 * Gets the statistic for pages, news articles or categories as an unordered list
 * @param int $number The number of news items to get
 * @param string $option "all" pages, articles  and categories
 * 											 "news" for news articles
 * 											 "categories" for news categories
 * 											 "pages" for pages
 * @param string $mode "popular" most viewed for pages, news articles and categories
 * 										 "mostrated" for news articles and pages
 * 										 "toprated" for news articles and pages
 * 										 "random" for pages and news articles
 * @param string $sortdirection "asc" for ascending otherwise descending (default)
 * @return array
function getZenpageStatistic($number = 10, $option = "all", $mode = "popular", $sortdirection = 'desc')
    global $_zp_zenpage, $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_pages;
    $sortdir = strtolower($sortdirection) != 'asc';
    $statsarticles = array();
    $statscats = array();
    $statspages = array();
    if ($option == "all" || $option == "news") {
        $articles = $_zp_zenpage->getArticles($number, NULL, true, $mode, $sortdir, false);
        $counter = "";
        $statsarticles = array();
        foreach ($articles as $article) {
            $obj = new ZenpageNews($article['titlelink']);
            $statsarticles[$counter] = array("id" => $obj->getID(), "title" => $obj->getTitle(), "titlelink" => $article['titlelink'], "hitcounter" => $obj->getHitcounter(), "total_votes" => $obj->getTotal_votes(), "rating" => $obj->getRating(), "content" => $obj->getContent(), "date" => $obj->getDateTime(), "type" => "News");
        $stats = $statsarticles;
    if (($option == "all" || $option == "categories") && $mode != "mostrated" && $mode != "toprated") {
        $categories = $_zp_zenpage->getAllCategories(true, $mode, $sortdir);
        $counter = "";
        $statscats = array();
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            $statscats[$counter] = array("id" => $cat['id'], "title" => html_encode(get_language_string($cat['title'])), "titlelink" => getNewsCategoryURL($cat['titlelink']), "hitcounter" => $cat['hitcounter'], "total_votes" => "", "rating" => "", "content" => '', "date" => '', "type" => "Category");
        $stats = $statscats;
    if ($option == "all" || $option == "pages") {
        $pages = $_zp_zenpage->getPages(NULL, false, $number, $mode, $sortdir);
        $counter = "";
        $statspages = array();
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $pageobj = new ZenpagePage($page['titlelink']);
            $statspages[$counter] = array("id" => $pageobj->getID(), "title" => $pageobj->getTitle(), "titlelink" => $page['titlelink'], "hitcounter" => $pageobj->getHitcounter(), "total_votes" => $pageobj->get('total_votes'), "rating" => $pageobj->get('rating'), "content" => $pageobj->getContent(), "date" => $pageobj->getDateTime(), "type" => "Page");
        $stats = $statspages;
    if ($option == "all") {
        $stats = array_merge($statsarticles, $statscats, $statspages);
        if ($mode == 'random') {
        } else {
            switch ($sortdir) {
                case 'asc':
                    $desc = false;
                case 'desc':
                    $desc = true;
            $stats = sortMultiArray($stats, $mode, $desc);
    return $stats;
 * Gets the statistic for pages, news articles or categories as an unordered list
 * @param int $number The number of news items to get
 * @param string $option "all" pages, articles  and categories
 * 											 "news" for news articles
 * 											 "categories" for news categories
 * 											 "pages" for pages
 * @param string $mode "popular" most viewed for pages, news articles and categories
 * 										 "mostrated" for news articles and pages
 * 										 "toprated" for news articles and pages
 * @return array
function getZenpageStatistic($number = 10, $option = "all", $mode = "popular")
    global $_zp_current_zenpage_news, $_zp_current_zenpage_pages;
    $statsarticles = array();
    $statscats = array();
    $statspages = array();
    switch ($mode) {
        case "popular":
            $sortorder = "hitcounter";
        case "mostrated":
            $sortorder = "total_votes";
        case "toprated":
            $sortorder = "rating";
    if ($option == "all" or $option == "news") {
        $articles = query_full_array("SELECT titlelink FROM " . prefix('news') . " ORDER BY {$sortorder} DESC LIMIT {$number}");
        $counter = "";
        $statsarticles = array();
        foreach ($articles as $article) {
            $obj = new ZenpageNews($article['titlelink']);
            $statsarticles[$counter] = array("id" => $obj->getID(), "title" => $obj->getTitle(), "titlelink" => $article['titlelink'], "hitcounter" => $obj->getHitcounter(), "total_votes" => $obj->get('total_votes'), "rating" => $obj->get('rating'), "content" => $obj->getContent(), "date" => $obj->getDateTime(), "type" => "News");
        $stats = $statsarticles;
    if (($option == "all" or $option == "categories") && $mode != "mostrated" && $mode != "toprated") {
        $categories = query_full_array("SELECT id, titlelink as title, title as titlelink, hitcounter FROM " . prefix('news_categories') . " ORDER BY {$sortorder} DESC LIMIT {$number}");
        $counter = "";
        $statscats = array();
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            $statscats[$counter] = array("id" => $cat['id'], "title" => html_encode(get_language_string($cat['title'])), "titlelink" => getNewsCategoryURL($cat['titlelink']), "hitcounter" => $cat['hitcounter'], "total_votes" => "", "rating" => "", "content" => '', "date" => '', "type" => "Category");
        $stats = $statscats;
    if ($option == "all" or $option == "pages") {
        $pages = query_full_array("SELECT titlelink FROM " . prefix('pages') . " ORDER BY {$sortorder} DESC LIMIT {$number}");
        $counter = "";
        $statspages = array();
        foreach ($pages as $page) {
            $pageobj = new ZenpagePage($page['titlelink']);
            $statspages[$counter] = array("id" => $pageobj->getID(), "title" => $pageobj->getTitle(), "titlelink" => $page['titlelink'], "hitcounter" => $pageobj->getHitcounter(), "total_votes" => $pageobj->get('total_votes'), "rating" => $pageobj->get('rating'), "content" => $pageobj->getContent(), "date" => $pageobj->getDateTime(), "type" => "Page");
        $stats = $statspages;
    if ($option == "all") {
        $stats = array_merge($statsarticles, $statscats, $statspages);
    $stats = sortMultiArray($stats, $sortorder, true);
    return $stats;
  * Checks if user is allowed to access the page
  * @param $hint
  * @param $show
 function checkforGuest(&$hint = NULL, &$show = NULL)
     if (!parent::checkForGuest()) {
         return false;
     $pageobj = $this;
     $hash = $pageobj->getPassword();
     while (empty($hash) && !is_null($pageobj)) {
         $parentID = $pageobj->getParentID();
         if (empty($parentID)) {
             $pageobj = NULL;
         } else {
             $sql = 'SELECT `titlelink` FROM ' . prefix('pages') . ' WHERE `id`=' . $parentID;
             $result = query_single_row($sql);
             $pageobj = new ZenpagePage($result['titlelink']);
             $hash = $pageobj->getPassword();
     if (empty($hash)) {
         // no password required
         return 'zp_public_access';
     } else {
         $authType = "zp_page_auth_" . $pageobj->get('id');
         $saved_auth = zp_getCookie($authType);
         if ($saved_auth == $hash) {
             return $authType;
         } else {
             $user = $pageobj->getUser();
             $show = !empty($user);
             $hint = $pageobj->getPasswordHint();
             return false;
Пример #4
 * checks password posting
 * @param string $authType override of athorization type
function zp_handle_password($authType = NULL, $check_auth = NULL, $check_user = NULL)
    global $_zp_loggedin, $_zp_login_error, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_authority, $_zp_current_zenpage_page, $_zp_gallery;
    if (empty($authType)) {
        // not supplied by caller
        $check_auth = '';
        if (isset($_GET['z']) && $_GET['p'] == 'full-image' || isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == '*full-image') {
            $authType = 'zp_image_auth';
            $check_auth = getOption('protected_image_password');
            $check_user = getOption('protected_image_user');
        } else {
            if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH)) {
                // search page
                $authType = 'zp_search_auth';
                $check_auth = getOption('search_password');
                $check_user = getOption('search_user');
            } else {
                if (in_context(ZP_ALBUM)) {
                    // album page
                    $authType = "zp_album_auth_" . $_zp_current_album->get('id');
                    $check_auth = $_zp_current_album->getPassword();
                    $check_user = $_zp_current_album->getUser();
                    if (empty($check_auth)) {
                        $parent = $_zp_current_album->getParent();
                        while (!is_null($parent)) {
                            $check_auth = $parent->getPassword();
                            $check_user = $parent->getUser();
                            $authType = "zp_album_auth_" . $parent->get('id');
                            if (!empty($check_auth)) {
                            $parent = $parent->getParent();
                } else {
                    if (in_context(ZP_ZENPAGE_PAGE)) {
                        $authType = "zp_page_auth_" . $_zp_current_zenpage_page->get('id');
                        $check_auth = $_zp_current_zenpage_page->getPassword();
                        $check_user = $_zp_current_zenpage_page->getUser();
                        if (empty($check_auth)) {
                            $pageobj = $_zp_current_zenpage_page;
                            while (empty($check_auth)) {
                                $parentID = $pageobj->getParentID();
                                if ($parentID == 0) {
                                $sql = 'SELECT `titlelink` FROM ' . prefix('pages') . ' WHERE `id`=' . $parentID;
                                $result = query_single_row($sql);
                                $pageobj = new ZenpagePage($result['titlelink']);
                                $authType = "zp_page_auth_" . $pageobj->get('id');
                                $check_auth = $pageobj->getPassword();
                                $check_user = $pageobj->getUser();
        if (empty($check_auth)) {
            // anything else is controlled by the gallery credentials
            $authType = 'zp_gallery_auth';
            $check_auth = $_zp_gallery->getPassword();
            $check_user = $_zp_gallery->getUser();
    // Handle the login form.
    if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
        debugLog("zp_handle_password: \$authType={$authType}; \$check_auth={$check_auth}; \$check_user={$check_user}; ");
    if (isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
        // process login form
        if (isset($_POST['user'])) {
            $post_user = sanitize($_POST['user']);
        } else {
            $post_user = '';
        $post_pass = sanitize($_POST['pass']);
        $auth = $_zp_authority->passwordHash($post_user, $post_pass);
        if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
            debugLog("zp_handle_password: \$post_user={$post_user}; \$post_pass={$post_pass}; \$auth={$auth}; ");
        $redirect_to = sanitize($_POST['redirect'], 0);
        if (substr($redirect_to, 0, 1) == '/') {
            $initial = '/';
        } else {
            $initial = '';
        $redirect_to = $initial . sanitize_path($_POST['redirect']);
        if (strpos($redirect_to, WEBPATH . '/') === 0) {
            $redirect_to = substr($redirect_to, strlen(WEBPATH) + 1);
        $success = $auth == $check_auth && $post_user == $check_user;
        $success = zp_apply_filter('guest_login_attempt', $success, $post_user, $post_pass, $authType);
        if ($success) {
            // Correct auth info. Set the cookie.
            if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
                debugLog("zp_handle_password: valid credentials");
            zp_setCookie($authType, $auth);
            if (isset($_POST['redirect']) && !empty($_POST['redirect'])) {
                header("Location: " . FULLWEBPATH . "/" . $redirect_to);
        } else {
            // Clear the cookie, just in case
            if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
                debugLog("zp_handle_password: invalid credentials");
            zp_setCookie($authType, "", -368000);
            $_zp_login_error = true;
    if (empty($check_auth)) {
        //no password on record or admin logged in
    if (($saved_auth = zp_getCookie($authType)) != '') {
        if ($saved_auth == $check_auth) {
            if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
                debugLog("zp_handle_password: valid cookie");
        } else {
            // Clear the cookie
            if (DEBUG_LOGIN) {
                debugLog("zp_handle_password: invalid cookie");
            zp_setCookie($authType, "", -368000);