Пример #1
  * 套餐订单确认页
 public function confirm1()
     $payType = I('payType', 0);
     if ($_POST) {
         $this->assign("jumpUrl", U("Package/index"));
         $month_fee = I('post.month_fee');
         $package_data_id = I('post.package_data_id');
         $ticket_id = I('post.ticket_id');
         $ticket_price = 0;
         if (empty($package_data_id) || !is_numeric($package_data_id)) {
         $packageData = $this->packageDataModel->find($package_data_id);
         if (empty($packageData)) {
         if (empty($month_fee) || !is_numeric($month_fee)) {
         if ($packageData['period'] == 3) {
             if ($month_fee < 200) {
                 $month_fee = 200;
         } else {
             if ($month_fee < C('PKG_PAGE_COMBO_NUM_INIT')) {
                 $month_fee = C('PKG_PAGE_COMBO_NUM_INIT');
         if (!$packageData['allow_coupon']) {
             $ticket_id = 0;
         if (!empty($ticket_id)) {
             $ticket = $this->ticketModel->disableFieldAutoFilters()->where("`inventory_id` = '" . $ticket_id . "' AND `user_id` = '" . $this->uid . "' AND `status` = '1' AND `is_used` = '0'")->find();
             if (empty($ticket)) {
             $ticket_price = $ticket['coupon_amount'];
             if (!$this->packageOrderModel->isOrderAmountValid($ticket, $ticket_price, $month_fee * $packageData['period'])) {
         $amount = $month_fee * $packageData['period'];
         if ($amount < $packageData['price']) {
         $quantity = intval($amount / $packageData['price']);
         if ($quantity <= 0 || $quantity > 6000) {
         $amount = $amount - $ticket_price;
         $order_id = self::getOrderNumber(1, 'ES');
         $city_name = empty($_COOKIE['city_name']) ? "" : urldecode($_COOKIE['city_name']);
         $city_code = empty($_COOKIE['city_code']) ? "" : $_COOKIE['city_code'];
         $orderData = array('order_id' => $order_id, 'user_id' => $this->uid, 'order_title' => $packageData['pro_name'], 'pro_id' => $packageData['pro_id'], 'ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_price' => $ticket_price, 'price' => $packageData['price'], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'holddays' => $packageData['holddays'], 'period' => $packageData['period'], 'month_fee' => $month_fee, 'residue_period' => $packageData['period'], 'favorable' => $packageData['favorable'], 'apr' => $packageData['apr'], 'transfer_fee_ratio' => $packageData['transfer_fee_ratio'], 'product_type' => $packageData['product_type'], 'amount' => $amount, 'order_status' => OT_WAIT, 'affair_status' => 0, 'addtime' => $this->currentTime, 'pay_type' => I('payType', 0) == 1 ? 'wepay' : '99bill', 'city_name' => $city_name, 'city_code' => $city_code, 'ip2long' => get_client_ip(1), 'ip' => get_client_ip(0));
         $orderData = $this->packageDataModel->setPackageOrderInfo($month_fee, $quantity, $ticket_price, $orderData, $packageData);
         $ret = $this->packageOrderModel->add($orderData);
         if ($ret) {
             //绿电通订单类型: 0=新品中心,1交易中心(活期中心)
             if ($packageData['product_type'] == PackageDataModel::PRODUCT_TYPE_NEW) {
                 $order_type = 0;
             if ($packageData['product_type'] == PackageDataModel::PRODUCT_TYPE_CURRENT) {
                 $order_type = 1;
             $paypal_type = 102;
             if ($payType == 1) {
                 $paypal_type = 103;
             $create_order_param = array('order_type' => $order_type, 'paypal_type' => $paypal_type, 'userid' => $this->uid, 'source' => 6, 'pro_id' => $packageData['pro_id'], 'number' => $quantity, 'coupon_price' => $ticket_price, 'combo_days' => $packageData['holddays'], 'direct_type' => 2);
             if ($order_type == 1) {
                 $create_order_param['yhsy'] = $packageData['apr'];
                 $create_order_param['transfer_fee'] = 0;
                 $create_order_param['transfer_discountrate'] = 0;
             $lnb_order = spi_api('Order.createOrder', $create_order_param, 'order');
             if ($lnb_order['status'] != 200) {
                 writelog(__FUNCTION__ . ':调绿能宝创建订单接口失败:orderid:[-' . $order_id . '-][->' . serialize($lnb_order) . '<-]');
             } else {
                 $this->packageOrderModel->where("`order_id` = '" . $order_id . "'")->save(array("lnb_order_id" => $lnb_order['data']['order_id']));
                 if (!empty($ticket_id)) {
                     $this->ticketModel->where("`inventory_id` = " . $ticket_id)->save(array('is_used' => '1', 'use_time' => $this->currentTime));
                 $this->redirect('Package/confirm?order_id=' . $order_id . ' &payType=' . $payType);
         } else {
             writelog(__FUNCTION__ . ':生成订单失败:sql:[-' . $this->packageOrderModel->getlastsql() . '-]');
     $this->assign("jumpUrl", U("Package/index"));
     $order_id = I('get.order_id');
     if (empty($order_id)) {
     $order = $this->packageOrderModel->getUseOrder($this->uid, $order_id);
     if (empty($order)) {
     //判断订单是否待支付 或支付失败状态
     if ($order['order_status'] != 0 && $order['order_status'] != 2) {
     if ($payType == 1) {
         $weixin = new \Weixin();
         $this->assign('payBtn', $weixin->getPayBtn($order['order_id'], '购买绿电套餐', $order['amount'], C('WEIXIN_PAY_NOTIFY_URL_PACKAGE'), C('WEIXIN_PAY_SUCCESS_URL_PACKAGE')));
         $this->assign('order', $order);
     } else {
         $this->assign('mobile', $this->bindinfo['mobile']);
         $this->assign('order', $order);