Пример #1
  * Constructs the object.
  * @param moodle_url $url The URL for the action.
  * @param pix_icon $icon The icon to represent the action.
  * @param string $text The text to represent the action.
  * @param bool $primary Whether this is a primary action or not.
  * @param array $attributes Any attribtues associated with the action.
 public function __construct(moodle_url $url, pix_icon $icon = null, $text, $primary = true, array $attributes = array())
     parent::__construct($url, $text, null, $attributes, $icon);
     $this->primary = (bool) $primary;
     $this->attributes['role'] = 'menuitem';
Пример #2
     * Export for template.
     * @param renderer_base $output The renderer.
     * @return stdClass
    public function export_for_template(renderer_base $output) {
        static $instance = 1;

        $data = parent::export_for_template($output);
        $data->instance = $instance++;

        // Ignore what the parent did with the attributes, except for ID and class.
        $data->attributes = [];
        $attributes = $this->attributes;

        // Handle text being a renderable.
        $comparetoalt = $this->text;
        if ($this->text instanceof renderable) {
            $data->text = $this->render($this->text);
            $comparetoalt = '';
        $comparetoalt = (string) $comparetoalt;

        $data->showtext = (!$this->icon || $this->primary === false);

        $data->icon = null;
        if ($this->icon) {
            $icon = $this->icon;
            if ($this->primary || !$this->actionmenu->will_be_enhanced()) {
                $attributes['title'] = $data->text;
            if (!$this->primary && $this->actionmenu->will_be_enhanced()) {
                if ((string) $icon->attributes['alt'] === $comparetoalt) {
                    $icon->attributes['alt'] = '';
                if (isset($icon->attributes['title']) && (string) $icon->attributes['title'] === $comparetoalt) {
            $data->icon = $icon ? $icon->export_for_template($output) : null;

        $data->disabled = !empty($attributes['disabled']);

        $data->attributes = array_map(function($key, $value) {
            return [
                'name' => $key,
                'value' => $value
        }, array_keys($attributes), $attributes);

        return $data;
Пример #3
  * Renders an action_link object.
  * The provided link is renderer and the HTML returned. At the same time the
  * associated actions are setup in JS by {@link core_renderer::add_action_handler()}
  * @param action_link $link
  * @return string HTML fragment
 protected function render_action_link(action_link $link)
     return $this->render_from_template('core/action_link', $link->export_for_template($this));
Пример #4
  * Output the html for a single section page .
  * @param stdClass $course The course entry from DB
  * @param array $sections The course_sections entries from the DB
  * @param array $mods used for print_section()
  * @param array $modnames used for print_section()
  * @param array $modnamesused used for print_section()
  * @param int $displaysection The section number in the course which is being displayed
 public function print_single_section_page($course, $sections, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesused, $displaysection)
     global $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
     $real_course_display = $course->realcoursedisplay;
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
     $course = course_get_format($course)->get_course();
     $course->realcoursedisplay = $real_course_display;
     $sections = $modinfo->get_section_info_all();
     // Can we view the section in question?
     $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $canviewhidden = has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddensections', $context);
     if (!isset($sections[$displaysection])) {
         // This section doesn't exist
         print_error('unknowncoursesection', 'error', null, $course->fullname);
     // Copy activity clipboard..
     echo $this->course_activity_clipboard($course, $displaysection);
     // General section if non-empty and course_display is multiple.
     if ($course->realcoursedisplay == COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE) {
         $thissection = $sections[0];
         if (($thissection->visible && $thissection->available || $canviewhidden) && ($thissection->summary || $thissection->sequence || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
             echo $this->start_section_list();
             echo $this->section_header($thissection, $course, true);
             echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_cm_list($course, $thissection, $displaysection);
             echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_add_cm_control($course, 0, $displaysection);
             echo $this->section_footer();
             echo $this->end_section_list();
     // Start single-section div
     echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'single-section onetopic'));
     //Move controls
     $can_move = false;
     if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:movesections', $context) && $displaysection > 0) {
         $can_move = true;
     $move_list_html = '';
     $count_move_sections = 0;
     //Init custom tabs
     $section = 0;
     $sectionmenu = array();
     $tabs = array();
     $inactive_tabs = array();
     $default_topic = -1;
     while ($section <= $course->numsections) {
         if ($course->realcoursedisplay == COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE && $section == 0) {
         $thissection = $sections[$section];
         $showsection = true;
         if (!$thissection->visible || !$thissection->available) {
             $showsection = false;
         } else {
             if ($section == 0 && !($thissection->summary || $thissection->sequence || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) {
                 $showsection = false;
         if (!$showsection) {
             $showsection = $canviewhidden || !$course->hiddensections;
         if (isset($displaysection)) {
             if ($showsection) {
                 if ($default_topic < 0) {
                     $default_topic = $section;
                     if ($displaysection == 0) {
                         $displaysection = $default_topic;
                 $format_options = course_get_format($course)->get_format_options($thissection);
                 $sectionname = get_section_name($course, $thissection);
                 if ($displaysection != $section) {
                     $sectionmenu[$section] = $sectionname;
                 $custom_styles = '';
                 $level = 0;
                 if (is_array($format_options)) {
                     if (!empty($format_options['fontcolor'])) {
                         $custom_styles .= 'color: ' . $format_options['fontcolor'] . ';';
                     if (!empty($format_options['bgcolor'])) {
                         $custom_styles .= 'background-color: ' . $format_options['bgcolor'] . ';';
                     if (!empty($format_options['cssstyles'])) {
                         $custom_styles .= $format_options['cssstyles'] . ';';
                     if (isset($format_options['level'])) {
                         $level = $format_options['level'];
                 if ($section == 0) {
                     $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'section' => 0));
                 } else {
                     $url = course_get_url($course, $section);
                 $special_style = 'tab_position_' . $section . ' tab_level_' . $level;
                 if ($course->marker == $section) {
                     $special_style = ' marker ';
                 if (!$thissection->visible || !$thissection->available) {
                     $special_style .= ' dimmed ';
                     if (!$canviewhidden) {
                         $inactive_tabs[] = "tab_topic_" . $section;
                 $new_tab = new tabobject("tab_topic_" . $section, $url, '<div style="' . $custom_styles . '" class="tab_content ' . $special_style . '">' . s($sectionname) . "</div>", s($sectionname));
                 if (is_array($format_options) && isset($format_options['level'])) {
                     if ($format_options['level'] == 0 || count($tabs) == 0) {
                         $tabs[] = $new_tab;
                         $new_tab->level = 1;
                     } else {
                         $parent_index = count($tabs) - 1;
                         if (!is_array($tabs[$parent_index]->subtree)) {
                             $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree = array();
                         } else {
                             if (count($tabs[$parent_index]->subtree) == 0) {
                                 $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[0] = clone $tabs[$parent_index];
                                 $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[0]->id .= '_index';
                                 $parent_section = $sections[$section - 1];
                                 $parentformat_options = course_get_format($course)->get_format_options($parent_section);
                                 if ($parentformat_options['firsttabtext']) {
                                     $firsttab_text = $parentformat_options['firsttabtext'];
                                 } else {
                                     $firsttab_text = get_string('index', 'format_onetopic');
                                 $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[0]->text = '<div class="tab_content tab_initial">' . $firsttab_text . "</div>";
                                 $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[0]->level = 2;
                                 if ($displaysection == $section - 1) {
                                     $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[0]->selected = true;
                         $new_tab->level = 2;
                         $tabs[$parent_index]->subtree[] = $new_tab;
                 } else {
                     $tabs[] = $new_tab;
                 //Init move section list***************************************************************************
                 if ($can_move) {
                     if ($section > 0) {
                         // Move section
                         $baseurl = course_get_url($course, $displaysection);
                         $baseurl->param('sesskey', sesskey());
                         $url = clone $baseurl;
                         $url->param('move', $section - $displaysection);
                         //ToDo: For new feature: subtabs. It is not implemented yet
                         $strsubtopictoright = get_string('subtopictoright', 'format_onetopic');
                         $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id, 'subtopicmove' => 'right', 'subtopic' => $section));
                         $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('t/right', $strsubtopictoright);
                         $subtopic_move = html_writer::link($url, $icon.get_accesshide($strsubtopictoright), array('class' => 'subtopic-increase-sections'));
                         if ($displaysection != $section) {
                             $move_list_html .= html_writer::tag('li', $subtopic_move . html_writer::link($url, $sectionname));
                         else {
                             $move_list_html .= html_writer::tag('li', $subtopic_move . $sectionname);
                         //Define class from sublevels in order to move a margen in the left. Not apply if it is the first element (condition !empty($move_list_html)) because the first element can't be a sublevel
                         $li_class = '';
                         if (is_array($format_options) && isset($format_options['level']) && $format_options['level'] > 0 && !empty($move_list_html)) {
                             $li_class = 'sublevel';
                         if ($displaysection != $section) {
                             $move_list_html .= html_writer::tag('li', html_writer::link($url, $sectionname), array('class' => $li_class));
                         } else {
                             $move_list_html .= html_writer::tag('li', $sectionname, array('class' => $li_class));
                 //End move section list***************************************************************************
     // Title with section navigation links.
     $sectionnavlinks = $this->get_nav_links($course, $sections, $displaysection);
     $sectiontitle = '';
     if (!$course->hidetabsbar && count($tabs[0]) > 0) {
         if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) {
             // Increase number of sections.
             $straddsection = get_string('increasesections', 'moodle');
             $url = new moodle_url('/course/changenumsections.php', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'increase' => true, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
             $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('t/switch_plus', $straddsection);
             $tabs[] = new tabobject("tab_topic_add", $url, $icon, s($straddsection));
             if ($course->numsections > 0) {
                 // Reduce number of sections.
                 $strremovesection = get_string('reducesections', 'moodle');
                 $url = new moodle_url('/course/changenumsections.php', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'increase' => false, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
                 $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('t/switch_minus', $strremovesection);
                 $tabs[] = new tabobject("tab_topic_remove", $url, $icon, s($strremovesection));
         $sectiontitle .= $OUTPUT->tabtree($tabs, "tab_topic_" . $displaysection, $inactive_tabs);
         //print_tabs($tabs, "tab_topic_" . $displaysection, $inactive_tabs, $active_tabs, true);
     echo $sectiontitle;
     if (!$sections[$displaysection]->uservisible && !$canviewhidden) {
         if (!$course->hiddensections) {
             //Not used more, is controled in /course/view.php
         // Can't view this section.
     } else {
         if ($course->realcoursedisplay != COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE || $displaysection !== 0) {
             // Now the list of sections..
             echo $this->start_section_list();
             // The requested section page.
             $thissection = $sections[$displaysection];
             echo $this->section_header($thissection, $course, true);
             // Show completion help icon.
             $completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
             echo $completioninfo->display_help_icon();
             echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_cm_list($course, $thissection, $displaysection);
             echo $this->courserenderer->course_section_add_cm_control($course, $displaysection, $displaysection);
             echo $this->section_footer();
             echo $this->end_section_list();
     // Display section bottom navigation.
     $sectionbottomnav = '';
     $sectionbottomnav .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'section-navigation mdl-bottom'));
     $sectionbottomnav .= html_writer::tag('span', $sectionnavlinks['previous'], array('class' => 'mdl-left'));
     $sectionbottomnav .= html_writer::tag('span', $sectionnavlinks['next'], array('class' => 'mdl-right'));
     $sectionbottomnav .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
     echo $sectionbottomnav;
     // close single-section div.
     echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
     if ($PAGE->user_is_editing() && has_capability('moodle/course:update', $context)) {
         echo '<br class="utilities-separator" />';
         print_collapsible_region_start('move-list-box clearfix collapsible mform', 'course_format_onetopic_config_movesection', get_string('utilities', 'format_onetopic'), '', true);
         //Move controls
         if ($can_move && !empty($move_list_html)) {
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-item clearfix");
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-label");
             echo html_writer::tag('label', get_string('movesectionto', 'format_onetopic'));
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-setting");
             echo html_writer::tag('ul', $move_list_html, array('class' => 'move-list'));
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-description");
             echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('movesectionto_help', 'format_onetopic'));
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::end_div();
         $baseurl = course_get_url($course, $displaysection);
         $baseurl->param('sesskey', sesskey());
         $url = clone $baseurl;
         global $USER, $OUTPUT;
         if (isset($USER->onetopic_da[$course->id]) && $USER->onetopic_da[$course->id]) {
             $url->param('onetopic_da', 0);
             $text_button_disableajax = get_string('enable', 'format_onetopic');
         } else {
             $url->param('onetopic_da', 1);
             $text_button_disableajax = get_string('disable', 'format_onetopic');
         echo html_writer::start_div("form-item clearfix");
         echo html_writer::start_div("form-label");
         echo html_writer::tag('label', get_string('disableajax', 'format_onetopic'));
         echo html_writer::end_div();
         echo html_writer::start_div("form-setting");
         echo html_writer::link($url, $text_button_disableajax);
         echo html_writer::end_div();
         echo html_writer::start_div("form-description");
         echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('disableajax_help', 'format_onetopic'));
         echo html_writer::end_div();
         echo html_writer::end_div();
         //Duplicate current section option
         if (has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $context)) {
             $url_duplicate = new moodle_url('/course/format/onetopic/duplicate.php', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'section' => $displaysection, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
             $link = new action_link($url_duplicate, get_string('duplicate', 'format_onetopic'));
             $link->add_action(new confirm_action(get_string('duplicate_confirm', 'format_onetopic'), null, get_string('duplicate', 'format_onetopic')));
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-item clearfix");
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-label");
             echo html_writer::tag('label', get_string('duplicatesection', 'format_onetopic'));
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-setting");
             echo $this->render($link);
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::start_div("form-description");
             echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('duplicatesection_help', 'format_onetopic'));
             echo html_writer::end_div();
             echo html_writer::end_div();