/** * */ static function on_load() { /** * Add this class as a helper to WPLib */ WPLib::register_helper(__CLASS__); }
/** * Run on WordPress's 'init' hook to register all the post types defined in classes that extend this class. */ static function on_load() { /** * Add this class as a helper to WPLib */ WPLib::register_helper(__CLASS__); /* * Process these templates once for language translation. * Use this base class' name used to find the templates. */ self::$_default_labels = array('add_new_item' => _x('Add New %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'new_item' => _x('New %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'edit_item' => _x('Edit %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'view_item' => _x('View %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'all_items' => _x('All %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'search_items' => _x('Search %s', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'parent_item_colon' => _x('Parent %s:', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'not_found' => _x('No %s found.', 'posts', 'wplib'), 'not_found_in_trash' => _x('No %s found in Trash.', 'posts', 'wplib')); self::add_class_action('init'); self::add_class_action('init', 99); self::add_class_action('wp_loaded'); }