Пример #1
  * Fetches the version of the latest stable release.
  * By Default, this uses the GitHub API (v3) and only returns refs that begin with
  * 'tags/release-'. Because GitHub returns the refs in alphabetical order,
  * we need to reduce the array to a single value, comparing the version
  * numbers with version_compare().
  * If $service is set to VERSION_SERVICE_ZEND this will fall back to calling the
  * classic style of version retreival.
  * @see http://developer.github.com/v3/git/refs/#get-all-references
  * @link https://api.github.com/repos/zendframework/zf2/git/refs/tags/release-
  * @link http://framework.zend.com/api/zf-version?v=2
  * @param string $service Version Service with which to retrieve the version
  * @return string
 public static function getLatest($service = self::VERSION_SERVICE_GITHUB)
     if (null === self::$latestVersion) {
         self::$latestVersion = 'not available';
         if ($service == self::VERSION_SERVICE_GITHUB) {
             $url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/zendframework/zf2/git/refs/tags/release-';
             $apiResponse = Json::decode(file_get_contents($url), Json::TYPE_ARRAY);
             // Simplify the API response into a simple array of version numbers
             $tags = array_map(function ($tag) {
                 return substr($tag['ref'], 18);
                 // Reliable because we're filtering on 'refs/tags/release-'
             }, $apiResponse);
             // Fetch the latest version number from the array
             self::$latestVersion = array_reduce($tags, function ($a, $b) {
                 return version_compare($a, $b, '>') ? $a : $b;
         } elseif ($service == self::VERSION_SERVICE_ZEND) {
             $handle = fopen('http://framework.zend.com/api/zf-version?v=2', 'r');
             if (false !== $handle) {
                 self::$_latestVersion = stream_get_contents($handle);
     return self::$latestVersion;