function form_ccdev_breastfeed() { if (func_num_args() > 0) { $arg_list = func_get_args(); $menu_id = $arg_list[0]; $post_vars = $arg_list[1]; $get_vars = $arg_list[2]; $validuser = $arg_list[3]; $isadmin = $arg_list[4]; } $patient_id = healthcenter::get_patient_id($get_vars["consult_id"]); $ccdev_id = ccdev::registry_record_exists($patient_id); $q_dob = mysql_query("SELECT patient_dob FROM m_patient where patient_id='{$patient_id}'") or die("Cannot query 419 " . mysql_error()); list($patient_dob) = mysql_fetch_array($q_dob); if ($ccdev_id == '0') { print "<font color='red'>" . LBL_NO_REGISTRY_ID . "</font><br/>"; } else { echo "<form name='form_ccdev_bfed' action = '" . $_SERVER["SELF"] . "?page=" . $get_vars["page"] . "&menu_id={$menu_id}&consult_id=" . $get_vars["consult_id"] . "&ptmenu=" . $get_vars["ptmenu"] . "&module=" . $get_vars["module"] . "&ccdev=BFED' method='post'>"; echo "<table width='400'>"; echo "<tr><td><b>BREASTFEEDING STATUS</b></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><span class='tinylight'>Please tick the month if mother exclusively breastfed this\tchild. To set month 6 date to blank, just delete the contents of the date box. Dates at the end of the months are projected as well.</spans></td></tr>"; for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) { $field = 'bfed_month' . $i; $buffer_day = $i * 30; $month_date = alert::compute_buffer_date($patient_dob, $buffer_day); $q_field = mysql_query("SELECT {$field}, bfed_month6_date FROM m_patient_ccdev WHERE ccdev_id='{$ccdev_id}'") or die("Cannot query: 433"); list($bfed_status, $bfed_date) = mysql_fetch_array($q_field); echo "<tr><td>"; if ($bfed_status == 'Y') { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='bfed_month[]' value='{$i}' checked>Month {$i} ({$month_date})</input>"; } else { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='bfed_month[]' value='{$i}'><font color='red'>Month {$i} ({$month_date})</font></input>"; } if ($i == 6) { if ($bfed_date == '0000-00-00') { $bfed_six_value = ''; } else { list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $bfed_date); $bfed_six_value = $m . '/' . $d . '/' . $y; } echo " <input type='text' name='date_bfed_six' size='7' value='{$bfed_six_value}'> "; echo "<a href=\"javascript:show_calendar4('document.form_ccdev_bfed.date_bfed_six', document.form_ccdev_bfed.date_bfed_six.value);\"><img src='../images/cal.gif' width='16' height='16' border='0' alt='Click Here to Pick up the date'></a><br>"; echo "</input>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td><input type='submit' name='submitccdev' value='Save Breastfeeding Status' style='border: 1px solid #000000'> <input type='reset' name='reset' value='Reset' style='border: 1px solid #000000'></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</form>"; } }