<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Rows of Cabinets"); if (!$person->SiteAdmin) { // No soup for you. header('Location: ' . redirect()); exit; } $cabrow = new CabRow(); $zone = new Zone(); $DC = new DataCenter(); $zoneList = $zone->GetZoneList(); $formpatch = ""; $status = ""; if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Delete') { $cabrow->CabRowID = $_POST['cabrowid']; $cabrow->DeleteCabRow(); header('Location: cabrow.php'); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST["cabrowid"])) { $cabrow->CabRowID = isset($_POST['cabrowid']) ? $_POST['cabrowid'] : $_GET['cabrowid']; $cabrow->GetCabRow(); if (isset($_POST["action"]) && ($_POST["action"] == "Create" || $_POST["action"] == "Update")) { $cabrow->Name = $_POST["name"]; $cabrow->DataCenterID = $_POST["datacenterid"]; $cabrow->ZoneID = $_POST["zoneid"]; if ($_POST["action"] == "Create") { $cabrow->CreateCabRow();
$zone->MapX2 = $_POST["x2"]; $zone->MapY2 = $_POST["y2"]; $zone->MapZoom = $_POST["mapzoom"]; if ($_POST["action"] == "Create") { $zone->CreateZone(); } else { $status = __("Updated"); $zone->UpdateZone(); } } $formpatch = "?zoneid={$zone->ZoneID}"; } $zone->MapZoom = $zone->ZoneID == 0 ? 100 : $zone->MapZoom; $dc_zone->DataCenterID = $zone->DataCenterID; $dc_zone->GetDataCenterbyID(); $zoneList = $zone->GetZoneList(); $height = 0; $width = 0; if (strlen($dc_zone->DrawingFileName) > 0) { $mapfile = "drawings/{$dc_zone->DrawingFileName}"; if (file_exists($mapfile)) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($mapfile); // There is a bug in the excanvas shim that can set the width of the canvas to 10x the width of the image $ie8fix = ' <script type="text/javascript"> function uselessie(){ document.getElementById(\'mapCanvas\').className = "mapCanvasiefix"; } </script>'; } }