public static function getInstance() { $suffix = JString::stristr(XiptHelperJomsocial::get_js_version(), 2.0) ? "Js20" : "Js18"; $classname = "XiptFieldsTemplates" . JString::ucfirst($suffix); if (class_exists($classname, true) === false) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("{$className} : CLASS_NOT_FOUND")); return false; } $instance = new $classname(); return $instance; }
function getName() { $name = $this->_name; if (empty($name)) { $r = null; if (!preg_match('/View(.*)/i', get_class($this), $r)) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, "Can't get or parse class name."); } $name = strtolower($r[1]); } return $name; }
function unCopyXIPTFilesFromJomSocial() { $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_community'; $targetFile = $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'profiletypes.php'; if (JFile::exists($targetFile)) { JFile::delete($targetFile) || XiptError::raiseError('XIPT-UNINSTALL-ERROR', 'Not able to restore backup:' . __LINE__); } $targetFile = $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'templates.php'; if (JFile::exists($targetFile)) { JFile::delete($targetFile) || XiptError::raiseError('XIPT-UNINSTALL-ERROR', 'Not able to restore backup : ' . __LINE__); } return; }
public function getAclObject($aclName) { $path = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . $aclName . DS . $aclName . '.php'; if (!JFile::exists($path)) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText::_("INVALID_ACL_FILE"), $aclName)); return false; } require_once $path; //$instance will comtain all addon object according to rule //Every rule will have different object static $instance = array(); if (isset($instance[$aclName])) { return $instance[$aclName]; } $instance[$aclName] = new $aclName(); return $instance[$aclName]; }
static function getInstance($name, $type, $prefix = 'Xipt', $refresh = false) { static $instance = array(); //generate class name $className = JString::ucfirst($prefix) . JString::ucfirst($type) . JString::ucfirst($name); // Clean the name $className = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_]/i', '', $className); //if already there is an object if ($refresh === false && isset($instance[$className])) { return $instance[$className]; } //class_exists function checks if class exist, // and also try auto-load class if it can if (class_exists($className, true) === false) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText::_("CLASS_NOT_FOUND"), $className)); return false; } //create new object, class must be autoloaded $instance[$className] = new $className(); return $instance[$className]; }
function save($data, $pk = null) { if (isset($data) === false || count($data) <= 0) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("NO_DATA_TO_SAVE_IN_USER_TABLE_KINDLY_RE-LOGIN_AND_RETRY_TO_SAVE_DATA")); return false; } //load the table row $table = $this->getTable(); if (!$table) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText::_("TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST"), $table)); return false; } $table->load($pk); //to clean cached data, reset record list $this->_recordlist = array(); //bind, and then save if ($table->bind($data) && $table->store()) { return true; } //some error occured XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText::_("NOT_ABLE_TO_SAVE_DATA_IN_TABLE_PLEASE_RE-TRY"), $table)); return false; }
/** * XITODO Method to order rows. */ public function order($pk, $change) { XiptError::assert($pk, sprintf(XiptText::_("PRIMARY_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST"), $pk), XiptError::ERROR); //load the table row $table = $this->getTable(); if (!$table) { return false; } //try to move if ($table->load($pk) && $table->move($change)) { return true; } //some error occured XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("NOT_ABLE_TO_LOAD_DATA")); return false; }
function copyLibraryFiles() { $XIPT_PATH_ADMIN = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt'; $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_community'; $sourceFile = $XIPT_PATH_ADMIN . DS . 'hacks' . DS . 'front_libraries_fields_profiletypes.php'; $targetFile = $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'profiletypes.php'; JFile::copy($sourceFile, $targetFile) || XiptError::raiseError('INSTERR', "Not able to copy file " . $sourceFile . " to " . $targetFile); $sourceFile = $XIPT_PATH_ADMIN . DS . 'hacks' . DS . 'front_libraries_fields_templates.php'; $targetFile = $COMMUNITY_PATH_FRNTEND . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'templates.php'; JFile::copy($sourceFile, $targetFile) || XiptError::raiseError('INSTERR', "Not able to copy file " . $sourceFile . " to " . $targetFile); return; }
define('DEFAULT_IMAGEWATERMRK', 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'images' . DS . 'demo_watermrk.png'); define('DEFAULT_IMAGEWATERMRK_THUMB', 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'images' . DS . 'demo_watermrk_thumb.png'); define('DEFAULT_DEMOAVATAR', 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'images' . DS . 'default_avatar.png'); define('DEFAULT_DEMOAVATAR_THUMB', 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'images' . DS . 'default_thumb.png'); //where to store profiletype avatars define('PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_REFERENCE_PATH', 'images' . DS . 'profiletype'); define('PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH', JPATH_ROOT . DS . PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_REFERENCE_PATH); define('USER_AVATAR_BACKUP', JPATH_ROOT . DS . PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_REFERENCE_PATH . DS . 'useravatar'); if (JFolder::exists(PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH) == false && JFolder::create(PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH) === false) { XiptError::raiseError("XIPT-ERROR", "Folder [" . PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH . "] does not exist. Even we are not able to create it. Please check file permission."); return false; } //if(JFolder::exists(PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH)) // chmod(PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH, 0755); if (JFolder::exists(USER_AVATAR_BACKUP) == false && JFolder::create(USER_AVATAR_BACKUP) === false) { XiptError::raiseError("XIPT-ERROR", "Folder [" . USER_AVATAR_BACKUP . "] does not exist. Even we are not able to create it. Please check file permission."); return false; } //if(JFolder::exists(USER_AVATAR_BACKUP)) // chmod(USER_AVATAR_BACKUP, 0755); // define constants for category of Profile Fields define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_ALLOWED', 0); define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_REQUIRED', 1); define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_VISIBLE', 2); define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_EDITABLE_AFTER_REG', 3); define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_EDITABLE_DURING_REG', 4); define('PROFILE_FIELD_CATEGORY_ADVANCE_SEARCHABLE', 5); //define constants for blocking display application according to owner,visitor and both define('BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_OWNER', 0); define('BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_VISITOR', 1); define('BLOCK_DISPLAY_APP_OF_BOTH', 2);
/** * Get structure of table from db table */ public function getColumns() { if (isset($this->_columns)) { return $this->_columns; } $tableName = $this->getTableName(); if (XiptHelperTable::isTableExist($tableName) === FALSE) { return XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("Table {$this->_tbl} DOES_NOT_EXIST")); } $fields = $this->_db->getTableFields($tableName); $this->_columns = $fields[$tableName]; return $this->_columns; }
/** * @Copyright Ready Bytes Software Labs Pvt. Ltd. (C) 2010- author-Team Joomlaxi * @license GNU/GPL *@TODO : Include all helper files or other files in one common file and include that file **/ // no direct access if (!defined('_JEXEC')) { die('Restricted access'); } // add include files require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_xipt' . DS . 'includes.php'; // check for jom social supported version and show message if (!XiptHelperJomsocial::isSupportedJS()) { $msg = "ERROR : The JomSocial Current Version used by you is not supported for ProfileTypes."; JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg); } $controller = JRequest::getCmd('view', 'cpanel'); $controller = JString::strtolower($controller); $class = 'XiptController' . JString::ucfirst($controller); // Test if the object really exists in the current context if (!class_exists($class, true)) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText_("INVALID_CONTROLLER_OBJECT_CLASS_DEFINITION_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_IN_THIS_CONTEXT"), $class)); } $controller = new $class(); // Perform the Request task $task = JRequest::getCmd('task', 'display'); // Task's are methods of the controller. Perform the Request task $controller->execute($task); // Redirect if set by the controller $controller->redirect();
function createImageWatermark($path, $filename) { XiptError::assert(!empty($path), XiptText::_("PATH_IS_EMPTY"), XiptError::ERROR); XiptError::assert(!empty($filename), XiptText::_("FILE_IS_EMPTY"), XiptError::ERROR); //here check if folder exist or not. if not then create it. if (JFolder::exists($path) == false && JFolder::create($path) === false) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, sprintf(XiptText::_("FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST"), $path)); return false; } $filename = $filename . ".png"; $filepath = $path . "/" . $filename; //create an image identifier from path $img = $this->load($this->imgname); if ($img == false) { return false; } $img_width = imagesx($img); $img_height = imagesy($img); //create a blank transparent image with the // height and width of the watermark $new_image = $this->imageCreateTransparent($this->width, $this->height); // resize $img to watermark height and width //copy it to $new_image imagecopyresampled($new_image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $img_width, $img_height); // create an png image $result = imagepng($new_image, $filepath); chmod($filepath, 0744); imagedestroy($new_image); // if file creation is successfull return filename , else false return $result ? $filename : false; }
function getUserData($userid, $what = 'PROFILETYPE') { $results = array(); switch ($what) { case 'PROFILETYPE': if ($userid == 0) { return XiptFactory::getSettings('guestProfiletypeID', XiptFactory::getSettings('defaultProfiletypeID', 0)); } $getMe = PROFILETYPE_FIELD_IN_USER_TABLE; $defaultValue = XiptLibProfiletypes::getDefaultProfiletype(); break; case 'TEMPLATE': $getMe = TEMPLATE_FIELD_IN_USER_TABLE; $allTemplates = XiptHelperJomsocial::getTemplatesList(); $pID = XiptLibProfiletypes::getUserData($userid, 'PROFILETYPE'); $defaultValue = XiptLibProfiletypes::getProfileTypeData($pID, 'template'); //else get system template if (in_array($defaultValue, $allTemplates) === false) { $defaultValue = XiptLibProfiletypes::getDefaultTemplate(); } break; default: XiptError::raiseError('XIPT-SYSTEM-ERROR', 'XIPT System Error'); } $results = XiptFactory::getInstance('users', 'model')->loadRecords(0); // not a valid result OR value not set if (!$results || isset($results[$userid]) == false) { return $defaultValue; } $what = strtolower($what); return $results[$userid]->{$what}; }
function multidobool($task = 'enable', $cids = array(0)) { $task = JRequest::getVar('task', $task); $offpattern = '/^switchOff/'; $onpattern = '/^switchOn/'; if (preg_match($onpattern, $task)) { $switch = false; //$columninfo = str_split($task,strlen('switchOn')); $columninfo = explode('switchOn', $task); $column = array_key_exists(1, $columninfo) ? $columninfo[1] : ''; $value = 1; } else { if (preg_match($offpattern, $task)) { $switch = false; //$columninfo = str_split($task,strlen('switchOff')); $columninfo = explode('switchOff', $task); $column = array_key_exists(1, $columninfo) ? $columninfo[1] : ''; $value = 0; } else { XiptError::assert(0); } } $cids = JRequest::getVar('cid', $cids, 'post', 'array'); foreach ($cids as $cid) { if (!$this->_doBool($column, $value, $cid)) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("ERROR_IN_REORDERING_ITEMS")); } } //redirect now $this->setRedirect(XiptRoute::_("index.php?option=com_" . JString::strtolower($this->getPrefix()) . "&view={$this->getName()}"), sprintf(XiptText::_($task . '.MSG'), $cids)); return false; }
function uploadAndSetImage($file, $id, $what) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); CFactory::load('helpers', 'image'); $config = CFactory::getConfig(); $uploadLimit = (double) $config->get('maxuploadsize'); $uploadLimit = $uploadLimit * 1024 * 1024; // @rule: Limit image size based on the maximum upload allowed. if (filesize($file['tmp_name']) > $uploadLimit) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(XiptText::_('IMAGE_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED'), 'error'); $mainframe->redirect(CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_xipt&view=profiletypes&task=edit&id=' . $id, false)); } if (!cValidImage($file['tmp_name'])) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(XiptText::_('IMAGE_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED'), 'error'); } else { switch ($what) { case 'avatar': $imageMaxWidth = AVATAR_WIDTH; $thumbWidth = AVATAR_WIDTH_THUMB; $thumbHeight = AVATAR_HEIGHT_THUMB; $imgPrefix = 'avatar_'; break; case 'watermark': $imageMaxWidth = WATERMARK_WIDTH; $thumbWidth = WATERMARK_WIDTH_THUMB; $thumbHeight = WATERMARK_HEIGHT_THUMB; $imgPrefix = 'watermark_'; break; } $storage = PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_PATH; $storageImage = $storage . DS . $imgPrefix . $id . cImageTypeToExt($file['type']); $storageThumbnail = $storage . DS . $imgPrefix . $id . '_thumb' . cImageTypeToExt($file['type']); $image = PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_REFERENCE_PATH . DS . $imgPrefix . $id . cImageTypeToExt($file['type']); //$thumbnail = PROFILETYPE_AVATAR_STORAGE_REFERENCE_PATH . $imgPrefix . $id.'_thumb' . cImageTypeToExt( $file['type'] ); //here check if folder exist or not. if not then create it. if (JFolder::exists($storage) == false) { JFolder::create($storage); } // Only resize when the width exceeds the max. if (!cImageResizePropotional($file['tmp_name'], $storageImage, $file['type'], $imageMaxWidth)) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(XiptText::sprintf('COM_XIPT_ERROR_MOVING_UPLOADED_FILE', $storageImage), 'error'); } // Generate thumbnail if (!cImageCreateThumb($file['tmp_name'], $storageThumbnail, $file['type'], $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight)) { $mainframe->enqueueMessage(XiptText::sprintf('COM_XIPT_ERROR_MOVING_UPLOADED_FILE', $storageThumbnail), 'error'); } $oldFile = XiptLibProfiletypes::getProfiletypeData($id, $what); // If old file is default_thumb or default, we should not remove it. if (!Jstring::stristr($oldFile, DEFAULT_AVATAR) && !Jstring::stristr($oldFile, DEFAULT_AVATAR_THUMB) && $oldFile != $image && $oldFile != '') { // File exists, try to remove old files first. $oldFile = JString::str_ireplace('/', DS, $oldFile); //only delete when required if (JFile::exists($oldFile)) { JFile::delete($oldFile); } } //here due to extension mismatch we can break the functionality of avatar if ($what === 'avatar') { /* No need to update thumb here , script will update both avatar and thumb */ //$newThumb = XiptHelperImage::getThumbAvatarFromFull($newAvatar); $oldAvatar = XiptLibProfiletypes::getProfiletypeData($id, 'avatar'); $allUsers = XiptLibProfiletypes::getAllUsers($id); if ($allUsers) { $filter[] = 'avatar'; $newData['avatar'] = $image; $oldData['avatar'] = $oldAvatar; foreach ($allUsers as $userid) { XiptLibProfiletypes::updateUserProfiletypeFilteredData($userid, $filter, $oldData, $newData); } } } //now update profiletype with new avatar or watermark if (!XiptFactory::getInstance('profiletypes', 'model')->save(array($what => XiptHelperUtils::getUrlpathFromFilePath($image)), $id)) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, XiptText::_("ERROR_IN_DATABASE")); } } }
function updateCommunityCustomField($userId, $value, $what = '') { //ensure we are calling it for correct field XiptError::assert($what == PROFILETYPE_CUSTOM_FIELD_CODE || $what == TEMPLATE_CUSTOM_FIELD_CODE, XiptText::_("CUSTOM_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXIST"), XiptError::ERROR); // find the profiletype or template field // dont patch up the database. $res = XiptHelperJomsocial::getFieldId($what); // skip these calls from backend XiptError::assert($res); $field_id = $res; //if row does not exist $query = new XiptQuery(); $res = $query->select('*')->from('#__community_fields_values')->where(" user_id = {$userId} ", 'AND')->where(" field_id = {$field_id} ")->dbLoadQuery()->loadObject(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); //record does not exist, insert it if (!$res) { $res = new stdClass(); $res->user_id = $userId; $res->field_id = $field_id; $res->value = $value; $db->insertObject('#__community_fields_values', $res, 'id'); if ($db->getErrorNum()) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, $db->stderr()); } return true; } // change the type $res->user_id = $userId; $res->field_id = $field_id; $res->value = $value; $db->updateObject('#__community_fields_values', $res, 'id'); if ($db->getErrorNum()) { XiptError::raiseError(__CLASS__ . '.' . __LINE__, $db->stderr()); } return true; }