Пример #1
  * A method to get WAM index (list of wikis with their WAM ranks)
  * @requestParam integer $wam_day [OPTIONAL] day for which the WAM scores are displayed. Defaults to yesterday
  * @requestParam integer $wam_previous_day [OPTIONAL] day from which the difference in WAM scores is calculated.
  *                             Defaults to day before yesterday
  * @requestParam integer $vertical_id [OPTIONAL] vertical for which wiki list is to be pulled. By default pulls
  *                             major verticals (2,3,9 - Gaming, Entertainment, Lifestyle)
  * @requestParam string $wiki_lang [OPTIONAL] Language code if narrowing the results to specific language. Defaults to null
  * @requestParam integer $wiki_id [OPTIONAL] Id of specific wiki to pull. Defaults to null
  * @requestParam string $wiki_word [OPTIONAL] Fragment of url to search for amongst wikis. Defaults to null
  * @requestParam boolean $exclude_blacklist [OPTIONAL] Determines if exclude blacklisted wikis (with Content Warning enabled). Defaults to false
  * @requestParam boolean $fetch_admins [OPTIONAL] Determines if admins of each wiki are to be returned. Defaults to false
  * @requestParam integer $avatar_size [OPTIONAL] Size of admin avatars in pixels if fetch_admins is enabled
  * @requestParam boolean $fetch_wiki_images [OPTIONAL] Determines if image of each wiki isto be returned. Defaults to false
  * @requestParam integer $wiki_image_width [OPTIONAL] Width of wiki image in pixels if fetch_wiki_images is enabled
  * @requestParam integer $wiki_image_height [OPTIONAL] Height of wiki image in pixels if fetch_wiki_images is enabled. You can pass here -1 to keep aspect ratio
  * @requestParam string $sort_column [OPTIONAL] Column by which to sort. Allowed values: wam_rank, wam_change. Defaults to WAM score (wam)
  * @requestParam string $sort_direction [OPTIONAL] Either ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC
  * @requestParam integer $offset [OPTIONAL] offset from the beginning of data. Defaults to 0
  * @requestParam integer $limit [OPTIONAL] limit on fetched number of wikis. Defaults to 20, max 20
  * @responseParam array $wam_index The result list of wikis
  * 	one item from index is an array that contain:
  * 		wiki_id - wiki id
  * 		wam - wam score
  * 		wam_rank - wiki wam rank in whole wam index
  * 		hub_wam_rank - wiki wam rank within its hub
  *		peak_wam_rank - the peak WAM Rank achieved by this Wiki
  * 		peak_hub_wam_rank - peak WAM Rank within its Hub
  * 		top_1k_days - the number of days that the Wiki has been in the top 1000 Wikis
  * 		top_1k_weeks - the number of weeks that the Wiki has been in the top 1000 Wikis
  * 		first_peak - the first date that the Wiki achieved its peak_wam_rank
  * 		last_peak - the last time that the Wiki was at its peak_wam_rank
  * 		title - wiki title
  * 		url - wiki url
  * 		vertical_id - wiki vertical id
  * 		wam_change - wam score change from $wam_previous_day
  * 		wam_is_new - 1 if wiki wasn't classified on $wam_previous_day, 0 if this wiki was in index
  * @responseParam array $wam_results_total The total count of wikis available for provided params
  * @responseParam integer $wam_index_date date of received list
 public function getWAMIndex()
     $app = F::app();
     $options = $this->getWAMParameters();
     $wamIndex = WikiaDataAccess::cacheWithLock(wfSharedMemcKey('wam_index_table', WAMService::MEMCACHE_VER, $app->wg->ContLang->getCode(), implode(':', $options)), 6 * 60 * 60, function () use($options) {
         $wamService = new WAMService();
         $wamIndex = $wamService->getWamIndex($options);
         if ($options['fetchAdmins']) {
             if (empty($wikiService)) {
                 $wikiService = new WikiService();
             foreach ($wamIndex['wam_index'] as &$row) {
                 $row['admins'] = $wikiService->getMostActiveAdmins($row['wiki_id'], $options['avatarSize']);
                 $row['admins'] = $this->prepareAdmins($row['admins'], self::DEFAULT_WIKI_ADMINS_LIMIT);
         if ($options['fetchWikiImages']) {
             if (empty($wikiService)) {
                 $wikiService = new WikiService();
             $images = $wikiService->getWikiImages(array_keys($wamIndex['wam_index']), $options['wikiImageWidth'], $options['wikiImageHeight']);
             foreach ($wamIndex['wam_index'] as $wiki_id => &$wiki) {
                 $wiki['wiki_image'] = !empty($images[$wiki_id]) ? $images[$wiki_id] : null;
         return $wamIndex;
     if (!$this->request->isInternal() && empty($wamIndex['wam_index'])) {
         $wamIndex['wam_index'] = (object) $wamIndex['wam_index'];
     $this->setResponseData(['wam_index' => $wamIndex['wam_index'], 'wam_results_total' => $wamIndex['wam_results_total'], 'wam_index_date' => $wamIndex['wam_index_date']], ['urlFields' => ['avatarUrl', 'userPageUrl', 'userContributionsUrl']], self::WAM_RESPONSE_CACHE_VALIDITY);
  * get avatars for wiki admins
  * @param integer $wikiId
  * @return array wikiAdminAvatars
 public function getWikiAdminAvatars($wikiId)
     $adminAvatars = array();
     if (!empty($wikiId)) {
         $wikiService = new WikiService();
         try {
             //this try-catch block is here because of devbox environments
             //where we don't have all wikis imported
             $adminAvatars = $wikiService->getMostActiveAdmins($wikiId, self::AVATAR_SIZE);
             if (count($adminAvatars) > self::LIMIT_ADMIN_AVATARS) {
                 $adminAvatars = array_slice($adminAvatars, 0, self::LIMIT_ADMIN_AVATARS);
             foreach ($adminAvatars as &$admin) {
                 $userStatService = new UserStatsService($admin['userId']);
                 $admin['edits'] = $userStatService->getEditCountWiki($wikiId);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $adminAvatars = array();
     return $adminAvatars;