private static function validateJSONItem($json, $libraryID, Zotero_Item $item = null, $isChild, $requestParams, $partialUpdate = false) { $isNew = !$item || !$item->version; if (!is_object($json)) { throw new Exception("Invalid item object (found " . gettype($json) . " '" . $json . "')", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($json->items) && is_array($json->items)) { throw new Exception("An 'items' array is not valid for single-item updates", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $apiVersion = $requestParams['v']; if ($partialUpdate) { $requiredProps = []; } else { if (isset($json->itemType) && $json->itemType == "attachment") { $requiredProps = array('linkMode', 'tags'); } else { if (isset($json->itemType) && $json->itemType == "attachment") { $requiredProps = array('tags'); } else { if ($isNew) { $requiredProps = array('itemType'); } else { if ($apiVersion < 2) { $requiredProps = array('itemType', 'tags'); } else { $requiredProps = array('itemType', 'tags', 'relations'); if (!$isChild) { $requiredProps[] = 'collections'; } } } } } } foreach ($requiredProps as $prop) { if (!isset($json->{$prop})) { throw new Exception("'{$prop}' property not provided", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } // For partial updates where item type isn't provided, use the existing item type if (!isset($json->itemType) && $partialUpdate) { $itemType = Zotero_ItemTypes::getName($item->itemTypeID); } else { $itemType = $json->itemType; } foreach ($json as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { // Handled by Zotero_API::checkJSONObjectVersion() case 'key': case 'version': if ($apiVersion < 3) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'itemKey': case 'itemVersion': if ($apiVersion != 2) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'parentItem': if ($apiVersion < 2) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!Zotero_ID::isValidKey($val) && $val !== false) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' must be a valid item key", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'itemType': if (!is_string($val)) { throw new Exception("'itemType' must be a string", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($isChild || !empty($json->parentItem)) { switch ($val) { case 'note': case 'attachment': break; default: throw new Exception("Child item must be note or attachment", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } else { if ($val == 'attachment' && (!$item || !$item->getSource())) { if ($json->linkMode == 'linked_url' || $json->linkMode == 'imported_url' && (empty($json->contentType) || $json->contentType != 'application/pdf')) { throw new Exception("Only file attachments and PDFs can be top-level items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } if (!Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid itemType", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'tags': if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $tag) { $empty = true; if (is_string($tag)) { if ($tag === "") { throw new Exception("Tag cannot be empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } continue; } if (!is_object($tag)) { throw new Exception("Tag must be an object", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($tag as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'tag': if (!is_scalar($v)) { throw new Exception("Invalid tag name", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($v === "") { throw new Exception("Tag cannot be empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'type': if (!is_numeric($v)) { throw new Exception("Invalid tag type '{$v}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid tag property '{$k}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $empty = false; } if ($empty) { throw new Exception("Tag object is empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'collections': if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($isChild && $val) { throw new Exception("Child items cannot be assigned to collections", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $k) { if (!Zotero_ID::isValidKey($k)) { throw new Exception("'{$k}' is not a valid collection key", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'relations': if ($apiVersion < 2) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!is_object($val) && !(is_array($val) && empty($val))) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an object", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $predicate => $object) { switch ($predicate) { case 'owl:sameAs': case 'dc:replaces': case 'dc:relation': break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported predicate '{$predicate}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $arr = is_string($object) ? [$object] : $object; foreach ($arr as $uri) { if (!preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/\\/(users|groups)\\/[0-9]+\\/(publications\\/)?items\\/[A-Z0-9]{8}$/', $uri)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' values currently must be Zotero item URIs", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } break; case 'creators': if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $creator) { $empty = true; if (!isset($creator->creatorType)) { throw new Exception("creator object must contain 'creatorType'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ((!isset($creator->name) || trim($creator->name) == "") && (!isset($creator->firstName) || trim($creator->firstName) == "") && (!isset($creator->lastName) || trim($creator->lastName) == "")) { // On item creation, ignore single nameless creator, // because that's in the item template that the API returns if (sizeOf($val) == 1 && $isNew) { continue; } else { throw new Exception("creator object must contain 'firstName'/'lastName' or 'name'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } foreach ($creator as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'creatorType': $creatorTypeID = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getID($v); if (!$creatorTypeID) { throw new Exception("'{$v}' is not a valid creator type", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $itemTypeID = Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($itemType); if (!Zotero_CreatorTypes::isValidForItemType($creatorTypeID, $itemTypeID)) { // Allow 'author' in all item types, but reject other invalid creator types if ($creatorTypeID != Zotero_CreatorTypes::getID('author')) { throw new Exception("'{$v}' is not a valid creator type for item type '{$itemType}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'firstName': if (!isset($creator->lastName)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' creator field must be set if 'firstName' is set", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->name)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'lastName': if (!isset($creator->firstName)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' creator field must be set if 'lastName' is set", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->name)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'name': if (isset($creator->firstName)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->lastName)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid creator property '{$k}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $empty = false; } if ($empty) { throw new Exception("Creator object is empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'note': switch ($itemType) { case 'note': case 'attachment': break; default: throw new Exception("'note' property is valid only for note and attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'attachments': case 'notes': if ($apiVersion > 1) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property is no longer supported", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!$isNew) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property is valid only for new items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $child) { // Check child item type ('attachment' or 'note') $t = substr($key, 0, -1); if (isset($child->itemType) && $child->itemType != $t) { throw new Exception("Child {$t} must be of itemType '{$t}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($key == 'note') { if (!isset($child->note)) { throw new Exception("'note' property not provided for child note", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } break; case 'deleted': break; // Attachment properties // Attachment properties case 'linkMode': try { $linkMode = Zotero_Attachments::linkModeNameToNumber($val, true); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid linkMode", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } // Don't allow changing of linkMode if (!$isNew && $linkMode != $item->attachmentLinkMode) { throw new Exception("Cannot change attachment linkMode", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'contentType': case 'charset': case 'filename': case 'md5': case 'mtime': if ($itemType != 'attachment') { throw new Exception("'{$key}' is valid only for attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } switch ($key) { case 'filename': case 'md5': case 'mtime': $lm = isset($json->linkMode) ? $json->linkMode : Zotero_Attachments::linkModeNumberToName($item->attachmentLinkMode); if (strpos(strtolower($lm), 'imported_') !== 0) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' is valid only for imported attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; } switch ($key) { case 'contentType': case 'charset': case 'filename': $propName = 'attachment' . ucwords($key); break; case 'md5': $propName = 'attachmentStorageHash'; break; case 'mtime': $propName = 'attachmentStorageModTime'; break; } if (Zotero_Libraries::getType($libraryID) == 'group') { if ($item && $item->{$propName} !== $val || !$item && $val !== null && $val !== "") { throw new Exception("Cannot change '{$key}' directly in group library", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } else { if ($key == 'md5') { if ($val && !preg_match("/^[a-f0-9]{32}\$/", $val)) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid MD5 hash", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } break; case 'accessDate': if ($apiVersion >= 3 && $val !== '' && $val != 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' && !Zotero_Date::isSQLDate($val) && !Zotero_Date::isSQLDateTime($val) && !Zotero_Date::isISO8601($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' must be in ISO 8601 or UTC 'YYYY-MM-DD[ hh-mm-dd]' format or 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ({$val})", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'dateAdded': if (!Zotero_Date::isSQLDateTime($val) && !Zotero_Date::isISO8601($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' must be in ISO 8601 or UTC 'YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-dd' format", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!$isNew) { // Convert ISO date to SQL date for equality comparison if (Zotero_Date::isISO8601($val)) { $val = Zotero_Date::iso8601ToSQL($val); } if ($val != $item->{$key}) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' cannot be modified for existing items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'dateModified': if (!Zotero_Date::isSQLDateTime($val) && !Zotero_Date::isISO8601($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' must be in ISO 8601 or UTC 'YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-dd' format ({$val})", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; default: if (!Zotero_ItemFields::getID($key)) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected array for property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; } } // Publications libraries have additional restrictions if (Zotero_Libraries::getType($libraryID) == 'publications') { Zotero_Publications::validateJSONItem($json); } }
private function loadItemData() { Z_Core::debug("Loading item data for item {$this->id}"); // TODO: remove? if ($this->loaded['itemData']) { trigger_error("Item data for item {$this->id} already loaded", E_USER_ERROR); } if (!$this->id) { trigger_error('Item ID not set before attempting to load data', E_USER_ERROR); } if (!is_numeric($this->id)) { trigger_error("Invalid itemID '{$this->id}'", E_USER_ERROR); } $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey("itemData"); $fields = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey); if ($fields === false) { $sql = "SELECT fieldID, value FROM itemData WHERE itemID=?"; $stmt = Zotero_DB::getStatement($sql, true, Zotero_Shards::getByLibraryID($this->libraryID)); $fields = Zotero_DB::queryFromStatement($stmt, $this->id); Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $fields ? $fields : array()); } $itemTypeFields = Zotero_ItemFields::getItemTypeFields($this->itemTypeID); if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $this->setField($field['fieldID'], $field['value'], true, true); } } // Mark nonexistent fields as loaded if ($itemTypeFields) { foreach ($itemTypeFields as $fieldID) { if (is_null($this->itemData[$fieldID])) { $this->itemData[$fieldID] = false; } } } $this->loaded['itemData'] = true; }
protected function loadItemData($reload = false) { if ($this->loaded['itemData'] && !$reload) return; Z_Core::debug("Loading item data for item $this->id"); // TODO: remove? if (!$this->id) { trigger_error('Item ID not set before attempting to load data', E_USER_ERROR); } if (!is_numeric($this->id)) { trigger_error("Invalid itemID '$this->id'", E_USER_ERROR); } if ($this->cacheEnabled) { $cacheVersion = 1; $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey("itemData", $cacheVersion . isset(Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_ITEM_DATA) ? "_" . Z_CONFIG::$CACHE_VERSION_ITEM_DATA : "" ); $fields = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey); } else { $fields = false; } if ($fields === false) { $sql = "SELECT fieldID, value FROM itemData WHERE itemID=?"; $stmt = Zotero_DB::getStatement($sql, true, Zotero_Shards::getByLibraryID($this->libraryID)); $fields = Zotero_DB::queryFromStatement($stmt, $this->id); if ($this->cacheEnabled) { Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $fields ? $fields : array()); } } $itemTypeFields = Zotero_ItemFields::getItemTypeFields($this->itemTypeID); if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $this->setField($field['fieldID'], $field['value'], true, true); } } // Mark nonexistent fields as loaded if ($itemTypeFields) { foreach($itemTypeFields as $fieldID) { if (is_null($this->itemData[$fieldID])) { $this->itemData[$fieldID] = false; } } } $this->loaded['itemData'] = true; }
public function newItem() { if (empty($_GET['itemType'])) { $this->e400("'itemType' not provided"); } $itemType = $_GET['itemType']; if ($itemType == 'attachment') { if (empty($_GET['linkMode'])) { $this->e400("linkMode required for itemType=attachment"); } $linkModeName = $_GET['linkMode']; try { $linkMode = Zotero_Attachments::linkModeNameToNumber(strtoupper($linkModeName)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->e400("Invalid linkMode '{$linkModeName}'"); } } $itemTypeID = Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($itemType); if (!$itemTypeID) { $this->e400("Invalid item type '{$itemType}'"); } // TODO: check If-Modified-Since and return 304 if not changed $cacheKey = "newItemJSON_" . $itemTypeID; if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $cacheKey .= "_" . $linkMode; } $ttl = 60; if ($this->queryParams['pprint']) { $cacheKey .= "_pprint"; } $json = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey); if ($json) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo $json; exit; } // Generate template $json = array('itemType' => $itemType); if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $json['linkMode'] = $linkModeName; } $fieldIDs = Zotero_ItemFields::getItemTypeFields($itemTypeID); $first = true; foreach ($fieldIDs as $fieldID) { $fieldName = Zotero_ItemFields::getName($fieldID); if ($itemType == 'attachment' && $fieldName == 'url' && !preg_match('/_url$/', $linkModeName)) { continue; } $json[$fieldName] = ""; if ($first && $itemType != 'note' && $itemType != 'attachment') { $creatorTypeID = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getPrimaryIDForType($itemTypeID); $creatorTypeName = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getName($creatorTypeID); $json['creators'] = array(array('creatorType' => $creatorTypeName, 'firstName' => '', 'lastName' => '')); $first = false; } } if ($itemType == 'note' || $itemType == 'attachment') { $json['note'] = ''; } $json['tags'] = array(); if ($itemType != 'note' && $itemType != 'attachment') { $json['attachments'] = array(); $json['notes'] = array(); } if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $json['contentType'] = ''; $json['charset'] = ''; if (preg_match('/^imported_/', $linkModeName)) { $json['filename'] = ''; $json['md5'] = null; $json['mtime'] = null; //$json['zip'] = false; } } header("Content-Type: application/json"); if ($this->queryParams['pprint']) { $json = Zotero_Utilities::json_encode_pretty($json); Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $json, $ttl); } else { $json = json_encode($json); Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $json, $ttl); } echo $json; exit; }
public static function checkUploadForErrors($syncProcessID) { Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); if (Z_Core::probability(30)) { $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET started=NULL, errorCheck=0 WHERE started IS NOT NULL AND errorCheck=1 AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstarted < (NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) AND finished IS NULL"; Zotero_DB::query($sql); } // Get a queued process that hasn't been error-checked and is large enough to warrant it $sql = "SELECT * FROM syncUploadQueue WHERE started IS NULL AND errorCheck=0\n\t\t\t\tAND dataLength>=" . self::$minErrorCheckSize . " ORDER BY added LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE"; $row = Zotero_DB::rowQuery($sql); // No pending processes if (!$row) { Zotero_DB::commit(); return 0; } $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET started=NOW(), errorCheck=1 WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, array($row['syncUploadQueueID'])); // We track error processes as upload processes that just get reset back to // started=NULL on completion (but with errorCheck=2) self::addUploadProcess($row['userID'], null, $row['syncUploadQueueID'], $syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); try { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($row['xmldata'], LIBXML_COMPACT | LIBXML_PARSEHUGE); // Get long tags $value = Zotero_Tags::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); if ($value) { throw new Exception("Tag '" . $value . "' too long", Z_ERROR_TAG_TOO_LONG); } // Get long collection names $value = Zotero_Collections::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); if ($value) { throw new Exception("Collection '" . $value . "' too long", Z_ERROR_COLLECTION_TOO_LONG); } // Get long creator names $node = Zotero_Creators::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); // returns DOMNode rather than value if ($node) { $name = mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 50); throw new Exception("=The name ‘{$name}…’ is too long to sync.\n\n" . "Search for the item with this name and shorten it. " . "Note that the item may be in the trash or in a group library.\n\n" . "If you receive this message repeatedly for items saved from a " . "particular site, you can report this issue in the Zotero Forums.", Z_ERROR_CREATOR_TOO_LONG); } // Get long item data fields $node = Zotero_Items::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); // returns DOMNode rather than value if ($node) { $libraryID = $node->parentNode->getAttribute('libraryID'); $key = $node->parentNode->getAttribute('key'); if ($libraryID) { $key = $libraryID . "/" . $key; } $fieldName = $node->getAttribute('name'); $fieldName = Zotero_ItemFields::getLocalizedString(null, $fieldName); if ($fieldName) { $start = "{$fieldName} field"; } else { $start = "Field"; } throw new Exception("={$start} value '" . mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 75) . "...' too long for item '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_FIELD_TOO_LONG); } } catch (Exception $e) { //Z_Core::logError($e); Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET syncProcessID=NULL, finished=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\terrorCode=?, errorMessage=? WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, array(Zotero_DB::getTransactionTimestamp(), $e->getCode(), serialize($e), $row['syncUploadQueueID'])); $sql = "DELETE FROM syncUploadQueueLocks WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, $row['syncUploadQueueID']); self::removeUploadProcess($syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); return -2; } Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET syncProcessID=NULL, started=NULL, errorCheck=2 WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, $row['syncUploadQueueID']); self::removeUploadProcess($syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); return 1; }
public static function checkUploadForErrors($syncProcessID) { Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); if (Z_Core::probability(30)) { $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET started=NULL, errorCheck=0 WHERE started IS NOT NULL AND errorCheck=1 AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstarted < (NOW() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTE) AND finished IS NULL"; Zotero_DB::query($sql); } // Get a queued process that hasn't been error-checked and is large enough to warrant it $sql = "SELECT * FROM syncUploadQueue WHERE started IS NULL AND errorCheck=0\n\t\t\t\tAND dataLength>=" . self::$minErrorCheckSize . " ORDER BY added LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE"; $row = Zotero_DB::rowQuery($sql); // No pending processes if (!$row) { Zotero_DB::commit(); return 0; } $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET started=NOW(), errorCheck=1 WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, array($row['syncUploadQueueID'])); // We track error processes as upload processes that just get reset back to // started=NULL on completion (but with errorCheck=2) self::addUploadProcess($row['userID'], null, $row['syncUploadQueueID'], $syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); try { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($row['xmldata']); // Get long tags $value = Zotero_Tags::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); if ($value) { throw new Exception("Tag '" . $value . "' too long", Z_ERROR_TAG_TOO_LONG); } // Get long collection names $value = Zotero_Collections::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); if ($value) { throw new Exception("Collection '" . $value . "' too long", Z_ERROR_COLLECTION_TOO_LONG); } // Get long creator names $node = Zotero_Creators::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); // returns DOMNode rather than value if ($node) { if ($node->nodeName == 'firstName') { throw new Exception("=First name '" . mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 50) . "…' too long"); } if ($node->nodeName == 'lastName') { throw new Exception("=Last name '" . mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 50) . "…' too long"); } if ($node->nodeName == 'name') { throw new Exception("=Name '" . mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 50) . "…' too long"); } } $node = Zotero_Items::getLongDataValueFromXML($doc); // returns DOMNode rather than value if ($node) { $fieldName = $node->getAttribute('name'); $fieldName = Zotero_ItemFields::getLocalizedString(null, $fieldName); if ($fieldName) { $start = "'{$fieldName}' field"; } else { $start = "Field"; } throw new Exception("={$start} value '" . mb_substr($node->nodeValue, 0, 50) . "...' too long"); } } catch (Exception $e) { //Z_Core::logError($e); Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET syncProcessID=NULL, finished=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\terrorCode=?, errorMessage=? WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, array(Zotero_DB::getTransactionTimestamp(), $e->getCode(), serialize($e), $row['syncUploadQueueID'])); $sql = "DELETE FROM syncUploadQueueLocks WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, $row['syncUploadQueueID']); self::removeUploadProcess($syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); return -2; } Zotero_DB::beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE syncUploadQueue SET syncProcessID=NULL, started=NULL, errorCheck=2 WHERE syncUploadQueueID=?"; Zotero_DB::query($sql, $row['syncUploadQueueID']); self::removeUploadProcess($syncProcessID); Zotero_DB::commit(); return 1; }
private static function validateJSONItem($json, $libraryID, $item = null, $isChild = false) { $isNew = !$item; if (!is_object($json)) { throw new Exception("Invalid item object (found " . gettype($json) . " '" . $json . "')", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($json->items) && is_array($json->items)) { throw new Exception("An 'items' array is not valid for item updates", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($json->itemType) && $json->itemType == "attachment") { $requiredProps = array('linkMode', 'tags'); } else { if (isset($json->itemType) && $json->itemType == "attachment") { $requiredProps = array('tags'); } else { if ($isNew) { $requiredProps = array('itemType'); } else { $requiredProps = array('itemType', 'creators', 'tags'); } } } foreach ($requiredProps as $prop) { if (!isset($json->{$prop})) { throw new Exception("'{$prop}' property not provided", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } foreach ($json as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { case 'itemType': if (!is_string($val)) { throw new Exception("'itemType' must be a string", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($isChild) { switch ($val) { case 'note': case 'attachment': break; default: throw new Exception("Child item must be note or attachment", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } else { if ($val == 'attachment' && (!$item || !$item->getSource())) { if ($json->linkMode == 'linked_url' || $json->linkMode == 'imported_url' && (empty($json->contentType) || $json->contentType != 'application/pdf')) { throw new Exception("Only file attachments and PDFs can be top-level items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } if (!Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid itemType", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'tags': if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'tags' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $tag) { $empty = true; foreach ($tag as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'tag': if (!is_scalar($v)) { throw new Exception("Invalid tag name", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($v === "") { throw new Exception("Tag cannot be empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'type': if (!is_numeric($v)) { throw new Exception("Invalid tag type '{$v}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid tag property '{$k}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $empty = false; } if ($empty) { throw new Exception("Tag object is empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'creators': if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'creators' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $creator) { $empty = true; if (!isset($creator->creatorType)) { throw new Exception("creator object must contain 'creatorType'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ((!isset($creator->name) || trim($creator->name) == "") && (!isset($creator->firstName) || trim($creator->firstName) == "") && (!isset($creator->lastName) || trim($creator->lastName) == "")) { // On item creation, ignore single nameless creator, // because that's in the item template that the API returns if (sizeOf($val) == 1 && $isNew) { continue; } else { throw new Exception("creator object must contain 'firstName'/'lastName' or 'name'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } foreach ($creator as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'creatorType': $creatorTypeID = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getID($v); if (!$creatorTypeID) { throw new Exception("'{$v}' is not a valid creator type", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $itemTypeID = Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($json->itemType); if (!Zotero_CreatorTypes::isValidForItemType($creatorTypeID, $itemTypeID)) { throw new Exception("'{$v}' is not a valid creator type for item type '" . $json->itemType . "'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'firstName': if (!isset($creator->lastName)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' creator field must be set if 'firstName' is set", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->name)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'lastName': if (!isset($creator->firstName)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' creator field must be set if 'lastName' is set", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->name)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'name': if (isset($creator->firstName)) { throw new Exception("'firstName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (isset($creator->lastName)) { throw new Exception("'lastName' and 'name' creator fields are mutually exclusive", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid creator property '{$k}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } $empty = false; } if ($empty) { throw new Exception("Creator object is empty", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } break; case 'note': switch ($json->itemType) { case 'note': case 'attachment': break; default: throw new Exception("'note' property is valid only for note and attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'attachments': case 'notes': if (!$isNew) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property is valid only for new items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (!is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' property must be an array", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } foreach ($val as $child) { // Check child item type ('attachment' or 'note') $t = substr($key, 0, -1); if (isset($child->itemType) && $child->itemType != $t) { throw new Exception("Child {$t} must be of itemType '{$t}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if ($key == 'note') { if (!isset($child->note)) { throw new Exception("'note' property not provided for child note", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } break; case 'deleted': break; // Attachment properties // Attachment properties case 'linkMode': try { $linkMode = Zotero_Attachments::linkModeNameToNumber($val, true); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid linkMode", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } // Don't allow changing of linkMode if ($item && $linkMode != $item->attachmentLinkMode) { throw new Exception("Cannot change attachment linkMode", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; case 'contentType': case 'charset': case 'filename': case 'md5': case 'mtime': if ($json->itemType != 'attachment') { throw new Exception("'{$key}' is valid only for attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } switch ($key) { case 'filename': case 'md5': case 'mtime': if (strpos($json->linkMode, 'imported_') !== 0) { throw new Exception("'{$key}' is valid only for imported attachment items", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; } switch ($key) { case 'contentType': case 'charset': case 'filename': $propName = 'attachment' . ucwords($key); break; case 'md5': $propName = 'attachmentStorageHash'; break; case 'mtime': $propName = 'attachmentStorageModTime'; break; } if (Zotero_Libraries::getType($libraryID) == 'group') { if ($item && $item->{$propName} !== $val || !$item && $val !== null && $val !== "") { throw new Exception("Cannot change '{$key}' directly in group library", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } else { if ($key == 'md5') { if ($val && !preg_match("/^[a-f0-9]{32}\$/", $val)) { throw new Exception("'{$val}' is not a valid MD5 hash", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } } } break; default: if (!Zotero_ItemFields::getID($key)) { throw new Exception("Invalid property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } if (is_array($val)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected array for property '{$key}'", Z_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT); } break; } } }
public function newItem() { if (empty($_GET['itemType'])) { $this->e400("'itemType' not provided"); } $itemType = $_GET['itemType']; if ($itemType == 'attachment') { if (empty($_GET['linkMode'])) { $this->e400("linkMode required for itemType=attachment"); } $linkModeName = $_GET['linkMode']; try { $linkMode = Zotero_Attachments::linkModeNameToNumber(strtoupper($linkModeName)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->e400("Invalid linkMode '{$linkModeName}'"); } } $itemTypeID = Zotero_ItemTypes::getID($itemType); if (!$itemTypeID) { $this->e400("Invalid item type '{$itemType}'"); } // TODO: check If-Modified-Since and return 304 if not changed $cacheVersion = 1; $cacheKey = "newItemJSON" . "_" . $this->apiVersion . "_" . $itemTypeID . "_" . $cacheVersion; if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $cacheKey .= "_" . $linkMode; } $cacheKey .= '_' . $this->apiVersion; $ttl = 60; $json = Z_Core::$MC->get($cacheKey); if ($json) { header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo $json; exit; } // Generate template $json = array('itemType' => $itemType); if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $json['linkMode'] = $linkModeName; } $fieldIDs = Zotero_ItemFields::getItemTypeFields($itemTypeID); $first = true; foreach ($fieldIDs as $fieldID) { $fieldName = Zotero_ItemFields::getName($fieldID); // Before v3, computerProgram's 'versionNumber' was just 'version' if ($this->apiVersion < 3 && $fieldID == 81) { $fieldName = 'version'; } if ($itemType == 'attachment' && $fieldName == 'url' && !preg_match('/_url$/', $linkModeName)) { continue; } $json[$fieldName] = ""; if ($first && $itemType != 'note' && $itemType != 'attachment') { $creatorTypeID = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getPrimaryIDForType($itemTypeID); $creatorTypeName = Zotero_CreatorTypes::getName($creatorTypeID); $json['creators'] = array(array('creatorType' => $creatorTypeName, 'firstName' => '', 'lastName' => '')); $first = false; } } if ($itemType == 'note' || $itemType == 'attachment') { $json['note'] = ''; } $json['tags'] = array(); if ($this->apiVersion >= 2) { $json['collections'] = array(); $json['relations'] = new stdClass(); } if ($this->apiVersion == 1) { if ($itemType != 'note' && $itemType != 'attachment') { $json['attachments'] = array(); $json['notes'] = array(); } } if ($itemType == 'attachment') { $json['contentType'] = ''; $json['charset'] = ''; if (preg_match('/^imported_/', $linkModeName)) { $json['filename'] = ''; $json['md5'] = null; $json['mtime'] = null; //$json['zip'] = false; } } header("Content-Type: application/json"); $json = Zotero_Utilities::formatJSON($json); Z_Core::$MC->set($cacheKey, $json, $ttl); echo $json; exit; }