  * Tests validateAndParseData method
 public function testValidateAndParseData()
     $request = array('data' => 'abcdef', 'sign' => 'qwerty');
     $parsed = array('projectid' => 123, 'someparam' => 'qwerty123', 'type' => 'micro');
     $this->assertEquals($parsed, $this->validator->validateAndParseData($request));
  * Checks signature
  * @param array $request
  * @return boolean
  * @throws WebToPay_Exception_Callback
 public function checkSign(array $request)
     if (!isset($request['data']) || !isset($request['ss2'])) {
         throw new WebToPay_Exception_Callback('Not enough parameters in callback. Possible version mismatch');
     $ss2 = $this->util->decodeSafeUrlBase64($request['ss2']);
     $ok = openssl_verify($request['data'], $ss2, $this->publicKey);
     return $ok === 1;
  * Parses callback parameters from query parameters and checks if sign is correct.
  * Request has parameter "data", which is signed and holds all callback parameters
  * @param array $requestData
  * @return array Parsed callback parameters
  * @throws WebToPayException
  * @throws WebToPay_Exception_Callback
 public function validateAndParseData(array $requestData)
     if (!$this->signer->checkSign($requestData)) {
         throw new WebToPay_Exception_Callback('Invalid sign parameters, check $_GET length limit');
     if (!isset($requestData['data'])) {
         throw new WebToPay_Exception_Callback('"data" parameter not found');
     $data = $requestData['data'];
     $queryString = $this->util->decodeSafeUrlBase64($data);
     $request = $this->util->parseHttpQuery($queryString);
     if (!isset($request['projectid'])) {
         throw new WebToPay_Exception_Callback('Project ID not provided in callback', WebToPayException::E_INVALID);
     if ((string) $request['projectid'] !== (string) $this->projectId) {
         throw new WebToPay_Exception_Callback(sprintf('Bad projectid: %s, should be: %s', $request['projectid'], $this->projectId), WebToPayException::E_INVALID);
     if (!isset($request['type']) || !in_array($request['type'], array('micro', 'macro'))) {
         $micro = isset($request['to']) && isset($request['from']) && isset($request['sms']);
         $request['type'] = $micro ? 'micro' : 'macro';
     return $request;
Пример #4
  * Tests parseHttpQuery. Must work with and without gpc_magic_quotes
 public function testParseHttpQuery()
     $this->assertEquals(array('param1' => 'some string', 'param2' => 'special symbols !!%(@_-+/=', 'param3' => 'slashes \\\'"'), $this->util->parseHttpQuery('param1=some+string&param2=special+symbols+%21%21%25%28%40_-%2B%2F%3D&param3=slashes+%5C%27%22'));
  * Makes request data array from parameters, also generates signature
  * @param array $request
  * @return array
 protected function createRequest(array $request)
     $data = $this->util->encodeSafeUrlBase64(http_build_query($request));
     return array('data' => $data, 'sign' => md5($data . $this->projectPassword));
  * Tests checkSign with incorrect ss2
 public function testCheckSignWithBadSignature()
     $this->assertFalse($this->signChecker->checkSign(array('data' => 'encodedData', 'ss1' => 'bad-ss1', 'ss2' => 'encoded-ss2')));
  * Tests buildRepeatRequest method
 public function testBuildRepeatRequest()
     $this->assertEquals(array('data' => 'encoded', 'sign' => md5('encodedsecret')), $this->builder->buildRepeatRequest(123));