        $install_path_rel .= '../';
    $install_path_rel .= 'install.php';
    header('Location: ' . $install_path_rel);
// Define some constants
@define('YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_SUFFIX', 'cache');
// First stab of includes
YDInclude(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php');
// Update the database prefix
YDConfig::set('YD_DB_TABLEPREFIX', YDConfig::get('db_prefix', ''));
// Get the cache filename
$cache_file = YD_DIR_TEMP . '/' . YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_PREFIX . md5(YDRequest::getNormalizedCurrentUrl()) . '.' . YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_SUFFIX;
@define('YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_FNAME', $cache_file);
// Check if the user wanted to use caching
if (YDConfig::get('use_cache', false)) {
    // Check if we allow caching
    if (sizeof($_POST) == 0) {
        // Check if there is a cache item for this request
        if (is_file(YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_FNAME)) {
            // Output the cached item
            $data = file_get_contents(YD_WEBLOG_CACHE_FNAME);
            // Include a cache filter if any
            @(include dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache_filter.php');
            // Add the elapsed time
            $elapsed = $GLOBALS['timer']->getElapsed();
            die($data . YD_CRLF . '<!-- #cached: ' . $elapsed . ' ms -->');