Пример #1

$tampil = new admlib();
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$navi = new nav();
echo $tampil->tampilkan_header('home', 'cms');
echo $tampil->tampilkan_menu('cms');
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $app['lib_www'];
    selector: "textarea",theme: "modern",
    plugins: [
         "advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
         "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars insertdatetime media nonbreaking",
         "table contextmenu directionality code smileys paste textcolor responsivefilemanager"
   toolbar1: "undo redo | bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | styleselect",
   toolbar2: "| responsivefilemanager | link unlink anchor | image media | forecolor backcolor | smileys | print preview code ",
   image_advtab: true ,
echo $app["lib_http"];
   filemanager_title:"Responsive Filemanager" ,
   external_plugins: { "filemanager" : "<?php 
Пример #2

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    $tab_negara = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #3

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1 AND a.id_reff ='" . $p_id . "'";
    $tab_provinsi = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #4

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    $tab_bahasa = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #5

include "../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$appx->load_lib('stats', 'url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'file', 'admlib', 'usrlib');
## START #######################################################################
$appx->set_default($act, '');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
$admlibx = new admlib();
$dbu = new db();
$formix = new form();
$msgx = new msg();
if ($act == "" || $act == 'traveler_friend') {
    $pgconfig = $dbu->get_record("konfig", "id", 1);
    if ($_SESSION['adminsession']) {
        header("location: {$app['webmin']}/index.php?act=home");
    } elseif ($_SESSION['membersession']) {
        header("location: {$app['webmin']}/index.php?act=member");
    } else {
        include "dsp_login.php";
* login
* gambaran : validasi login
if ($act == "login") {
Пример #6
 function create_index_dashboard($p_modul, $p_table, $p_column, $p_view, $p_id)
     $folder = str_replace("sam2_", "", $p_table);
     $a = "\$";
     $b = '"';
     if ($p_view == "text") {
         $isi_index = "<?\n\t" . $a . "p_id = '{$p_id}';\n\t" . $a . "p_column[0] = '" . $p_column[0] . "';\n\t" . $a . "p_column[1] = '" . $p_column[1] . "';\n\t" . $a . "folder = '{$folder}';\n\t" . $a . "p_modul = '{$p_modul}';\n\t" . $a . "sql = " . $b . "select * from " . $p_table . " order by (post_date or modify_date) desc limit 4" . $b . ";\n\t{$dbu->query}(" . $a . "sql," . $a . "rs['data']," . $a . "nr['data']);\t\n\t" . $a . "thumbnail = {$dbu->lookup}(" . $b . "thumbnail" . $b . "," . $b . "dashboard" . $b . "," . $b . "table_name = '" . $p_table . "'" . $b . ");\n\tinclude 'template_text.php';\n\t?>";
     } elseif ($p_view == "image") {
         $isi_index = "<?\n\t" . $a . "p_id = '{$p_id}';\n\t" . $a . "p_column[0] = '" . $p_column[1] . "';\n\t" . $a . "p_column[1] = '" . $p_column[0] . "';\n\t" . $a . "folder = '{$folder}';\n\t" . $a . "p_modul = '{$p_modul}';\n\t" . $a . "sql = " . $b . "select * from " . $p_table . " order by (post_date or modify_date) desc limit 4" . $b . ";\n\t{$dbu->query}(" . $a . "sql," . $a . "rs['gallery']," . $a . "nr['gallery']);\t\n\t" . $a . "thumbnail = {$dbu->lookup}(" . $b . "thumbnail" . $b . "," . $b . "dashboard" . $b . "," . $b . "table_name = '" . $p_table . "'" . $b . ");\n\tinclude 'template_image.php';\n\t?>";
     } elseif ($p_view == "grid") {
         $isi_index = "<?\n\t" . $a . "p_id = '{$p_id}';\n\t" . $a . "title = '" . $p_column[0] . "';\n\t" . $a . "post_date = '" . $p_column[1] . "';\n\t" . $a . "modif = '" . $p_column[2] . "';\n\t" . $a . "folder = '{$folder}';\n\t" . $a . "p_modul = '{$p_modul}';\n\t" . $a . "sql = " . $b . "select * from " . $p_table . " order by post_date desc , modify_date desc limit 4" . $b . ";\n\t{$dbu->query}(" . $a . "sql," . $a . "rs['data']," . $a . "nr['data']);\t\n\t" . $a . "thumbnail = {$dbu->lookup}(" . $b . "thumbnail" . $b . "," . $b . "dashboard" . $b . "," . $b . "table_name = '" . $p_table . "'" . $b . ");\n\tinclude 'template_grid.php';\n\t?>";
     } elseif ($p_view == "chart") {
         $isi_index = "<?\n\t" . $a . "axis = " . $b . "" . $b . ";\n\t" . $a . "data = " . $b . "" . $b . ";\n\t" . $a . "p_id = '{$p_id}';\n\t" . $a . "folder = '{$folder}';\n\t" . $a . "p_modul = '{$p_modul}';\n\t" . $a . "tot = {$dbu->lookup}('sum(hit)', '{$folder}', 0, 0);\n\t" . $a . "where = 'and 1=1';\n\t" . $a . "field='sum(hit)';\n\t" . $a . "rs['data'] = {$dbu->get_recordset}('{$folder}'," . $b . "published = 'active'" . $b . ");\n\twhile(" . $a . "chart = {$dbu->fetch}(" . $a . "rs['data'])):\n\t\t" . $a . "axis .= " . $b . "'" . $b . "." . $a . "chart['" . $p_column[0] . "']." . $b . "', " . $b . ";\n\t\t" . $a . "x['counter']= ({$dbu->lookup}(" . $b . "" . $a . "field" . $b . ", '{$folder}', " . $b . $p_column[0] . "='" . $b . "." . $a . "chart['" . $p_column[0] . "']." . $b . "' " . $a . "where" . $b . "));\n\t\tif(" . $a . "x['counter']==NULL){" . $a . "x['counter']=0;}\n\t\t" . $a . "data .=sprintf(" . $b . "%.2f" . $b . ", " . $a . "x['counter']/" . $a . "tot * 100)." . $b . "," . $b . ";\n\tendwhile;\t\n\t" . $a . "thumbnail = {$dbu->lookup}(" . $b . "thumbnail" . $b . "," . $b . "dashboard" . $b . "," . $b . "table_name = '" . $p_table . "'" . $b . ");\n\tinclude 'template_chart.php';\n\t?>";
     $filename = "../{$app['pwebmin']}/modul/{$p_view}/index_" . $folder . ".php";
     admlib::create_file($filename, $isi_index);
Пример #7

$tampil = new admlib();
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$navi = new nav();
echo $tampil->tampilkan_header('home', 'cms');
echo $tampil->tampilkan_menu('cms');
      <script src="<?php 
echo $app["lib_cms"];
      <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo $app['lib_www'];
<div class="content">
if ($_SESSION['msg'] != "") {
    <div class="box">
    <div class="box-<?php 
    echo $_SESSION["alt"];
"><span class="ion-information-circled"></span> information</div>
    <div class="box-content" style="vertical-align:center;">
    echo $_SESSION["msg"];
Пример #8

if (!empty($_SESSION['adminsession'])) {
    $appx = new app();
    $admlibx = new admlib();
<div class="sidebar">
      <div id="nav">
          <li><a href="<?php 
    echo $app['webmin'];
/home/" <?php 
    echo preg_match("/cmshome/i", $app['aktip']) ? "class='active'" : "";
              <li><a href="#" <?php 
    echo preg_match("/cms_cpass/i", $app['aktip']) ? "class='active'" : "";
>rubah password</a></li>
              <li><a href="<?php 
    echo $app['webmin'];
/index.php?act=logout" <?php 
    echo preg_match("/cms_logout/i", $app['aktip']) ? "class='active'" : "";
Пример #9

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'file', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$filex = new file();
$appx->set_default($act, 'update');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : change
if ($act == "update") {
    if ($step == "1") {
        $config = $dbu->get_record("konfig", "id", 1);
        $form = $config;
        include "tmp_config.php";
    if ($step == "2") {
Пример #10

$tampil = new admlib();
$appx = new app();
$msgx = new msg();
echo $tampil->tampilkan_header('', 'login');
    <div class="splash">
      <div id="form-div">
        <p id="judul-cms">CM. SYSTEM</p>
        <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <input class="itext-username" name="p_uname" type="text" placeholder="USER NAME">
          <input class="itext-password" name="p_pwdx" type="password" placeholder="PASSWORD">
          <input class="ibutt-login" type="button" value="LOGIN" onClick="set_action(this, 'login')">
		  <input type="hidden" name="act">
echo $tampil->tampilkan_footer('login');
Пример #11

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    $tab_negara = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #12

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
        $_SESSION["fcari"] = $_REQUEST["fcari"];
Пример #13

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    $tab_negara = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #14
 function save_file_multiple($filename, $folder, $ke, $prefix = "")
     global $app;
     $field = substr($filename, 2);
     $new_name = $prefix . strtoupper(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) . substr($_FILES[$filename][name][$ke], -4, 4);
     if (!@copy($_FILES[$filename][tmp_name][$ke], $folder . '/' . $new_name)) {
         admlib::display_msg($app[lang][error]['title'], "{$app[lang][field][$field]} {$app[lang][error]['ERR_COPY']}");
     return $new_name;
Пример #15

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1 AND a.id_komunitas ='" . $p_id . "'";
    $tab_provinsi = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Пример #16

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
        $_SESSION["fcari"] = $_REQUEST["fcari"];