Пример #1
* Author(s):
* © 2015 Kasra Madadipouya <*****@*****.**>
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Zelenin\Telegram\Bot\Api('');
// Set your access token
$url = '';
// URL RSS feed
$update = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
//your app
try {
    if ($update->message->text == '/email') {
        $response = $client->sendChatAction(['chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id, 'action' => 'typing']);
        $response = $client->sendMessage(['chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id, 'text' => "You can send email to : Kasra@madadipouya.com"]);
    } else {
        if ($update->message->text == '/help') {
            $response = $client->sendChatAction(['chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id, 'action' => 'typing']);
            $response = $client->sendMessage(['chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id, 'text' => "List of commands :\n /email -> Get email address of the owner \n /latest -> Get latest posts of the blog \n    \t\t/help -> Shows list of available commands"]);
        } else {
            if ($update->message->text == '/latest') {
                Feed::$cacheDir = __DIR__ . '/cache';
                Feed::$cacheExpire = '5 hours';
                $rss = Feed::loadRss($url);
                $items = $rss->item;
                $lastitem = $items[0];
                $lastlink = $lastitem->link;
                $lasttitle = $lastitem->title;
                $message = $lasttitle . " \n " . $lastlink;
                $response = $client->sendChatAction(['chat_id' => $update->message->chat->id, 'action' => 'typing']);
$client = new Zelenin\Telegram\Bot\Api($token);
//$site = "https://api.telegram.org/bot".$token;
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$chatid = $data['message']['chat']['id'];
$text = $data['message']['text'];
$messageid = $data['message']['message_id'];
$updateid = $data['update_id'];
$senderid = $data['message']['from']['id'];
$zaman = $data['message']['date'];
if ($text == '/tatili' || $text == '/tatili@BeheshtiNotifierBot') {
    $news_page = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html("http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir/");
    $elems = $news_page->find("#simple-list_11643 ", 0);
    $message = $elems->plaintext;
    $params = array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'action' => 'typing');
    $response = $client->sendChatAction($params);
    $response = $client->sendMessage(array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'text' => $message, 'reply_to_message_id' => $messageid));
if ($text == '/akhbar' || $text == '/akhbar@BeheshtiNotifierBot') {
    $news_page = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html("http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir/");
    $elems = $news_page->find(".full-list article header a ");
    $link = $elems[0]->href;
    $fixLink = str_replace('./', '/', $link);
    //echo $fixLink;
    $behe = "http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir";
    $url = $behe . $fixLink;
    //echo $url;
    $dom = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html($url);
    $elems = $dom->find("#content article div", 0);
    $message = $elems->plaintext;
    $params = array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'action' => 'typing');
    $response = $client->sendChatAction($params);
Пример #3
 // //        $stmt->bindParam(':NAME',$user , PDO::PARAM_STR);
 // //    $stmt->bindParam(':chatid', $chatid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
 // //        if($stmt->execute())
 // //        {
 // //         $response   = $client -> sendMessage(array('chat_id' => '50408323', 'text' => $chatid.$user, 'reply_to_message_id' => $messageid));
 // //        }
 //      break;
 case 'تعطیلی کلاس ها':
 case '/akhbar':
 case '/tatili@BeheshtiNotifierBot':
     $params = array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'action' => 'typing');
     $response = $client->sendChatAction($params);
     $news_page = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html("http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir/");
     $elems = $news_page->find("#simple-list_11643 ", 0);
     $message = $elems->plaintext;
     $response = $client->sendMessage(array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'text' => $message, 'reply_to_message_id' => $messageid));
 case 'اخبار':
 case '/akhbar':
 case '/akhbar@BeheshtiNotifierBot':
     $params = array('chat_id' => $chatid, 'action' => 'typing');
     $response = $client->sendChatAction($params);
     $news_page = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html("http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir/");
     $elems = $news_page->find(".full-list article header a ");
     $link = $elems[0]->href;
     $fixLink = str_replace('./', '/', $link);
     $behe = "http://p-karaj.tvu.ac.ir";
     $url = $behe . $fixLink;
     $dom = HtmlDomParser::file_get_html($url);
     $elems = $dom->find("#content article div", 0);
     $message = $elems->plaintext;