private function getSeo() { $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); switch ($this->File) { case 'artigo': $Admin = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level']) && $_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level'] == 3 ? true : false; $Check = $Admin ? '' : 'post_status = 1 AND '; $ReadSeo->setPost_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Query("WHERE {$Check} #post_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$post_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/artigo/{$post_name}", HOME . "/uploads/{$post_cover}"]; //post:: post_views $ReadSeo->setPost_id($post_id); $ReadSeo->setPost_views($post_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setPost_last_views(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->update(); } break; case 'index': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Seu Guia de empresas, eventos e baladas!', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } if ($this->Data) { $this->setTags(); } }
<?php $Read = new WsPosts(); $category_id = Check::CatByName("convenios"); switch ($method) { case "GET": //retorna todos os itens if (isset($id)) { $Read->setPost_id($id); $Read->setPost_status('1'); $Read->Execute()->find(); Check::JsonReturn($Read->Execute()->getResult(), 'Convênio não encontrado!', '404'); } else { $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_title DESC", "cat={$category_id}"); Check::JsonReturn($Read->Execute()->getResult(), 'Nenhuma convênio cadastrada!', '204'); } break; case "POST": if (!empty($request->post_id)) { //update $Read->setThis($request); $Read->Execute()->update(NULL, 'post_id'); echo json_encode($request); } else { //salvar $Read->setThis($request); $insert = $Read->Execute()->insert(); if ($insert) { $request->post_id = (int) $Read->Execute()->MaxFild("post_id"); } echo json_encode($request);
<header> <h1 class="title"><?php echo $category_title; ?> </h1> <p><?php echo $category_content; ?> </p> </header> <?php $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/categoria/' . $category_name . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 3); $readCat = new WsPosts(); $readCat->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "cat={$category_id}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readCat->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, a categoria <b>{$category_title}</b> ainda não tem artigos publicados, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { $cc = 1; $View = new View(); $tpl_m = $View->Load('article_m'); foreach ($readCat->Execute()->getResult() as $cat) { echo "\n<div class='col-md-4'>\n"; $class = $cc % 3 == 0 ? ' class="right"' : null; $cat->post_title = Check::Words($cat->post_title, 8); $cat->post_content = Check::Words($cat->post_content, 20); $cat->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cat->post_date)); $cat->pubdate = date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($cat->post_date));
private function Update() { $WsPosts = new WsPosts(); $this->Data['post_views'] = null; $this->Data['post_last_views'] = null; $this->Data['post_id'] = $this->Post; $this->Data['post_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->Data['post_cover'] = isset($this->Data['post_cover']) ? $this->Data['post_cover'] : null; $WsPosts->setThis((object) $this->Data); $result = $WsPosts->Execute()->update(null, 'post_id'); $this->Message($this->Data['post_title'], "atualizado", true, $result); }
$post['post_cover'] = $_FILES['post_cover']['tmp_name'] ? $_FILES['post_cover'] : 'null'; unset($post['SendPostForm']); require_once '_models/AdminPost.class.php'; $cadastra = new AdminPost(); $cadastra->ExeUpdate($postid, $post); WSErro($cadastra->getError()[0], $cadastra->getError()[1]); if (!empty($_FILES['gallery_covers']['tmp_name'])) { $sendGallery = new AdminPost(); $sendGallery->gbSend($_FILES['gallery_covers'], $postid); } if (!empty($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'])) { $sendFiles = new AdminPost(); $sendFiles->flSend($_FILES['files'], $postid); } } else { $WsPosts = new WsPosts(); $WsPosts->setPost_id($postid); $WsPosts->Execute()->find(); if (!$WsPosts->Execute()->getResult()) { header('Location: painel.php?exe=posts/index&empty=true'); } else { $post = (array) $WsPosts->Execute()->getResult(); $post['post_date'] = date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($post['post_date'])); } } if (!empty($_SESSION['errCapa'])) { WSErro($_SESSION['errCapa'], E_USER_WARNING); unset($_SESSION['errCapa']); } $checkCreate = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'create', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); if ($checkCreate && empty($cadastra)) {
?> " title="Excluir">Deletar</a></li> </ul> </header> <h2>Sub categorias:</h2> <?php $ReadSes->setCategory_parent($category_id); $ReadSes->Execute()->Query("#category_parent#"); if (!$ReadSes->Execute()->getResult()) { } else { $a = 0; foreach ($ReadSes->Execute()->getResult() as $sub) { $a++; $ReadCatPosts = new WsPosts(); $ReadCatPosts->setPost_category($sub->category_id); $ReadCatPosts->Execute()->Query("#post_category#"); $category_views = !empty($category_views) ? $category_views : 0; ?> <article<?php if ($a % 3 == 0) { echo ' class="right"'; } ?> > <h1><a target="_blank" href="../categoria/<?php echo $sub->category_name; ?> " title="Ver Categoria"><?php echo $sub->category_title;
<section class="section"> <div class="well"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="text-center">Equipe</h1> <p class="text-center">Membros importantes da nossa CIDDHC.</p> </div> </div> <?php $View = new View(); $membro = $View->Load("article_membro"); $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND post_type = 'membros' ORDER BY post_date DESC"); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Desculpe não temos membros no momento, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { $i = 0; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $item) { if ($i % 2 == 0 && $i != 0) { echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; } $item->post_title = Check::Words($item->post_title, 4); $item->post_content = Check::Words($item->post_content, 10); $item->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item->post_date)); $item->pubdate = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($item->post_date)); $View->Show((array) $item, $membro); $i++; } echo "</div>\n";
" title="<?php echo $Titulo; ?> da intranet" alt="<?php echo $Titulo; ?> "><?php echo $Titulo; ?> </a></small></h1> <div class="well"> <?php $cat = Check::CatByName($Categoria); $Offset = !empty($Offset) ? "OFFSET {$Offset}" : ""; $c = 0; $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->setPost_category($cat); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY {$Ordem} DESC LIMIT 3 {$Offset}", "cat={$cat}", true); $Offset = null; if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Opps! Não temos artigos em destaques!", WS_INFOR); } else { $View = new View(); $new = $View->Load("noticias_m_clean"); foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $bar) { $bar->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->pubdate = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->post_content = Check::Words($bar->post_content, 30); $bar->class = $c == 0 ? "item active" : "item"; if (!$bar->post_url) { $bar->post_url = "#HOME#/artigo/{$bar->post_name}";
private function getSeo() { switch ($this->File) { //SEO:: ARTIGO case 'artigo': $Admin = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level']) && $_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level'] == 3 ? true : false; $Check = $Admin ? '' : 'post_status = 1 AND '; $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->setPost_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("{$Check} #post_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$post_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/artigo/{$post_name}", HOME . "/uploads/{$post_cover}"]; //post:: conta viws do post $ReadSeo->setPost_id($post_id); $ReadSeo->setPost_views($post_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setPost_last_views(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->Execute()->update($ReadSeo->Execute()->getDados(), 'post_id'); } break; //SEO:: NOTICIAS //SEO:: NOTICIAS case 'noticias': $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->setPost_type($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#post_type#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult(); $this->Data = [$post_type . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/noticias/{$post_type}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; } break; //SEO:: CATEGORIA //SEO:: CATEGORIA case 'categoria': $ReadSeo = new WsCategories(); $ReadSeo->setCategory_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#category_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$category_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $category_content, HOME . "/categoria/{$category_name}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; //categories:: conta views da categoria $ReadSeo->setCategory_id($category_id); $ReadSeo->setCategory_views($category_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setCategory_last_view(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->Execute()->update($ReadSeo->Execute()->getDados(), 'category_id'); } break; //SEO::PESQUISA //SEO::PESQUISA case 'pesquisa': $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%')", "link={$this->Link}"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->Data = ["Pesquisa por: \"{$this->Link}\"" . ' - ' . SITENAME, "Sua pesquisa por {$this->Link} retornou {$this->seoData['count']} resultados!", HOME . "/pesquisa/{$this->Link}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; $this->seoTags = null; } else { $this->seoData['count'] = $ReadSeo->Execute()->getRowCount(); $this->Data = ["Pesquisa por: \"{$this->Link}\"" . ' - ' . SITENAME, "Sua pesquisa por {$this->Link} retornou {$this->seoData['count']} resultados!", HOME . "/pesquisa/{$this->Link}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; } break; //SEO:: INDEX //SEO:: INDEX case 'index': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - ' . SITEDESC, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; case 'pages': switch ($this->Link) { //SEO:: Contato case 'contato': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Fale conosco', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: membros //SEO:: membros case 'membros': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Parceiros da causa.', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: institucional //SEO:: institucional case 'institucional': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Institucional.', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } if ($this->Data) { $this->setTags(); } }
<?php $Limit = !empty($Limit) ? $Limit : 3; $c = 0; $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->setPost_category($carrousel); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT {$Limit}", "cat={$carrousel}", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Opps! Não temos artigos em destaques!", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <div id = "carousel" data-interval="3000" class="carousel slide well" data-ride="carousel"> <div class = "carousel-inner" > <?php $View = new View(); $siderbar = $View->Load("carousel_m"); foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $bar) { $bar->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->pubdate = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->post_content = Check::Words($bar->post_content, 30); $bar->class = $c == 0 ? "item active" : "item"; if (!$bar->post_url) { $bar->post_url = "#HOME#/artigo/{$bar->post_name}"; } $View->Show((array) $bar, $siderbar); $c++; } ?> </div> <?php if ($c != 1) {
private function checkPosts() { $readPosts = new WsPosts(); $readPosts->setPost_category($this->CatId); $readPosts->Query("WHERE #post_category#"); if (isset($readPosts->getResult()[0])) { return false; } else { return true; } }
private function getSeo() { switch ($this->File) { //SEO:: Indicadores case 'indicadores': $this->Data = ['Indicadores de qualidade - ' . SITENAME . ' - ' . SITEDESC, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; case 'profile': $this->Data = ['Dados cadastrais - ' . SITENAME . ' - ' . SITEDESC, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: ARTIGO //SEO:: ARTIGO case 'artigo': $Admin = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level']) && $_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level'] == 3 ? true : false; $Check = $Admin ? '' : 'post_status = 1 AND '; $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->setPost_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("{$Check} #post_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$post_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/artigo/{$post_name}", HOME . "/uploads/{$post_cover}"]; //post:: conta viws do post Check::ContPostViews($post_id); } break; //SEO:: NOTICIAS //SEO:: NOTICIAS case 'noticias': $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->setPost_type($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#post_type#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult(); $this->Data = [$post_type . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/noticias/{$post_type}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; } break; //SEO:: CATEGORIA //SEO:: CATEGORIA case 'categoria': $ReadSeo = new WsCategories(); $ReadSeo->setCategory_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#category_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$category_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $category_content, HOME . "/categoria/{$category_name}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; //categories:: conta views da categoria Check::ContCategoryViews($category_id); } break; //SEO:: Grupo //SEO:: Grupo case 'grupo': $ReadSeo = new WsCategories(); $ReadSeo->setCategory_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#category_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$category_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $category_content, HOME . "/categoria/{$category_name}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; //categories:: conta views da categoria Check::ContCategoryViews($category_id); } break; //SEO:: membros //SEO:: membros case 'membros': $ReadSeo = new WsCategories(); $ReadSeo->setCategory_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#category_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$category_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $category_content, HOME . "/membros/{$category_name}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; //categories:: conta views da categoria Check::ContCategoryViews($category_id); } break; //SEO::PESQUISA //SEO::PESQUISA case 'pesquisa': $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%')", "link={$this->Link}"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->Data = ["Pesquisa por: \"{$this->Link}\"" . ' - ' . SITENAME, "Sua pesquisa por {$this->Link} retornou {$this->seoData['count']} resultados!", HOME . "/pesquisa/{$this->Link}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; $this->seoTags = null; } else { $this->seoData['count'] = $ReadSeo->Execute()->getRowCount(); $this->Data = ["Pesquisa por: \"{$this->Link}\"" . ' - ' . SITENAME, "Sua pesquisa por {$this->Link} retornou {$this->seoData['count']} resultados!", HOME . "/pesquisa/{$this->Link}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; } break; //SEO:: INDEX //SEO:: INDEX case 'index': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - ' . SITEDESC, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: PAGES //SEO:: PAGES case 'pages': switch ($this->Link) { //SEO:: Contato case 'contato': $this->Data = ['Fale conosco - ' . SITENAME, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: Contato //SEO:: Contato case 'aniversarios': $this->Data = ['Parabéns colegas - ' . SITENAME, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: Qualidade //SEO:: Qualidade case 'qualidade': $this->Data = ['Formularios da Qualidade - ' . SITENAME, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: SOBRE //SEO:: SOBRE case 'sobre': $this->Data = ['Sobre a Intranet - ' . SITENAME, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: INSTITUCIONAL //SEO:: INSTITUCIONAL case 'institucional': $this->Data = ['Instituição Tommasi - ' . SITENAME, SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } break; //SEO:: PLUGIN //SEO:: PLUGIN case 'plugin': switch ($this->Link) { //SEO:: Contadores de Impresão case 'contadores-de-impressao': $this->Data = ['Contadores de impressão - Registra os contadores de cada Mês', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: Fast Exames //SEO:: Fast Exames case 'fast-exames': $this->Data = ['Fast Exames Tommasi - Formulario de alteração de exames', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: Agenda //SEO:: Agenda case 'agenda': $this->Data = ['Agenda telefonica - Lista Telefonica Tommasi', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: Aniversarios //SEO:: Aniversarios case 'aniversarios': $this->Data = ['Aniversariantes do mês - ' . SITENAME . '| Parabéns a todos do grupo tommasi.', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Plugin', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } if ($this->Data) { $this->setTags(); //importa as bibliotecas corretas de acordo com a versão do sistema if (PRODUCAO) { $this->setProd(); } else { $this->setLib(); } } }
private function checkPosts() { $readPosts = new WsPosts(); $readPosts->setPost_category($this->CatId); $readPosts->Execute()->Query("#post_category#"); if (!empty($readPosts->Execute()->getResult()[0])) { return false; } else { return true; } }
<?php $View = new View(); $carousel = $View->Load("carousel_m"); $cartilha = $View->Load("cartilhas_m"); $youtube = $View->Load("youtube_m"); $tpl_p = $View->Load("article_p"); $tpl_m = $View->Load("article_m"); $Read = new WsPosts(); $result = $Read->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT COUNT(post_name) as 'cont' FROM ws_posts WHERE post_type = 'post'")[0]->cont; $All = !empty($Read->Execute()->findAll()) ? (int) $result : 0; ?> <section class="section"> <div class="well"> <!-- carrousel --> <section class="section"> <div id="fullcarousel-example" data-interval="4000" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <?php $cat = Check::CatByName('destaque'); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND post_type = 'post' AND (post_cat_parent = :cat OR post_category = :cat) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "cat={$cat}&limit=3&offset=0", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Desculpe não temos posts no momento, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <!-- Indicators --> <?php
<?php if (!empty($fixo) || !empty($cat)) { ?> <aside class="col-md-3 siderbar"> <!--siderbar looper--> <div class="row"> <?php $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->setPost_category($cat); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_date LIMIT 3", "cat={$cat}", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Opps! Não temos artigos para a barra lateral", WS_INFOR); } else { $View = new View(); $siderbar = $View->Load("article_sidebar_clean"); foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $bar) { $bar->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->pubdate = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($bar->post_date)); $bar->post_content = Check::Words($bar->post_content, 6); if (!$bar->post_url) { $bar->post_url = "#HOME#/plugin/{$bar->post_name}"; } $View->Show((array) $bar, $siderbar); } } if (isset($fixo)) { $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_date LIMIT 3", "cat={$fixo}", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { WSErro("Opps! Não temos artigos para a barra lateral", WS_INFOR);
?> " title="Excluir">Deletar</a></li> </ul> </header> <h2>Sub categorias de vídeo aulas:</h2> <?php $ReadSes->setCategory_parent($category_id); $ReadSes->Query("WHERE #category_parent#"); if (!$ReadSes->getResult()) { } else { $a = 0; foreach ($ReadSes->getResult() as $sub) { $a++; $ReadCatPosts = new WsPosts(); $ReadCatPosts->setPost_category($sub->category_id); $ReadCatPosts->Query("WHERE #post_category#"); ?> <article<?php if ($a % 3 == 0) { echo ' class="right"'; } ?> > <h1><a target="_blank" href="../categoria/<?php echo $sub->category_name; ?> " title="Ver Categoria"><?php echo $sub->category_title; ?>
?> "</h2> <p class="tagline">Sua pesquisa por <?php echo $search; ?> retornou <?php echo $count; ?> resultados:</p> </header> <?php $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/pesquisa/' . $search . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 4); $readArt = new WsPosts(); $readArt->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%') ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "link={$search}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readArt->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, sua pesquisa não retornou resultados. Você pode resulmir sua pesquisa ou tentar outros termos!", WS_INFOR); } else { $cc = 0; foreach ($readArt->Execute()->getResult() as $cat) { $cc++; $View = new View(); $tpl_cat = $View->Load('article_m'); $class = $cc % 3 == 0 ? ' class="right"' : null; echo "<span{$class}>"; $cat->post_title = Check::Words($cat->post_title, 8); $cat->post_content = Check::Words($cat->post_content, 20); $cat->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cat->post_date));
private function getSeo() { switch ($this->File) { //SEO:: ARTIGO case 'artigo': $Admin = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level']) && $_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level'] == 3 ? true : false; $Check = $Admin ? '' : 'post_status = 1 AND '; $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->setPost_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("{$Check} #post_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$post_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $post_content, HOME . "/artigo/{$post_name}", HOME . "/uploads/{$post_cover}"]; //post:: conta viws do post $ReadSeo->setPost_id($post_id); $ReadSeo->setPost_views($post_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setPost_last_views(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->Execute()->update($ReadSeo->Execute()->getDados(), 'post_id'); } break; //SEO:: CATEGORIA //SEO:: CATEGORIA case 'categoria': $ReadSeo = new WsCategories(); $ReadSeo->setCategory_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("#category_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$category_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $category_content, HOME . "/categoria/{$category_name}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; //categories:: conta views da categoria $ReadSeo->setCategory_id($category_id); $ReadSeo->setCategory_views($category_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setCategory_last_view(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->Execute()->update($ReadSeo->Execute()->getDados(), 'category_id'); } break; //SEO::PESQUISA //SEO::PESQUISA case 'pesquisa': $ReadSeo = new WsPosts(); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%')", "link={$this->Link}"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { $this->seoData['count'] = $ReadSeo->Execute()->getRowCount(); $this->Data = ["Pesquisa por: \"{$this->Link}\"" . ' - ' . SITENAME, "Sua pesquisa por {$this->Link} retornou {$this->seoData['count']} resultados!", HOME . "/pesquisa/{$this->Link}", INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; } break; //SEO:: EMPRESAS //SEO:: EMPRESAS case 'empresas': $Name = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $this->Link)); $this->seoData = ['empresa_link' => $this->Link, 'empresa_cat' => $Name]; $this->Data = ["Empresas {$this->Link}" . SITENAME, "Confira o guia completo de sua cidade, e encontra empresas {$this->Link}", HOME . '/empresas/' . $this->Link, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: EMPRESA SINGLE //SEO:: EMPRESA SINGLE case 'empresa': $Admin = isset($_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level']) && $_SESSION['userlogin']['user_level'] == 3 ? true : false; $Check = $Admin ? '' : 'empresa_status = 1 AND '; $ReadSeo = new AppEmpresas(); $ReadSeo->setEmpresa_name($this->Link); $ReadSeo->Execute()->Query("{$Check} #empresa_name#"); if (!$ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()) { $this->seoData = null; $this->seoTags = null; } else { extract((array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]); $this->seoData = (array) $ReadSeo->Execute()->getResult()[0]; $this->Data = [$empresa_title . ' - ' . SITENAME, $empresa_sobre, HOME . "/empresa/{$empresa_name}", HOME . "/uploads/{$empresa_capa}"]; //empresa:: conta views da empresa $ReadSeo->setEmpresa_id($empresa_id); $ReadSeo->setEmpresa_views($empresa_views + 1); $ReadSeo->setEmpresa_last_view(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ReadSeo->Execute()->update($ReadSeo->Execute()->getDados(), 'empresa_id'); } break; //SEO:: CADASTRA EMPRESA //SEO:: CADASTRA EMPRESA case 'cadastra-empresa': $this->Data = ["Cadastre sua Empresa - " . SITENAME, "Página modelo para cadastro de empresas via Front-End do curso Work Series - PHP Orientado a Objetos!", HOME . '/cadastra-empresa/' . $this->Link, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: INDEX //SEO:: INDEX case 'index': $this->Data = [SITENAME . ' - Seu Guia de empresas, eventos e baladas!', SITEDESC, HOME, INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; //SEO:: 404 //SEO:: 404 default: $this->Data = ['404 Oppss, Nada encontrado!', SITEDESC, HOME . '/404', INCLUDE_PATH . '/images/site.png']; break; } if ($this->Data) { $this->setTags(); } }
/** * <b>Contagem de Views:</b> Realiza uma contagem ao post informado. * @param INT $post_id */ public static function ContPostViews($post_id) { $WsPosts = new WsPosts(); $WsPosts->setPost_id($post_id); extract((array) $WsPosts->Execute()->find()); $WsPosts->setPost_views($post_views + 1); $WsPosts->setPost_last_views(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $WsPosts->Execute()->update($WsPosts->Execute()->getDados(), 'post_id'); return $post_url; }
<div class="well"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="text-center title"><?php echo $titulo; ?> </h1> </div> </div> <?php $View = new View(); $membro = $View->Load("noticias_m"); $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/noticias/' . $post_type . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->setPost_type($post_type); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND post_type = :type ORDER BY post_date DESC, post_category DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "type={$post_type}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe não temos noticias no momento, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { $i = 0; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $item) { if ($i % 3 == 0 && $i != 0) { echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; } $item->post_title = Check::Words($item->post_title, 4); $item->post_content = Check::Words($item->post_content, 10);