public function __construct() { require Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . DS . 'Magegiant' . DS . 'Yahoo' . DS . ''; error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); # do not show notices as library is php4 compatable ini_set('display_errors', true); YahooLogger::setDebug(true); YahooLogger::setDebugDestination('LOG'); // use memcache to store oauth credentials via php native sessions ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); session_save_path('/tmp/'); session_start(); if (array_key_exists("logout", $_GET)) { YahooSession::clearSession(); //$this->reloadPage(); } }
public function __construct() { try { require Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . DS . 'Yahoo' . DS . ''; } catch (Exception $e) { } error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', true); YahooLogger::setDebug(true); YahooLogger::setDebugDestination('LOG'); ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files'); session_save_path('/tmp/'); session_start(); if (array_key_exists("logout", $_GET)) { YahooSession::clearSession(); } }
<?php define('AUTH_SERVICE', 'yahoo'); require_once '../../key.php'; require_once '../server.php'; // Include the YOS library. require 'lib/'; // Place Your App ID here if (array_key_exists("logout", $_GET)) { YahooSession::clearSession(); unset($_SESSION['login']); header("Location: index.php"); } else { $session = YahooSession::requireSession(YAHOO_CONSUMER_KEY, YAHOO_CONSUMER_SECRET, YAHOO_APP_ID); if (is_object($session)) { $user = $session -> getSessionedUser(); $friend = $user -> getContacts(0, 5000); $aContactList = array(); if ($friend -> contacts -> count > 0) { foreach ($friend->contacts->contact as $oContact) { $sEmail = $sUsername = ''; foreach ($oContact->fields as $aField) {
/** * @Yahoo login action * * Connect Yahoo Using oAuth coonection. * * @return string URL eiether customer save and loggedin or an error if any occurs */ public function yahoopostAction() { /** * Include @Yahoo library files for oAuth connection */ require 'sociallogin/lib/'; YahooLogger::setDebug(true); YahooLogger::setDebugDestination('LOG'); /** * * @param string $yahoo_client_id, * $yahoo_client_secret and $yahoo_developer_key * * Using this params setting up the connection to yahoo */ $yahooClientId = Mage::getStoreConfig('sociallogin/yahoo/yahoo_id'); $yahooClientSecret = Mage::getStoreConfig('sociallogin/yahoo/yahoo_secret'); $yahooDeveloperKey = Mage::getStoreConfig('sociallogin/yahoo/yahoo_develop'); $yahooDomain = Mage::getUrl(); /** * Use memcache to store oauth credentials via php native sessions * * Make sure you obtain application keys before continuing by visiting:<> */ define('OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY', "{$yahooClientId}"); define('OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET', "{$yahooClientSecret}"); define('OAUTH_DOMAIN', "{$yahooDomain}"); define('OAUTH_APP_ID', "{$yahooDeveloperKey}"); $para = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); $data = $this->getRequest()->getParam('fb'); if (array_key_exists("logout", $para)) { YahooSession::clearSession(); $url = "index.php"; $this->_redirectUrl($url); } $hasSession = YahooSession::hasSession(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_APP_ID); YahooUtil::current_url(); if (!$hasSession) { $callback = YahooUtil::current_url() . "?in_popup"; $sessionStore = new NativeSessionStore(); $authUrl = YahooSession::createAuthorizationUrl(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, $callback, $sessionStore); if ($authUrl) { $this->_redirectUrl($authUrl); } } else { $session = YahooSession::requireSession(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_APP_ID); if ($session) { $user = $session->getSessionedUser(); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $profile->guid; $email = $profile->emails[0]->handle; $firstName = $profile->givenName; $lastName = $profile->familyName; if ($email == '') { Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->addError($this->__('Yahoo Login connection failed')); $url = Mage::helper('customer')->getAccountUrl(); return $this->_redirectUrl($url); } else { $this->customerAction($firstName, $lastName, $email, 'Yahoo', $data); } } } }
public function saveAction() { require 'Yahoo/'; $helper = Mage::helper('referralreward'); //YahooLogger::setDebug(true); //YahooLogger::setDebugDestination('LOG'); define('OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY', $helper->storeConfig('yahoo/key')); define('OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET', $helper->storeConfig('yahoo/secret')); define('OAUTH_DOMAIN', Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB)); define('OAUTH_APP_ID', $helper->storeConfig('yahoo/appid')); $hasSession = YahooSession::hasSession(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_APP_ID); if ($hasSession == FALSE) { $callback = YahooUtil::current_url() . "?in_popup"; $sessionStore = new NativeSessionStore(); $authUrl = YahooSession::createAuthorizationUrl(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, $callback, $sessionStore); header("Location: " . $authUrl); exit; } else { $session = YahooSession::requireSession(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET, OAUTH_APP_ID); if ($session) { $user = $session->getSessionedUser(); //$profile = $user->getProfile(); $contacts = $user->getContactSync(); if ($contacts) { $contacts = $this->XmltoArray($contacts); $names = array(); $emails = array(); foreach ($contacts['contactsync']['contacts'] as $key => $profileContact) { foreach ($profileContact['fields'] as $contact) { $emails[] = $contact['value']; $names[] = ''; } } YahooSession::clearSession(); $customer_id = (int) $this->_getSession()->getId(); $count = Mage::getModel('referralreward/friends')->saveFriends($customer_id, $emails, $names); if ($count['enable']) { if ($count['enable'] > 1) { $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('%s have been added', $count['enable'])); } else { $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('%s has been added', $count['enable'])); } } if ($count['disable']) { $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('%s already registered', $count['disable'])); } if ($count['enable'] == 0 && $count['disable'] == 0) { $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__("no emails were added")); } } else { $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__("no emails were added")); } } echo "<script>\n window.opener.location.reload(true);\n window.close();\n </script>"; } }
/** * @private */ function initSession($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $applicationId, $redirect, $callback, $sessionStore, $verifier) { global $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION; if(!is_null($GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION)) { return $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION; } $consumer = new stdclass(); $consumer->key = $consumerKey; $consumer->secret = $consumerSecret; $checkSession = YahooSession::checkSession($type, $sessionStore); if(!$checkSession) { // There doesn't appear to be a session here. if($redirect) { $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; YahooSession::redirectForAuthorization($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $callback, $sessionStore); } else { // Don't redirect the user, just inform the caller that // no session is present. // TODO: throw a YahooException $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; } } else if($type == YAHOO_OAUTH_AT_SESSION_TYPE) { // Found an OAuth Access Token session. $accessToken = $sessionStore->fetchAccessToken(); $now = time(); YahooLogger::debug("OAuth AT: " . $accessToken->key . " ATS: ". $accessToken->secret); if($accessToken->consumer != $consumerKey) { YahooLogger::error("Consumer key for token does not match the defined Consumer Key. The Consumer Key has probably changed since the user last authorized the application."); YahooSession::clearSession($sessionStore); if($redirect) { YahooSession::redirectForAuthorization($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $callback, $sessionStore); } } if($accessToken->tokenExpires >= 0) { YahooLogger::debug('AT Expires in: ' . ($accessToken->tokenExpires - $now)); } if(($accessToken->tokenExpires >= 0) && ($accessToken->tokenExpires - $now) < 30) { // The access token will expire in less than 30 seconds or // it may have expired already. Try to get a new one. YahooSession::accessTokenExpired($accessToken, $consumer, $applicationId, $sessionStore); } else { // The access token is still good for a little while, continue using it. $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = new YahooSession($consumer, $accessToken, $applicationId); } } else if($type == YAHOO_OAUTH_RT_SESSION_TYPE) { if(is_null($verifier)) { // Can't proceed without the oauth_verifier, treat it as // though there's no session present. $sessionStore->clearRequestToken(); // TODO: throw a YahooException $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; } // Found an OAuth Request Token session. $requestToken = $sessionStore->fetchRequestToken(); $accessToken = YahooAuthorization::getAccessToken($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $requestToken, $verifier); if(!is_null($accessToken)) { $sessionStore->storeAccessToken($accessToken); $sessionStore->clearRequestToken(); $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = new YahooSession($consumer, $accessToken, $applicationId); } else if($redirect) { // TODO: Add redirect counter so this doesn't happen over and over and over when Yahoo! is completely busted. // The fetch for the access token failed. Generate a new // request token and try again. $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; YahooSession::redirectForAuthorization($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $callback, $sessionStore); } else { // Don't redirect the user, just inform the caller that // no session is present. $sessionStore->clearRequestToken(); $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; } } else if($type == YAHOO_YAP_SESSION_TYPE) { // Found a YAP session. $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = YahooSession::initSessionFromYAP($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $applicationId); } else { YahooLogger::error("Unknown session type found"); // TODO: throw a YahooException $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION = NULL; } return $GLOBAL_YAHOO_SESSION; }