public static function createEmptyFile(WOOOF $wo, $fileName)
     $fullFilename = $wo->getConfigurationFor('absoluteFilesRepositoryPath') . $wo->randomString(40);
     while (file_exists($fullFilename)) {
         $fullFilename = $wo->getConfigurationFor('absoluteFilesRepositoryPath') . $wo->randomString(40);
     $result = touch($fullFilename);
     if ($result === FALSE) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0001 createEmptyFile: External File was not created by the file system.");
         return true;
     $newId = $wo->db->getNewId('__externalFiles');
     $result = $wo->db->query('insert into __externalFiles ' . '(id, entryDate, fileName, originalFileName) values ' . '(' . $newId . ', ' . $wo->getCurrentDateTime() . ', ' . $fullFilename . ', ' . $wo->cleanUserInput($fileName) . ')');
     if ($result === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
Пример #2
  * @param WOOOF $wo
  * @param VO_TblUser $obj
  * @param bool $fetchBack
  * @return false | id
 public static function save(WOOOF $wo, VO_TblUser &$obj)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     $wo->debug("{$place}:  ");
     $t1 = new WOOOF_dataBaseTable($wo->db, 'movierama_users');
     if (!$t1->constructedOk) {
         return false;
     if (!$wo->hasContent($obj->userId)) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "0010 No value provided for [userId]");
         return false;
     if ($wo->hasContent($obj->id)) {
         // update
         $res = $t1->updateRowFromArraySimple($obj->toArray());
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     } else {
         // insert
         $verificationToken = WOOOF::randomString(255);
         $obj->isDeleted = '0';
         $obj->isActive = '1';
         $obj->isVerified = '0';
         $obj->verificationToken = $verificationToken;
         $obj->createdDateTime = WOOOF::currentGMTDateTime();
         $obj->updatedDateTime = $obj->createdDateTime;
         $newId = $t1->insertRowFromArraySimple($obj->toArray());
         if ($newId === FALSE) {
             return false;
         $obj->id = $newId;
         $succ = self::handleVerificationToken($wo, $obj->id, $obj->username, $verificationToken);
         if ($succ === FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     return $obj->id;
Пример #3
$requestedAction = 'viewUncontroled';
$pageLocation = '3_webService';
$wo = new WOOOF();
if ($_POST['action'] == 'wsLogin') {
    $loginResult = FALSE;
    $rowForTest = $this->db->getRowByColumn('__users', 'loginName', $wo->cleanUserInput($_POST['username']));
    if (isset($rowForTest['id'])) {
        $hash = $wo->getPasswordHash($_POST['password'], $rowForTest['id']);
        $result = $this->db->query('select * from __users where binary loginName=\'' . $wo->cleanUserInput($rowForTest['loginName']) . '\' and binary loginPass=\'' . $hash . '\'');
        if (mysqli_num_rows($result)) {
            $userRow = $this->db->fetchAssoc($result);
            $userRow['loginPass'] = '******';
            $goOn = FALSE;
            do {
                $sid = 'ws' . WOOOF::randomString(38);
                $new_sid_result = $this->db->query("select * from __sessions where sessionId='" . $sid . "'");
                if (!mysqli_num_rows($new_sid_result)) {
                    $goOn = TRUE;
            } while (!$goOn);
            $result = $this->db->query("insert into __sessions (userId,sessionId,loginDateTime,lastAction,loginIP,active) values ('{$uid}','{$sid}','" . $this->dateTime . "','" . $this->dateTime . "','" . $this->cleanUserInput($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "','1')");
            if ($result === FALSE) {
                showErrorAndTerminate('2005', 'Failed to insert new session in the data base for user `' . $userData['loginName'] . '`. Potential security breach!');
            $obj->wsSessionIdentifier = $sid;
            $loginResult = TRUE;
    if ($loginResult === FALSE) {
        showErrorAndTerminate('2004', 'Wrong credentials supplied.Login failure');
          window.location = window.confirmedURLToGo;
<body><div id="modal" style="display: none;">
        <span class="titleModal" id="titleModal">Αν θες δίνε και Tίτλο Modal Window </span><br />
        <div id="textModal">Κείμενο μηνύματος βνα ωσ χψβ αξηβσω ξαηβσ χξηαβσ χξηαβχ ηξα κξασ κξαβν σ</div><br />
        <input class="modalButton" type="button" name="button" value="No" onClick="javascript:closePopup();">
     &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp; 
        <input class="modalButton" type="button" name="button" value="Yes" onClick="javascript:popUpConfirmed();">        
if (isset($_FILES['file'])) {
    if ($_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/png' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'image/gif' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/octet' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/x-pdf') {
        $prefix = $wo->randomString(20);
        $fileInfo = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name']);
        if (($_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/octet' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $_FILES['file']['type'] == 'application/x-pdf') && $fileInfo['extension'] != 'pdf' && $fileInfo['extension'] != 'PDF') {
            echo $_FILES['file']['type'] . ' ' . $fileInfo['extension'] . ' BAD file type. File deleted.<br/><br/>';
        $insertId = $wo->db->getNewId($tableName);
        $maxR = $wo->db->query('select max(ord) from ' . $tableName);
        $max = $wo->db->fetchRow($maxR);
        $max = $max[0] + 10;
        if (!isset($_POST['entry_date'])) {
            $entryDate = WOOOF::getCurrentDateTime();
        } else {
            $entryDate = $wo->cleanUserInput($_POST['entry_date']);
Пример #5
  * @param string[] $columnsToFill
  * @return false|string // new id
 public function handleInsertFromPost($columnsToFill)
     $imagesRelativePath = WOOOF::$instance->getConfigurationFor('imagesRelativePath');
     $siteBasePath = WOOOF::$instance->getConfigurationFor('siteBasePath');
     global $__isAdminPage;
     $insertId = $this->dataBase->getNewId($this->tableName);
     if ($insertId === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     $defferedQueries = array();
     $query = 'insert into ' . $this->tableName . ' set';
     if (is_array($columnsToFill)) {
         foreach ($columnsToFill as $column) {
             if ($column != 'id') {
                 $metaData = $this->columns[$column]->getColumnMetaData();
                 $trimmedOrderingColumn = trim(str_replace(' desc', '', $this->getOrderingColumnForListings()));
                 if ($trimmedOrderingColumn == $column && (!isset($_POST[$column]) || trim($_POST[$column]) == '0' || trim($_POST[$column]) == '') && $metaData['type'] == WOOOF_dataBaseColumnTypes::int) {
                     $oR = $this->dataBase->query('select max(' . $trimmedOrderingColumn . ') as maxOrd from ' . $this->tableName);
                     if ($oR === FALSE) {
                         return FALSE;
                     $o = $this->dataBase->fetchAssoc($oR);
                     $_POST[$column] = $o['maxOrd'] + 10;
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($_POST[$column]) && !isset($_POST[$column . '1']) && !isset($_POST[$column . '4']) && !isset($_FILES[$column])) {
                         WOOOF::$instance->debug("Warning in handleInsertFromPost: Column to fill [{$column}] does not appear in POST or FILES.");
                 if ($metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::file) {
                     if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$column]['tmp_name'])) {
                         $externalFileId = $this->handleFileUpload($column);
                         if ($externalFileId === FALSE) {
                             die('File Upload Failure!');
                             // TODO: backfix that and remove the die!
                             return FALSE;
                         } else {
                             $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . $externalFileId . '\',';
                 } else {
                     if ($metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::picture) {
                         if (isset($_FILES[$column])) {
                             if (trim($metaData['presentationParameters']) != '') {
                                 $outputPath = $siteBasePath . $metaData['presentationParameters'];
                             } else {
                                 $outputPath = $siteBasePath . $imagesRelativePath;
                             $fromFile = $outputPath . WOOOF::randomString(10) . '_' . $_FILES[$column]['name'];
                             //echo $fromFile .' <- is the new filename <br>';
                             $mvResult = move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$column]['tmp_name'], $fromFile);
                             if ($mvResult) {
                                 if ($metaData['resizeWidth'] != '') {
                                     $choppedFile = '';
                                     $filePieces = explode('.', $_FILES[$column]['name']);
                                     for ($b = 0; $b < count($filePieces) - 1; $b++) {
                                         $choppedFile .= $filePieces[$b] . '.';
                                     $choppedFile .= 'jpg';
                                     $targetFilename = $this->tableId . '_' . $metaData['columnId'] . '_' . $insertId . '_' . $choppedFile;
                                     WOOOF::resizePicture($fromFile, $outputPath . $targetFilename, $metaData['resizeWidth'], $metaData['resizeHeight']);
                                     $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($targetFilename) . '\', ';
                                     if ($metaData['thumbnailWidth'] != '') {
                                         WOOOF::resizePicture($fromFile, $outputPath . 'thumb_' . $targetFilename, $metaData['thumbnailWidth'], $metaData['thumbnailHeight']);
                                         if ($metaData['thumbnailColumn'] != '') {
                                             $defferedQueries[] = 'update ' . $this->tableName . ' set ' . $metaData['thumbnailColumn'] . '=\'' . 'thumb_' . $targetFilename . '\' where id=\'' . $insertId . '\'';
                                     if ($metaData['midSizeWidth'] != '') {
                                         WOOOF::resizePicture($fromFile, $outputPath . 'mid_' . $targetFilename, $metaData['midSizeWidth'], $metaData['midSizeHeight']);
                                         if ($metaData['thumbnailColumn'] != '') {
                                             $defferedQueries[] = 'update ' . $this->tableName . ' set ' . $metaData['midSizeColumn'] . '=\'' . 'mid_' . $targetFilename . '\' where id=\'' . $insertId . '\'';
                                 } else {
                                     //echo basename(WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($fromFile)) .'<br>';
                                     $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . basename(WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($fromFile)) . '\',';
                             } else {
                                 $query .= ' ' . $column . '=' . $column . ', ';
                     } else {
                         if ($metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::htmlText) {
                             if (!$__isAdminPage) {
                                 require_once 'HTMLPurifier.standalone.php';
                                 $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
                                 $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
                                 $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . $this->dataBase->escape($purifier->purify($_POST[$column])) . '\',';
                             } else {
                                 $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . $this->dataBase->escape($_POST[$column]) . '\',';
                         } else {
                             if ($metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::date || $metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::time || $metaData['presentationType'] == WOOOF_columnPresentationTypes::dateAndTime && isset($_POST[$column . '1'])) {
                                 if ($metaData['notNull'] == '1' && ($metaData['isReadOnly'] || (!isset($_POST[$column . '1']) || trim($_POST[$column . '1']) == '') && (!isset($_POST[$column . '4']) || $_POST[$column . '4'] == ''))) {
                                     //WOOOF::$instance->debug("$column in isReadOnly or empty");
                                     $tempDate = WOOOF::getCurrentDateTime();
                                 } else {
                                     $tempDate = WOOOF::buildDateTimeFromAdminPost($column, $metaData['presentationType']);
                                 if ($this->columns[$column]->checkValue($tempDate) === FALSE) {
                                     return FALSE;
                                 $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($tempDate) . '\',';
                             } else {
                                 if (!$this->columns[$column]->checkValue($_POST[$column])) {
                                     return FALSE;
                                 if (!isset($_POST[$column])) {
                                     $_POST[$column] = '';
                                 $query .= ' ' . $column . '=\'' . WOOOF::$instance->cleanUserInput($_POST[$column]) . '\',';
     $query .= ' id=\'' . $insertId . '\'';
     $res = $this->dataBase->query($query);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     for ($dC = 0; $dC < count($defferedQueries); $dC++) {
         $res = $this->dataBase->query($defferedQueries[$dC]);
         if ($res === FALSE) {
             return FALSE;
     return $insertId;
Пример #6
  * @param WOOOF $wo
  * @param array $in
  * @return boolean
 public static function passwordReset(WOOOF $wo, $in)
     $place = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__;
     $wo->debug("{$place}:  ResetPassword");
     $userRec = $wo->db->getRowByColumn('__users', 'loginName', $in['email']);
     if ($userRec === FALSE) {
         return false;
     if ($userRec === NULL) {
         $wo->logError(self::_ECP . "2360 No such user found.");
         return false;
     //create new password here
     $newPassword = WOOOF::randomString(10);
     $newPassword[0] = 'A';
     $newPassword[1] = '1';
     //change password here
     $passwordErrors = [];
     $res = WOOOF_User::changePassword($wo, $in['email'], $newPassword, $passwordErrors);
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         return false;
     //send the password to user via email
     $emailAddress = $in['email'];
     $subject = 'New MovieRama Password';
     $message = 'Your new MovieRama Password is: ' . $newPassword;
     $replyTo = '';
     $cc = '';
     $htmlMessage = 'Your new MovieRama Password is: ' . $newPassword;
     $files = null;
     $res = $wo->sendMail('', $emailAddress, $subject, $message, $replyTo, $cc, $htmlMessage, $files);
     return $res;