
// Include required library files.
require_once '../includes/config.php';
require_once '../autoload.php';
// Create PayPal object.
$PayPalConfig = array('Sandbox' => $sandbox, 'APIUsername' => $api_username, 'APIPassword' => $api_password, 'APISignature' => $api_signature, 'PrintHeaders' => $print_headers, 'LogResults' => $log_results, 'LogPath' => $log_path);
$PayPal = new angelleye\PayPal\PayPal($PayPalConfig);
// Prepare request arrays
$URPPFields = array('profileid' => '', 'note' => '', 'desc' => '', 'subscribername' => '', 'profilereference' => '', 'additionalbillingcycles' => '', 'amt' => '', 'shippingamt' => '', 'taxamt' => '', 'outstandingamt' => '', 'autobilloutamt' => '', 'maxfailedpayments' => '', 'profilestartdate' => '');
$BillingAddress = array('street' => '', 'street2' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'countrycode' => '', 'zip' => '', 'phonenum' => '');
$ShippingAddress = array('shiptoname' => '', 'shiptostreet' => '', 'shiptostreet2' => '', 'shiptocity' => '', 'shiptostate' => '', 'shiptozip' => '', 'shiptocountry' => '', 'shiptophonenum' => '');
$BillingPeriod = array('trialbillingperiod' => '', 'trialbillingfrequency' => '', 'trialtotalbillingcycles' => '', 'trialamt' => '', 'billingperiod' => '', 'billingfrequency' => '', 'totalbillingcycles' => '', 'amt' => '', 'currencycode' => '');
$CCDetails = array('creditcardtype' => '', 'acct' => '', 'expdate' => '', 'cvv2' => '', 'startdate' => '', 'issuenumber' => '');
$PayerInfo = array('email' => '', 'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '');
$PayPalRequestData = array('URPPFields' => $URPPFields, 'BillingAddress' => $BillingAddress, 'ShippingAddress' => $ShippingAddress, 'BillingPeriod' => $BillingPeriod, 'CCDetails' => $CCDetails, 'PayerInfo' => $PayerInfo);
// Pass data into class for processing with PayPal and load the response array into $PayPalResult
$PayPalResult = $PayPal->UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile($PayPalRequestData);
// Write the contents of the response array to the screen for demo purposes.
echo '<pre />';