public function send($message, $list) { $webRequest = new WebRequest(); $params = array("profileId" => $this->profileId, "user" => $this->user, "pwd" => $this->pwd, "senderId" => $this->senderId, "mobileno" => implode(",", $list), "msgtext" => "this is a test message"); $result = $webRequest->get("", $params); return $result; }
public static function getErrorDisplay($arguments) { $smarty = $arguments[1]; $error = WebRequest::get("lgerror") or ""; $smarty->assign("lgerror", $error); return true; }
protected function runPage() { if (WebRequest::get("showall") === "yes") { $phpinfo_parts = INFO_ALL; $linktarget = "?showall=no"; } else { $phpinfo_parts = INFO_VARIABLES; $linktarget = "?showall=yes"; } ob_clean(); phpinfo($phpinfo_parts); $pinfo = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); if (WebRequest::get("showall") === "yes") { $pinfo1 = explode("<table", $pinfo, 2); $pinfo = "<table" . $pinfo1[1]; $pinfo1 = explode("<h2>PHP License</h2>", $pinfo); $pinfo = $pinfo1[0]; } else { $pinfo1 = explode("<h2>", $pinfo); $pinfo = "<h2>" . $pinfo1[1]; $pinfo1 = explode("<br />", $pinfo); $pinfo = $pinfo1[0]; } $pinfo = str_replace('class="e"', 'style="background-color: #ccccff; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline;"', $pinfo); $pinfo = str_replace('class="v"', 'style="background-color: #cccccc; color: #000000;border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline;"', $pinfo); $pinfo = str_replace('<table ', '<table style="border-collapse: collapse;font-family: sans-serif;" ', $pinfo); $this->mSmarty->assign("content", "<a href=\"{$linktarget}\">Toggle all/variables</a>" . $pinfo); }
protected function runPage() { $action = WebRequest::get("action"); switch ($action) { case "view": self::checkAccess("view-bill"); $this->showViewBillPage(); break; case "edit": self::checkAccess("edit-bill"); $this->showEditBillItemPage(); break; case "add": self::checkAccess("append-bill"); $this->showAddBillItemPage(); break; case "pay": self::checkAccess("pay-bill"); $this->doPayBillAction(); break; case "del": self::checkAccess("remove-bill-item"); $this->doRemoveBillItemAction(); break; } }
protected function runPage() { $this->mSubMenu = array("MPageSystemUserList" => array("title" => "mpage-user-list", "link" => "/SystemUsers?action=list"), "MPageCreateUser" => array("title" => "mpage-user-create", "link" => "/SystemUsers?action=create")); $action = WebRequest::get("action"); switch ($action) { case "changepw": self::checkAccess("edit-systemuser-password"); $this->showChangePasswordPage(); break; case "del": self::checkAccess("delete-systemuser"); $this->doDeleteUserAction(); break; case "create": self::checkAccess("create-systemuser"); $this->showCreateUserPage(); break; case "changeaccess": self::checkAccess("edit-systemuser-access"); $this->showChangeAccessPage(); break; case "list": default: $this->showListUserPage(); break; } }
protected function runPage() { $this->mSubMenu = array("MPageCustomersList" => array("title" => "mpage-customers-list", "link" => "/Customers?action=list"), "MPageCustomersCreate" => array("title" => "mpage-customers-create", "link" => "/Customers?action=create")); $action = WebRequest::get("action"); switch ($action) { case "del": self::checkAccess("delete-customer"); $this->doDeleteCustomerAction(); break; case "rsconfirm": $this->doResendCustomerAction(); break; case "edit": self::checkAccess("edit-customer"); $this->showEditCustomerPage(); break; case "create": self::checkAccess("create-customer"); $this->showCreateCustomerPage(); break; case "list": default: $this->showListCustomerPage(); break; } }
protected function runPage() { global $cWebPath; $this->mStyles[] = $cWebPath . '/style/jsDatePick_ltr.min.css'; $this->mScripts[] = $cWebPath . '/scripts/jsDatePick.full.1.3.js'; $this->mSubMenu = array("MPageBookingsList" => array("title" => "mpage-bookings-list", "link" => "/Bookings?action=list"), "MPageBookingsCreate" => array("title" => "mpage-bookings-create", "link" => "/Bookings?action=create")); $action = WebRequest::get("action"); switch ($action) { case "del": self::checkAccess("delete-booking"); $this->doDeleteBookingAction(); break; case "edit": self::checkAccess("edit-booking"); $this->showEditBookingPage(); break; case "create": self::checkAccess("create-booking"); $this->showCreateBookingPage(); break; case "list": default: $this->showListBookingsPage(); break; } }
protected function runPage() { try { $id = WebRequest::getInt("id"); $hash = WebRequest::get("hash"); // data validation $customer = Customer::getById($id); if ($customer == null) { throw new NonexistantObjectException(); } $customer->confirmEmail($hash); // save $customer->save(); Session::setLoggedInCustomer($id); $this->mSmarty->assign("content", Message::getMessage("mail-confirmed")); } catch (NonexistantObjectException $ex) { global $cScriptPath; $this->mHeaders[] = "Location: {$cScriptPath}"; } }
protected function runPage() { $this->mSubMenu = array("MPageRoomsList" => array("title" => "mpage-rooms-list", "link" => "/Rooms?action=list"), "MPageRoomsCreate" => array("title" => "mpage-rooms-create", "link" => "/Rooms?action=create")); $action = WebRequest::get("action"); switch ($action) { case "del": self::checkAccess("delete-room"); $this->doDeleteRoomAction(); break; case "edit": self::checkAccess("edit-room"); $this->showEditRoomPage(); break; case "create": self::checkAccess("create-room"); $this->showCreateRoomPage(); break; case "list": default: $this->showListRoomPage(); break; } }
protected function runPage() { if (Session::isCustomerLoggedIn()) { global $cWebPath; // redirect to main page $this->mHeaders[] = "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"; $this->mHeaders[] = "Location: " . $cWebPath . "/index.php"; return; } if (WebRequest::wasPosted()) { if (WebRequest::get("id") && WebRequest::get("hash")) { // setting password $id = WebRequest::get("id"); $hash = WebRequest::get("hash"); $customer = Customer::getById($id); try { if ($customer->getMailChecksum() != $hash) { throw new InvalidChecksumException(); } $suPassword = WebRequest::post("suPassword"); $suConfirm = WebRequest::post("suConfirm"); // validation if ($suPassword == "") { throw new CreateCustomerException("Password not specified"); } if ($suConfirm == "") { throw new CreateCustomerException("Confirmed password not specified"); } if ($suPassword != $suConfirm) { throw new CreateCustomerException("Password mismatch"); } // validation if ($suPassword != "" && $suPassword == $suConfirm) { $customer->setPassword($suPassword); } $customer->save(); // log them in Session::setLoggedInCustomer($id); // redirect to main page global $cWebPath; $this->mHeaders[] = "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"; $this->mHeaders[] = "Location: " . $cWebPath . "/index.php"; } catch (CreateCustomerException $ex) { $this->mBasePage = "changePassword.tpl"; $this->error($ex->getMessage()); } catch (InvalidChecksumException $ex) { $this->mBasePage = "changePassword.tpl"; $this->error($ex->getMessage()); } } else { // requesting try { $suEmail = WebRequest::post("suEmail"); // validation if ($suEmail == "") { throw new CreateCustomerException("Email not specified"); } $customer = Customer::getByEmail($suEmail); if ($customer == null) { throw new NonexistantObjectException(); } $customer->sendPasswordReset(); $this->mBasePage = "forgotpassword.tpl"; // TODO: show some confirmation, check email, etc } catch (CreateCustomerException $ex) { $this->mBasePage = "forgottenpassword.tpl"; $this->error($ex->getMessage()); } catch (NonexistantObjectException $ex) { $this->mBasePage = "forgottenpassword.tpl"; $this->error("nonexistant object"); } } } else { if (WebRequest::get("id") && WebRequest::get("hash")) { // show reset password form try { $id = WebRequest::get("id"); $hash = WebRequest::get("hash"); $customer = Customer::getById($id); if ($customer->getMailChecksum() != $hash) { throw new InvalidChecksumException(); } $this->mBasePage = "changePassword.tpl"; $this->mSmarty->assign("cpid", $id); $this->mSmarty->assign("cphash", $hash); } catch (InvalidChecksumException $ex) { $this->mBasePage = "forgottenpassword.tpl"; $this->error("invalid checksum"); } } else { // show request form $this->mBasePage = "forgottenpassword.tpl"; return; } } }
public static function getActiveLanguage() { global $cAvailableLanguages; // look in the order of most volatile first - if we find something, use it. // request cache if (self::$requestLanguage != "") { return self::$requestLanguage; } // get parameter $getParam = WebRequest::get("lang"); if ($getParam != false) { // check value is in list of allowed values if (array_key_exists($getParam, $cAvailableLanguages)) { // save local cache for other messages this request self::$requestLanguage = $getParam; // set a cookie to persist that option for this session (do we want // this option to set the preferences too?) WebRequest::setCookie("lang", $getParam); // use this value. return $getParam; } } // cookie $cookie = WebRequest::getCookie("lang"); if ($cookie != false) { // check value is in list of allowed values if (array_key_exists($cookie, $cAvailableLanguages)) { // save local cache for other messages this request self::$requestLanguage = $cookie; // use this value. return $cookie; } } // user preference // site default return "en-GB"; }
/** * @covers ByJG\Util\WebRequest::curlInit */ public function testCurlException() { $this->object = new WebRequest('http://laloiuyakkkall.iiiuqq/'); $this->setExpectedException('\\ByJG\\Util\\CurlException'); $this->object->get(); }
protected function runPage() { // try to get more access than we may have. try { self::checkAccess('edit-language-messages'); $this->mSmarty->assign("readonly", ''); } catch (AccessDeniedException $ex) { // caution: if you're copying this, this is a hack to make sure // users know they don't have the access to do this, not // to actually stop them from doing it, though it will have // that effect to the non-tech-savvy. $this->mSmarty->assign("readonly", 'disabled="disabled"'); } global $cWebPath; $this->mStyles[] = $cWebPath . "/style/pager.css"; if (WebRequest::wasPosted()) { self::checkAccess("edit-language-messages"); $this->save(); global $cWebPath; $this->mHeaders[] = "HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"; $this->mHeaders[] = "Location: " . $cWebPath . "/management.php/Languages"; return; } $this->mBasePage = "mgmt/lang.tpl"; $keys = array(); $filterUnset = false; if (WebRequest::get("showall")) { if (WebRequest::get("showall") == "unset") { $filterUnset = true; } $keys = Message::getMessageKeys(); } else { if (WebRequest::get("prefix")) { $keys = Message::getMessageKeys(); $keys = array_filter($keys, function ($value) { $prefix = WebRequest::get("prefix"); return substr($value, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix; }); } } if (count($keys) > 0) { $this->mSmarty->assign("showtable", 1); global $cAvailableLanguages; // retrieve the message table as an array (of message keys) of arrays // (of languages) of arrays (of id/current content) $messagetable = array(); foreach ($keys as $mkey) { $completelySet = true; $messagetable[$mkey] = array(); foreach ($cAvailableLanguages as $lang => $langname) { $message = Message::getByName($mkey, $lang); if ($message->getContent() == "<{$lang}:{$mkey}>") { if ($lang == Message::getActiveLanguage()) { $completelySet = false; } } $messagetable[$mkey][$lang] = array("id" => $message->getId(), "content" => $message->getContent()); } if ($filterUnset && $completelySet) { unset($messagetable[$mkey]); } } $this->mSmarty->assign("languagetable", $messagetable); $this->mSmarty->assign("languages", $cAvailableLanguages); } else { $this->mSmarty->assign("showtable", 0); } }