function ajaxCheckUserName(&$args, &$response) { $pluginHandler = new XiptLibPluginhandler(); $ptype = $pluginHandler->isPTypeExistInSession(); if (!$ptype) { XiptError::assert($ptype, XiptText::_('PROFILE_TYPE_IS_NOT_SELECTED'), XiptError::WARNING); return false; } // as per JomSocial code $uname = $args[0]; if (XiptHelperRegistration::checkIfUsernameAllowed($uname, $ptype)) { return true; } // username not allowed $msg = XiptText::_('XIPT_USERNAME_NOT_ALLOWED'); $response->addScriptCall('jQuery("#jsusername").addClass("invalid");'); $response->addScriptCall('jQuery("#errjsusernamemsg").show();'); $response->addScriptCall('jQuery("#errjsusernamemsg").html("<br/>' . $msg . '");'); $response->addScriptCall('jQuery("#usernamepass").val("N");'); $response->addScriptCall('false;'); return false; }
function updateCommunityUserPrivacy($userid, $myprivacy) { // get params //self::reloadCUser($userid); $cuser = CFactory::getUser($userid); $myparams = $cuser->getParams(); // if privacy handle by end user then dont update privacy. if (false == XiptLibPluginhandler::isPrivacyAllow()) { return true; } if (isset($myprivacy['jsPrivacyController'])) { unset($myprivacy['jsPrivacyController']); } foreach ($myprivacy as $key => $val) { $myparams->set($key, $val); } $params = $myparams->toString(); $query = new XiptQuery(); if (!$query->update('#__community_users')->set(" params = '{$params}' ")->where(" userid = {$userid} ")->dbLoadQuery()->query()) { return false; } /** * Update user Photo Privacy Setting in user Album Tables */ $params = $myparams->toArray(); $query = new XiptQuery(); if (!$query->update('#__community_photos_albums')->set(" permissions = '" . $params['privacyPhotoView'] . "' ")->where(" creator = {$userid} ")->dbLoadQuery()->query()) { return false; } /** * Update user Vedio Privacy Setting in user Album Tables */ //$params = $myparams->toArray(); $query = new XiptQuery(); if (!$query->update('#__community_videos')->set(" permissions = '" . $params['privacyVideoView'] . "'")->where(" creator = {$userid} ")->dbLoadQuery()->query()) { return false; } //default Privacy of every custom field is "public" $query = new XiptQuery(); if (!$query->update('#__community_fields_values')->set(" access = 0")->where(" user_id = {$userid} ")->dbLoadQuery()->query()) { return false; } // if(!$cuser->save( 'params' )) // return false ; //enforce JomSocial to clean cached user self::reloadCUser($userid); return true; }