Пример #1
 protected function initializeForPage()
     $this->controller = DataRetriever::factory('MoodleDataRetriever', array());
     switch ($this->page) {
         case 'index':
             $this->assign('message', 'Hello World');
             # hard coded values
             # should be replaced by authentication
             //                $user = array(
             //                    'username' => '620065739',
             //                    'password' => '19941206',
             //                    'service' => 'moodle_mobile_app'
             //                );
             //                # get user's moodle token
             //                $this->token = $this->controller->getToken($user); #JSON obj
             //                $this->assign('token', $this->token['token']);
             $userParam = array('wstoken' => '47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742', 'wsfunction' => 'core_webservice_get_site_info');
             # Retrieve user information
             $userInfo = $this->controller->getUserId($userParam);
             $this->assign('info', $userInfo['userid']);
             # Retrieve json list of courses
             $coursesParam = array('wstoken' => '47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742', 'wsfunction' => 'core_enrol_get_users_courses', 'userid' => $userInfo['userid']);
             # Retrieve user courses and converts json to php array
             $userCourses = $this->controller->getCourses($coursesParam);
             //                print_r($userCourses);
             # prep list for courses
             $coursesList = array();
             //                foreach ($userCourses as $courseData)
             //                {
             //                    $course = array(
             //                        'id' => $courseData['id'],
             //                        'shortname' => $courseData['shortname'],
             //                        'fullname' => $courseData['fullname'],
             //                        'usercount' => $courseData['enrolledusercount'],
             //                        'idnumber' => $courseData['idnumber'],
             //                        'url' =>  '/courses/details?wstoken=47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742&wsfunction=core_course_get_contents&courseid=' . $courseData['id']
             //                    );
             //                    $coursesList[] = $course;
             //                }
             foreach ($userCourses as $courseData) {
                 $course = array('subtitle' => $courseData['shortname'], 'title' => $courseData['fullname'], 'url' => $this->buildBreadcrumbURL('details', array('wstoken' => '47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742', 'wsfunction' => 'core_course_get_contents', 'courseid' => $courseData['id'])));
                 $coursesList[] = $course;
             $this->assign('coursesList', $coursesList);
             # 'url' => $this->buildBreadcrumbURL('details', array('wstoken' => '47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742','wsfunction' => 'core_course_get_contents', 'courseid' => $courseData['id']), false)
         # 'url' => $this->buildBreadcrumbURL('details', array('wstoken' => '47aae912ad404c743d7b66ad0c6c0742','wsfunction' => 'core_course_get_contents', 'courseid' => $courseData['id']), false)
         case 'details':
             $id = $this->getArg('courseid');
             $token = $this->getArg('wstoken');
             $func = $this->getArg('wsfunction');
             $this->assign('wstoken', $token);
             $this->assign('id', $id);
             $this->assign('func', $func);
             if ($courseContent = $this->controller->getContent($id, $token, $func)) {
                 $contentList = array();
                 foreach ($courseContent as $section) {
                     $detail = array('subtitle' => $section['id'], 'title' => $section['name']);
                     $contentList[] = $detail;
                 $this->assign('contentList', $contentList);
             //                else {
             //                    $this->redirectTo('index');
             //                }
     //<KEY name="idnumber"> &wsfunction=core_course_get_contents&courseid=76
     //  wsfunction=core_enrol_get_users_courses&userid=9742
     //        switch($this->page)
     //        {
     //            case 'index':
     //                # Retrieve user information
     //                $userInfo = $this->$controller->getUserId($userParam);
     //                # Retrieve json list of courses
     //                $coursesParam = array(
     //                    'wstoken' => $this->$token['wstoken'],
     //                    'wsfunction' => 'moodlewsrestformat',
     //                    'moodlewsrestformat' => 'json'
     //                );
     //                $userCourses = $this->controller->getCourses($coursesParam);
     //                $courseList = array();
     //                foreach ($userCourses as $courseData) {
     //                    $course = array(
     //                        'wstoken' => $this->$token['wstoken'],
     //                        'shortname' => $courseData['shortname'],
     //                        'fullname' => $courseData['fullname'],
     //                        'url' => $this->buildBreadcrumbURL('content', array('id' => $courseData['id'], 'token' => $token['wstoken'], 'name' => $courseData['shortname']))
     //                    );
     //                    $courseList[] = $course;
     //                }
     //                $this->assign('message', 'My Courses');
     //                $this->assign('token', $token['token']);
     //                $this->assign('userid', $userInfo['userid']);
     //                $this->assign('courseList', $courseList);
     //                # http://ourvle.mona.uwi.edu/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=e23c35eeda5b1799ffcea51cec0c19b2&wsfunction=core_webservice_get_site_info
     //                break;
     //            case 'content':
     //                # pull course details
     //                # http://ourvle.mona.uwi.edu/webservice/rest/server.php?wstoken=e23c35eeda5b1799ffcea51cec0c19b2&wsfunction=core_course_get_contents&courseid=1485
     //                $courseData = array(
     //                    'id' => $this->getArg('id'), # course content
     //                    'token' => $this->getArg('token'), # user token
     //                    'name' => $this->getArg('shortname') # shortened course name
     //                );
     //                if ($courseContent = $this->$controller->getContent($courseData)) {
     //                    foreach ($courseContent as $courseData) {
     //                    }
     ////                    $this->assign('courseName', $courseContent['']);
     //                }
     //            $this->assign('course_name', $courseData['name']);
     //        }