  * Check in the payment processor after the payment is complete.
  * @return  mixed   For external payment methods:
  *                  The integer order ID, if known, upon success
  *                  For internal payment methods:
  *                  Boolean true, in order to make these skip the order
  *                  status update, as this has already been done.
  *                  If the order ID is unknown or upon failure:
  *                  Boolean false
 static function checkIn()
     //DBG::log("PaymentProcessing::checkIn(): Entered");
     //DBG::log("POST: ".var_export($_POST, true));
     //DBG::log("GET: ".var_export($_GET, true));
     $result = NULL;
     if (isset($_GET['result'])) {
         $result = abs(intval($_GET['result']));
         if ($result == 0 || $result == 2) {
             return false;
     if (empty($_REQUEST['handler'])) {
         return false;
     switch ($_REQUEST['handler']) {
         case 'paymill_cc':
         case 'paymill_elv':
         case 'paymill_iban':
             $arrShopOrder = array('order_id' => $_SESSION['shop']['order_id'], 'amount' => intval(bcmul($_SESSION['shop']['grand_total_price'], 100, 0)), 'currency' => Currency::getActiveCurrencyCode(), 'note' => $_SESSION['shop']['note']);
             $response = \PaymillHandler::processRequest($_REQUEST['paymillToken'], $arrShopOrder);
             \DBG::log(var_export($response, true));
             if ($response['status'] === 'success') {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 \DBG::log("PaymentProcessing::checkIn(): WARNING: paymill: Payment verification failed; errors: " . var_export($response, true));
                 return false;
         case 'saferpay':
             $arrShopOrder = array('ACCOUNTID' => \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('saferpay_id', 'Shop'));
             $id = \Saferpay::payConfirm();
             if (\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('saferpay_finalize_payment', 'Shop')) {
                 $arrShopOrder['ID'] = $id;
                 $id = \Saferpay::payComplete($arrShopOrder);
             //DBG::log("Transaction: ".var_export($transaction, true));
             return (bool) $id;
         case 'paypal':
             if (empty($_POST['custom'])) {
                 //DBG::log("PaymentProcessing::checkIn(): No custom parameter, returning NULL");
                 return NULL;
             $order_id = \PayPal::getOrderId();
             //                    if (!$order_id) {
             //                        $order_id = (isset($_SESSION['shop']['order_id'])
             //                            ? $_SESSION['shop']['order_id']
             //                            : (isset ($_SESSION['shop']['order_id_checkin'])
             //                                ? $_SESSION['shop']['order_id_checkin']
             //                                : NULL));
             //                    }
             $order = Order::getById($order_id);
             $amount = $currency_id = $customer_email = NULL;
             if ($order) {
                 $amount = $order->sum();
                 $currency_id = $order->currency_id();
                 $customer_id = $order->customer_id();
                 $customer = Customer::getById($customer_id);
                 if ($customer) {
                     $customer_email = $customer->email();
             $currency_code = Currency::getCodeById($currency_id);
             return \PayPal::ipnCheck($amount, $currency_code, $order_id, $customer_email, \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('paypal_account_email', 'Shop'));
         case 'yellowpay':
             $passphrase = \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('postfinance_hash_signature_out', 'Shop');
             return \Yellowpay::checkIn($passphrase);
             //                    if (\Yellowpay::$arrError || \Yellowpay::$arrWarning) {
             //                        global $_ARRAYLANG;
             //                        echo('<font color="red"><b>'.
             //                        $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PSP_FAILED_TO_INITIALISE_YELLOWPAY'].
             //                        '</b><br />'.
             //                        'Errors:<br />'.
             //                        join('<br />', \Yellowpay::$arrError).
             //                        'Warnings:<br />'.
             //                        join('<br />', \Yellowpay::$arrWarning).
             //                        '</font>');
             //                    }
         //                    if (\Yellowpay::$arrError || \Yellowpay::$arrWarning) {
         //                        global $_ARRAYLANG;
         //                        echo('<font color="red"><b>'.
         //                        $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PSP_FAILED_TO_INITIALISE_YELLOWPAY'].
         //                        '</b><br />'.
         //                        'Errors:<br />'.
         //                        join('<br />', \Yellowpay::$arrError).
         //                        'Warnings:<br />'.
         //                        join('<br />', \Yellowpay::$arrWarning).
         //                        '</font>');
         //                    }
         case 'payrexx':
             return \PayrexxProcessor::checkIn();
             // Added 20100222 -- Reto Kohli
         // Added 20100222 -- Reto Kohli
         case 'mobilesolutions':
             // A return value of null means:  Do not change the order status
             if (empty($_POST['state'])) {
                 return null;
             $result = \PostfinanceMobile::validateSign();
             if ($result) {
                 //DBG::log("PaymentProcessing::checkIn(): mobilesolutions: Payment verification successful!");
             } else {
                 DBG::log("PaymentProcessing::checkIn(): WARNING: mobilesolutions: Payment verification failed; errors: " . var_export(\PostfinanceMobile::getErrors(), true));
             return $result;
             // Added 20081117 -- Reto Kohli
         // Added 20081117 -- Reto Kohli
         case 'datatrans':
             return \Datatrans::validateReturn() && \Datatrans::getPaymentResult() == 1;
             // For the remaining types, there's no need to check in, so we
             // return true and jump over the validation of the order ID
             // directly to success!
             // Note: A backup of the order ID is kept in the session
             // for payment methods that do not return it. This is used
             // to cancel orders in all cases where false is returned.
         // For the remaining types, there's no need to check in, so we
         // return true and jump over the validation of the order ID
         // directly to success!
         // Note: A backup of the order ID is kept in the session
         // for payment methods that do not return it. This is used
         // to cancel orders in all cases where false is returned.
         case 'internal':
         case 'internal_creditcard':
         case 'internal_debit':
         case 'internal_lsv':
             return true;
             // Dummy payment.
         // Dummy payment.
         case 'dummy':
             $result = '';
             if (isset($_REQUEST['result'])) {
                 $result = $_REQUEST['result'];
             // Returns the order ID on success, false otherwise
             return \Dummy::commit($result);
     // Anything else is wrong.
     return false;
Пример #2
 function paymentYellowpayVerify()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $result = isset($_REQUEST['result']) ? $_REQUEST['result'] : 0;
     $order_id = \Yellowpay::getOrderId();
     if ($result < 0) {
         \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::init('Egov', 'config');
         if (\Yellowpay::checkIn(\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('postfinance_hash_signature_out', 'Egov'))) {
             // Silently process yellowpay notifications and die().
             if (abs($_REQUEST['result']) == 1) {
     $strReturn = '';
     if ($order_id) {
         $order_id = intval($_REQUEST['order_id']);
         $product_id = self::GetOrderValue('order_product', $order_id);
         if (empty($product_id)) {
             $strReturn = 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_ERROR_PROCESSING_ORDER'] . "\");\n";
         $status = self::GetOrderValue('order_state', $order_id);
         switch ($status) {
             case 1:
                 // The payment has been completed.
                 // The direct payment notification (with result == -1) has
                 // successfully caused the order to be updated.
                 // Show an appropriate message, and optionally redirect
                 // the customer.
                 $product_id = self::GetOrderValue('order_product', $order_id);
                 return self::getSuccessMessage($product_id);
                 // Not applicable:
                 // Mind that the payment result (cancelled or failed) is not
                 // available outside of the direct payment request from
                 // PostFinance!  Thus, this outcome is never encountered.
             // Not applicable:
             // Mind that the payment result (cancelled or failed) is not
             // available outside of the direct payment request from
             // PostFinance!  Thus, this outcome is never encountered.
             case 0:
             case 2:
                 // Payment failed, or has been cancelled
                 $strReturn = 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_YELLOWPAY_CANCEL'] . "\");\n";
     return $strReturn . 'document.location.href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?section=Egov\";\n";