
include 'zf2bootstrap.php';
// must register autoloader
$autoloader->registerNamespace('Foo\\Bar', __DIR__ . '/12');
$compiler = new Zend\Di\Definition\CompilerDefinition();
$compiler->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/12/');
$definitions = new Zend\Di\DefinitionList($compiler);
$di = new Zend\Di\Di($definitions);
$baz = $di->get('Foo\\Bar\\Baz');
// expression to test
$works = $baz->bam instanceof Foo\Bar\Bam;
// display result
echo $works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!';

$di = new Zend\Di\Di();
//trigger autoloader
$a = $di->get('A');
$t1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $a = $di->get('A');
$t2 = microtime(true);
$results = ['time' => $t2 - $t1, 'files' => count(get_included_files()), 'memory' => memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024];
echo json_encode($results);
Пример #3
namespace MovieApp {
    class Lister
        public $finderA, $finderB;
        public function setFinderA(Finder $finder)
            $this->finderA = $finder;
        public function setFinderB(Finder $finder)
            $this->finderB = $finder;
    class Finder
namespace {
    // bootstrap
    include 'zf2bootstrap' . (stream_resolve_include_path('zf2bootstrap.php') ? '.php' : '.dist.php');
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $di->instanceManager()->setParameters('MovieApp\\Lister', array('MovieApp\\Lister::setFinderA:finder' => new MovieApp\Finder(), 'MovieApp\\Lister::setFinderB:finder' => function () {
        return new MovieApp\Finder();
    $lister = $di->get('MovieApp\\Lister');
    // expression to test
    $works = $lister->finderA instanceof MovieApp\Finder && $lister->finderB instanceof MovieApp\Finder && $lister->finderA !== $lister->finderB;
    // display result
    echo ($works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!') . PHP_EOL;
Пример #4

namespace MovieApp {
    class Lister
        public $dbFinder;
        public function __construct(DbFinder $dbFinder)
            $this->dbFinder = $dbFinder;
    class DbFinder
        public $username, $password = null;
        public function setCredentials($username, $password)
            $this->username = $username;
            $this->password = $password;
namespace {
    // bootstrap
    include 'zf2bootstrap' . (stream_resolve_include_path('zf2bootstrap.php') ? '.php' : '.dist.php');
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $lister = $di->get('MovieApp\\Lister', array('username' => 'my-username', 'password' => 'my-password'));
    // expression to test
    $works = $lister->dbFinder instanceof MovieApp\DbFinder && $lister->dbFinder->username == 'my-username' && $lister->dbFinder->password == 'my-password';
    // display result
    echo $works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!';
Пример #5
 public function getPaginator(array $paginatorOptions = array())
     $defaultPaginatorOptions = array('itemCountPerPage' => 10, 'pageRange' => 5, 'pageNumber' => 1);
     $dataClass = $this->getDataClass();
     $count = $dataClass->getCount();
     if (!$count) {
         return $this->paginator = null;
     $dbPaginatorOptions = $dataClass->getPaginatorOptions();
     $paginatorOptions = array_merge($defaultPaginatorOptions, $dbPaginatorOptions, $paginatorOptions);
     $count = (int) $count;
     $diConfig = array('instance' => array('Zend\\Paginator\\Adapter\\DbSelect' => array('parameters' => array('rowCount' => $count, 'select' => $dataClass->getSelect(), 'adapterOrSqlObject' => $dataClass->getSql())), 'Eva\\Paginator\\Paginator' => array('parameters' => array('rowCount' => $count, 'adapter' => 'Zend\\Paginator\\Adapter\\DbSelect'))));
     foreach ($paginatorOptions as $key => $value) {
         if (false === in_array($key, array('itemCountPerPage', 'pageNumber', 'pageRange'))) {
         $diConfig['instance']['Eva\\Paginator\\Paginator']['parameters'][$key] = $paginatorOptions[$key];
     $di = new \Zend\Di\Di();
     $di->configure(new \Zend\Di\Config($diConfig));
     $paginator = $di->get('Eva\\Paginator\\Paginator');
     return $this->paginator = $paginator;
Пример #6
        public $finder;
        public function __construct(Finder $finder)
            $this->finder = $finder;
    class Finder
        public $source;
        public function __construct(Source $source)
            $this->source = $source;
    class Source
namespace {
    // bootstrap
    include 'zf2bootstrap' . (stream_resolve_include_path('zf2bootstrap.php') ? '.php' : '.dist.php');
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $di->configure(new Zend\Di\Configuration(array('instance' => array('MovieApp\\Finder' => array('shared' => false)))));
    $lister1 = $di->get('MovieApp\\Lister1');
    $lister2 = $di->get('MovieApp\\Lister2');
    // expression to test
    $works = $lister1->finder instanceof MovieApp\Finder && $lister1->finder !== $lister2->finder && $lister1->finder->source === $lister2->finder->source;
    // display result
    echo ($works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!') . PHP_EOL;

$adapter = (include file_exists('bootstrap.php') ? 'bootstrap.php' : 'bootstrap.dist.php');
$di = new Zend\Di\Di();
$di->configure(new Zend\Di\Configuration(array('instance' => array('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter' => array('parameters' => array('driver' => $dbconfig))))));
$db = $di->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter');
echo $db->platform->getName() . PHP_EOL;
Пример #8
    class Page
        public $blocks;
        public function addBlock(Block $block)
            $this->blocks[] = $block;
    interface Block
namespace DifferentNs {
    class BlockOne implements \Application\Block
    class BlockTwo implements \Application\Block
namespace {
    // bootstrap
    include 'zf2bootstrap' . (stream_resolve_include_path('zf2bootstrap.php') ? '.php' : '.dist.php');
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $di->configure(new Zend\Di\Configuration(array('definition' => array('class' => array('Application\\Page' => array('addBlock' => array('block' => array('type' => 'Application\\Block', 'required' => true))))), 'instance' => array('Application\\Page' => array('injections' => array('DifferentNs\\BlockOne', 'DifferentNs\\BlockTwo'))))));
    $page = $di->get('Application\\Page');
    // expression to test
    $works = $page->blocks[0] instanceof DifferentNs\BlockOne && $page->blocks[1] instanceof DifferentNs\BlockTwo;
    // display result
    echo ($works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!') . PHP_EOL;

namespace Foo\Bar {
    class Baz
        public $bam;
        public function __construct(Bam $bam)
            $this->bam = $bam;
    class Bam
        public $username, $password = null;
        public function setCredentials($username, $password)
            $this->username = $username;
            $this->password = $password;
namespace {
    include 'zf2bootstrap.php';
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $baz = $di->get('Foo\\Bar\\Baz', array('username' => 'my-username', 'password' => 'my-password'));
    // expression to test
    $works = $baz->bam instanceof Foo\Bar\Bam && $baz->bam->username == 'my-username' && $baz->bam->password == 'my-password';
    // display result
    echo $works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!';
Пример #10
  * Get model class with injection (as a singleton)
  * @param string $path   Path
  * @param array  $params Params
  * @return mixed
 public function get($path, $params = [])
     $className = Mage::getConfig()->getModelClassName($path);
     return $this->_di->get($className, $params);
$oInfoLogger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$oExceptionLogger = new Zend\Log\Logger();
$oLogger = new Classes\Helpers\Logger($oInfoLogger, $oExceptionLogger, $aSectionConfig);
$aDbConfig = array('driver' => $aSectionConfig['database.adapter'], 'host' => $aSectionConfig['database.params.host'], 'username' => $aSectionConfig['database.params.username'], 'password' => $aSectionConfig['database.params.password'], 'dbname' => $aSectionConfig['database.params.dbname']);
$oAdapter = new Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter($aDbConfig);
$oDi = new Zend\Di\Di();
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Helpers\\File', array('aConfig' => $aSectionConfig));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Helpers\\Logger', array('oInfoLogger' => $oInfoLogger, 'oExceptionLogger' => $oExceptionLogger, 'aConfig' => $aSectionConfig));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Mappers\\JobItemsToMwXml', array('aConfig' => $aSectionConfig));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\JobQueue', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\Box', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\Folio', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\Item', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\ErrorLog', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Db\\MediaWiki', array('oAdapter' => $oAdapter));
$oMediaWikiDb = $oDi->get('Classes\\Db\\MediaWiki');
$oDi->instanceManager()->setParameters('Classes\\Mappers\\JobItemsToMwXml', array($oMediaWikiDb, 'aConfig' => $aSectionConfig));
require_once 'Classes/TaskAbstract.php';
Пример #12
require_once 'library/Zend/Loader/StandardAutoloader.php';
$loader = new Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader(array('autoregister_zf' => true));
$loader->registerNamespace('SON', 'library/SON');
$definitionList = new Zend\Di\DefinitionList(array($runtime = new Zend\Di\Definition\RuntimeDefinition()));
$di = new Zend\Di\Di($definitionList);
//$di->instanceManager()->setParameters('SON\Db\Connection', array(
//   'server' => 'localhost',
//    'dbname' => 'banco',
//    'user' => 'username',
//    'password' => 123
$di->instanceManager()->addAlias('conexao1', 'SON\\Db\\Connection', array('server' => 'localhost', 'dbname' => 'banco', 'user' => 'username', 'password' => 123));
$di->instanceManager()->addAlias('conexao2', 'SON\\Db\\Connection', array('server' => 'localhost', 'dbname' => 'banco2', 'user' => 'username', 'password' => 1234));
$conexao1 = $di->get('conexao1');
$conexao2 = $di->get('conexao2');
$di->instanceManager()->addTypePreference('SON\\Db\\Connection', 'conexao1');
$categoria = $di->get('SON\\Categoria', array('db' => 'conexao2'));
#$di = new Zend\Di\Di;
//$di->configure(new Zend\Di\Config(array(
//    'definition' => array(
//        'class' => array(
//            'SON\Produto' => array(
//                'setCategoria' => array('required'=>true)
//            )
//        )
//    )
$di->configure(new Zend\Di\Config(array('definition' => array('class' => array('SON\\Produto' => array('addCategoria' => array('categoria' => array('type' => 'SON\\CategoriaInterface', 'required' => true))))), 'instance' => array('SON\\Produto' => array('injections' => array('SON\\Categoria', 'SON\\Category', 'SON\\Categoria'))))));
$produto = $di->get('SON\\Produto');
Пример #13
    class Mapper
        public $drivers;
        public function addDriver(Driver $driver, $name)
            $this->drivers[] = array($driver, $name);
    interface Driver
namespace DifferentNs {
    class DriverOne implements \System\Driver
    class DriverTwo implements \System\Driver
namespace {
    // bootstrap
    include 'zf2bootstrap' . (stream_resolve_include_path('zf2bootstrap.php') ? '.php' : '.dist.php');
    $di = new Zend\Di\Di();
    $di->configure(new Zend\Di\Configuration(array('definition' => array('class' => array('System\\Mapper' => array('addDriver' => array('driver' => array('type' => 'System\\Driver', 'required' => true), 'name' => array('required' => true))))), 'instance' => array('System\\Mapper' => array('injections' => array('addDriver' => array(array('driver' => 'DifferentNs\\DriverOne', 'name' => 'foo'), array('driver' => 'DifferentNs\\DriverTwo', 'name' => 'bar'))))))));
    $mapper = $di->get('System\\Mapper');
    // expression to test
    $works = $mapper->drivers[0][0] instanceof DifferentNs\DriverOne && $mapper->drivers[1][0] instanceof DifferentNs\DriverTwo;
    // display result
    echo ($works ? 'It works!' : 'It DOES NOT work!') . PHP_EOL;

$di = new Zend\Di\Di();
//trigger autoloader for all required files
$a1 = $di->get('B');
$a2 = $di->get('B');
$t1 = microtime(true);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $a = $di->newinstance('B');
$t2 = microtime(true);
$results = ['time' => $t2 - $t1, 'files' => count(get_included_files()), 'memory' => memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024];
echo json_encode($results);