Пример #1
	 * 获取评论总数
    public function count()
        $info = $this->api->count(array(), true);
        echo json_encode($info);
	 * 发表评论
    public function create()
        $id = intval($this->input['id']);
        if ($id <= 0) {
        $photo_info = $this->api->detail('photos', array('id' => $id, 'state' => 1), 'albums_id');
        if (!$photo_info) {
        $content = trim(urldecode($this->input['comment_con']));
        if (empty($content)) {
        include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
        $banword = new banword();
        $words = $banword->exists($content);
        if ($words) {
            $keywords = array();
            foreach ($words as $v) {
                $keywords[] = $v['banname'];
            $keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
        $insertData = array('albums_id' => $photo_info['albums_id'], 'photo_id' => $id, 'content' => $content, 'user_id' => $this->user['user_id'], 'user_name' => $this->user['user_name'], 'org_id' => $this->user['org_id'], 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip());
        if ($keywords) {
            $insertData['banwords'] = $keywords;
            $insertData['isbanword'] = 1;
        if (INIT_AUDIT) {
            $insertData['state'] = 1;
        $result = $this->api->create($insertData);
        if ($result) {
Пример #2
  * 会员编辑
  * $member_id
  * $member_name
  * $password
  * $old_password
  * $signature
  * $avatar file
  * $member_info json
 public function edit()
     $this->input = hg_mermber2members_compatible(array('new_password' => 'password'), $this->input, false);
     $member_id = intval($this->user['user_id']);
     $app_id = $this->input['app_id'];
     if (!$member_id) {
     $condition = " AND m.member_id = '" . $member_id . "' ";
     $field = 'm.member_id , m.member_name, m.password, m.salt, m.avatar, m.type,mb.nick_name';
     $_member_info = $this->mMember->get_member_info($condition, $field, ' LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'member_bind as mb ON mb.member_id = m.member_id');
     $member_info = array();
     $member_info = $_member_info[0];
     if (empty($member_info)) {
     $member_name = trim($this->input['member_name']);
     if ($this->input['nick_name']) {
         $nick_name = trim($this->input['nick_name']);
     if (!$nick_name && $this->settings['memberNameToNickName']) {
         $nick_name = $member_name;
         unset($member_name, $this->input['member_name']);
     $password = trim($this->input['password']) ? trim($this->input['password']) : '';
     $old_password = trim($this->input['old_password']);
     $signature = trim($this->input['signature']);
     $mobile = trim($this->input['mobile']);
     $email = trim($this->input['email']) ? trim($this->input['email']) : '';
     $verifycode = trim($this->input['verifycode']);
     $device_token = $this->Members->check_device_token(trim($this->input['device_token']));
     $udid = $this->Members->check_udid(trim($this->input['uuid']));
     if ($device_token === 0) {
     if ($udid === 0) {
     $data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'update_time' => TIMENOW);
     $check_bind = new check_Bind();
     if ($mobile) {
         if (!hg_verify_mobile($mobile)) {
         } else {
             if ($check_bind->checkMobileBind($member_id) != $mobile) {
         $data['mobile'] = $mobile;
     if ($email) {
         if (!hg_check_email_format($email)) {
         } elseif ($check_bind->checkEmailBind($member_id) == $email) {
         $data['email'] = $email;
     if ($member_name && !$this->mMember->isMemberNameUpdate($member_id)) {
     } else {
         if ($member_name) {
             $member_name_exists = $this->mMember->member_name_exists($member_name, $member_id);
             if (!empty($member_name_exists)) {
             $data['member_name'] = $member_name;
     if ($this->settings['App_banword']) {
         include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
         $banword = new banword();
         $signature_banword = $banword->exists($signature);
         if ($signature_banword && is_array($signature_banword)) {
         $nick_name_banword = $banword->exists($nick_name);
         if ($nick_name_banword && is_array($nick_name_banword)) {
     if (in_array($member_info['type'], array('m2o', 'uc')) && $this->settings['App_banword']) {
         $member_name_banword = $banword->exists($member_name);
         if ($member_name_banword && is_array($member_name_banword)) {
     $_old_password = '';
     $is_no_old_password = 1;
     if (isset($this->input['password']) && $password || isset($this->input['verifycode']) && $verifycode) {
         if (!$old_password && !$verifycode) {
         if ($old_password) {
             $is_no_old_password = 0;
             $_old_password = $old_password;
             $old_password = md5(md5($old_password) . $member_info['salt']);
             if ($old_password != $member_info['password']) {
         if ($verifycode) {
             if ($this->mSmsServer->get_verifycode_info($member_name, $verifycode)) {
                 $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_delete($member_name, $verifycode);
             } else {
      * 同步UC信息
     if ($this->settings['ucenter']['open'] && in_array($member_info['type'], array('m2o', 'uc'))) {
         $_member_name = $this->user['user_name'];
         $is_password = $this->mMember->uc_user_edit($_member_name, $_old_password, $password, $email, $is_no_old_password);
         if ($is_password < 0) {
             if ($is_password == -1) {
             } else {
                 if ($is_password == -4) {
                 } elseif ($is_password == -5) {
                 } elseif ($is_password == -6) {
     if ($password) {
         $salt = hg_generate_salt();
         $md5_password = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
         $data['password'] = $md5_password;
         $data['salt'] = $salt;
     if (isset($this->input['signature'])) {
         $data['signature'] = $signature;
     if ($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']) {
         $avatar = $_FILES['avatar'];
     } elseif ($this->input['avatar']) {
         $avatar = $this->input['avatar'];
     if ($_FILES['background']['tmp_name']) {
         $background = $_FILES['background'];
     } elseif ($this->input['background']) {
         $background = $this->input['background'];
     $_avatar = array();
     $_background = array();
     if (!empty($avatar) && is_array($avatar)) {
         if ($this->input['version'] == CLIENT_VERSION) {
             $avatar['name'] .= '.png';
         $_avatar = $this->mMember->add_material($avatar, $member_id);
     } elseif ($avatar && is_string($avatar) && is_url($avatar)) {
         $_avatar = $this->mMember->update_avatar($avatar, array(), $member_id, true);
     if ($_avatar && $this->input['platformMark'] && $this->input['platformMark'] == 'dingdone' && $app_id) {
         $param = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => $member_info['member_name']);
         $param['avatar_url'] = $_avatar['host'] . $_avatar['dir'] . $_avatar['filepath'] . $_avatar['filename'];
         $imInfo = $this->refreshImInfo($param);
     if (!empty($background) && is_array($background)) {
         $_background = $this->mMember->add_material($background, $member_id);
     if (!empty($_avatar)) {
         $data['avatar'] = serialize($_avatar);
     $bind_info = array();
     if ($nick_name) {
         $bind_info = array('nick_name' => $nick_name);
     if ($_background) {
         $bind_info['background'] = serialize($_background);
     $copywriting_credit = $this->editCreditRules($member_id, $data, $bind_info);
     $ret = $this->mMember->update($data);
     if ($bind_info) {
         $this->mMember->bind_update($bind_info, 'WHERE member_id = \'' . $member_id . '\'');
     if (!$ret['member_id']) {
     if ($this->input['platformMark'] && $this->input['platformMark'] == 'dingdone' && $app_id) {
         $extension = $this->mMemberInfo->extension_editByApp($member_id, $this->input['member_info'], $app_id, $_FILES);
     } else {
         $extension = $this->mMemberInfo->extension_edit($member_id, $this->input['member_info'], $_FILES);
     $member_trace_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => $member_name ? $member_name : $member_info['member_name'], 'content_id' => $member_id, 'title' => $member_name ? $member_name : $member_info['member_name'], 'type' => 'editmember', 'op_type' => '修改会员资料', 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'device_token' => $device_token, 'udid' => $udid);
     $return = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => !$member_name ? $member_info['member_name'] : $member_name, 'nick_name' => !$nick_name ? $member_info['nick_name'] : $nick_name, 'type' => $member_info['type'], 'avatar' => !$_avatar ? $member_info['avatar'] : $_avatar, 'access_token' => $this->user['token'], 'update_avatar' => $avatar ? 1 : 0, 'copywriting_credit' => $copywriting_credit, 'background' => $_background ? $_background : array(), 'email' => $email ? $email : '');
     if (isset($this->input['signature'])) {
         $return['signature'] = $signature;
     if ($app_id) {
         $extension = $this->getExtensionInfo($member_id, $app_id);
         $return['extension'] = $extension;
     $condition = '';
     $condition = " AND m.member_id = '" . $member_id . "' AND mb.is_primary=1";
     $field = 'm.member_id , m.member_name, m.signature, m.email,m.mobile, mb.background, m.salt, m.avatar, m.type,mb.nick_name';
     $memberBaseInfo = $this->mMember->get_member_info($condition, $field, ' LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PREFIX . 'member_bind as mb ON mb.member_id = m.member_id');
     if (!empty($memberBaseInfo[0])) {
         foreach ($memberBaseInfo[0] as $k => $v) {
             $return[$k] = $v;
     if ($this->input['version'] == CLIENT_VERSION) {
         if ($this->input['m_avatar']) {
             $return = $return['avatar'];
         if ($this->input['m_name']) {
             if ($this->input['appid'] == 7 && $this->input['appkey'] == 'upnKAycZKVw4D7QSXH7D8uFrFOpRQyXb') {
                 $return = 'success';
             } else {
                 $return = array('nick_name' => $return['member_name'], 'update_time' => '', 'member_name' => $return['member_name'], 'member_id' => $return['member_id']);
         if ($this->input['m_password']) {
             $return = array('member_id' => $return['member_id']);
         if ($this->input['m_mail'] || $this->input['m_mobile']) {
             $return = "success";
Пример #3
 * 会员注册
 *  member_id 会员id
 		member_name 会员名
 		password 密码
 		salt 随机数
 		type 会员类型
 		type_name 会员类型名
 		avatar 头像
 		signature 个性签名
 		appid 应用id
 		appname 应用名
 		create_time 注册时间
 		update_time 更新时间
 		ip 注册ip
 * $appid
 * $appkey
 * $callback
 * $mobile_verifycode
 * 绑定表
 *  member_id 会员id
 		platform_id 第三方平台会员id char
 		nick_name 昵称
 		type 会员类型
 		type_name 会员类型名称
 		avatar_url 头像地址
 		bind_time 绑定时间
 		bind_ip 绑定ip
 * 返回
 * member_id
 * member_name
 * type
 * avatar
 * access_token
 public function register()
     try {
         $this->oldtype = $this->type = trim($this->input['type']);
         $member_name = $this->checkRegMemberName();
         $password = trim($this->input['password']);
         $identifierUserSystem = new identifierUserSystem();
         $identifier = $identifierUserSystem->setIdentifier((int) $this->input['identifier'])->checkIdentifier();
         if (empty($this->type)) {
         $platformInfo = $this->Members->get_platform_name($this->type);
         if (empty($platformInfo)) {
         } else {
             if (!$platformInfo['status']) {
         $type_name = $platformInfo['name'];
         $signature = trim($this->input['signature']);
         $ip = hg_getip();
         $appid = intval($this->input['appid']);
         $appkey = trim($this->input['appkey']);
         $platform_id = '';
         $mobile_verifycode = trim($this->input['mobile_verifycode']);
         $email = trim($this->input['email']);
         $reg_mail = $this->Members->check_reg_mail($email, 0, $identifier);
         if ($reg_mail == -4) {
         } elseif ($reg_mail == -5) {
         } elseif ($reg_mail == -6) {
         $this->type == 'email' && $this->checkEmailVerifyCode($member_name);
         $this->type != 'email' && $email && $this->checkEmailVerifyCode($email);
         $_mobile = trim($this->input['mobile']);
         if ($_mobile && !hg_verify_mobile($_mobile)) {
         } else {
             if ($_mobile && (isset($this->input['mobile_verifycode']) || defined('NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND') && NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND)) {
                 $check_bind = new check_Bind();
                 if ($check_bind->checkmembernamereg($_mobile, $identifier)) {
         if ($this->type != 'shouji' && $_mobile && isset($this->input['mobile_verifycode'])) {
             $verifycode = $this->mSmsServer->get_verifycode_info($_mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (empty($verifycode)) {
             $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_delete($_mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (TIMENOW > $verifycode['create_time'] + VERIFYCODE_EXPIRED_TIME) {
             $this->ismobileverify = 1;
         } else {
             if ($this->type != 'shouji' && $_mobile && defined('NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND') && NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND) {
                 $this->ismobileverify = 1;
         $device_token = $this->Members->check_device_token(trim($this->input['device_token']));
         if ($device_token === 0) {
         $udid = $this->Members->check_udid(trim($this->input['uuid']));
         if ($udid === 0) {
         if ($udid) {
             $device_res = $this->Blacklist->detailDeviceBlacklist(array('device_token' => $udid, 'identifier' => $identifier));
             if ($device_res[0]['deadline'] == -1 && $device_res[0]['type'] == 2) {
             } elseif ($device_res[0]['deadline'] == -1) {
         if ($ip) {
             $ip_res = $this->Blacklist->detailIpBlacklist(array('ip' => ip2long($ip), 'identifier' => $identifier));
             if ($ip_res[0]['deadline'] == -1 && $ip_res[0]['type'] == 2) {
             } elseif ($ip_res[0]['deadline'] == -1) {
         if (!$password) {
         if ($this->type == 'shouji') {
             $check_bind = new check_Bind();
             if ($check_bind->checkmembernamereg($member_name, $identifier)) {
             $platform_id = $mobile = $member_name;
             $_mobile = $mobile ? $mobile : $_mobile;
             if (!hg_verify_mobile($mobile)) {
             if (!$mobile_verifycode) {
             $verifycode = $this->mSmsServer->get_verifycode_info($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (empty($verifycode)) {
             $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_delete($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (TIMENOW > $verifycode['create_time'] + VERIFYCODE_EXPIRED_TIME) {
         if ($this->settings['App_banword']) {
             include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
             $banword = new banword();
             $signature_banword = $banword->exists($signature);
             if ($signature_banword && is_array($signature_banword)) {
         if ($this->type == 'm2o' && $this->settings['App_banword']) {
             $member_name_banword = $banword->exists($member_name);
             if ($member_name_banword && is_array($member_name_banword)) {
         $avatar = array();
         if (isset($this->input['avatar']) && $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']) {
             $avatar = $_FILES['avatar'];
         $ret_verify = $this->mMember->verify_member_name($member_name, 0, $identifier, $type);
         switch ($ret_verify) {
             case -1:
             case -2:
             case -3:
             case -4:
             case -5:
             case -6:
             case -7:
         $salt = hg_generate_salt();
         $md5_password = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
         $groupInfo = $this->Members->checkgroup_credits(0);
         $gradeInfo = $this->Members->checkgrade_credits(0);
         $data = array('member_name' => $member_name, 'password' => $md5_password, 'salt' => $salt, 'type' => $this->type, 'type_name' => $type_name, 'gid' => $groupInfo['gid'], 'gradeid' => $gradeInfo['gradeid'], 'signature' => $signature, 'mobile' => $_mobile, 'email' => $email, 'status' => $this->settings['member_status'], 'identifier' => $identifier, 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'update_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => $ip, 'guid' => guid(), 'reg_device_token' => $device_token, 'reg_udid' => $udid);
         $inuc = 0;
         if ($this->type == 'm2o' && $this->settings['ucenter']['open'] && !$identifier) {
             //邮箱 m2o类型必须传入email
             if (!$email) {
             $virtual_email = $email;
             $reinfo = $this->uc_register(array('member_name' => $data['member_name'], 'password' => $password, 'email' => $virtual_email));
             $inuc = $reinfo['member_id'];
         $ret = $this->mMember->create($data);
         if (!$ret['member_id']) {
         $member_id = $ret['member_id'];
         //编辑扩展信息 #@param platformMark 平台标示
         if ($this->input['platformMark'] && $this->input['platformMark'] == 'dingdone' && $this->input['identifier']) {
             $this->mMemberInfo->extension_editByApp($member_id, $this->input['member_info'], $this->input['identifier'], $_FILES);
         } else {
             $this->mMemberInfo->extension_edit($member_id, $this->input['member_info'], $_FILES);
         $extension = $this->getExtensionInfo($member_id, $identifier);
         if (!$identifier) {
             $invite_user = new invite();
             $id = $this->input['invite_id'] ? $this->input['invite_id'] : 0;
             $invite_code = $this->input['invite_code'] ? $this->input['invite_code'] : $member_name;
             $invite = $invite_user->invite_rules($member_id, $invite_code, $id);
         //uc打开平台id为uc 否则为自身id
         if ($this->type == 'm2o') {
             $platform_id = $this->settings['ucenter']['open'] && $reinfo['member_id'] > 0 && !$identifier ? $reinfo['member_id'] : $member_id;
         } elseif ($this->type == 'email') {
             $platform_id = $member_name;
         $data['member_id'] = $member_id;
         $bind_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'platform_id' => $platform_id, 'nick_name' => $member_name, 'type' => $this->type, 'type_name' => $type_name, 'bind_time' => TIMENOW, 'bind_ip' => $ip, 'inuc' => $inuc, 'is_primary' => 1, 'identifier' => $identifier, 'reg_device_token' => $device_token, 'reg_udid' => $udid);
         $ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($bind_data);
         if (empty($ret_bind)) {
         if ($data['email']) {
             if ($this->type != 'email' && $this->isemailverify) {
                 $_bind_data = $bind_data;
                 $_bind_data['platform_id'] = $data['email'];
                 $_bind_data['is_primary'] = 0;
                 $_bind_data['type'] = 'email';
                 $_bind_data['type_name'] = '邮箱';
                 $_ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($_bind_data);
                 if (empty($_ret_bind)) {
                 unset($_bind_data, $_ret_bind);
         if ($data['mobile']) {
             if ($this->type != 'shouji' && $this->ismobileverify) {
                 $_bind_data = $bind_data;
                 $_bind_data['platform_id'] = $data['mobile'];
                 $_bind_data['is_primary'] = 0;
                 $_bind_data['type'] = 'shouji';
                 $_bind_data['type_name'] = '手机';
                 $_ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($_bind_data);
                 if (empty($_ret_bind)) {
                 unset($_bind_data, $_ret_bind);
         if (!empty($avatar)) {
             $avatar = $this->mMember->add_material($avatar, $member_id);
             if (!empty($avatar)) {
                 $update_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'avatar' => daddslashes(serialize($avatar)));
                 $ret_updata = $this->mMember->update($update_data);
                 if (!$ret_updata['member_id']) {
         } else {
             $avatar_url = $this->input['avatar_url'] ? trim($this->input['avatar_url']) : '';
             if ($avatar_url) {
                 $avatar = $this->mMember->local_material($avatar_url, $member_id);
                 if (!empty($avatar)) {
                     $update_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'avatar' => daddslashes(serialize($avatar)));
                     $ret_updata = $this->mMember->update($update_data);
                     if (!$ret_updata['member_id']) {
         $callback = 'http://' . $this->settings['App_members']['host'] . '/' . $this->settings['App_members']['dir'] . 'login.php?a=verify_member&appid=' . $appid . '&appkey=' . $appkey;
         $encryptPassword = urlencode(passport_encrypt($password, CUSTOM_APPKEY));
         $auth_data = array('user_name' => $member_name, 'appid' => $appid, 'appkey' => $appkey, 'ip' => $ip, 'verify_user_cb' => $callback, 'extend' => 'platform_id=' . $platform_id . '&password='******'&encrypt=1&type=' . $this->type . '&identifier=' . $identifier);
         $auth = $this->mMember->get_access_token($auth_data);
         if (!$auth['token']) {
         $return = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => $ret['member_name'], 'nick_name' => $auth['nick_name'], 'platform_id' => $auth['platform_id'], 'inuc' => $auth['inuc'] ? $auth['inuc'] : 0, 'type' => $this->type, 'type_name' => $auth['type_name'], 'avatar' => $avatar, 'access_token' => $auth['token'], 'guid' => $auth['guid'], 'gid' => $auth['gid'], 'gradeid' => $auth['gradeid'], 'copywriting_credit' => $auth['copywriting_credit'], 'copywriting' => $auth['copywriting'], 'signature' => $auth['signature'], 'mobile' => $auth['mobile'], 'email' => $auth['email'], 'isVerify' => $auth['isVerify'], 'isComplete' => $auth['isComplete'], 'identifier' => $auth['identifier'], 'last_login_device' => $auth['last_login_device']);
         if ($extension) {
             $return['extension'] = $extension;
         $member_trace_data = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'member_name' => $member_name, 'content_id' => $member_id, 'title' => $member_name, 'type' => 'register', 'op_type' => '注册', 'appid' => $this->user['appid'], 'appname' => $this->user['display_name'], 'create_time' => TIMENOW, 'ip' => hg_getip(), 'device_token' => $device_token, 'udid' => $udid);
         $loginInfoRecord = array('last_login_device' => $member_trace_data['device_token'], 'final_login_time' => $member_trace_data['create_time'], 'last_login_time' => $member_trace_data['create_time'], 'last_login_udid' => $member_trace_data['udid']);
         $this->mMember->loginInfoRecord($return['member_id'], $loginInfoRecord);
         $return = hg_mermber2members_compatible(array('member_name' => 'nick_name', 'access_token' => 'token'), $return, false);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorOutput($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
Пример #4
  * 补充新浪绑定,QQ绑定等第三方绑定信息为正常M2O账号 ...
  * 目的是为了解决 新浪、QQ等第三方平台首次直接登陆系统后,资料信息不完善问题
 public function supplementaryBindInfo()
     try {
         $identifierUserSystem = new identifierUserSystem();
         $identifier = $identifierUserSystem->setIdentifier((int) $this->input['identifier'])->checkIdentifier();
         $member_name = $this->input['member_name'];
         $nick_name = $this->input['nick_name'];
         if (empty($member_name)) {
         if ($this->settings['App_banword']) {
             include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
             $banword = new banword();
             $member_name_banword = $banword->exists($member_name);
             if ($member_name_banword && is_array($member_name_banword)) {
         switch ($this->mMember->verify_member_name($member_name, $user_id, $identifier)) {
             case -1:
             case -2:
             case -3:
             case -4:
             case -5:
             case -6:
             case -7:
         $mobile_verifycode = trim($this->input['mobile_verifycode']);
         $email_verifycode = trim($this->input['email_verifycode']);
         $email = $this->input['email'];
         if (empty($email)) {
         $reg_mail = $this->Members->check_reg_mail($email, 0, $identifier);
         if ($reg_mail == -4) {
         } elseif ($reg_mail == -5) {
         } elseif ($reg_mail == -6) {
         if ($email && isset($this->input['email_verifycode'])) {
             if ($this->memberverifycode->get_verifycode_info($email, $email_verifycode, 1, $action = 1)) {
                 $this->memberverifycode->verifycode_delete($member_name, $email_verifycode, 1, $action = 1);
             } else {
             $this->isemailverify = 1;
         $mobile = $this->input['mobile'];
         if ($mobile && !hg_verify_mobile($mobile)) {
         } else {
             if ($mobile && (isset($this->input['mobile_verifycode']) || defined('NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND') && NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND)) {
                 $check_bind = new check_Bind();
                 if ($check_bind->checkmembernamereg($mobile, $identifier)) {
         if ($mobile && isset($this->input['mobile_verifycode'])) {
             $verifycode = $this->mSmsServer->get_verifycode_info($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (empty($verifycode)) {
             $this->mSmsServer->mobile_verifycode_delete($mobile, $mobile_verifycode);
             if (TIMENOW > $verifycode['create_time'] + VERIFYCODE_EXPIRED_TIME) {
             $this->ismobileverify = 1;
         $password = $this->input['password'];
         $user_id = $this->user['user_id'];
         if (!$user_id) {
         $cond = ' AND member_id = ' . $user_id;
         $memberInfo = $this->Members->get_member_info($cond);
         if (!$memberInfo) {
         if ($memberInfo['type'] == 'm2o' || $memberInfo['type'] == 'uc') {
         $updateMemberInfo['member_id'] = $user_id;
         $updateMemberInfo['type'] = 'm2o';
         $updateMemberInfo['type_name'] = 'M2O';
         $updateMemberInfo['member_name'] = $member_name;
         if (empty($password)) {
         $salt = hg_generate_salt();
         $updateMemberInfo['salt'] = $salt;
         $md5_password = md5(md5($password) . $salt);
         $updateMemberInfo['password'] = $md5_password;
         $email && ($updateMemberInfo['email'] = $email);
         $mobile && ($updateMemberInfo['mobile'] = $mobile);
         $membersql = new membersql();
         $this->mMember->bind_update(array('is_primary' => 0), $membersql->where(array('member_id' => $memberInfo['member_id'], 'type' => $memberInfo['type'])));
         $platform_id = $user_id;
         $inuc = 0;
         if (!$identifier && $this->settings['ucenter']['open']) {
             $register_data = array('member_name' => $member_name, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email);
             $registerInfo = $this->mMember->uc_register($register_data);
             if ($registerInfo['member_id'] > 0) {
                 $inuc = $platform_id = $registerInfo['member_id'];
         $bind_data = array('member_id' => $user_id, 'platform_id' => $platform_id, 'nick_name' => $nick_name, 'type' => 'm2o', 'type_name' => 'M2O', 'bind_time' => TIMENOW, 'bind_ip' => hg_getip(), 'inuc' => $inuc, 'is_primary' => 1, 'identifier' => $identifier, 'reg_device_token' => 'www', 'reg_udid' => $udid);
         $ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($bind_data);
         if ($email) {
             if ($this->isemailverify || defined('NO_VERIFY_EMAILBIND') && NO_VERIFY_EMAILBIND) {
                 $_bind_data = $bind_data;
                 $_bind_data['platform_id'] = $email;
                 $_bind_data['is_primary'] = 0;
                 $_bind_data['type'] = 'email';
                 $_bind_data['type_name'] = '邮箱';
                 $_ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($_bind_data);
                 if (empty($_ret_bind)) {
                 unset($_bind_data, $_ret_bind);
         if ($mobile) {
             if ($this->ismobileverify || defined('NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND') && NO_VERIFY_MOBILEBIND) {
                 $_bind_data = $bind_data;
                 $_bind_data['platform_id'] = $mobile;
                 $_bind_data['is_primary'] = 0;
                 $_bind_data['type'] = 'shouji';
                 $_bind_data['type_name'] = '手机';
                 $_ret_bind = $this->mMember->bind_create($_bind_data);
                 if (empty($_ret_bind)) {
                 unset($_bind_data, $_ret_bind);
         if ($inuc) {
             $_updateBind = array('inuc' => $inuc);
             $this->mMember->bind_update($_updateBind, ' WHERE member_id = ' . $user_id);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorOutput($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
Пример #5
 private function check_banword($text)
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
     $banword = new banword();
     $banwords = $banword->exists($text);
     $ban = '';
     if ($banwords) {
         foreach ($banwords as $v) {
             $ban .= $v['banname'] . '|';
         $ban = rtrim($ban, '|');
     return $ban;
Пример #6
    public function banwords($tmp_breif)
        !$tmp_breif || class_exists('banword') or (include ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php');
        $tmp_breif && ($banword = new banword());
        $words = $banword->exists(urlencode($tmp_breif));
        $_keywords = '';
        if ($words) {
            $keywords = array();
            foreach ($words as $v) {
                $keywords[] = $v['banname'];
            $keywords && ($_keywords = implode(',', $keywords));
        return $_keywords;
	 * 编辑图片
    public function update_photo()
        $id = intval($this->input['id']);
        if ($id <= 0) {
        $pic_info = $this->api->detail('photos', array('id' => $id));
        if (!$pic_info) {
        $updateData = array();
        $albums_id = intval($this->input['albums_id']);
        $photo_name = trim(urldecode($this->input['photo_name']));
        $photo_brief = trim(urldecode($this->input['breif']));
        $albums_info = $this->api->detail('albums', array('id' => $albums_id), 'id');
        if ($albums_info && $albums_id != $pic_info['albums_id']) {
            $updateData['albums_id'] = $albums_id;
        if ($photo_name && $photo_name != $pic_info['photo_name']) {
            $updateData['photo_name'] = $photo_name;
        if ($photo_brief && $photo_brief != $pic_info['photos_brief']) {
            $updateData['photos_brief'] = $photo_brief;
            include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/banword.class.php';
            $banword = new banword();
            $words = $banword->exists(urlencode($photo_brief));
            if ($words) {
                $keywords = array();
                foreach ($words as $v) {
                    $keywords[] = $v['banname'];
                $keywords = implode(',', $keywords);
                $updateData['banwords'] = $keywords;
                if (!$pic_info['isbanword']) {
                    $updateData['isbanword'] = 1;
            } else {
                if ($pic_info['isbanword']) {
                    $updateData['banwords'] = '';