Пример #1
	<p id="error" class='pad'></p>
if (isset($_GET['add']) && $_GET['add'] == 1 && isset($_GET['musicpath'])) {
    echo "<p class='pad'>";
    echo "<img src='img/progress_bar.gif' /><br/><br/>New Music is being added.  This could take several minutes.<br/>";
    echo "</p>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['musicpath']) && is_dir($_GET['musicpath'])) {
    echo "<p class='pad'>";
    $path = $_GET['musicpath'];
    if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') {
        $path .= "/";
    $addMusic = new addMusic();
    $addMusic->getSongs($path, $songs);
    $songsAdded = $addMusic->insertSongs();
    //$songsAdded = $addMusic->insertSongs($addMusic->getSongs($path,&$songs));
    echo "<br/>Added <strong>{$songsAdded} Songs</strong> To The Database";
    echo "</p>";
} elseif (isset($_FILES['musicfile']['name'])) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo $_FILES['musicfile']['tmp_name'];
    echo "<br/>" . $_FILES['musicfile']['name'];
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['musicfile']['tmp_name'], $GLOBALS[upload_path] . "/" . $_FILES['musicfile']['name']);
} else {
    echo "<form action='add.php' method='get' onsubmit='return validator()'>\n";
    echo "<p class='pad'><input type='hidden' value=1 name='add' /><input type='text' onfocus='this.select()' name='musicpath' id='musicpath' size='45' id='musicpath' value='/path/to/music' /><br/><br/>";
    echo "<input type='submit' value='add music' class='btn' /><br/><br/>Be Patient While Music is Added. It could take several minutes.</p>";
Пример #2
		<h1>mp3act Add Music</h1>
		Enter a music directory on the server or upload a file.
	<p id="error" class='pad'></p>
if (isset($_GET['add']) && $_GET['add'] == 1 && isset($_GET['musicpath'])) {
    $path = $_GET['musicpath'];
    if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] != '/') {
        $path .= "/";
    // otherwise progress isn't shown!
    echo "<div class='box'><div class=\"head\"><h2>Import results</h2></div><ul>";
    $addMusic = new addMusic();
    $addMusic->getSongs($path, $songs, $errors);
    $songsAdded = $addMusic->insertSongs();
    echo "<li>Added <strong>{$songsAdded} Songs</strong> To The Database</li>";
    echo "</ul></div>";
} elseif (isset($_FILES['musicfile']['name'])) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo $_FILES['musicfile']['tmp_name'];
    echo "<br/>" . $_FILES['musicfile']['name'];
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['musicfile']['tmp_name'], $GLOBALS[upload_path] . "/" . $_FILES['musicfile']['name']);
} else {
    echo "<form action='add.php' method='get' onsubmit='return validator()'>\n";
    echo "<p class='pad'><input type='hidden' value=1 name='add' /><input type='text' onfocus='this.select()' name='musicpath' id='musicpath' size='45' id='musicpath' value='/path/to/music' /><br/><br/>";
    echo "<input type='submit' value='add music' class='btn' /><br/><br/>Be Patient While Music is Added. It could take several minutes.</p>";
    echo "</form>";
Пример #3
 // no time limit, this can take a while eh!
 // otherwise progress isn't shown!
 echo "<div class='box'><div class=\"head\"><h2>Import results</h2></div><ul>";
 $addMusic = new addMusic();
 /* start by doing directories. progress per directory. */
 if (count($queuedirs) > 0) {
     foreach ($queuedirs as $importdir) {
         echo "<li>Importing directory {$importdir}</li>";
         if ($path[strlen($importdir) - 1] != '/') {
             $importdir .= "/";
         $addMusic->getSongs($importdir, $songs);
         $songsAdded = $addMusic->insertSongs();
         echo "<li>Added <strong>{$songsAdded} Songs</strong> To The Database</li>";
 /* then do files. here we can have one progress bar for all! */
 if (count($queuefiles) > 0) {
     echo "<li>Adding separate songs to the database</li>";
     $last_timestamp = 0;
     $getID3 = new getID3();
     $songsAdded = 0;
     $num_files = count($queuefiles);
     foreach ($queuefiles as $importfile) {
         echo "<li>Importing file {$importfile}</li>";
         /* Set the database status */