Пример #1
     $container['authentication_adapter'] = function ($c) {
         return new GrEduLabs\Authentication\Adapter\RedBeanPHP($c['events'], $c['identity_class_resolver'], $c['authentication_crypt']);
     $container['authentication_service'] = function ($c) {
         return new Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService($c['authentication_storage'], $c['authentication_adapter']);
     $container['identity_class_resolver'] = $container->protect(function () {
         return 'GrEduLabs\\Authentication\\Identity';
     $container['authentication_crypt'] = function ($c) {
         $service = new Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt();
         if (isset($c['settings']['authentication']['bcrypt']['salt'])) {
         if (isset($c['settings']['authentication']['bcrypt']['cost'])) {
         return $service;
     $container[GrEduLabs\Authentication\Action\User\Login::class] = function ($c) {
         return new GrEduLabs\Authentication\Action\User\Login($c['view'], $c['authentication_service'], $c['flash'], $c['router']->pathFor('index'));
     $container[GrEduLabs\Authentication\Action\User\Logout::class] = function ($c) {
         return new GrEduLabs\Authentication\Action\User\Logout($c['authentication_service'], $c['events'], $c['router']->pathFor('index'));
     $nav = $container['settings']->get('navigation');
     $nav['authentication'] = ['login' => ['label' => 'Σύνδεση', 'route' => 'user.login', 'icon' => 'unlock'], 'logout' => ['label' => 'Αποσύνδεση', 'route' => 'user.logout', 'id' => 'nav-logout', 'icon' => 'lock']];
     $container['settings']->set('navigation', $nav);
 $events('on', 'app.services', function ($container) {
     $container->extend('view', function ($view, $c) {
Пример #2
  * Get service configuration.
  * @return array Service configuration
 public function getServiceConfig()
     return ['aliases' => ['Zend\\Authentication\\AuthenticationService' => 'user_auth_service'], 'invokables' => ['user_auth_storage' => 'Zend\\Authentication\\Storage\\Session', 'user_service_user' => 'User\\Service\\User', 'user_service_apiuser' => 'User\\Service\\ApiUser', 'user_service_email' => 'User\\Service\\Email'], 'factories' => ['user_bcrypt' => function ($sm) {
         $bcrypt = new \Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt();
         $config = $sm->get('config');
         return $bcrypt;
     }, 'user_hydrator' => function ($sm) {
         return new \DoctrineModule\Stdlib\Hydrator\DoctrineObject($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_form_activate' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Activate($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_register' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Register($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_login' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Login($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_password' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Password($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_passwordreset' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Register($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_passwordactivate' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Activate($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_apitoken' => function ($sm) {
         $form = new \User\Form\ApiToken($sm->get('translator'));
         return $form;
     }, 'user_mapper_user' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Mapper\User($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_mapper_newuser' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Mapper\NewUser($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_mapper_apiuser' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Mapper\ApiUser($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_mail_transport' => function ($sm) {
         $config = $sm->get('config');
         $config = $config['email'];
         $class = '\\Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\' . $config['transport'];
         $optionsClass = '\\Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\' . $config['transport'] . 'Options';
         $transport = new $class();
         $transport->setOptions(new $optionsClass($config['options']));
         return $transport;
     }, 'user_auth_adapter' => function ($sm) {
         $adapter = new \User\Authentication\Adapter\Mapper($sm->get('user_bcrypt'), $sm->get('application_service_legacy'));
         return $adapter;
     }, 'user_pin_auth_adapter' => function ($sm) {
         $adapter = new \User\Authentication\Adapter\PinMapper($sm->get('application_service_legacy'));
         return $adapter;
     }, 'user_auth_service' => function ($sm) {
         return new \Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService($sm->get('user_auth_storage'), $sm->get('user_auth_adapter'));
     }, 'user_pin_auth_service' => function ($sm) {
         return new \Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService($sm->get('user_auth_storage'), $sm->get('user_pin_auth_adapter'));
     }, 'user_remoteaddress' => function ($sm) {
         $remote = new \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress();
         return $remote->getIpAddress();
     }, 'user_role' => function ($sm) {
         $authService = $sm->get('user_auth_service');
         if ($authService->hasIdentity()) {
             return $authService->getIdentity();
         $apiService = $sm->get('user_service_apiuser');
         if ($apiService->hasIdentity()) {
             return 'apiuser';
         $range = $sm->get('config')['tue_range'];
         if (strpos($sm->get('user_remoteaddress'), $range) === 0) {
             return 'tueguest';
         return 'guest';
     }, 'acl' => function ($sm) {
         // initialize the ACL
         $acl = new Acl();
          * Define all basic roles.
          * - guest: everyone gets at least this access level
          * - tueguest: guest from the TU/e
          * - user: GEWIS-member
          * - apiuser: Automated tool given access by an admin
          * - admin: Defined administrators
         $acl->addRole(new Role('guest'));
         $acl->addRole(new Role('tueguest'), 'guest');
         $acl->addRole(new Role('user'), 'tueguest');
         $acl->addrole(new Role('apiuser'), 'guest');
         $acl->addrole(new Role('sosuser'), 'apiuser');
         $acl->addrole(new Role('active_member'), 'user');
         $acl->addRole(new Role('admin'));
         $user = $sm->get('user_role');
         // add user to registry
         if ($user instanceof User) {
             $roles = $user->getRoleNames();
             // if the user has no roles, add the 'user' role by default
             if (empty($roles)) {
                 $roles = ['user'];
             // TODO: change this to getActiveOrganInstalltions() once 529 is fixed
             if (count($user->getMember()->getOrganInstallations()) > 0) {
                 $roles[] = 'active_member';
             $acl->addRole($user, $roles);
         // admins are allowed to do everything
         // board members also are admins
         $acl->allow('user', null, null, new \User\Permissions\Assertion\IsBoardMember());
         // configure the user ACL
         $acl->addResource(new Resource('apiuser'));
         $acl->addResource(new Resource('user'));
         $acl->allow('user', 'user', ['password_change']);
         // sosusers can't do anything
         return $acl;
     }, 'user_doctrine_em' => function ($sm) {
         return $sm->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
     }], 'shared' => ['user_role' => false]];
Пример #3
  * Get service configuration.
  * @return array Service configuration
 public function getServiceConfig()
     return array('aliases' => array('Zend\\Authentication\\AuthenticationService' => 'user_auth_service'), 'invokables' => array('user_auth_storage' => 'Zend\\Authentication\\Storage\\Session', 'user_service_user' => 'User\\Service\\User', 'user_service_email' => 'User\\Service\\Email'), 'factories' => array('user_bcrypt' => function ($sm) {
         $bcrypt = new \Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt();
         $config = $sm->get('config');
         return $bcrypt;
     }, 'user_form_activate' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Activate($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_register' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Register($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_form_login' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Form\Login($sm->get('translator'));
     }, 'user_mapper_user' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Mapper\User($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_mapper_newuser' => function ($sm) {
         return new \User\Mapper\NewUser($sm->get('user_doctrine_em'));
     }, 'user_mail_transport' => function ($sm) {
         $config = $sm->get('config');
         $config = $config['email'];
         $class = '\\Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\' . $config['transport'];
         $optionsClass = '\\Zend\\Mail\\Transport\\' . $config['transport'] . 'Options';
         $transport = new $class();
         $transport->setOptions(new $optionsClass($config['options']));
         return $transport;
     }, 'user_auth_adapter' => function ($sm) {
         $adapter = new \User\Authentication\Adapter\Mapper($sm->get('user_bcrypt'));
         return $adapter;
     }, 'user_auth_service' => function ($sm) {
         return new \Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService($sm->get('user_auth_storage'), $sm->get('user_auth_adapter'));
     }, 'user_role' => function ($sm) {
         $authService = $sm->get('user_auth_service');
         if ($authService->hasIdentity()) {
             return $authService->getIdentity();
         return 'guest';
     }, 'acl' => function ($sm) {
         // initialize the ACL
         $acl = new Acl();
         // define basic roles
         $acl->addRole(new Role('guest'));
         // simple guest
         $acl->addRole(new Role('user'), 'guest');
         // simple user
         $acl->addRole(new Role('admin'));
         // administrator
         $user = $sm->get('user_role');
         // add user to registry
         if ('guest' != $user) {
             $roles = $user->getRoleNames();
             // if the user has no roles, add the 'user' role by default
             if (empty($roles)) {
                 $roles = array('user');
             $acl->addRole($user, $roles);
         // admins are allowed to do everything
         return $acl;
     }, 'user_doctrine_em' => function ($sm) {
         return $sm->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
     }), 'shared' => array('user_role' => false));
Пример #4
 * Bcrypt utility
 * Generates the bcrypt hash value of a string
$autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
if (!$autoload) {
    // Attempt to locate it relative to the application root
    $autoload = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php');
$zf2Env = "ZF2_PATH";
if (file_exists($autoload)) {
    include $autoload;
} elseif (getenv($zf2Env)) {
    include getenv($zf2Env) . '/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php';
    Zend\Loader\AutoloaderFactory::factory(array('Zend\\Loader\\StandardAutoloader' => array('autoregister_zf' => true)));
if (!class_exists('Zend\\Loader\\AutoloaderFactory')) {
    throw new RuntimeException('Unable to load ZF2. Run `php composer.phar install` or define a ZF2_PATH environment variable.');
$bcrypt = new Zend\Crypt\Password\Bcrypt();
if ($argc < 2) {
    printf("Usage: php bcrypt.php <password> [cost]\n");
    printf("where <password> is the user's password and [cost] is the value\nof the cost parameter of bcrypt (default is %d).\n", $bcrypt->getCost());
if (isset($argv[2])) {
printf("%s\n", $bcrypt->create($argv[1]));