Пример #1
  * Build the query and his PDO statement with SQL infos already set to this object
  * @return bool
 public function buildQuery($forceRebuild = FALSE)
     if (!isset($this->_SQL['stmt']) || $forceRebuild) {
         /* exec query once a page load */
         \app::dispatchEvent('beforeBuildQuery', array());
         /* SELECT */
         $query = 'SELECT ';
         if ($this instanceof \entity) {
             /* only for entity, to define defaults selects && from */
             if (empty($this->_SQL['selects'])) {
                 $this->_SQL['selects'][$this->_tableName . '.*'] = $this->_tableName . '.*';
             $this->_SQL['froms'][$this->_tableName] = $this->_tableName;
             /* FROM for entity */
             /*  extends */
             if (!empty($this->_extends)) {
                 foreach ($this->_extends as $entity) {
                     $foreignFields = $entity->getFields();
                     foreach ($foreignFields as $name => &$field) {
                         if ($name !== $field->name) {
                             /* detect alias */
                             $tableName = $field->getTableName();
                             $aliasName = $name . '_' . $tableName;
                             $this->_SQL['selects'][$aliasName] = $tableName . '.' . $name . ' AS ' . $aliasName;
                         } else {
                             $this->_SQL['selects'][$name] = $field->getTableName() . '.' . $name;
                             /* best than "table.*" which bug when using alias ( duplicate) */
                     $foreignTableName = str_replace('\\model\\', '_', get_class($entity));
                     $this->join($this->_tableName . '.' . $this->getId()->name, $foreignTableName . '.' . $entity->getId()->name, 'left outer join');
         foreach ($this->getFields() as $field) {
             /* TODO IMPROVE */
             if (!$field instanceof \core\fields\alias) {
                 $module = $field->entity->getModule();
                 $entity = $field->entity->getName();
                 $id = $field->entity->getId()->name;
                 if ($field instanceof \field_formasso) {
                     $cutForeign = explode('_', $field->entity_foreign, 2);
                     $foreignEntity = \app::getModule($cutForeign[0])->getEntity($cutForeign[1]);
                     $idNameForeignEntity = $foreignEntity->getId()->name;
                     $this->_SQL['selects'][$field->name] = ' CONCAT(  \'{\', GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', ' . $field->entity_foreign . '.' . $idNameForeignEntity . ' , \'"\',\':"\',' . $field->entity_foreign . '.' . $foreignEntity->getBehaviorTitle() . ', \'"\')), \'}\') AS ' . $field->name;
                     $this->groupBy($module . '_' . $entity . '.' . $id);
                     $this->join($module . '_' . $entity . '.' . $id, $field->entity_asso . '.' . $field->entity->getId()->name, 'left outer join');
                     $this->join($field->entity_asso . '.' . $idNameForeignEntity, $field->entity_foreign . '.' . $idNameForeignEntity, 'left outer join');
                 } elseif ($this->getField($id) === FALSE) {
                     $this->select($module . '_' . $entity . '.' . $id, TRUE);
         $query .= implode(',', $this->_SQL['selects']);
         /* FROM */
         if (empty($this->_SQL['joins'])) {
             $query .= ' FROM ' . reset($this->_SQL['froms']);
         } else {
             $firstTable = reset($this->_SQL['joins']);
             $tableLeft = strstr($firstTable['propertyLeft'], '.', true);
             $query .= ' FROM ' . $tableLeft;
             $this->_SQL['froms'][$tableLeft] = $tableLeft;
             //to prefix $tableLeft
             foreach ($this->_SQL['joins'] as $join) {
                 $tableRight = strstr($join['propertyRight'], '.', true);
                 $this->_SQL['froms'][$tableRight] = $tableRight;
                 //to prefix $tableRight
                 $query .= ' ' . $join['type'] . ' ' . $tableRight . ' ON ' . $join['propertyLeft'] . ' = ' . $join['propertyRight'];
         /* WHERE */
         $this->_SQL['vars'] = array();
         // init here for pagination
         if (isset($this->_SQL['wheres'])) {
             $wheres = array();
             foreach ($this->_SQL['wheres'] as $where) {
                 // Frame the "where" if several sql conditions
                 /* For the record if(strstr($where,'&&') || strstr($where,'||') || stristr($where,' or ') || stristr($where,' and ')) $wheres[] = */
                 $wheres[] = '(' . $this->evaluateConditions($where) . ')';
             if (!empty($wheres)) {
                 $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
         /* GROUP BY */
         if (isset($this->_SQL['groupBys'])) {
             $query .= ' GROUP BY ' . implode(' ,', $this->_SQL['groupBys']);
         /* HAVING */
         if (isset($this->_SQL['havings'])) {
             $havings = array();
             foreach ($this->_SQL['havings'] as $having) {
                 // Frame the "having" if several sql conditions
                 $havings[] = '(' . $this->evaluateConditions($having) . ')';
             if (!empty($havings)) {
                 $query .= ' HAVING ' . implode(' AND ', $havings);
         /* ORDER */
         if (isset($this->_SQL['orders'])) {
             $orders = array();
             foreach ($this->_SQL['orders'] as $property => $order) {
                 $orders[] = $property . ' ' . $order;
             $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $orders);
         /* DB PREFIX */
         if (PREFIX !== '') {
             /* must be before pagination */
             $query .= ' ';
             /* tip to replace table name */
             foreach ($this->_SQL['froms'] as $table) {
                 $query = preg_replace('/([,\\s\\(])' . $table . '([\\.\\s])/', '$1' . PREFIX . $table . '$2', $query);
         /* LIMIT */
         if (isset($this->_SQL['limit'])) {
             $limit = ' LIMIT 0,' . $this->_SQL['limit'];
             if (isset($this->_SQL['pagination']) && $this->_SQL['pagination'] !== FALSE) {
                 $this->_SQL['pagination'] = new \pagination($query, $this->_SQL['limit'], $this->_SQL['vars']);
                 $start = $this->_SQL['pagination']->getCurrentPage() * $this->_SQL['limit'] - $this->_SQL['limit'];
                 $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $this->_SQL['limit'];
             $query .= $limit;
         $this->_SQL['query'] = $query;
     /* EXEC query */
     if (!empty($this->_SQL['vars'])) {
         $this->_SQL['stmt'] = \PDOconnection::getDB()->prepare($this->_SQL['query']);
         $this->_SQL['stmt']->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_INTO, $this);
     } else {
         $this->_SQL['stmt'] = \PDOconnection::getDB()->query($this->_SQL['query'], \PDO::FETCH_INTO, $this);
     return $this->_SQL['stmt'];
Пример #2
 public function __wakeup()
     /* Get fields and separate them from other props */
     $fields = get_object_vars($this);
     foreach ($fields as $name => &$property) {
         if ($property instanceof \field) {
             /* Insert an entity reference in each field */
             /* Save field in fields array - usefull to extend(), getFields(), getId() methods, also idem to class view structure   */
             $this->fields[$name] = $property;
     \app::dispatchEvent('wakeupEntity', array($this->_tableName, &$this));
     /* mainly if antoher module wants to extend this entity */
Пример #3
  * Send content to client
  * @param mixed $body optional
 public function setContent($body = '', $status = FALSE)
     if ($status !== FALSE) {
     if ($body instanceof page) {
         /* If it's a page object */
         $this->page = $body;
         /* Save page object */
         /* Init defaults JS and CSS for CMS pages */
         $theme = $this->page->getTheme();
         if ($theme instanceof theme) {
             define('THEMEMODULE', $theme->getModule());
             define('THEME', $theme->getName());
             $this->addCSSFile(THEMEMODULE . '/themes/' . THEME . '/style.css');
             $body = $theme->display();
             /* Display with theme */
         } else {
             define('THEMEMODULE', '');
             define('THEME', '');
             $body = $body->display();
             /* Display without theme */
         /* Set page infos to admin */
         if (!defined('PARSI_ADMIN') && $_SESSION['permissions'] > 0 && \app::$request->getParam('popup') !== '') {
             $timer = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']) ? round(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'], 4) : '~ ' . floor(microtime(true) - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
             /* Be sure that editiniline can be used in edit mode */
             /* correct resMax with preview screen */
             \app::$response->head .= '<script>document.cookie = "DW=" + (top.ParsimonyAdmin.getCookie("screenX") || screen.width) + ";path=/";document.cookie = "DH=" + (top.ParsimonyAdmin.getCookie("screenY") || screen.height)  + ";path=/";</script>';
             $body .= '<script>top.document.getElementById("infodev_timer").textContent="' . $timer . ' s";top.document.getElementById("infodev_module").textContent="' . MODULE . '";top.document.getElementById("infodev_theme").textContent="' . THEME . '";top.setActiveTheme("' . THEME . '");top.document.getElementById("infodev_page").textContent="' . $this->page->getId() . '";';
             $pathTheme = THEMEMODULE . '/themes/' . THEME . '/style.css';
             if ($_SESSION['permissions'] & 16) {
                 /* Store on client side all CSS selectors from theme style */
                 $css = new css(stream_resolve_include_path($pathTheme));
                 $CSSValues = $css->getCSSValues();
                 $body .= 'top.Parsimony.blocks["admin_css"].CSSValues["' . $pathTheme . '"] = ' . json_encode($CSSValues) . ';';
             $body .= 'top.history.replaceState({url:document.location.pathname}, document.title, document.location.pathname.replace("?preview=ok","").replace("preview=ok",""));top.$_GET=' . json_encode($_GET) . ';top.$_POST=' . json_encode($_POST) . ';top.CSSTHEMEPATH = "' . $pathTheme . '";top.CSSPAGEPATH = "' . MODULE . '/css/' . DEVICE . '.css";document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {top.ParsimonyAdmin.initPreview();});  </script>';
         /* Wrap body with HTML structure */
         include 'core/views/index.php';
         $body = ob_get_clean();
         \app::dispatchEvent('beforePageDisplay', array(&$body));
         /* allow to process files before they are sent to the client */
     /* Set headers */
     header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' ' . $this->status . ' ' . self::$HTTPstatus[$this->status], true, $this->status);
     header('Content-type: ' . \app::$config['ext'][$this->format] . '; charset=' . $this->charset);
     header('Vary: User-Agent');
     /* Dynamically serving different HTML on the same URL */
     foreach ($this->headers as $label => $header) {
         header($label . ': ' . $header);
     /* Set body to client */
     $this->body = $body;