function prepare($args) { $ok = parent::prepare($args); $this->subaction = $this->trimmed('subaction'); $this->runner = YammerRunner::init(); return $ok; }
/** * Data elements of the form * * @return void */ function formData() { $this->out->hidden('subaction', 'progress'); $runner = YammerRunner::init(); $error = $runner->lastError(); $userCount = $runner->countUsers(); $groupCount = $runner->countGroups(); $fetchedCount = $runner->countFetchedNotices(); $savedCount = $runner->countSavedNotices(); $labels = array('init' => array('label' => _m('Initialize'), 'progress' => _m('No import running'), 'complete' => _m('Initiated Yammer server connection...')), 'requesting-auth' => array('label' => _m('Connect to Yammer'), 'progress' => _m('Awaiting authorization...'), 'complete' => _m('Connected.')), 'import-users' => array('label' => _m('Import user accounts'), 'progress' => sprintf(_m('Importing %d user...', 'Importing %d users...', $userCount), $userCount), 'complete' => sprintf(_m('Imported %d user.', 'Imported %d users.', $userCount), $userCount)), 'import-groups' => array('label' => _m('Import user groups'), 'progress' => sprintf(_m('Importing %d group...', 'Importing %d groups...', $groupCount), $groupCount), 'complete' => sprintf(_m('Imported %d group.', 'Imported %d groups.', $groupCount), $groupCount)), 'fetch-messages' => array('label' => _m('Prepare public notices for import'), 'progress' => sprintf(_m('Preparing %d notice...', 'Preparing %d notices...', $fetchedCount), $fetchedCount), 'complete' => sprintf(_m('Prepared %d notice.', 'Prepared %d notices.', $fetchedCount), $fetchedCount)), 'save-messages' => array('label' => _m('Import public notices'), 'progress' => sprintf(_m('Importing %d notice...', 'Importing %d notices...', $savedCount), $savedCount), 'complete' => sprintf(_m('Imported %d notice.', 'Imported %d notices.', $savedCount), $savedCount)), 'done' => array('label' => _m('Done'), 'progress' => sprintf(_m('Import is complete!')), 'complete' => sprintf(_m('Import is complete!')))); $steps = array_keys($labels); $currentStep = array_search($runner->state(), $steps); $classes = array('yammer-import'); if ($error) { $classes[] = 'yammer-error'; } else { $classes[] = 'yammer-running'; } $this->out->elementStart('fieldset', array('class' => implode(' ', $classes))); // TRANS: Fieldset legend. $this->out->element('legend', array(), _m('Import status')); foreach ($steps as $step => $state) { if ($state == 'init') { // Don't show 'init', it's boring. continue; } if ($step < $currentStep) { // This step is done $this->progressBar($state, 'complete', $labels[$state]['label'], $labels[$state]['complete']); } else { if ($step == $currentStep) { // This step is in progress $this->progressBar($state, 'progress', $labels[$state]['label'], $labels[$state]['progress'], $error); } else { // This step has not yet been done. $this->progressBar($state, 'waiting', $labels[$state]['label'], _m('Waiting...')); } } } $this->out->elementEnd('fieldset'); }
function handle($notice) { $runner = YammerRunner::init(); if ($runner->hasWork()) { try { if ($runner->iterate()) { if ($runner->hasWork()) { // More to do? Shove us back on the queue... $runner->startBackgroundImport(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { try { $runner->recordError($e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $f) { common_log(LOG_ERR, "Error while recording error in Yammer background import: " . $e->getMessage() . " " . $f->getMessage()); } } } else { // We're done! common_log(LOG_INFO, "Yammer import has no work to do at this time; discarding."); } return true; }
<?php if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { die('no'); } define('INSTALLDIR', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))); $longoptions = array('verify=', 'reset'); require INSTALLDIR . "/scripts/"; echo "Checking current state...\n"; $runner = YammerRunner::init(); if (have_option('reset')) { echo "Resetting Yammer import state...\n"; $runner->reset(); echo "done.\n"; exit(0); } switch ($runner->state()) { case 'init': echo "Requesting authentication to Yammer API...\n"; $url = $runner->requestAuth(); echo "Log in to Yammer at the following URL and confirm permissions:\n"; echo "\n"; echo " {$url}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Pass the resulting code back by running:\n"; echo "\n"; echo " php yammer-import.php --verify=####\n"; echo "\n"; break; case 'requesting-auth': if (!have_option('verify')) {