Пример #1

                                        <label id="tip_smtp">
                                            <input type="radio" name="settings[outbound_type]" id="smtp_method" value="smtp" class="email_out_type" <?php 
echo !isset($this->settings['outbound_type']) || $this->settings['outbound_type'] == 'smtp' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
echo _e('SMTP (recommended)', 'email-newsletter');


$tips->bind_tip(__("The SMTP method allows you to use your SMTP server (or Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. ) for sending newsletters and emails. It's usually the best choice, especially if your host has restrictions on sending email and to help you to avoid being blacklisted as a SPAM sender", 'email-newsletter'), '#tip_smtp');

                                        <label id="tip_php">
                                            <input type="radio" name="settings[outbound_type]" value="mail" class="email_out_type" <?php 
echo isset($this->settings['outbound_type']) && $this->settings['outbound_type'] == 'mail' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
echo _e('PHP mail', 'email-newsletter');

$tips->bind_tip(__("This method uses php functions for sending newsletters and emails. Be careful because some hosts may set restrictions on using this method. If you can't edit settings of your server, we recommend to use the SMTP method for optimal results!", 'email-newsletter'), '#tip_php');