public function checkFBAStock($mode = 'in_stock_only')
     // get all published listings
     $lm = new WPLA_ListingsModel();
     $out_of_sync_products = array();
     if ($mode == 'all_stock') {
         $listings = $lm->getAllItemsUsingFBA();
     } else {
         $listings = $lm->getAllItemsWithStockInFBA();
     // process FBA listings
     foreach ($listings as $item) {
         // get wc product
         $item = (array) $item;
         $_product = $this->getProduct($item['post_id']);
         if (!$_product) {
         // checking parent variations makes no sense in WPLA, so skip them
         if ($_product->product_type == 'variable') {
         // check stock level
         $stock = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getStock($item['post_id']);
         if ($stock == $item['fba_quantity']) {
         // copy FBA qty to Woo
         if (isset($_REQUEST['wpla_copy_fba_qty_to_woo'])) {
             update_post_meta($item['post_id'], '_stock', $item['fba_quantity']);
         // add to list of out of stock products
         $item['stock'] = $stock;
         $item['parent_id'] = $_product->product_type == 'variation' ? $_product->parent->id : false;
         $out_of_sync_products[] = $item;
     // return if empty
     if (empty($out_of_sync_products)) {
         WPLA()->showMessage('All FBA products are in sync with WooCommerce.', 0, 1);
     $msg = '<p>';
     $msg .= sprintf('There are %s FBA products have a different stock level in WooCommerce.', sizeof($out_of_sync_products));
     $msg .= '</p>';
     // table header
     $msg .= '<table style="width:100%">';
     $msg .= "<tr>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>SKU</th>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Product</th>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>FBA</th>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>WooCommerce</th>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>ASIN</th>";
     $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Status</th>";
     $msg .= "</tr>";
     // table rows
     foreach ($out_of_sync_products as $item) {
         // get column data
         $sku = $item['sku'];
         $qty = $item['quantity'];
         $fba_qty = $item['fba_quantity'];
         $stock = $item['stock'];
         $title = $item['listing_title'];
         $post_id = $item['post_id'];
         $asin = $item['asin'];
         $status = $item['status'];
         // build links
         // $amazon_url  = $item['ViewItemURL'] ? $item['ViewItemURL'] : $amazon_url = ''.$asin;
         $amazon_url = 'admin.php?page=wpla&s=' . $asin;
         $amazon_link = '<a href="' . $amazon_url . '" target="_blank">' . $asin . '</a>';
         $edit_link = '<a href="post.php?action=edit&post=' . ($item['parent_id'] ? $item['parent_id'] : $post_id) . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>';
         // build table row
         $msg .= "<tr>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$sku}</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$edit_link}</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$fba_qty}</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$stock}</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$amazon_link}</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>{$status}</td>";
         $msg .= "</tr>";
     $msg .= '</table>';
     $msg .= '<p>';
     $url = 'admin.php?page=wpla-tools&tab=inventory&action=check_wc_fba_stock&wpla_copy_fba_qty_to_woo=yes&mode=' . $mode . '&_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce('wpla_tools_page');
     $msg .= '<a href="' . $url . '" class="button">' . __('Copy FBA quantity to WooCommerce', 'wpla') . '</a> &nbsp; ';
     $msg .= 'Click this button set the stock level in WooCommerce to the current FBA quantity for each found product.';
     $msg .= '</p>';
     WPLA()->showMessage($msg, 1, 1);
 public function insertMissingVariation($variation_id, $sku, $parent_listing)
     global $wpdb;
     // get variation product data
     // $variation_id         = $var['post_id'];
     // $variation_attributes = $var['variation_attributes'];
     $variable_product = get_product($variation_id);
     if (!$variable_product) {
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($var);echo"</pre>";#die();
     // compile variation-theme from attribute names
     // $attribute_names = array_keys( $variation_attributes );
     // $vtheme = join( '-', $attribute_names );
     // generate title suffix from attribute values
     // $attribute_values = array_values( $variation_attributes );
     // $suffix = join( ', ', $attribute_values );
     // get attributes values and append to listing title
     $variation_attributes = $variable_product->get_variation_attributes();
     $attribute_values = array_values($variation_attributes);
     $listing_title = $parent_listing->listing_title;
     $listing_title .= ' - ' . join(', ', $attribute_values);
     // handle custom listing title
     // $listing_title = $parent_listing->listing_title;
     // if ( $product_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, '_amazon_title', true ) )
     // 	$listing_title = $product_value;
     // build single variation listing item
     $data = array();
     $data['post_id'] = $variation_id;
     $data['parent_id'] = $parent_listing->post_id;
     $data['vtheme'] = $parent_listing->vtheme;
     $data['listing_title'] = $listing_title;
     $data['price'] = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getPrice($variation_id);
     $data['quantity'] = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getStock($variation_id);
     // $data['sku']           = WPLA_ProductWrapper::getSKU( $variation_id );
     $data['sku'] = $sku;
     $data['date_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $data['status'] = 'prepared';
     $data['source'] = 'woo';
     $data['profile_id'] = $parent_listing->profile_id;
     $data['account_id'] = $parent_listing->account_id;
     $data['product_type'] = $variable_product->product_type;
     WPLA()->logger->info('insert new variation ' . $variation_id . ' - title: ' . $data['listing_title']);
     // insert in listings table
     $wpdb->insert($this->tablename, $data);
     echo $wpdb->last_error;
     // apply profile (price)
     $listing_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
     $profile = new WPLA_AmazonProfile($parent_listing->profile_id);
     if ($profile) {
         $this->applyProfileToItem($profile, $listing_id);
     // return success
     $success = $listing_id ? true : false;
     return $success;