHERE company_id='{$company['id']}' ORDER by ticket_opents DESC LIMIT 10");
         foreach ($ticks as $tick) {
             $tcontent .= "<a href='/ticket/{$tick['id']}/'>{$tick['ticket_title']}</a><br/>";
         $ticketblock = base::popover("Ticket History", $tcontent, 'right');
         $row = ["<a href='/client/{$company['id']}/'>{$company['company_name']}</a>", "{$company['company_address']}, {$company['company_city']}, {$company['company_state']}", $company['company_vip'] ? "Yes" : "No", "<a href='#' {$ticketblock}>" . $this->returnCountFromTable("tickets", "company_id='{$company['id']}'") . "</a>"];
         if ($this->canSeeBilling()) {
             $plan = $this->query("SELECT * from plans WHERE id='{$company['company_plan']}'", true)[0];
             if (!$plan) {
                 $plandata = "No Subscription";
             } else {
                 $plandata = "{$plan['plan_name']} ({$plan['plan_amount']})";
             $ttl = 0;
             $transactions = $this->query("SELECT transaction_amount FROM transactions WHERE company_id='{$company['id']}'");
             foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
                 $ttl += $transaction['transaction_amount'];
             $ttl = "\$" . number_format($ttl, 2);
             $new = [$plandata, $ttl];
             $row = array_merge($row, $new);
         $rows[] = $row;
     $addButton = button::init()->text("Add Account")->icon('plus')->addStyle('btn-success')->url('/clients/create/')->render();
     $table = table::init()->headers($headers)->rows($rows)->id('clientList')->render();
     $widget = widget::init()->header("Customer List")->content($table)->isTable()->icon('user')->rightHeader($addButton)->render();