public function setUp()
     $this->queue_name = 'test-' . mt_rand();
     $this->setMwGlobals(array('wgDonationInterfaceEnableQueue' => true, 'wgDonationInterfaceDefaultQueueServer' => array('type' => 'TestingQueue'), 'wgDonationInterfaceQueues' => array($this->queue_name => array())));
     $this->transaction = array('amount' => '1.24', 'city' => 'Dunburger', 'contribution_tracking_id' => mt_rand(), 'correlation-id' => 'testgateway-' . mt_rand(), 'country' => 'US', 'currency_code' => 'USD', 'date' => time(), 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'fname' => 'Jen', 'gateway_account' => 'default', 'gateway' => 'testgateway', 'gateway_txn_id' => mt_rand(), 'order_id' => mt_rand(), 'language' => 'en', 'lname' => 'Russ', 'payment_method' => 'cc', 'payment_submethod' => 'visa', 'php-message-class' => 'SmashPig\\CrmLink\\Messages\\DonationInterfaceMessage', 'response' => 'Gateway response something', 'state' => 'AK', 'street' => '1 Fake St.', 'user_ip' => '', 'utm_source' => 'testing', 'zip' => '12345');
     $this->expected_message = array('contribution_tracking_id' => $this->transaction['contribution_tracking_id'], 'utm_source' => 'testing', 'language' => 'en', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'first_name' => 'Jen', 'last_name' => 'Russ', 'street_address' => '1 Fake St.', 'city' => 'Dunburger', 'state_province' => 'AK', 'country' => 'US', 'postal_code' => '12345', 'gateway' => 'testgateway', 'gateway_account' => 'default', 'gateway_txn_id' => $this->transaction['gateway_txn_id'], 'order_id' => $this->transaction['order_id'], 'payment_method' => 'cc', 'payment_submethod' => 'visa', 'response' => 'Gateway response something', 'currency' => 'USD', 'fee' => '0', 'gross' => '1.24', 'user_ip' => '', 'date' => (int) $this->transaction['date'], 'source_host' => WmfFramework::getHostname(), 'source_name' => 'DonationInterface', 'source_run_id' => getmypid(), 'source_type' => 'payments', 'source_version' => DonationQueue::getVersionStamp());
 protected function __construct()
     $this->source_fields = array('source_host' => WmfFramework::getHostname(), 'source_name' => 'DonationInterface', 'source_run_id' => getmypid(), 'source_type' => 'payments', 'source_version' => self::getVersionStamp());
 public function makeFreeformStompTransaction($transaction)
     if (!array_key_exists('php-message-class', $transaction)) {
         $this->logger->warning("Trying to send a freeform STOMP message with no class defined. Bad programmer.");
         $transaction['php-message-class'] = 'undefined-loser-message';
     // Mark as freeform so we avoid normalization.
     $transaction['freeform'] = true;
     //bascially, add all the stuff we have come to take for granted, because syslog.
     $transaction['gateway_txn_id'] = $this->getTransactionGatewayTxnID();
     $transaction['correlation-id'] = $this->getCorrelationID();
     $transaction['date'] = (int) time();
     //I know this looks odd. Just trust me here.
     $transaction['server'] = WmfFramework::getHostname();
     $these_too = array('gateway', 'contribution_tracking_id', 'order_id', 'payment_method');
     foreach ($these_too as $field) {
         $transaction[$field] = $this->getData_Unstaged_Escaped($field);
     return $transaction;