Пример #1
 public static function loadData($forceRefresh = false, $forceLanguage = null)
     global $wgMemc, $wgStatsDB, $wgContLang, $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgStatsDBEnabled;
     self::$mLanguage = !empty($forceLanguage) ? $forceLanguage : $wgContLang->getCode();
     $cacheKey = self::CACHE_KEY_TOKEN . ':' . strtoupper(self::$mLanguage);
     self::$mData = $wgMemc->get($cacheKey);
     if (empty(self::$mData) || $forceRefresh) {
         self::$mData = array();
         $wikisIDs = array();
         // get all the active wikis selected by the sales team
         $wikiFactoryRecommended = WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_VAR_NAME, null);
         self::$mData['recommended'] = array();
         if (!empty($wikiFactoryRecommended) && !empty($wikiFactoryRecommended->cv_variable_id)) {
             $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
             $res = $dbr->select(array('city_list', 'city_variables'), 'city_id', array('city_id = cv_city_id', 'city_public' => 1, 'city_lang' => self::$mLanguage, 'cv_variable_id' => $wikiFactoryRecommended->cv_variable_id, 'cv_value' => serialize(true)));
             while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
                 self::$mData['recommended'][] = $row->city_id;
         $counter = 0;
         self::$mData['hubs'] = array();
         if (!empty($wgStatsDBEnabled)) {
             $langs = array(self::$mLanguage);
             $wikis = DataMartService::getTopWikisByPageviews(DataMartService::PERIOD_ID_MONTHLY, 200, $langs, null, 1);
             $minPageViews = isset(self::$pageviewsLimits[self::$mLanguage]) ? self::$pageviewsLimits[self::$mLanguage] : self::$pageviewsLimits['default'];
             foreach ($wikis as $wikiID => $pvCount) {
                 if ($pvCount >= $minPageViews) {
                     $hub = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance();
                     $cat_id = $hub->getCategoryId($wikiID);
                     if (!$cat_id) {
                     if (!isset(self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id])) {
                         self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id] = array();
                     self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id][] = $wikiID;
         // removing entries from hubs that have a match in recommended
         if (!empty(self::$mData['recommended']) && !empty(self::$mData['hubs'])) {
             $counter = 0;
             foreach (self::$mData['hubs'] as $hubID => &$item) {
                 $item = array_diff($item, self::$mData['recommended']);
                 $counter += count($item);
         self::$mData['total'] = $counter;
         $wgMemc->set($cacheKey, self::$mData, 3600 * self::CACHE_EXPIRY);
Пример #2
  * Get number of items queued in TaskManager
  * @return int number of items in the queue
 private static function getTasksCount()
     global $wgMemc;
     $key = __METHOD__;
     $cnt = $wgMemc->get($key);
     if (!is_numeric($cnt)) {
         $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
         $cnt = $dbr->estimateRowCount('wikia_tasks');
         $wgMemc->set($key, $cnt, 60 * 1);
     return $cnt;
Пример #3
 function submitForm()
     global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $IP, $wgUser;
     $articles = $this->mArguments;
     $mode = $this->mMode;
     $username = $this->mUsername;
     $tempUser = User::newFromName($username);
     $sParams = serialize(array('articles' => $articles, 'username' => $username, 'mode' => $mode, 'admin' => $this->mAdmin));
     $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->insert('wikia_tasks', array('task_user_id' => $wgUser->getID(), 'task_type' => $this->mType, 'task_priority' => 1, 'task_status' => 1, 'task_added' => wfTimestampNow(), 'task_started' => '', 'task_finished' => '', 'task_arguments' => $sParams));
     $task_id = $dbw->insertId();
     return $task_id;
Пример #4
 public function execute()
     // get all closed wikis
     $WF_db = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $closedBefore = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, strtotime('-3 months'));
     $closedWikis = $WF_db->selectFieldValues('city_list', 'city_id', ['city_public' => WikiFactory::CLOSE_ACTION, sprintf('city_lastdump_timestamp < "%s"', $closedBefore)], __METHOD__);
     $batches = array_chunk($closedWikis, self::BATCH);
     $this->output(sprintf("Got %d closed wikis (before %s) in %d batches\n", count($closedWikis), $closedBefore, count($batches)));
     $this->output("Starting in 5 seconds...\n");
     foreach ($batches as $n => $batch) {
Пример #5
 function submitForm()
     global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $IP, $wgUser;
     $articles = $this->mArguments;
     $mode = $this->mMode;
     $username = "******";
     $tempUser = User::newFromName($username);
     #--- all should be correct at this point
     #--- first prepare serialized info with params
     $sel_articles = $articles;
     $sParams = serialize(array("articles" => $sel_articles["articles"], "username" => $username, "mode" => $mode, "admin" => $this->mAdmin, "motherTask" => $this->mMotherTask));
     $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->insert("wikia_tasks", array("task_user_id" => $wgUser->getID(), "task_type" => $this->mType, "task_priority" => 10, "task_status" => 1, "task_added" => wfTimestampNow(), "task_started" => "", "task_finished" => "", "task_arguments" => $sParams));
     $task_id = $dbw->insertId();
     return $task_id;
 * Remove variable from WikiFactory (delete from city_variables_pool table)
 * @param array $varData
 * @return Status
function removeFromVariablesPool($varData)
    $log = WikiaLogger::instance();
    $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
    try {
        $dbw->delete("city_variables_pool", array("cv_id" => $varData['cv_id']), __METHOD__);
        $log->info("Remove variable from city_variables_pool table.", $varData);
        $status = Status::newGood();
    } catch (DBQueryError $e) {
        $log->error("Database error: Cannot remove variable from city_variables_pool table.", $varData);
        $status = Status::newFatal("Database error: Cannot remove variable from city_variables_pool table (" . $e->getMessage() . ").");
    return $status;
Пример #7
function generateList($format)
    global $wgMemc, $wgExternalSharedDB;
    $func = "begin_" . $format;
    $res = $func();
    $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
    $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_list"), array("city_title", "city_lang", "city_url", "city_id"), array("city_public = 1"), __METHOD__);
    while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
        $row->category = WikiFactory::getCategory($row->city_id);
        $func = "body_" . $format;
        $res .= $func($row);
    $func = "end_" . $format;
    $res .= $func();
    if (!empty($res)) {
        $gz_res = gzdeflate($res, 3);
        $wgMemc->set(wfSharedMemcKey("{$format}-city-list"), $gz_res, 3600 * 6);
Пример #8
  * @author Federico "Lox" Lucignano
  * @param $wikiCityID int the city_id for the wiki
  * @return string the name of the cluster the wiki DB belongs to
  * Retrieves the name of the cluster in which the local DB for the specified wiki is stored
 public static function getCityCluster($wikiCityID)
     //check for non admitted values
     if (empty($wikiCityID) || !is_int($wikiCityID)) {
         return false;
     wfDebugLog(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__, "Looking up cluster for wiki with ID {$wikiCityID}");
     //WikiFactory implementation
     $value = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgDBcluster', $wikiCityID);
     //if not found fall back to city_list implementation
     if (empty($value)) {
         $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
         $res = $dbr->selectField('city_list', 'city_cluster', array('city_id' => $wikiCityID));
         $value = $res;
     wfDebugLog(__CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__, "Cluster for wiki with ID {$wikiCityID} is '{$value}'" . (empty($value) ? ' (main shared DB)' : null));
     return empty($value) ? self::CLUSTER_DEFAULT : $value;
Пример #9
  * updateCityDescription
  * static method called as hook
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @param WikiPage $article
  * @param $user
  * @return bool
 public static function updateCityDescription(&$article, &$user)
     global $wgCityId;
     if (strtolower($article->getTitle()) == "mediawiki:description") {
         $out = trim(strip_tags(wfMsg('description')));
         $db = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
         $db->update("city_list", ["city_description" => $out], ["city_id" => $wgCityId], __METHOD__);
     return true;
Пример #10
 * axWFactoryDomainQuery
 * used in autocompletion
 * @return string JSON encoded array
function axWFactoryDomainQuery()
    global $wgRequest;
    $query = $wgRequest->getVal("query", false);
    $return = array("query" => $query, "suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    $exact = array("suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    $match = array("suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    // query terms: wik, wiki, wikia take too much memory
    // and end up with fatal errors
    if (substr("wikia", 0, strlen((string) $query)) === $query) {
        $query = false;
    if ($query) {
         * maybe not very effective but used only by staff anyway
        $query = strtolower($query);
        $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
        $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_domains"), array("city_id", "city_domain"), array("city_domain not like 'www.%'", "city_domain not like '%.wikicities.com'", "city_domain like '%{$query}%'"), __METHOD__);
        while ($domain = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
            $domain->city_domain = strtolower($domain->city_domain);
            if (preg_match("/^{$query}/", $domain->city_domain)) {
                $exact["suggestions"][] = $domain->city_domain;
                $exact["data"][] = $domain->city_id;
            } elseif (preg_match("/{$query}/", $domain->city_domain)) {
                $match["suggestions"][] = $domain->city_domain;
                $match["data"][] = $domain->city_id;
        $return["suggestions"] = array_merge($exact["suggestions"], $match["suggestions"]);
        $return["data"] = array_merge($exact["data"], $match["suggestions"]);
    return json_encode($return);
Пример #11
  * remove rows stored in archive database
  * @access private
 private function removeRows()
     $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     foreach ($this->mData as $task) {
         if (!empty($task->moved)) {
             $dbw->delete("wikia_tasks", array("task_id" => $task->task_id), __METHOD__);
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", sprintf("Task id=%d type=%s added=%s removed.", $task->task_id, $task->task_type, $task->task_added));
     return true;
Пример #12
  * used in autocompleting form
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @return String json-ized answer
 public static function axQuery()
     global $wgRequest;
     $query = $wgRequest->getVal("query", false);
     $return = array("query" => $query, "suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
     if ($query) {
         $query = strtolower($query);
         $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
         $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_tag"), array("id", "name"), array("name like '%{$query}%'"), __METHOD__);
         while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
             $return["suggestions"][] = $row->name;
     return json_encode($return);
Пример #13
  * 1. go through all wikis which are marked for closing and check which one
  * 	want to have images packed.
  * 2. pack images, send them via rsync to  target server,
  * 3. mark in city_list.city_flags that images are sent,
  * 4. remove images
  * @access public
 public function execute()
     global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgDBname;
     if (!isset($this->mOptions['wiki_id'])) {
         echo "Wiki Id is not valid";
     $where = array("city_id" => intval($this->mOptions['wiki_id']));
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $row = $dbr->selectRow(array("city_list"), array("city_id", "city_flags", "city_dbname", "city_url", "city_public"), $where, __METHOD__);
     if (is_object($row)) {
          * reasonable defaults for wikis and some presets
         $hide = false;
         $xdumpok = true;
         $newFlags = 0;
         $dbname = $row->city_dbname;
         $folder = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgUploadDirectory", $row->city_id);
         $cluster = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgDBcluster", $row->city_id);
          * safety check, if city_dbname is not unique die with message
         $check = $dbr->selectRow(array("city_list"), array("count(*) as count"), array("city_dbname" => $dbname), __METHOD__, array("GROUP BY" => "city_dbname"));
         if ($check->count > 1) {
             echo "{$dbname} is not unique. Check city_list and rerun script";
         Wikia::log(__CLASS__, "info", "city_id={$row->city_id} city_url={$row->city_url} city_dbname={$dbname} city_flags={$row->city_flags} city_public={$row->city_public}");
         Wikia::log(__CLASS__, "info", "removing folder {$folder}");
         if (is_dir($wgUploadDirectory)) {
              * what should we use here?
             $cmd = "rm -rf {$folder}";
             wfShellExec($cmd, $retval);
             if ($retval) {
                  * info removing folder was not possible
          * clear wikifactory tables, condition for city_public should
          * be always true there but better safe than sorry
         $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
         $dbw->delete("city_list", array("city_public" => array(0, -1), "city_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
         Wikia::log(__CLASS__, "info", "{$row->city_id} removed from WikiFactory tables");
          * drop database, get db handler for proper cluster
         global $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword;
         $centralDB = empty($cluster) ? "wikicities" : "wikicities_{$cluster}";
          * get connection but actually we only need info about host
         $local = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $centralDB);
         $server = $local->getLBInfo('host');
         $dbw = new DatabaseMysql($server, $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword, $centralDB);
         $dbw->query("DROP DATABASE `{$row->city_dbname}`");
         Wikia::log(__CLASS__, "info", "{$row->city_dbname} dropped from cluster {$cluster}");
Пример #14
  * Processes shared database (wikicities) and makes all needed changes
 public function updateGlobal()
     global $wgStatsDB, $wgStatsDBEnabled;
     // wikicities
     $this->addLog("Updating global shared database: wikicities.");
     $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $tasks = self::$mGlobalDefaults;
     $hookName = 'UserRename::Global';
     $this->addLog("Broadcasting hook: {$hookName}");
     wfRunHooks($hookName, array($dbw, $this->mUserId, $this->mOldUsername, $this->mNewUsername, $this, &$tasks));
     foreach ($tasks as $task) {
         $this->addLog("Updating {$task['table']}.{$task['username_column']}.");
         $this->renameInTable($dbw, $task['table'], $this->mUserId, $this->mOldUsername, $this->mNewUsername, $task);
     $hookName = 'UserRename::AfterGlobal';
     $this->addLog("Broadcasting hook: {$hookName}");
     wfRunHooks($hookName, array($dbw, $this->mUserId, $this->mOldUsername, $this->mNewUsername, $this, &$tasks));
     $this->addLog("Finished updating shared database: wikicities.");
Пример #15

ini_set( "include_path", dirname(__FILE__)."/.." );
require_once( "commandLine.inc" );

$dbr = WikiFactory::db( DB_SLAVE );

$sth = $dbr->select(
	array( "city_list" ),
	array( "city_dbname", "city_id" ),
	array( "city_public" => 1, "city_cluster" => "c3" ),

while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $sth ) ) {
	if( $row->city_id == 177 ) {

	$dbc = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, array( ), $row->city_dbname );
#	echo "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname}\n";
	if( ! $dbc->fieldExists( "logging", "log_user_text" ) ) {
		echo "$row->city_id\n";
     * get top wikis
     * @author Tomasz Odrobny
     * @access public
    public function getTopWikis($tag_id, $lang, $limit, $show_hide = false, $force_reload = false)
        global $wgMemc, $wgDotDisplay;
        $mcKey = wfSharedMemcKey("auto_hubs", "wikis_top", $tag_id, $lang, $limit);
        if (!$force_reload) {
            $out = $wgMemc->get($mcKey);
            if (!empty($out)) {
                return $out;
        if (empty($this->dbEnabled)) {
            return array("value" => array(), "age" => time());
        $tag_id = (int) $tag_id;
        $limit = 40;
        $lang_id = WikiFactory::LangCodeToId($lang);
        $conditions = array("tag_id" => $tag_id, "city_lang" => $lang_id);
        $res = $this->dbs->select(array('specials.page_views_summary_tags'), array('tag_id as tag_id, city_id as city_id, pv_views as count '), $conditions, __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'count DESC', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        if ($this->dbs->numRows($res) == 0 && !empty($wgDotDisplay)) {
            $date = date('Ymd', time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
            $conditions = array("pv_use_date > {$date}", 'ct.city_id = pv.pv_city_id');
            $res = $this->dbs->select(array('stats.page_views as pv', 'wikicities.city_tag_map as ct'), array('ct.tag_id as tag_id,
						pv_city_id as city_id,
						sum(pv_views) as count '), $conditions, __METHOD__, array('GROUP BY' => ' ct.tag_id,pv_city_id ', 'ORDER BY' => ' count DESC ', 'LIMIT' => $limit));
        $limits = $this->loadHideLimits("city");
        $limits_array = array();
        if (!empty($limits[$tag_id]) && count($limits[$tag_id]) > 0) {
            foreach ($limits[$tag_id] as $value) {
                $limits_array[] = $value['city_id'];
        } else {
            $limits_array = array();
        $pre_out = 1;
        $count = 0;
        $city_array = array();
        $numberOne = 1;
        while ($value = $this->dbs->fetchRow($res)) {
            $in_limits = in_array($value['city_id'], $limits_array);
            if (!$in_limits || $show_hide) {
                $row = array('count' => $value['count']);
                if ($in_limits) {
                    $row['hide'] = true;
                $city_array[$value['city_id']] = $row;
                if ($count == $limit) {
                if ($count == 1) {
                    $numberOne = $value['city_id'];
        $dbs = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
        if (empty($city_array)) {
            return array("value" => array(), "age" => time());
        $res = $dbs->select(array("city_list"), array("city_id, city_description, city_sitename, city_url, city_title"), array("city_id" => array_keys($city_array)), __METHOD__);
        while ($value = $dbs->fetchRow($res)) {
            if (!empty($city_array[$value['city_id']])) {
                $city_array[$value['city_id']] = array_merge($value, $city_array[$value['city_id']]);
                $city_array[$value['city_id']]['city_description'] = trim($city_array[$value['city_id']]['city_description']);
        $out = array("value" => $city_array, "age" => time());
        $wgMemc->set($mcKey, $out, 60 * 60 * 12);
        return $out;
Пример #17
 * axWFactoryDomainQuery
 * used in autocompletion
 * @return string JSON encoded array
function axWFactoryDomainQuery()
    global $wgRequest;
    $query = $wgRequest->getVal("query", false);
    $return = array("query" => $query, "suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    $exact = array("suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    $match = array("suggestions" => array(), "data" => array());
    // query terms: wik, wiki, wikia take too much memory
    // and end up with fatal errors
    if (substr("wikia", 0, strlen((string) $query)) === $query) {
        $query = false;
    if ($query) {
         * maybe not very effective but used only by staff anyway
        $query = strtolower($query);
        $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
        $cityDomainLike = $dbr->buildLike($dbr->anyString(), $query, $dbr->anyString());
        $sth = $dbr->select(["city_domains"], ["city_id", "city_domain"], ["city_domain not like 'www.%'", "city_domain not like '%.wikicities.com'", "city_domain {$cityDomainLike}"], __METHOD__, ['LIMIT' => 15]);
        while ($domain = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
            $domain->city_domain = strtolower($domain->city_domain);
            if (preg_match("/^{$query}/", $domain->city_domain)) {
                $exact["suggestions"][] = $domain->city_domain;
                $exact["data"][] = $domain->city_id;
            } elseif (preg_match("/{$query}/", $domain->city_domain)) {
                $match["suggestions"][] = $domain->city_domain;
                $match["data"][] = $domain->city_id;
        $return["suggestions"] = array_merge($exact["suggestions"], $match["suggestions"]);
        $return["data"] = array_merge($exact["data"], $match["suggestions"]);
    $resp = new AjaxResponse(json_encode($return));
    $resp->setContentType('application/json; charset=utf-8');
    return $resp;
Пример #18
  * @static
  * @access public
 public static function sendMail($sDbName = null, $iCityId = null, $bHidden = false, $bClose = false)
     if (is_null($sDbName)) {
         global $wgDBname;
         $sDbName = $wgDBname;
     if (is_null($iCityId)) {
         global $wgCityId;
         $iCityId = $wgCityId;
     global $wgServer, $wgUser;
     $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor("Statistics");
     $body = sprintf("Database dump request for %s, city id %d, hidden %d, closeWiki %d\nurl %s\nRequested by %s\n", $sDbName, $iCityId, (int) $bHidden, (int) $bClose, $title->getFullUrl(), $wgUser->getName());
     UserMailer::send(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), "Database dump request for {$sDbName}", $body, null, null, 'DumpRequest');
      * @todo universal WikiFactory metod for that
     $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->update("city_list", array("city_lastdump_timestamp" => wfTimestampNow()), array("city_id" => $iCityId), __METHOD__);
Пример #19
  * check if domain exist and is active
  * return false if doesn't exist
  * return 0 if exist but not active
  * return id if exists and active
 static function checkWiki($name)
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $oRow = $dbr->selectRow(array("city_list", "city_domains"), array("city_public", "city_list.city_id"), array("city_list.city_id = city_domains.city_id", "city_domain" => $name), __METHOD__);
     if (empty($oRow->city_id)) {
         return false;
     } elseif ($oRow->city_public != 1) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         return $oRow->city_id;
Пример #20
  * constructor
  * @access public
 function __construct($par = null)
     global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
     $parms = explode('/', $par = $par !== null ? $par : '');
     if (isset($parms[0]) && !empty($parms[0])) {
         $this->firstChar = $parms[0];
     if (isset($parms[1]) && !empty($parms[1])) {
         $this->lang = $parms[1];
     $this->lang = $this->lang != '' ? $this->lang : $wgRequest->getVal('language');
     $this->firstChar = $this->firstChar != '' ? $this->firstChar : $wgRequest->getText('start');
     $this->hub = $wgRequest->getText('hub');
     if ($wgUser->isAllowed('newwikislist')) {
         $this->more_details = true;
      * overwrite database handler
     $this->mDb = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     // create a Linker object so we don't have to create it every time in formatRow
     $this->linker = new Linker();
Пример #21
  * get all defined tags from city_tag list
 private function getTags()
     global $wgMemc;
     if (isset($this->mCachedTags) && is_array($this->mCachedTags)) {
         return $this->mCachedTags;
      * first from cache, cache is set for 1h
     $this->mCachedTags = $wgMemc->get($this->cacheKey());
     if (!isset($this->mCachedTags) || !is_array($this->mCachedTags)) {
          * if not success then from database
         $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
         $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_tag"), array("*"), false, __METHOD__);
         while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
             $this->mCachedTags[$row->name] = $row->id;
          * store for hour
         $wgMemc->set($this->cacheKey(), $this->mCachedTags, 3600);
     return $this->mCachedTags;
Пример #22
 private function getData()
      * build query
     $offset = $this->mOffset ? array("OFFSET" => $this->mOffset) : array();
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_domains"), array("distinct city_id"), array("city_domain " . $dbr->buildLike($dbr->anyString(), $this->mPart, $dbr->anyString())), __METHOD__, array("ORDER BY" => "city_id", "LIMIT" => $this->mLimit + 1) + $offset);
     $data = array();
     $counter = 0;
     while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
         $obj = new stdClass();
         $obj->wiki = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($row->city_id);
         $obj->domains = WikiFactory::getDomains($row->city_id);
         if ($counter <= $this->mLimit) {
             $data[] = $obj;
         } else {
              * there's next page
     return $data;
 * @author: Federico 'Lox' Lucignano <*****@*****.**>
 * @usage: SERVER_ID=177 php achievements_fix_luckyedit_score.php --conf /usr/wikia/conf/current/wiki.factory/LocalSettings.php --aconf /usr/wikia/conf/current/AdminSettings.php
ini_set("include_path", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../");
$options = array('help');
require_once 'commandLine.inc';
global $IP, $wgCityId;
echo "Update Achievements lucky edits score\n\n";
if (isset($options['help']) && $options['help']) {
    echo "Usage: php achievements_takeRankingSnapshot.php\n\n";
require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikia/AchievementsII/Ach_setup.php";
echo "Loading list of users to process";
$dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
$users = $dbw->select('ach_user_badges', array("DISTINCT user_id", 'wiki_id'), array('badge_type_id' => BADGE_LUCKYEDIT));
$usersCount = $users->numRows();
echo ": {$usersCount} user(s) to process\n\n";
if ($usersCount) {
    while ($currentUser = $dbw->fetchObject($users)) {
        echo "- Processing user {$currentUser->user_id} on wiki {$currentUser->wiki_id}: ";
        $badges = $dbw->selectField('ach_user_badges', array('COUNT(*) as cnt'), array('wiki_id' => $currentUser->wiki_id, 'user_id' => $currentUser->user_id, 'badge_type_id' => BADGE_LUCKYEDIT));
        if ($badges > 1) {
            $score = $dbw->selectField('ach_user_score', array('score'), array('wiki_id' => $currentUser->wiki_id, 'user_id' => $currentUser->user_id));
            echo "lucky edits {$badges}, original score {$score}";
            $wgCityId = $currentUser->wiki_id;
            $srvc = new AchAwardingService();
            $score = $dbw->selectField('ach_user_score', array('score'), array('wiki_id' => $currentUser->wiki_id, 'user_id' => $currentUser->user_id));
Пример #24
  * submitForm
  * Creates the corresponding entry in the TaskManager queue.
  * @return boolean true
  * @access public
 function submitForm()
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgRequest;
     $wikiDomain = Wikia::fixDomainName($wgRequest->getText('task-usp-wiki'));
     // check if the wiki exists
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
     $oRow = $dbr->selectRow(array('city_list', 'city_domains'), array('city_public', 'city_list.city_id'), array('city_list.city_id = city_domains.city_id', 'city_domain' => $wikiDomain), __METHOD__);
     if (empty($oRow->city_id) || 1 != $oRow->city_public) {
         return false;
     $wikiId = $oRow->city_id;
     if (!empty($wikiId)) {
         $this->mTaskID = $this->createTask(array('wikiId' => $wikiId));
     $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::successbox('Task added'));
     return true;
Пример #25
 function loadFromSnapshot()
     global $wgCityId;
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $res = $dbr->select('ach_ranking_snapshots', array('data'), array('wiki_id' => $wgCityId));
     if ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
         return unserialize($row->data);
     return null;
Пример #26
function Ach_TakeRankingSnapshot($force = false)
    global $wgCityId;
    $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
    $res = $dbw->select('ach_ranking_snapshots', array('date'), array('wiki_id' => $wgCityId));
    $rankingService = new AchRankingService();
    if ($row = $dbw->fetchObject($res)) {
        if (strtotime($row->date) <= time() - 60 * 60 * 24 || $force) {
            $dbw->update('ach_ranking_snapshots', array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'data' => $rankingService->serialize()), array('wiki_id' => $wgCityId));
            echo "\t* Snapshot for the wiki with ID {$wgCityId} has been updated\n";
        } else {
            echo "\t* A user ranking snapshot already exists for the wiki with ID {$wgCityId} and is still valid (taken on {$row->date})\n";
    } else {
        $dbw->insert('ach_ranking_snapshots', array('wiki_id' => $wgCityId, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:m:s'), 'data' => $rankingService->serialize()));
        echo "\t* Snapshot for the wiki with ID {$wgCityId} has been taken\n";
 public function execute()
     global $wgUser, $wgDBname, $wgCityId;
     $wgUser = User::newFromName(self::USER);
     $this->isDryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     $this->dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $this->cityId = $wgCityId;
     $this->output("Running for '{$wgDBname}' (city #{$this->cityId})...\n");
     if ($this->isDryRun) {
         $this->output("\n### DRY RUN MODE ###\n\n");
     // first, get the current values from DB
     // now get values from city_list entry
     // extract values from WikiFactory log
     // store in DB
     // if not in --dry-run mode
     if (!$this->isDryRun) {
Пример #28
 * Hooks into WikiFactory to force use of the wiki which the developer
 * has explicitly set using this panel (if applicable).
 * @return boolean true to allow the WikiFactoryLoader to do its other necessary initalization.
function wfDevBoxForceWiki(WikiFactoryLoader $wikiFactoryLoader)
    global $wgDevelEnvironment, $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgCommandLineMode, $wgDevboxDefaultWikiDomain;
    if ($wgDevelEnvironment) {
        $forcedWikiDomain = getForcedWikiValue();
        $cityId = WikiFactory::DomainToID($forcedWikiDomain);
        if (!$cityId) {
            // If the overridden name doesn't exist AT ALL, use a default just to let the panel run.
            $forcedWikiDomain = $wgDevboxDefaultWikiDomain;
            $cityId = WikiFactory::DomainToID($forcedWikiDomain);
            wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": domain forced to {$forcedWikiDomain}\n");
        if ($wgCommandLineMode) {
            $cityId = getenv("SERVER_ID");
            if (is_numeric($cityId)) {
                $wikiFactoryLoader->mCityID = $cityId;
                $wikiFactoryLoader->mWikiID = $cityId;
            } else {
                $dbName = getenv("SERVER_DBNAME");
                 * find city_id by database name
                $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
                $cityId = $dbr->selectField("city_list", array("city_id"), array("city_dbname" => $dbName), __METHOD__);
                if (is_numeric($cityId)) {
                    $wikiFactoryLoader->mCityID = $cityId;
                    $wikiFactoryLoader->mWikiID = $cityId;
        if ($cityId) {
            $wikiFactoryLoader->mServerName = $forcedWikiDomain;
            // Need to set both in order to get our desired effects.
            $wikiFactoryLoader->mCityID = $cityId;
            $wikiFactoryLoader->mWikiID = $cityId;
        // This section allows us to use c1 or c2 as a source for wiki databases
        // Be aware that this means the database has to be loaded in the right cluster according to wikicities!
        $db = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
        $cluster = $db->selectField('city_list', 'city_cluster', ['city_id' => $cityId], __METHOD__);
        $wikiFactoryLoader->mVariables["wgDBcluster"] = $cluster;
        // Final sanity check to make sure our database exists
        if ($forcedWikiDomain != $wgDevboxDefaultWikiDomain) {
            // check if the wiki exist on a cluster
            wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": checking if wiki #{$cityId} exists on {$cluster} cluster...\n");
            $dbname = WikiFactory::DomainToDB($forcedWikiDomain);
            $db = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, [], $wgExternalSharedDB . '_' . $cluster);
            // force master - @see PLATFORM-528
            $res = $db->query('SHOW DATABASES ' . $db->buildLike($dbname), __METHOD__);
            // SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'muppet'
            if ($res->numRows() === 0) {
                header('HTTP/1.1 503');
                header('X-Error: missing database');
                header('Content-Type: text/plain');
                die("No local copy of database [{$dbname}] was found on {$cluster} cluster [using {$db->getServer()} DB].");
    return true;
Пример #29
  * can create database?
  * @todo this code is probably duplication of other checkers
 private function canCreateDatabase()
     // default response
     $can = true;
     // check local cluster
     $row = $this->mNewWiki->dbw->selectRow("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA", array("SCHEMA_NAME as name"), array('SCHEMA_NAME' => $this->mNewWiki->dbname), __METHOD__);
     if (isset($row->name) && $row->name === $this->mNewWiki->dbname) {
         wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": database {$this->mNewWiki->dbname} already exists on active cluster\n");
         $can = false;
     } else {
         // check city_list
         $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
         $row = $dbw->selectRow("city_list", array("count(*) as count"), array("city_dbname" => $this->mNewWiki->dbname), __METHOD__);
         if ($row->count > 0) {
             wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": database {$this->mNewWiki->dbname} already used in city_list\n");
             $can = false;
         } else {
             // check domain
             $row = $dbw->selectRow("city_list", array("count(*) as count"), array("city_url" => $this->mNewWiki->url), __METHOD__);
             if ($row->count > 0) {
                 wfDebugLog("createwiki", __METHOD__ . ": domain {$this->mNewWiki->url} already used in city_list\n");
                 $can = false;
     return $can;
Пример #30
  * 1. go through all wikis which are marked for closing and check which one
  * 	want to have images packed.
  * 2. pack images, send them via rsync to  target server,
  * 3. mark in city_list.city_flags that images are sent,
  * 4. remove images
  * @access public
 public function execute()
     global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgDBname, $IP;
     $first = isset($this->mOptions["first"]) ? true : false;
     $sleep = isset($this->mOptions["sleep"]) ? $this->mOptions["sleep"] : 15;
     $condition = array("ORDER BY" => "city_id");
     $this->info('start', ['first' => $first, 'limit' => $this->mOptions["limit"] ?: false]);
      * if $first is set skip limit checking
     if (!$first) {
         if (isset($this->mOptions["limit"]) && is_numeric($this->mOptions["limit"])) {
             $condition["LIMIT"] = $this->mOptions["limit"];
     $timestamp = wfTimestamp(TS_DB, strtotime(sprintf("-%d days", self::CLOSE_WIKI_DELAY)));
     $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE);
     $sth = $dbr->select(array("city_list"), array("city_id", "city_flags", "city_dbname", "city_url", "city_public"), array("city_public" => array(0, -1), "city_flags <> 0 && city_flags <> 32", "city_last_timestamp < '{$timestamp}'"), __METHOD__, $condition);
     $this->info('wikis to remove', ['wikis' => $sth->numRows()]);
     while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($sth)) {
          * reasonable defaults for wikis and some presets
         $hide = false;
         $xdumpok = true;
         $newFlags = 0;
         $dbname = $row->city_dbname;
         $cityid = $row->city_id;
         $folder = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgUploadDirectory", $cityid);
         $cluster = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgDBcluster", $cityid);
          * safety check, if city_dbname is not unique die with message
         $check = $dbr->selectRow(array("city_list"), array("count(*) as count"), array("city_dbname" => $dbname), __METHOD__, array("GROUP BY" => "city_dbname"));
         if ($check->count > 1) {
             echo "{$dbname} is not unique. Check city_list and rerun script";
         $this->log("city_id={$row->city_id} city_url={$row->city_url} city_dbname={$dbname} city_flags={$row->city_flags} city_public={$row->city_public}");
          * request for dump on remote server (now hardcoded for Iowa)
         if ($row->city_flags & WikiFactory::FLAG_HIDE_DB_IMAGES) {
             $hide = true;
         if ($row->city_flags & WikiFactory::FLAG_CREATE_DB_DUMP) {
             $this->log("Dumping database on remote host");
             list($remote) = explode(":", $this->mTarget, 2);
             $script = $hide ? "--script='../extensions/wikia/WikiFactory/Dumps/runBackups.php --both --id={$cityid} --tmp --s3'" : "--script='../extensions/wikia/WikiFactory/Dumps/runBackups.php --both --id={$cityid} --hide --tmp --s3'";
             $cmd = array("/usr/wikia/backend/bin/run_maintenance", "--id=177", $script);
             $cmd = '/usr/wikia/backend/bin/run_maintenance --id=177 ' . wfEscapeShellArg($script);
             $output = wfShellExec($cmd, $retval);
             $xdumpok = empty($retval) ? true : false;
              * reset flag
             $newFlags = $newFlags | WikiFactory::FLAG_CREATE_DB_DUMP | WikiFactory::FLAG_HIDE_DB_IMAGES;
         if ($row->city_flags & WikiFactory::FLAG_CREATE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE) {
             if ($dbname && $folder) {
                 $source = $this->tarFiles($folder, $dbname, $cityid);
                 if ($source) {
                     $retval = DumpsOnDemand::putToAmazonS3($source, !$hide, MimeMagic::singleton()->guessMimeType($source));
                     if ($retval > 0) {
                         $this->log("putToAmazonS3 command failed.");
                         echo "Can't copy images to remote host. Please, fix that and rerun";
                     } else {
                         $this->log("{$source} copied to S3 Amazon");
                         $newFlags = $newFlags | WikiFactory::FLAG_CREATE_IMAGE_ARCHIVE | WikiFactory::FLAG_HIDE_DB_IMAGES;
                 } else {
                      * actually it's better to die than remove
                      * images later without backup
                     echo "Can't copy images to remote host. Source {$source} is not defined";
         if ($row->city_flags & WikiFactory::FLAG_DELETE_DB_IMAGES || $row->city_flags & WikiFactory::FLAG_FREE_WIKI_URL) {
              * clear wikifactory tables, condition for city_public should
              * be always true there but better safe than sorry
             $dbw = WikiFactory::db(DB_MASTER);
             $dbw->delete("city_list", array("city_public" => array(0, -1), "city_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
             $this->log("{$row->city_id} removed from WikiFactory tables");
              * remove records from dataware
             global $wgExternalDatawareDB;
             $datawareDB = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalDatawareDB);
             $datawareDB->delete("pages", array("page_wikia_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
             $this->log("{$row->city_id} removed from pages table");
              * remove images from D.I.R.T.
             $datawareDB->delete("image_review", array("wiki_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
             $this->log("{$row->city_id} removed from image_review table");
             $datawareDB->delete("image_review_stats", array("wiki_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
             $this->log("{$row->city_id} removed from image_review_stats table");
             $datawareDB->delete("image_review_wikis", array("wiki_id" => $row->city_id), __METHOD__);
             $this->log("{$row->city_id} removed from image_review_wikis table");
              * drop database, get db handler for proper cluster
             global $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword;
             $centralDB = empty($cluster) ? "wikicities" : "wikicities_{$cluster}";
              * get connection but actually we only need info about host
             $local = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $centralDB);
             $server = $local->getLBInfo('host');
             try {
                 $dbw = new DatabaseMysql($server, $wgDBadminuser, $wgDBadminpassword, $centralDB);
                 $dbw->query("DROP DATABASE `{$row->city_dbname}`");
                 $this->log("{$row->city_dbname} dropped from cluster {$cluster}");
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->log("{$row->city_dbname} database drop failed! {$e->getMessage()}");
                 $this->info('drop database', ['cluster' => $cluster, 'dbname' => $row->city_dbname, 'exception' => $e, 'server' => $server]);
              * update search index
             $indexer = new Wikia\Search\Indexer();
             $this->log("Wiki documents removed from index");
              * there is nothing to set because row in city_list doesn't
              * exists
             $newFlags = false;
          * reset flags, if database was dropped and data were removed from
          * WikiFactory tables it will return false anyway
         if ($newFlags) {
             WikiFactory::resetFlags($row->city_id, $newFlags);
         $this->info('closed', ['cluster' => $cluster, 'city_id' => (int) $cityid, 'dbname' => $dbname]);
          * just one?
         if ($first) {