Пример #1
 function createaddress()
     global $db, $user;
     if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
         // save the address, make it default if it is the users first one
         $address = new address();
         $count = $address->find('count', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
         if ($count == 0) {
             $this->params['is_default'] = 1;
         $this->params['user_id'] = $user->id;
         // set the billing/shipping method
         if (isset($this->params['addresstype'])) {
             if ($this->params['addresstype'] == 'shipping') {
                 $shipping = new shipping();
             } elseif ($this->params['addresstype'] == 'billing') {
                 $billing = new billing();
     redirect_to(array('controller' => 'cart', 'action' => 'checkout'));
Пример #2
 public function getForcedShippingMethod()
     global $db, $user;
     $forced_calc = '';
     $forced_method = '';
     foreach ($this->orderitem as $item) {
         if (!empty($item->product->required_shipping_method)) {
             $method = new shippingmethod($item->shippingmethods_id);
             $forced_calc = $item->product->required_shipping_calculator_id;
             $forced_method = $item->product->required_shipping_method;
             $this->forced_shipping = true;
             $this->product_forcing_shipping = $item->product;
             $this->forcing_shipping_reason = $item->product->title;
     #FJD - TODOD: this will require some more work; eg. combining a free shipping discount code with a
     #product in the cart that is also forcing shipping.  He coupon could require the lowest shipping
     #method, but the product could require overnight or a high-end shipping, so we need to account for this
     //check discounts requiring forced shipping
     if ($forced_calc == '') {
         $o = new order_discounts();
         $ods = $o->find('all', 'orders_id=' . $this->id);
         foreach ($ods as $od) {
             if ($od->requiresForcedShipping()) {
                 $method = new shippingmethod($this->orderitem[0]->shippingmethods_id);
                 $forced_calc = $od->getRequiredShippingCalculatorId();
                 $forced_method = $od->getRequiredShippingMethod();
                 $this->forced_shipping = true;
                 $this->forcing_shipping_reason = gt('The discount code you are using');
     // if this shippingmethod doesn't have an address assigned to it, lets check and see if this
     // user has set one up yet and default to that if so
     if (empty($method->addresses_id) && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
         $address = new address();
         $addy = $address->find('first', 'user_id=' . $user->id . '  AND is_default=1');
         if (!empty($addy->id)) {
     $calcname = $db->selectValue('shippingcalculator', 'calculator_name', 'id=' . $forced_calc);
     $calculator = new $calcname($forced_calc);
     $rates = $calculator->getRates($this);
     $rate = $rates[$forced_method];
     $method->update(array('option' => $forced_method, 'option_title' => $rate['title'], 'shipping_cost' => $rate['cost'], 'shippingcalculator_id' => $forced_calc));
     return $method;
Пример #3
 public function __construct($id = null)
     global $user;
     // if an ID is passed in we'll look up the cart from the database...it means this is
     // probably a completed order an admin is looking at it via the order admin interface.
     //if (empty($id)) {
     //    global $order;
     //} else {
     //$order = new order($id);
             // check for this users billing method object.  If it hasn't been created yet then lets do it now.
             if (empty($order->billingmethod)) {
                 $order->billingmethod[0] = new billingmethod();
             } */
     //if (empty($order->billingmethod[0]->addresses_id) && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
     //if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
     if ($id == null) {
         // since this is a new billingmethod object, lets initialize it with the users billing address.
         global $order;
         $address = new address();
         //FJD $defaultaddy = $address->find('first', 'user_id='.$user->id.' AND is_default=1');
         if (empty($order->billingmethod)) {
             $order->billingmethod[0] = new billingmethod();
             $order->billingmethod[0]->update(array('orders_id' => @$order->id));
             // @ added to ditch notice when ecom is off
         $billingAddy = $address->find('first', 'user_id=' . $user->id . ' AND is_billing=1');
     } else {
         $order = new order($id);
         if (empty($order->id)) {
             return false;
     $this->address = new address($order->billingmethod[0]->addresses_id);
     //$this->address = new address($order->billingmethod[0]->id);
     $this->available_calculators = billing::listAvailableCalculators();
     $this->selectable_calculators = $this->selectableCalculators();
     $this->calculator_views = $this->getCalcViews();
     // if there is only one available calculator we'll force it on the user
     // also if the user hasn't selected a calculator yet well set it to a default.
     $number_of_calculators = count($this->available_calculators);
     if ($number_of_calculators == 1 || empty($order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator_id)) {
         $calcid = key($this->available_calculators);
         $order->billingmethod[0]->update(array('billingcalculator_id' => $calcid));
     if ($number_of_calculators > 0) {
         $calcname = $this->available_calculators[$order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator_id];
         $this->calculator = new $calcname($order->billingmethod[0]->billingcalculator_id);
     } else {
         $this->calculator = null;
     $this->billingmethod = $order->billingmethod[0];
     $options = unserialize($this->billingmethod->billing_options);
     $this->info = empty($this->calculator->id) ? '' : $this->calculator->userView($options);
     foreach ($this->available_calculators as $key => $item) {
         $calc = new $item($key);
         $this->form[$key] = $calc->userForm();
     // eDebug($this->form, true);
Пример #4
 public function __construct()
     global $order, $user;
     if (empty($order->id)) {
         return false;
     $existing_shippingmethods = $order->getShippingMethods();
     $this->available_calculators = $this->listAvailableCalculators();
     $this->selectable_calculators = $this->selectableCalculators();
     if (count($existing_shippingmethods) == 1) {
         if ($order->forcedShipping()) {
             $this->shippingmethod = $order->getForcedShippingMethod();
             $this->forced_shipping = true;
         } else {
             $this->shippingmethod = $order->getCurrentShippingMethod();
         // if this shippingmethod doesn't have an address assigned to it, lets check and see if this
         // user has set one up yet and default to that if so
         //if (empty($this->shippingmethod->addresses_id) && $user->isLoggedIn()) {
         if ($user->id != 0) {
             $address = new address();
             $addy = $address->find('first', 'user_id=' . $user->id . '  AND is_shipping=1');
             if (empty($addy->id)) {
                 $addy = $address->find('first', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
             if (!empty($addy->id)) {
         $this->address = new address($this->shippingmethod->addresses_id);
         $number_of_calculators = count($this->available_calculators);
         if ($number_of_calculators == 1 || empty($this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id)) {
             $calcid = key($this->available_calculators);
             if ($this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id != $calcid) {
                 $this->shippingmethod->update(array('shippingcalculator_id' => $calcid));
         if (!empty($this->available_calculators) && !empty($this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id)) {
             if (isset($this->available_calculators[$this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id])) {
                 $calcname = $this->available_calculators[$this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id];
             } else {
                 //recently reconfigured/disabled shipping calc that was already set in the object, so default to the first one available
                 $key = array_shift(array_keys($this->available_calculators));
                 $calcname = $this->available_calculators[$key];
                 $this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id = $key;
             $this->calculator = new $calcname($this->shippingmethod->shippingcalculator_id);
         } else {
             $this->calculator = null;
     } else {
         eDebug("Error in shipping constuctor.", true);
         //NO split shipping for now
         /*$this->splitshipping = true;
           $this->splitmethods = array();
           foreach ($existing_shippingmethods as $smid) {
               $method = new shippingmethod($smid);
               if ($method->requiresShipping()) {
                   $this->splitmethods[$method->id] = $method;
                   $this->splitmethods[$method->id]->orderitem = $order->getOrderitemsByShippingmethod($method->id);
           } */
Пример #5
 public function viewuser()
     $u = new user($this->params['id']);
     $address = new address();
     $billings = $address->find('all', 'user_id=' . $u->id . ' AND is_billing = 1');
     $shippings = $address->find('all', 'user_id=' . $u->id . ' AND is_shipping = 1');
     // build out a SQL query that gets all the data we need and is sortable.
     $sql = 'SELECT o.*, b.firstname as firstname, b.billing_cost as total, b.middlename as middlename, b.lastname as lastname, os.title as status, ot.title as order_type ';
     $sql .= 'FROM ' . DB_TABLE_PREFIX . '_orders o, ' . DB_TABLE_PREFIX . '_billingmethods b, ';
     $sql .= DB_TABLE_PREFIX . '_order_status os, ';
     $sql .= DB_TABLE_PREFIX . '_order_type ot ';
     $sql .= 'WHERE o.id = b.orders_id AND o.order_status_id = os.id AND o.order_type_id = ot.id AND o.purchased > 0 AND user_id =' . $u->id;
     $limit = empty($this->config['limit']) ? 50 : $this->config['limit'];
     //eDebug($sql, true);
     $orders = new expPaginator(array('controller' => $this->params['controller'], 'action' => $this->params['action'], 'sql' => $sql, 'order' => 'purchased', 'dir' => 'DESC', 'limit' => $limit, 'columns' => array('Order #' => 'invoice_id', 'Total' => 'total', 'Date Purchased' => 'purchased', 'Type' => 'order_type_id', 'Status' => 'order_status_id', 'Ref' => 'orig_referrer')));
     assign_to_template(array('u' => $u, 'billings' => $billings, 'shippings' => $shippings, 'orders' => $orders));
Пример #6
 function postProcess($order, $params)
     //check order types and create new user if necessary
     global $db, $user;
     $ot = new order_type($order->order_type_id);
     if ($ot->creates_new_user == true) {
         $addy = new address($order->billingmethod[0]->addresses_id);
         $newUser = new user();
         $newUser->username = $addy->email . time();
         //make a unique username
         $password = md5(time() . rand(50, 00));
         //generate random password
         $newUser->setPassword($password, $password);
         $newUser->email = $addy->email;
         $newUser->firstname = $addy->firstname;
         $newUser->lastname = $addy->lastname;
         $newUser->is_system_user = false;
         $addy->user_id = $newUser->id;
         $addy->is_default = true;
         $order->user_id = $newUser->id;
         if ($order->orderitem[0]->shippingmethod->addresses_id != $addy->id) {
             $addy = new address($order->orderitem[0]->shippingmethod->addresses_id);
             $addy->user_id = $newUser->id;
             $addy->is_default = false;
         //make sure current user is good to go
         $defAddy = $addy->find('first', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
         $obj->id = $defAddy->id;
         $db->setUniqueFlag($obj, 'addresses', 'is_default', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
         $db->setUniqueFlag($obj, 'addresses', 'is_shipping', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
         $db->setUniqueFlag($obj, 'addresses', 'is_billing', 'user_id=' . $user->id);
     return true;