public function run() { $this->groupTable = Sys_Database::getTable('worker'); $this->alarmModel = $this->loadModel(); if ($this->getRequest()->getPost('o') == 'delete') { $gid = $this->getRequest()->getPost('gid'); $this->delete($gid); } if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('o') == 'edit') { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); $this->initView(); $configData = array(); $id = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('id'); if ($id) { $configDataTmp = $this->alarmModel->selectData($id, 1, 1, $this->groupTable); $configData = $configDataTmp[0]; } $this->display('addworker', array('D' => $configData)); } if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('o') == 'add') { $this->add(); } $page = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('p'); $alarmList['page'] = $page ? $page : 1; $id = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('pluginid'); $pid = $id ? $id : NULL; $limit = 20; $alarmList['list'] = $this->alarmModel->selectData($pid, ($alarmList['page'] - 1) * $limit, $limit, $this->groupTable); $alarmNum = $this->alarmModel->selectData($pid, -1, -1, $this->groupTable); $alarmList['num'] = $alarmNum['num']; $alarmList['pageCount'] = (int) ($alarmList['num'] / $limit) + 1; $alarmList['pageView'] = $this->page($alarmList['page'], $alarmList['pageCount']); $this->getView()->assign('alarmList', $alarmList); }
public function routerShutdown(Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response) { $config = \Yaf_Registry::get('configarr'); $dispatcher = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance(); $twig = ''; // view 放在module 目录里 if ($request->module == $config['application']['dispatcher']['defaultModule']) { $twig = new \Core_Twig(APP_PATH . 'views', $config['twig']); } else { $twig = new \Core_Twig(APP_PATH . 'modules/' . $request->module . '/views', $config['twig']); } // url generate $twig->twig->addFunction("url", new Twig_Function_Function("Tools_help::url")); // 语言对应 $twig->twig->addFunction("lang", new Twig_Function_Function("Tools_help::lang")); // 图片路径 $twig->twig->addFunction("fbu", new Twig_Function_Function("Tools_help::fbu")); // 数字验证 $twig->twig->addFunction("is_numeric", new Twig_Function_Function("is_numeric")); // 处理错误提醒 $session_key = array('ErrorMessageStop', 'ErrorMessage', 'Message'); foreach ($session_key as $value) { $twig->assign($value, Tools_help::getSession($value)); Tools_help::setSession($value, ''); } $dispatcher->setView($twig); }
/** * 路由分发开始 * * @see Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::routerShutdown() */ public function routerStartup(Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response) { //IIS不支持默认路由,采用URL Query String方式路由 $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); $route = new Yaf_Route_Simple('m', 'c', 'a'); $router->addRoute('Windows-IIS-Supervar', $route); }
function _initRoute() { # 路由 $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); # 静态页面 $router->addRoute('html', new Yaf_Route_Regex('/([a-z]+)\\.html$/', array('controller' => 'Index', 'action' => 'html'), array(1 => 'page'))); }
/** * 初始化 REST 路由 * 修改操作 和 绑定参数 * @method init * @author NewFuture */ protected function init() { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); //关闭视图模板引擎 $action = $this->_request->getActionName(); //数字id映射带info控制器 if (is_numeric($action)) { $this->_request->setParam('id', intval($action)); $path = substr(strstr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $action), strlen($action) + 1); $action = $path ? strstr($path . '/', '/', true) : 'info'; $this->_request->setActionName($action); } //对应REST_Action $method = $this->_request->getMethod(); $rest_action = $method . '_' . $action; /*检查该action操作是否存在,存在则修改为REST接口*/ if (method_exists($this, $rest_action . 'Action')) { /*存在对应的操作*/ $this->_request->setActionName($rest_action); } elseif (!method_exists($this, $action . 'Action')) { /*action和REST_action 都不存在*/ $this->response = array('error' => '未定义操作', 'method' => $method, 'action' => $action, 'controller' => $this->_request->getControllerName()); exit; } //put请求写入GOLBAL中 $method == 'PUT' and parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $GLOBALS['_PUT']); }
/** *Scaffold action识配 */ protected function ScaffoldRoute() { if (!$this->Scaffold) { return; } $this->set('controller', $this->getRequest()->getControllerName()); $this->allParams(); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); $action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName(); if ($action == 'c') { $this->scaffoldC = TRUE; $action = $this->getRequest()->getParam('action'); } switch ($action) { case 'scaffoldajax': $this->ScaffoldAjax(); break; case 'scaffold': $this->ScaffoldIndex(); break; case 'getrow': $this->ScaffoldGetrow(); break; case 'modify': $this->ScaffoldModify(); break; case 'remove': $this->ScaffoldRemove(); break; default: $this->ScaffoldIndex(); } }
public function __construct() { $app = self::app(); if (!is_null($app)) { throw new Yaf_Exception('Only one application can be initialized'); } Yaf_G::init(); //这里主要是配置文件的加载 // request initialization if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { //判断http请求还是cli请求 $request = new Yaf_Request_Http(); //获取请求的url路径和基础路径,以及请求方式 } else { $request = new Yaf_Request_Cli(); } if ($request == null) { throw new Yaf_Exception('Initialization of request failed'); } // dispatcher $this->_dispatcher = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance(); //将调度对象赋值给app对象的属性,并在调度对象的属性中添加路由对象,单例 if ($this->_dispatcher == null || !$this->_dispatcher instanceof Yaf_Dispatcher) { throw new Yaf_Exception('Instantiation of dispatcher failed'); } $this->_dispatcher->setRequest($request); //把请求对象赋值给调度对象的属性中 self::$_app = $this; }
public function init() { if (Yaf_Session::getInstance()->has('username')) { $this->getView()->assign('username', Yaf_Session::getInstance()->offsetGet('username')); } else { return $this->redirect('/Login'); } $dsn = 'mysql:host=;dbname=yafdemo;charset=utf8'; $username = '******'; $password = '******'; $dbo = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password); $dbo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $dbo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $dbo->exec('SET NAMES UTF8'); $this->dbo = $dbo; $request = $this->getRequest(); $module = strtolower($request->getModuleName()); $controller = strtolower($request->getControllerName()); $action = strtolower($request->getActionName()); if (!$this->_checkPerm($module, $controller, $action) && $action != 'logout') { $this->getView()->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/application/views"); $this->getView()->display('common/403.phtml'); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(FALSE); exit; } }
public function _initRoute() { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); // Article detail router [伪静态] $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('/article/detail/:articleID', array('controller' => 'article', 'action' => 'detail')); $router->addRoute('regex', $route); }
/** * @runInSeparateProcess */ public function testCase036() { $testData = array(0 => array('url' => '/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => null, 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 1 => array('url' => '/foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 2 => array('url' => '/foo/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 3 => array('url' => '/foo///bar', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array())), 4 => array('url' => 'foo/bar', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array())), 5 => array('url' => '/foo/bar/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array())), 6 => array('url' => '/foo/bar/dummy', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array('dummy' => null))), 7 => array('url' => '/foo///bar/dummy', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array('dummy' => null))), 8 => array('url' => 'foo/bar/dummy', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array('dummy' => null))), 9 => array('url' => '/my', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 10 => array('url' => '/my/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 11 => array('url' => '/my/foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array())), 12 => array('url' => '/my/foo/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array())), 13 => array('url' => '/my/foo/bar', 'expected' => array('m' => 'my', 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array())), 14 => array('url' => '/my/foo/bar/', 'expected' => array('m' => 'my', 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array())), 15 => array('url' => '/my/foo/bar/dummy/1', 'expected' => array('m' => 'my', 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array('dummy' => '1'))), 16 => array('url' => 'my/foo/bar/dummy/1/a/2/////', 'expected' => array('m' => 'my', 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'bar', 'args' => array('dummy' => '1', 'a' => '2'))), 17 => array('url' => '/my/index/index', 'expected' => array('m' => 'my', 'c' => 'index', 'a' => 'index', 'args' => array())), 18 => array('url' => '/my/index', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => 'index', 'args' => array())), 19 => array('url' => '/foo/index', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'foo', 'a' => 'index', 'args' => array())), 20 => array('url' => 'index/foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'index', 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array()))); $config = array("application" => array("directory" => '/tmp/', "modules" => 'Index,My')); $app = new Yaf_Application($config); $route = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); foreach ($testData as $index => $test) { $req = new Yaf_Request_Http($test['url']); $route->route($req); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['m'], $req->getModuleName(), 'Failed module test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['c'], $req->getControllerName(), 'Failed controller test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['a'], $req->getActionName(), 'Failed action test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['args'], $req->getParams(), 'Failed param test for url:' . $test['url']); } if (!defined('YAF_MODE')) { Yaf_G::iniSet('yaf.action_prefer', true); } else { ini_set('yaf.action_prefer', true); } $testDataActionPrefer = array(0 => array('url' => '/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => null, 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 1 => array('url' => '/foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => null, 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array())), 2 => array('url' => '/foo/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => null, 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array())), 3 => array('url' => '/my', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 4 => array('url' => '/my/', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => null, 'args' => array())), 5 => array('url' => '/my/foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array())), 6 => array('url' => '/my//foo', 'expected' => array('m' => null, 'c' => 'my', 'a' => 'foo', 'args' => array()))); foreach ($testDataActionPrefer as $index => $test) { $req = new Yaf_Request_Http($test['url']); $route->route($req); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['m'], $req->getModuleName(), 'Failed module test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['c'], $req->getControllerName(), 'Failed controller test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['a'], $req->getActionName(), 'Failed action test for url:' . $test['url']); $this->assertEquals($test['expected']['args'], $req->getParams(), 'Failed param test for url:' . $test['url']); } }
function errorAction($exception) { // fallback views path to global when error occured in modules. $config = Yaf_Application::app()->getConfig(); $this->getView()->setScriptPath($config->application->directory . "/views"); $this->getView()->e = $exception; $this->getView()->e_class = get_class($exception); $this->getView()->e_string_trace = $exception->getTraceAsString(); $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); unset($params['exception']); $this->getView()->params = array_merge(array(), $params, $this->getRequest()->getPost(), $this->getRequest()->getQuery()); switch ($exception->getCode()) { case YAF_ERR_AUTOLOAD_FAILED: case YAF_ERR_NOTFOUND_MODULE: case YAF_ERR_NOTFOUND_CONTROLLER: case YAF_ERR_NOTFOUND_ACTION: header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); break; case 401: $this->forward('Index', 'application', 'accessDenied'); header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); echo $this->render('accessdenied'); break; default: //header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); core::dump($exception); break; } }
/** * Controller的init方法会被自动首先调用 */ public function init() { //调试mysql if (isset($_GET['debug6429360'])) { $this->debug = true; DB_Mysqli::$DEBUG = 1; } $this->platform = isset($_REQUEST['platform']) ? $_REQUEST['platform'] : $this->platform; Yaf_Registry::set("platform", $this->platform); $this->isMobile = $this->platform == 'ios' || $this->platform == 'android'; $this->wap = !$this->isMobile && Common_Mobile::isMobile(); $this->uid = $this->get('uid', $this->post('uid', false)); $this->controllerName = $this->getRequest()->getControllerName(); $this->actionName = $this->getRequest()->getActionName(); $userModel = new UserModel(); /* if (!isset(Common_Config::$NotNeedLogin[$this->controllerName][$this->actionName]) && $this->isMobile && $this->needLogin && !$this->debug) { $token = $this->get("token", $this->post("token", false)); if (!$token) { $this->redirect(NULL, Common_Error::ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_EXISTS); } $api = $this->getRequestApi(); $check = Common_Token::check($token, $this->uid, strtolower($api)); if (!$check) { $this->redirect(NULL, Common_Error::ERROR_TOKEN); } }*/ $this->uid = $this->uid ? $this->uid : $userModel->getUid(); /** * 如果是Ajax请求, 则关闭HTML输出 */ if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest() || 'POST' == $this->getRequest()->getMethod()) { $this->ajax = true; Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); } else { //$path = $this->getView()->getScriptPath(); //$path[0] = $path[0] . "/" . strtolower($this->getRequest()->getControllerName()); //$this->getView()->setScriptPath($path[0]); } //print_r($this->uid?$this->uid:"null"); //验证登录 /*if ( !isset(Common_Config::$NotNeedLogin[$this->controllerName][$this->actionName]) && $this->needLogin && !$this->uid) { $this->redirect("/user/login?from=" . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ""), Common_Error::ERROR_USER_NOT_LOGIN); $this->redirect("/user/verify", Common_Error::ERROR_USER_NOT_LOGIN); }*/ //用户信息 /* if($this->uid) { $user = $userModel->getUser($this->uid); $this->assign("uInfo", $user); Yaf_Registry::set("uid", $this->uid); }*/ }
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response) { $view = new TZ_View(); $view->setCacheEnable(true); $view->setScriptPath(APP_PATH . '/application/modules/' . $request->getModuleName() . '/views'); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->setView($view); }
/** * 路由规则定义,如果没有需要,可以去除该代码 * * @param Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher */ public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $config = new Yaf_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/conf/route.ini', 'common'); if ($config->routes) { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); $router->addConfig($config->routes); } }
/** *初始化路由 */ public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); /** * 添加配置中的路由 */ $router->addConfig(Yaf_Registry::get("config")->routes); }
/** * 错误控制入口 * * @param Exception $exception * @return boolean */ public function errorAction(Exception $exception) { //判断当前请求是否是AJAX $request = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRequest(); $is_ajsx = $request->isXmlHttpRequest(); $is_ajsx ? $this->_ajax($exception) : $this->_html($exception); return false; }
public function _initConfig() { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(FALSE); // 关闭自动加载模板 //把配置保存起来 $arrConfig = Yaf_Application::app()->getConfig(); Yaf_Registry::set('config', $arrConfig); }
/** * 初始化路由 */ public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); //$router->addRoute('movie', $route); //$route = new Yaf_Route_Map(true, "_"); //$router->addRoute('map_defaut', $route); //$router->addConfig($this->__config->routes); }
public function init() { if ($this->getRequest()->isCli()) { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->returnResponse(true); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); } else { throw new Exception("Environment is not in CLI mode.\n"); } }
public function init() { parent::init(); //关闭自动加载template功能 Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->autoRender(false); if ($this->_req->isPost()) { $this->checkReffer(array(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : "")); } }
public function dispatchLoopStartup(Yaf_Request_Abstract $request, Yaf_Response_Abstract $response) { $view = new View(); $config = Yaf_Registry::get('config'); if (!empty($config->path->view)) { $view->setScriptPath($config->path->view); } Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->setView($view); }
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); // $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('product/:ident',array('module'=>'User','controller' => 'Index','action' => 'test')); //使用路由器装载路由协议 //$router->addRoute('product', $route); $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('cc', array('controller' => 'Index', 'action' => 'index')); //使用路由器装载路由协议 $router->addRoute('cc', $route); }
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { //在这里注册自己的路由协议,默认使用简单路由 //print_r( $routes = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->getRoute("default")); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addRoute("supervar", new Yaf_Route_Supervar("r")); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addRoute("simple", new Yaf_Route_simple('m', 'c', 'a')); $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite("/index/get", array("controller" => "item", "action" => "get")); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addRoute("product", $route); //$dispatcher->setDefaultModule("index")->setDefaultController("index")->setDefaultAction("index"); }
private function getTpl($tpl) { $backTract = debug_backtrace(); $isViewCalled = FALSE; foreach ($backTract as $v) { if ($v['class'] === 'Yaf_View_Simple') { $isViewCalled = TRUE; break; } } $config = Yaf_Application::app()->getConfig(); $dispatcher = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance(); $this->fileType = $config->application->view->ext; $request = $dispatcher->getRequest(); $module = strtolower($request->module); $controller = strtolower($request->controller); $searchSlash = strpos($tpl, '//'); if (strpos($tpl, '.' . $this->fileType) === FALSE) { // view里的display|render的时候,后缀名给丢了,这边给补回来 $tpl .= '.' . $this->fileType; } if ($searchSlash !== FALSE) { // 出现这种情况的时候表示,调用display|render的时候用的是/作为开头的,模板的查找路径顺序为 // /modules/{modules}/views/ // /views/ $tpl = substr($tpl, $searchSlash + 2); $pathArray = array(APP_PATH . 'modules/' . $module . '/views/', APP_PATH . 'views/'); $path = $this->_returnExistsFile($pathArray, $tpl); if ($path === FALSE) { throw new Exception('Failed opening template', YAF_ERR_NOTFOUND_VIEW); } $this->setScriptPath($path); return $tpl; } else { // 调用时不是用/为开头,这边在view里调用和在controller里调用是有所不同的,view调用的时候没有了所在的controller名称,这种情况下查找路径顺序为 // /modules/{modules}/views/{controller}/ // /views/{controller}/ // /views/ if ($isViewCalled !== TRUE) { // 把{controller}/脱出 $controllerPath = $controller . '/'; $searchPath = strpos($tpl, $controllerPath); if ($searchPath === 0) { $tpl = substr($tpl, strlen($controllerPath)); } } $pathArray = array(APP_PATH . 'modules/' . $module . '/views/' . $controller . '/', APP_PATH . 'views/' . $controller . '/', APP_PATH . 'views/'); $path = $this->returnExistsFile($pathArray, $tpl, $controller); if ($path === FALSE) { throw new Exception('Failed opening template', YAF_ERR_NOTFOUND_VIEW); } $this->setScriptPath($path); return $tpl; } }
public function indexAction() { //默认Action Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); //禁用view $this->getView()->assign("content", "Hello World"); echo 'asdf'; // $cacheDriver = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache(); // $cacheDriver->setMemcache($memcache); // $cacheDriver->save('cache_id', 'my_data'); }
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); //$router->addConfig($this->_config->routes); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/^\\/([A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]+)[\\/]?([A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]*)[\\/]?([A-Za-z0-9_\\-\\.]*).*$/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches)) { #DebugTools::print_r($matches); } $route = new Yaf_Route_Regex('#^/xyq/#', array('controller' => isset($matches[2]) && !empty($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 'index', 'action' => isset($matches[3]) && !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : 'index')); $router->addRoute('xyq', $route); //DebugTools::print_r($router); }
protected function renderTemplate($name) { try { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); $module = $this->_request->getModuleName(); $this->_view->setScriptPath(APPLICATION_PATH . 'modules/' . $module . '/views/'); return $this->_view->render('templates/' . $name . '.tpl'); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::write($e->__toString(), Zend_Log::ERR); return false; } return true; }
public function errorAction($exception = null) { Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->disableView(); $code = $exception->getCode(); $message = $exception->getMessage(); $url = $this->_request->getRequestUri(); Log::write('[' . $code . '](' . $url . '):' . $message, 'ERROR'); $response['status'] = -10; $response['info'] = ['code' => $code, 'msg' => '请求异常!', 'uri' => $url]; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); //unicode不转码 }
public function _initRoute() { $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); // rewrite $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('/article/detail/:articleID', array('controller' => 'article', 'action' => 'detail')); $router->addRoute('rewrite', $route); // rewrite_category $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('/article/detail/:categoryID/:articleID', array('controller' => 'article', 'action' => 'detail')); $router->addRoute('rewrite_category', $route); // regex $route = new Yaf_Route_Regex('#article/([0-9]+).html#', array('controller' => 'article', 'action' => 'detail'), array(1 => 'articleID')); $router->addRoute('regex', $route); }
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { // $routes = $this->_config->routes; // //不为空 // if (!empty($routes)) { // //通过派遣器得到默认的路由器 // $router = Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter(); // //添加配置中的路由 // $router->addConfig($routes); $route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite('product/:ident', array('controller' => 'Product', 'action' => 'upload')); Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance()->getRouter()->addRoute("product", $route); // } }