<?php require_once 'core/autoload.php'; require_once 'core/config.php'; ae_Permalink::init(); $sb = new ae_SiteBuilder(); $sb->render('themes/' . THEME . '/index.php');
/** * Set user permalink. * @param {string} $permalink User permalink * @return {string} The actually used permalink. */ public function setPermalink($permalink) { $this->permalink = ae_Permalink::generatePermalink($permalink); return $this->permalink; }
<?php $tags = array(); foreach ($data as $tag) { $link = sprintf('<a class="tag icon-add-before icon-before-tag" href="%s">%s</a>', URL . PERMALINK_BASE_TAG . ae_Permalink::prepareTag($tag), $tag); $tags[$tag] = $link; } ksort($tags); ?> <div class="post-tags"> <?php foreach ($tags as $link) { echo $link; } ?> </div>
AND po_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT pc_post FROM `' . AE_TABLE_POSTS2CATEGORIES . '` WHERE pc_category = :catId ) '; $params[':catId'] = $ca->getId(); } } else { if (ae_Permalink::isTag()) { $tag = ae_Permalink::getTagName(); $tag = '%' . $tag . '%'; $filter['WHERE'] .= ' AND po_tags LIKE :tag'; $params[':tag'] = $tag; } else { if (ae_Permalink::isUser()) { if (($userId = ae_Permalink::getUserId()) !== FALSE) { $filter['WHERE'] .= ' AND po_user = :user'; $params[':user'] = $userId; } } } } $postList = new ae_PostList($filter, $params); $postList->loadCategories(); $postList->loadNumComments(); ?> <?php while ($post = $postList->next()) { ?>
/** * Initialize by setting the revelant URL part. */ public static function init() { $urlBase = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); array_pop($urlBase); $urlBase = implode('/', $urlBase); self::$regex['category'] = str_replace('%CATEGORY_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_CATEGORY, self::$regex['category']); self::$regex['offset'] = str_replace('%OFFSET_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_OFFSET, self::$regex['offset']); self::$regex['page'] = str_replace('%PAGE_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_PAGE, self::$regex['page']); self::$regex['post'] = str_replace('%POST_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_POST, self::$regex['post']); self::$regex['tag'] = str_replace('%TAG_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_TAG, self::$regex['tag']); self::$regex['user'] = str_replace('%USER_BASE%', PERMALINK_BASE_USER, self::$regex['user']); self::$url = str_replace('?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); self::$url = str_replace($urlBase, '', self::$url); self::$url = preg_replace(';/index.php$;', '', self::$url); self::$url = preg_replace(';/$;', '', self::$url); self::$urlNoOffset = preg_replace(self::$regex['offset'], '', self::$url); }
public function testPrepareTag() { $this->assertEquals(ae_Permalink::prepareTag('foo/bär 4'), 'foo_b%C3%A4r%204'); }
} else { if (isset($_GET[PERMALINK_GET_SEARCH])) { $content = 'search'; } else { $content = 'all-posts'; } } } // HTTP 404: Not found if ($content == '404') { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } define('GRAVATAR_BASE', 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/'); define('GRAVATAR_SIZE', 48); define('IS_SINGLE_POST', $content == 'single-post'); define('POSTS_OFFSET', max(ae_Permalink::getPostOffset() - 1, 0)); define('POSTS_PER_PAGE', 5); $sb = new ae_SiteBuilder(); $sb->setBasePath('themes/' . THEME); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <?php include 'head.php'; ?> <body> <?php $sb->render('header.php'); $sb->render('sidebar.php');