function EditToolbar() { global $WikiTheme; $this->tokens = array(); //FIXME: enable Undo button for all other buttons also, not only the search/replace button if (JS_SEARCHREPLACE) { $this->tokens['JS_SEARCHREPLACE'] = 1; $undo_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo.png"); $undo_d_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo_d.png"); // JS_SEARCHREPLACE from $js = Javascript("\nuri_undo_btn = '" . $undo_btn . "'\nmsg_undo_alt = '" . _("Undo") . "'\nuri_undo_d_btn = '" . $undo_d_btn . "'\nmsg_undo_d_alt = '" . _("Undo disabled") . "'\nmsg_do_undo = '" . _("Operation undone") . "'\nmsg_replfound = '" . _("Substring \"\\1\" found \\2 times. Replace with \"\\3\"?") . "'\nmsg_replnot = '" . _("String \"%s\" not found.") . "'\nmsg_repl_title = '" . _("Search & Replace") . "'\nmsg_repl_search = '" . _("Search for") . "'\nmsg_repl_replace_with = '" . _("Replace with") . "'\nmsg_repl_ok = '" . _("OK") . "'\nmsg_repl_close = '" . _("Close") . "'\n"); if (empty($WikiTheme->_headers_printed)) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders($js); $WikiTheme->addMoreAttr('body', "SearchReplace", " onload='define_f()'"); } else { // from an actionpage: WikiBlog, AddComment, WikiForum printXML($js); } } else { $WikiTheme->addMoreAttr('body', "editfocus", "document.getElementById('edit-content]').editarea.focus()"); } if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR) { $js = JavaScript('', array('src' => $WikiTheme->_findData("toolbar.js"))); if (empty($WikiTheme->_headers_printed)) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders($js); } else { // from an actionpage: WikiBlog, AddComment, WikiForum printXML($js); printXML(JavaScript('define_f()')); } } require_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $cache = WikiPluginCached::newCache(); $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); // regenerate if number of pages changes (categories, pages, templates) $key = $dbi->numPages(); $key .= '+categories+plugin' . (isBrowserSafari() ? '+safari' : ''); if (TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN) { $key .= "+pages"; } if (TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN) { $key .= "+templates_" . $dbi->getTimestamp(); } $id = $cache->generateId($key); $content = $cache->get($id, 'toolbarcache'); if (!empty($content)) { $this->tokens['EDIT_TOOLBAR'] =& $content; } else { $content = $this->_generate(); // regenerate buttons every 1 hr/6 hrs $cache->save($id, $content, DEBUG ? '+3600' : '+21600', 'toolbarcache'); $this->tokens['EDIT_TOOLBAR'] =& $content; } }
function ConvertAndDisplayPdf(&$request) { global $WikiTheme; if (empty($request->_is_buffering_output)) { $request->buffer_output(false); } $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $dest = $request->getArg('dest'); // Disable CACHE $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = true; include_once "lib/display.php"; // TODO: urldecode pagename to get rid of %20 in filename.pdf displayPage($request, new Template('htmldump', $request)); $html = ob_get_contents(); $WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE = false; // check hook for external converters if (defined('USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF') and USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF) { // See // htmldoc or ghostscript + html2ps or docbook (dbdoclet, xsltproc, fop) Header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); $request->discardOutput(); $request->buffer_output(false); require_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $cache = new WikiPluginCached(); $cache->newCache(); $tmpfile = $cache->tempnam('pdf.html'); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $html); fclose($fp); passthru(sprintf(USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF, $tmpfile)); unlink($tmpfile); } // clean the hints errors global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->destroyPostponedErrors(); if (!empty($errormsg)) { $request->discardOutput(); } }
function EditToolbar() { global $WikiTheme; $this->tokens = array(); //FIXME: enable Undo button for all other buttons also, not only the search/replace button if (JS_SEARCHREPLACE) { $this->tokens['JS_SEARCHREPLACE'] = 1; $undo_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo.png"); $undo_d_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo_d.png"); // JS_SEARCHREPLACE from $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(Javascript("\nvar f, sr_undo, replacewin, undo_buffer=new Array(), undo_buffer_index=0;\n\nfunction define_f() {\n f=document.getElementById('editpage');\n f.editarea=document.getElementById('edit[content]');\n sr_undo=document.getElementById('sr_undo');\n undo_enable(false);\n f.editarea.focus();\n}\nfunction undo_enable(bool) {\n if (bool) {\n sr_undo.src='" . $undo_btn . "';\n sr_undo.alt='" . _("Undo") . "';\n sr_undo.disabled = false;\n } else {\n sr_undo.src='" . $undo_d_btn . "';\n sr_undo.alt='" . _("Undo disabled") . "';\n sr_undo.disabled = true;\n if(sr_undo.blur) sr_undo.blur();\n }\n}\nfunction replace() {\n replacewin ='','','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,height=90,width=450');\n replacewin.window.document.write('<html><head><title>" . _("Search & Replace") . "</title><style type=\"text/css\"><'+'!'+'-- body, input {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;font-weight:bold;} td {font-size:9pt} --'+'></style></head><body bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" onload=\"if(document.forms[0].ein.focus) document.forms[0].ein.focus(); return false;\"><form><center><table><tr><td align=\"right\">'+'" . _("Search") . ":</td><td align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"ein\" size=\"45\" maxlength=\"500\"></td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">'+' " . _("Replace with") . ":</td><td align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"aus\" size=\"45\" maxlength=\"500\"></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"button\" value=\" " . _("OK") . " \" onclick=\"if(self.opener)self.opener.do_replace(); return false;\"> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _("Close") . "\" onclick=\"self.close(); return false;\"></td></tr></table></center></form></body></html>');\n replacewin.window.document.close();\n return false;\n}\nfunction do_replace() {\n var txt=undo_buffer[undo_buffer_index]=f.editarea.value, ein=new RegExp(replacewin.document.forms[0].ein.value,'g'), aus=replacewin.document.forms[0].aus.value;\n if (ein==''||ein==null) {\n if (replacewin) replacewin.window.document.forms[0].ein.focus();\n return;\n }\n var z_repl=txt.match(ein)? txt.match(ein).length : 0;\n txt=txt.replace(ein,aus);\n ein=ein.toString().substring(1,ein.toString().length-2);\n result(z_repl, '" . sprintf(_("Substring \"%s\" found %s times. Replace with \"%s\"?"), "'+ein+'", "'+z_repl+'", "'+aus+'") . "', txt, '" . sprintf(_("String \"%s\" not found."), "'+ein+'") . "');\n replacewin.window.focus();\n replacewin.window.document.forms[0].ein.focus();\n return false;\n}\nfunction result(zahl,frage,txt,alert_txt) {\n if (zahl>0) {\n if(window.confirm(frage)==true) {\n f.editarea.value=txt;\n undo_save();\n undo_enable(true);\n }\n } else alert(alert_txt);\n}\nfunction do_undo() {\n if(undo_buffer_index==0) return;\n else if(undo_buffer_index>0) {\n f.editarea.value=undo_buffer[undo_buffer_index-1];\n undo_buffer[undo_buffer_index]=null;\n undo_buffer_index--;\n if(undo_buffer_index==0) {\n alert('" . _("Operation undone") . "');\n undo_enable(false);\n }\n }\n}\n//save a snapshot in the undo buffer\nfunction undo_save() {\n undo_buffer[undo_buffer_index]=f.editarea.value;\n undo_buffer_index++;\n undo_enable(true);\n}\n")); $WikiTheme->addMoreAttr('body', "SearchReplace", " onload='define_f()'"); } else { $WikiTheme->addMoreAttr('body', "editfocus", "document.getElementById('edit[content]').editarea.focus()"); } if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(JavaScript('', array('src' => $WikiTheme->_findData("toolbar.js")))); } include_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $cache = WikiPluginCached::newCache(); $dbi = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); // regenerate if number of pages changes (categories, pages, templates) $key = $dbi->numPages(); $key .= '+categories+plugin'; if (TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN) { $key .= "+pages"; } if (TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN) { $key .= "+templates_" . $dbi->getTimestamp(); } $id = $cache->generateId($key); $content = $cache->get($id, 'toolbarcache'); if (!empty($content)) { $this->tokens['EDIT_TOOLBAR'] =& $content; } else { $content = $this->_generate(); // regenerate buttons every 3600 seconds $cache->save($id, $content, '+3600', 'toolbarcache'); $this->tokens['EDIT_TOOLBAR'] =& $content; } }
function getHtml($dbi, $argarray, $request, $basepage) { $this->run($dbi, WikiPluginCached::glueArgs($argarray), $request, $basepage); }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); $source = $current->getPackedContent(); if (empty($source)) { return $this->error(fmt("empty source")); } if ($basepage == _("SpellCheck")) { return $this->error(fmt("Cannot SpellCheck myself")); } $lang = $page->get('lang'); if (empty($lang)) { $lang = $GLOBALS['LANG']; } $html = HTML(); if (!function_exists('pspell_new_config')) { // use the aspell commandline interface include_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $args = ""; $source = preg_replace("/^/m", "^", $source); if (ASPELL_DATA_DIR) { $args .= " --data-dir=" . ASPELL_DATA_DIR; } // MAYBE TODO: do we have the language dictionary? $args .= " --lang=" . $lang; // use -C or autosplit wikiwords in the text $commandLine = ASPELL_EXE . " -a -C {$args} "; $cache = new WikiPluginCached(); $code = $cache->filterThroughCmd($source, $commandLine); if (empty($code)) { return $this->error(fmt("Couldn't start commandline '%s'", $commandLine)); } $sugg = array(); foreach (preg_split("/\n/", $code) as $line) { if (preg_match("/^& (\\w+) \\d+ \\d+: (.+)\$/", $line, $m)) { $sugg[$m[1]] = preg_split("/, /", $m[2]); } } /*$pre = HTML::pre(HTML::raw($code)); $html->pushContent($pre);*/ } else { $sugg = pspell_check($source, $lang); } //$html->pushContent(HTML::hr(),HTML::h1(_("Spellcheck"))); $page = $request->getPage(); if ($version) { $revision = $page->getRevision($version); if (!$revision) { NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version); } } else { $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision(); } $GLOBALS['request']->setArg('suggestions', $sugg); include_once "lib/BlockParser.php"; $ori_html = TransformText($revision, $revision->get('markup'), $page); $GLOBALS['request']->setArg('suggestions', false); $html->pushContent($ori_html, HTML::hr(), HTML::h1(_("SpellCheck result"))); $list = HTML::ul(); foreach ($sugg as $word => $suggs) { $w = HTML::span(array('class' => 'spell-wrong'), $word); // TODO: optional replace-link. jscript or request button with word replace. $r = HTML(); foreach ($suggs as $s) { $r->pushContent(HTML::a(array('class' => 'spell-sugg', 'href' => "javascript:do_replace('{$word}','{$s}')"), $s), ", "); } $list->pushContent(HTML::li($w, ": ", $r)); } $html->pushContent($list); return $html; }
/** * static workaround on broken Cache or broken dot executable, * called only if debug=static. * * @access private * @param url string url pointing to the image part of the map * @param map string <area> tags defining active * regions in the map * @param dbi WikiDB database abstraction class * @param argarray array complete (!) arguments to produce * image. It is not necessary to call * WikiPlugin->getArgs anymore. * @param request Request ??? * @return string html output */ function embedImg($url, &$dbi, $argarray, &$request) { if (!VISUALWIKI_ALLOWOPTIONS) { $argarray = $this->defaultarguments(); } $this->checkArguments($argarray); //extract($argarray); if ($argarray['help']) { return array($this->helpImage(), ' '); } // FIXME $this->createColors(); $this->extract_wikipages($dbi, $argarray); list($imagehandle, $content['html']) = $this->invokeDot($argarray); // write to uploads and produce static url $file_dir = getUploadFilePath(); $upload_dir = getUploadDataPath(); $tmpfile = tempnam($file_dir, "VisualWiki") . "." . $argarray['imgtype']; WikiPluginCached::writeImage($argarray['imgtype'], $imagehandle, $tmpfile); ImageDestroy($imagehandle); return WikiPluginCached::embedMap(1, $upload_dir . basename($tmpfile), $content['html'], $dbi, $argarray, $request); }
/** * Initializes PhpWiki and calls the plugin specified in the url to * produce an image. Furthermore, allow the usage of Apache's * ErrorDocument mechanism in order to make this file only called when * image could not be found in the cache. * (see doc/README.phpwiki-cache for further information). */ function mainImageCache() { $request = new Request(); // normalize pagename $request->setArg('pagename', deducePagename($request)); $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $request->_dbi = WikiDB::open($GLOBALS['DBParams']); if (ENABLE_USER_NEW) { $request->_user = new _AnonUser(); $request->_prefs =& $request->_user->_prefs; } else { $request->_user = new WikiUser($request); $request->_prefs = new UserPreferences(); } // Enable the output of most of the warning messages. // The warnings will screw up zip files and setpref though. // They will also screw up my images... But I think // we should keep them. global $ErrorManager; $ErrorManager->setPostponedErrorMask(E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE); $id = $request->getArg('id'); $args = $request->getArg('args'); $request->setArg('action', 'imagecache'); $cache = new WikiPluginCached(); if ($id) { // this indicates a direct call (script wasn't called as // 404 ErrorDocument) } else { // deduce image id or image args (plugincall) from // refering URL $uri = $request->get('REDIRECT_URL'); $query = $request->get('REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'); $uri .= $query ? '?' . $query : ''; if (!$uri) { $uri = $request->get('REQUEST_URI'); } if (!$uri) { $cache->printError('png', 'Could not deduce image identifier or creation' . ' parameters. (Neither REQUEST nor REDIRECT' . ' obtained.)'); return; } //$cacheparams = $GLOBALS['CacheParams']; if (!preg_match(':^(.*/)?' . PLUGIN_CACHED_FILENAME_PREFIX . '([^\\?/]+)\\.img(\\?args=([^\\?&]*))?$:', $uri, $matches)) { $cache->printError('png', "I do not understand this URL: {$uri}"); return; } $request->setArg('id', $matches[2]); if ($matches[4]) { // md5 args? $request->setArg('args', rawurldecode($matches[4])); } $request->setStatus(200); // No, we do _not_ have an Error 404 :-> } $cache->fetchImageFromCache($request->_dbi, $request, 'png'); }
function getHtml($dbi, $argarray, $request, $basepage) { $loader = new WikiPluginLoader(); return $loader->expandPI('<?plugin RecentChanges ' . WikiPluginCached::glueArgs($argarray) . ' ?>', $request, $this, $basepage); }
/** * static workaround on broken Cache or broken dot executable, * called only if debug=static. * * @access private * @param url string url pointing to the image part of the map * @param map string <area> tags defining active * regions in the map * @param dbi WikiDB database abstraction class * @param argarray array complete (!) arguments to produce * image. It is not necessary to call * WikiPlugin->getArgs anymore. * @param request Request ??? * @return string html output */ function embedImg($url, &$dbi, $argarray, &$request) { if (!VISUALWIKI_ALLOWOPTIONS) { $argarray = $this->defaultarguments(); } $this->checkArguments($argarray); //extract($argarray); if ($argarray['help']) { return array($this->helpImage(), ' '); } // FIXME $this->createColors(); $this->extract_wikipages($dbi, $argarray); list($imagehandle, $content['html']) = $this->invokeDot($argarray); // write to uploads and produce static url $file_dir = defined('PHPWIKI_DIR') ? PHPWIKI_DIR . "/uploads" : "uploads"; $upload_dir = SERVER_URL . (substr(DATA_PATH, 0, 1) == '/' ? '' : "/") . DATA_PATH . '/uploads/'; $tmpfile = tempnam($file_dir, "VisualWiki") . "." . $argarray['imgtype']; WikiPluginCached::writeImage($argarray['imgtype'], $imagehandle, $tmpfile); ImageDestroy($imagehandle); return WikiPluginCached::embedMap(1, $upload_dir . basename($tmpfile), $content['html'], $dbi, $argarray, $request); }
function ConvertAndDisplayPdf(&$request) { if (empty($request->_is_buffering_output)) { $request->buffer_output(false); } $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename'); $dest = $request->getArg('dest'); //TODO: inline cached content: /getimg.php? => image.png // Disable CACHE include_once "lib/display.php"; displayPage($request); $html = ob_get_contents(); // check hook for external converters if (defined('USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF') and USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF) { // See // htmldoc or ghostscript + html2ps or docbook (dbdoclet, xsltproc, fop) $request->discardOutput(); $request->buffer_output(false); require_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $cache = new WikiPluginCached(); $cache->newCache(); $tmpfile = $cache->tempnam(); $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "wb"); fwrite($fp, $html); fclose($fp); Header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); passthru(sprintf(USE_EXTERNAL_HTML2PDF, $tmpfile)); unlink($tmpfile); } else { // use fpdf: if ($GLOBALS['LANG'] == 'ja') { include_once "lib/fpdf/japanese.php"; $pdf = new PDF_Japanese(); } elseif ($GLOBALS['LANG'] == 'zh') { include_once "lib/fpdf/chinese.php"; $pdf = new PDF_Chinese(); } else { $pdf = new PDF(); } $pdf->Open(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->ConvertFromHTML($html); $request->discardOutput(); $request->buffer_output(false); $pdf->Output($pagename . ".pdf", $dest ? $dest : 'I'); } if (!empty($errormsg)) { $request->discardOutput(); } }
function discspace() { global $DBParams, $request; include_once "lib/WikiPluginCached.php"; $cache = WikiPluginCached::newCache(); $id = $cache->generateId('SystemInfo::discspace'); $cachedir = 'plugincache'; $content = $cache->get($id, $cachedir); if (empty($content)) { $dir = defined('PHPWIKI_DIR') ? PHPWIKI_DIR : '.'; //TODO: windows only (no cygwin) $appsize = `du -s {$dir} | cut -f1`; if (in_array($DBParams['dbtype'], array('SQL', 'ADODB'))) { //TODO: where is the data is actually stored? see phpMyAdmin $pagesize = 0; } elseif ($DBParams['dbtype'] == 'dba') { $pagesize = 0; $dbdir = $DBParams['directory']; if ($DBParams['dba_handler'] == 'db3') { $pagesize = filesize($DBParams['directory'] . "/wiki_pagedb.db3") / 1024; } // if issubdirof($dbdir, $dir) $appsize -= $pagesize; } else { // flatfile, cvs $dbdir = $DBParams['directory']; $pagesize = `du -s {$dbdir}`; // if issubdirof($dbdir, $dir) $appsize -= $pagesize; } $content = array('appsize' => $appsize, 'pagesize' => $pagesize); // regenerate cache every 30 minutes $cache->save($id, $content, '+1800', $cachedir); } else { $appsize = $content['appsize']; $pagesize = $content['pagesize']; } $s = sprintf(_("Application size: %d Kb"), $appsize); if ($pagesize) { $s .= ", " . sprintf(_("Pagedata size: %d Kb", $pagesize)); } return $s; }