public static function createNewWinenote($input) { $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $winenote = new Winenote(); $error_code = ApiResponse::OK; if (!empty($input['wine_unique_id']) && !empty($input['note'])) { $winenote->wine_unique_id = $input['wine_unique_id']; $winenote->note = $input['note']; $winenote->user_id = $user_id; // Validation and Filtering is sorely needed!! // Seriously, I'm a bad person for leaving that out. if (Wine::where('wine_unique_id', $winenote->wine_unique_id)->first()) { if (Winenote::where('wine_unique_id', $winenote->wine_unique_id)->where('user_id', $winenote->user_id)->first()) { $error_code = ApiResponse::DUPLICATED_WINE_NOTE_ADD; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::DUPLICATED_WINE_NOTE_ADD); } else { $winenote->save(); $data = $winenote; } } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE; $data = ApiResponse::getErrorContent(ApiResponse::UNAVAILABLE_WINE); } } else { $error_code = ApiResponse::MISSING_PARAMS; $data = $input; } return array("code" => $error_code, "data" => $data); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->setUpData(); $this->setUpRating(); $winenote = new Winenote(); $winenote->id = 1; $winenote->user_id = $this->_user_id; $winenote->wine_unique_id = '1_2009'; $winenote->note = "this is note 1"; $winenote->save(); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->setUpData(); $wine_note = new Winenote(); $wine_note->wine_unique_id = "1_2009"; $wine_note->user_id = $this->_user_id; $wine_note->note = "this is note test"; $wine_note->save(); $follow = new Follow(); $follow->from_id = $this->_user_id; $follow->to_id = "3620a42d-fcbb-45eb-b3a5-36cada1b77b7"; $follow->save(); }
public function setUpWineNote() { $winenote = new Winenote(); $winenote->wine_unique_id = '1_2009'; $winenote->note = 'this is note test'; $winenote->user_id = $this->_user_id; $winenote->save(); }