//	update_uid -
        $viewContainer->recId = $recordsCounter;
        $value = $viewContainer->showDBValue("update_uid", $data, $keylink);
        $row["update_uid_value"] = $value;
        //	npwpd_old -
        $viewContainer->recId = $recordsCounter;
        $value = $viewContainer->showDBValue("npwpd_old", $data, $keylink);
        $row["npwpd_old_value"] = $value;
        //	id_old -
        $viewContainer->recId = $recordsCounter;
        $value = $viewContainer->showDBValue("id_old", $data, $keylink);
        $row["id_old_value"] = $value;
        $rowinfo[] = $row;
        $data = $cipherer->DecryptFetchedArray($rs);
    $xt->assign_loopsection("details_row", $rowinfo);
$returnJSON = array("success" => true);
$returnJSON["body"] = $xt->fetch_loaded();
if ($mode != "inline") {
    $returnJSON["counter"] = postvalue("counter");
    $layout = GetPageLayout(GoodFieldName($strTableName), 'detailspreview');
    if ($layout) {
        $rtl = $xt->getReadingOrder() == 'RTL' ? 'RTL' : '';
        $returnJSON["style"] = "styles/" . $layout->style . "/style" . $rtl . ".css";
        $returnJSON["pageStyle"] = "pagestyles/" . $layout->name . $rtl . ".css";
        $returnJSON["layout"] = $layout->style . " page-" . $layout->name . ".css";
echo "<textarea>" . htmlspecialchars(my_json_encode($returnJSON)) . "</textarea>";
function runner_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
    global $strLastSQL;
    if ($errno == 2048) {
        return 0;
    if ($errno == 8192) {
        if ($errstr == "Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated") {
            return 0;
        if (strpos($errstr, "set_magic_quotes_runtime")) {
            return 0;
    if ($errno == 2 && strpos($errstr, "has been disabled for security reasons")) {
        return 0;
    if ($errno == 2 && strpos($errstr, "Data is not in a recognized format")) {
        return 0;
    if ($errno == 8 && !strncmp($errstr, "Undefined index", 15)) {
        return 0;
    if (strpos($errstr, "It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.")) {
        return 0;
    if (strpos($errstr, "fopen(") === 0) {
        return 0;
    // show error htm
    if (!class_exists("Xtempl")) {
        require_once getabspath("include/xtempl.php");
    $xt = new Xtempl();
    $xt->assign('errno', $errno);
    $xt->assign('errstr', $errstr);
    if (array_key_exists("QUERY_STRING", $_SERVER)) {
        $url .= "?" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
    $xt->assign('url', $url);
    $xt->assign('errfile', $errfile);
    $xt->assign('errline', $errline);
    $sqlStr = isset($strLastSQL) ? htmlspecialchars(substr($strLastSQL, 0, 1024)) : '';
    $xt->assign('sqlStr', $sqlStr);
    $debugInfoArr = parse_backtrace($errfile, $errline);
    $xt->assign_loopsection('debugRow', $debugInfoArr);
  * Search panel on list template handler
  * @param array $params
 function DisplaySearchPanel(&$params)
     global $gLoadSearchControls;
     $dispNoneStyle = 'style="display: none;"';
     $xt = new Xtempl();
     $xt->assign('searchPanel', $this->isDisplaySearchPanel);
     $xt->assign('id', $this->id);
     // search panel radio button assign
     $searchRadio = $this->searchControlBuilder->getSearchRadio();
     $xt->assign_section("all_checkbox_label", $searchRadio['all_checkbox_label'][0], $searchRadio['all_checkbox_label'][1]);
     $xt->assign_section("any_checkbox_label", $searchRadio['any_checkbox_label'][0], $searchRadio['any_checkbox_label'][1]);
     $xt->assignbyref("all_checkbox", $searchRadio['all_checkbox']);
     $xt->assignbyref("any_checkbox", $searchRadio['any_checkbox']);
     $xt->assign("searchbutton_attrs", "id=\"searchButton" . $this->id . "\" ");
     $showHideOpt_mess = $this->srchPanelAttrs['ctrlTypeComboStatus'] ? mlang_message("SEARCH_HIDE_OPTIONS_BUTTON") : mlang_message("SEARCH_SHOW_OPTIONS_BUTTON");
     // show hide search type opt message
     $xt->assign("showHideOpt_mess", $showHideOpt_mess);
     $xt->assign("srchOpt_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 0) {
         $xt->assign("srchCritTopCont_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("srchCritTopCont_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 1) {
         $xt->assign("srchCritBottomCont_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("srchCritBottomCont_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 0) {
         $xt->assign("bottomSearchButt_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("bottomSearchButt_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     // array for assign
     $srchCtrlBlocksArr = array();
     $recId = $this->pageObj->genId();
     // build search controls for each field, first we need to build used controls, because cached must have last index
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->allSearchFields); $j++) {
         $xt->assign("addSearch_" . GoodFieldName($this->allSearchFields[$j]), true);
         $srchFields = $this->searchClauseObj->getSearchCtrlParams($this->allSearchFields[$j]);
         $ctrlInd = 0;
         $isFieldNeedSecCtrl = $this->searchControlBuilder->isNeedSecondCtrl($this->allSearchFields[$j]);
         // add field that should be always shown on panel
         if (!count($srchFields) && in_array($this->allSearchFields[$j], $this->panelSearchFields)) {
             $srchFields[] = array('opt' => '', 'not' => '', 'value1' => '', 'value2' => '');
         // build used ctrls
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($srchFields); $i++) {
             // build used ctrl
             $srchCtrlBlocksArr[] = $this->searchControlBuilder->buildSearchCtrlBlockArr($recId, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $ctrlInd, $srchFields[$i]['opt'], $srchFields[$i]['not'], false, $srchFields[$i]['value1'], $srchFields[$i]['value2']);
             if ($isFieldNeedSecCtrl) {
                 $this->pageObj->controlsMap["search"]["searchBlocks"][] = array('fName' => $this->allSearchFields[$j], 'recId' => $recId, 'ctrlsMap' => array(0 => $ctrlInd, 1 => $ctrlInd + 1));
                 $ctrlInd += 2;
             } else {
                 $this->pageObj->controlsMap["search"]["searchBlocks"][] = array('fName' => $this->allSearchFields[$j], 'recId' => $recId, 'ctrlsMap' => array(0 => $ctrlInd));
             // increment ID
             $recId = $this->pageObj->genId();
             // make 0 for cached ctrls and build cache ctrls
             $ctrlInd = 0;
         // use this criteria, for create cached ctrls. Because, it can slow page with big amout of ctrls
         if (count($this->allSearchFields) < $gLoadSearchControls) {
             // add cached ctrl
             $srchCtrlBlocksArr[] = $this->searchControlBuilder->buildSearchCtrlBlockArr($recId, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $ctrlInd, '', false, true, '', '');
             if ($isFieldNeedSecCtrl) {
                 $this->pageObj->controlsMap["search"]["searchBlocks"][] = array('fName' => $this->allSearchFields[$j], 'recId' => $recId, 'ctrlsMap' => array(0 => $ctrlInd, 1 => $ctrlInd + 1));
                 $ctrlInd += 2;
             } else {
                 $this->pageObj->controlsMap["search"]["searchBlocks"][] = array('fName' => $this->allSearchFields[$j], 'recId' => $recId, 'ctrlsMap' => array(0 => $ctrlInd));
             $recId = $this->pageObj->genId();
     // assign blocks with ctrls
     $xt->assign_loopsection('searchCtrlBlock', $srchCtrlBlocksArr);
     // display templ
     $xt->display($this->pageObj->shortTableName . "_search_panel.htm");
        if ($format == FORMAT_CHECKBOX) {
            $class = ' rnr-field-checkbox';
        if ($format == FORMAT_NUMBER || IsNumberType($pSet->getFieldType("LastUpdate"))) {
            $class = ' rnr-field-number';
        $row["LastUpdate_class"] = $class;
        $rowinfo[] = $row;
        if ($b) {
            $rowinfo2[] = $row;
            $b = false;
        $data = $cipherer->DecryptFetchedArray($qResult->fetchAssoc());
    $xt->assign_loopsection("details_row", $rowinfo);
    $xt->assign_loopsection("details_row_header", $rowinfo2);
    // assign class for header
$returnJSON = array("success" => true);
$xt->load_template(GetTemplateName("StockMaster", "detailspreview"));
$returnJSON["body"] = $xt->fetch_loaded();
if ($mode != "inline") {
    $returnJSON["counter"] = postvalue("counter");
    $layout = GetPageLayout(GoodFieldName($strTableName), 'detailspreview');
    if ($layout) {
        foreach ($layout->getCSSFiles(isRTL(), isMobile()) as $css) {
            $returnJSON['CSSFiles'][] = $css;
Пример #5
  * Search panel on list template handler
  * @param array $params
 function DisplaySearchPanel(&$params)
     global $gLoadSearchControls;
     $dispNoneStyle = 'style="display: none;"';
     $xt = new Xtempl();
     $xt->assign('searchPanel', $this->isDisplaySearchPanel);
     $xt->assign('id', $this->id);
     // search panel radio button assign
     $searchRadio = $this->searchControlBuilder->getSearchRadio();
     $xt->assign_section("all_checkbox_label", $searchRadio['all_checkbox_label'][0], $searchRadio['all_checkbox_label'][1]);
     $xt->assign_section("any_checkbox_label", $searchRadio['any_checkbox_label'][0], $searchRadio['any_checkbox_label'][1]);
     $xt->assignbyref("all_checkbox", $searchRadio['all_checkbox']);
     $xt->assignbyref("any_checkbox", $searchRadio['any_checkbox']);
     $xt->assign("searchbutton_attrs", "id=\"searchButton" . $this->id . "\" ");
     $showHideOpt_mess = $this->srchPanelAttrs['ctrlTypeComboStatus'] ? "Hide options" : "Show options";
     // show hide search type opt message
     $xt->assign("showHideOpt_mess", $showHideOpt_mess);
     $xt->assign("srchOpt_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 0) {
         $xt->assign("srchCritTopCont_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("srchCritTopCont_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 1) {
         $xt->assign("srchCritBottomCont_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("srchCritBottomCont_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     if ($this->searchClauseObj->getUsedCtrlsCount() > 0) {
         $xt->assign("bottomSearchButt_attrs", '');
     } else {
         $xt->assign("bottomSearchButt_attrs", 'style="display: none;"');
     // array for assign
     $srchCtrlBlocksArr = array();
     $recId = $this->pageObj->genId();
     $addedSearchFields = array();
     $haveCashedSearchFields = false;
     // build search controls for each field, first we need to build used controls, because cached must have last index
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->allSearchFields); $j++) {
         $xt->assign("addSearch_" . GoodFieldName($this->allSearchFields[$j]), true);
         $srchFields = $this->searchClauseObj->getSearchCtrlParams($this->allSearchFields[$j]);
         $isFieldNeedSecCtrl = $this->searchControlBuilder->isNeedSecondCtrl($this->allSearchFields[$j]);
         // add field that should be always shown on panel
         if (!count($srchFields) && in_array($this->allSearchFields[$j], $this->panelSearchFields)) {
             $srchFields[] = array('opt' => '', 'not' => '', 'value1' => '', 'value2' => '');
         if (count($srchFields)) {
             $addedSearchFields[] = $this->allSearchFields[$j];
             // build used ctrls
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($srchFields); $i++) {
                 $ctrlInd = 0;
                 // build used ctrl
                 $srchCtrlBlocksArr[] = $this->searchControlBuilder->buildSearchCtrlBlockArr($recId, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $ctrlInd, $srchFields[$i]['opt'], $srchFields[$i]['not'], false, $srchFields[$i]['value1'], $srchFields[$i]['value2']);
                 $this->addSearchFieldToControlsMap($isFieldNeedSecCtrl, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $recId);
                 // make 0 for cached ctrls and build cache ctrls
                 //$ctrlInd = 0;
         } else {
             $haveCashedSearchFields = true;
     if ($haveCashedSearchFields && count($srchCtrlBlocksArr) < $gLoadSearchControls) {
         $ctrlInd = 0;
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($this->allSearchFields); $j++) {
             if (in_array($this->allSearchFields[$j], $addedSearchFields)) {
             $isFieldNeedSecCtrl = $this->searchControlBuilder->isNeedSecondCtrl($this->allSearchFields[$j]);
             // add cached ctrl
             $srchCtrlBlocksArr[] = $this->searchControlBuilder->buildSearchCtrlBlockArr($recId, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $ctrlInd, '', false, true, '', '');
             $this->addSearchFieldToControlsMap($isFieldNeedSecCtrl, $this->allSearchFields[$j], $recId);
             if (count($srchCtrlBlocksArr) >= $gLoadSearchControls) {
     // assign blocks with ctrls
     $xt->assign_loopsection('searchCtrlBlock', $srchCtrlBlocksArr);
     // display templ
     if (isMobile()) {
         $xt->display($this->pageObj->shortTableName . "_search_panel_m.htm");
     } else {
         $xt->display($this->pageObj->shortTableName . "_search_panel.htm");