  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Company_Or_Person constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->set_property('label', __('This data is shown as metadata in your site. It is intended to appear in Google\'s Knowledge Graph. You can be either a company, or a person, choose either:', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('company', __('Company', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('person', __('Person', 'wordpress-seo'));
  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Multiple_Authors constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->set_property('label', __('Does, or will, your site have multiple authors?', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('yes', __('Yes', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('no', __('No', 'wordpress-seo'));
  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Environment constructor.
 public function __construct()
     /* Translators: %1$s resolves to the home_url of the blog. */
     $this->set_property('label', sprintf(__('Please specify the environment in which this site - %1$s - is running.', 'wordpress-seo'), get_home_url()));
     $this->add_choice('production', __('Production (this is a live site with real traffic)', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('staging', __('Staging (this is a copy of a live site used for testing purposes only)', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('development', __('Development (this site is running locally for development purposes)', 'wordpress-seo'));
  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Choice_Post_Type constructor.
  * @param string $post_type The post type to add.
  * @param string $label     Label to show (translated post type).
 public function __construct($post_type, $label)
     parent::__construct('postType' . ucfirst($post_type));
     $this->post_type = $post_type;
     /* Translators: %1$s expands to the name of the post type. The options given to the user are "visible" and "hidden" */
     $this->set_property('label', sprintf(__('The post type "%1$s" should be', 'wordpress-seo'), $label));
     $this->add_choice('true', __('Visible', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('false', __('Hidden', 'wordpress-seo'));
  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Site_Type constructor.
 public function __construct()
     /* translators: %1$s resolves to the home_url of the blog. */
     $this->set_property('label', sprintf(__('What kind of site is %1$s?', 'wordpress-seo'), get_home_url()));
     $this->add_choice('blog', __('Blog', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('shop', __('Webshop', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('news', __('News site', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('smallBusiness', __('Small business site', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('corporateOther', __('Other corporate site', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('personalOther', __('Other personal site', 'wordpress-seo'));
  * WPSEO_Config_Field_Separator constructor.
 public function __construct()
     $this->set_property('label', __('Title Separator', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->set_property('explanation', __('Choose the symbol to use as your title separator. This will display, for instance, between your post title and site name. Symbols are shown in the size they\'ll appear in the search results.', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-dash', '-', __('Dash', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-ndash', '–', __('En dash', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-mdash', '—', __('Em dash', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-middot', '·', __('Middle dot', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-bull', '•', __('Bullet', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-star', '*', __('Asterisk', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-smstar', '⋆', __('Low asterisk', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-pipe', '|', __('Vertical bar', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-tilde', '~', __('Small tilde', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-laquo', '«', __('Left angle quotation mark', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-raquo', '»', __('Right angle quotation mark', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-lt', '<', __('Less than sign', 'wordpress-seo'));
     $this->add_choice('sc-gt', '>', __('Greater than sign', 'wordpress-seo'));