Пример #1
		public static function similar($item)
			//make sure $item is an object
			if( !($item instanceof Item) )
				if( is_integer($item) )
					$item = Item::getByID($item);
					return false;
			$CHARADD = .1;//each matching characteristic = .1
			$CATADD = .01;//each matching category level = .01
			$VOADD = .025;//a user viewed one and ordered other = .025
			$UGTMADD = -.35;//more unmatched characteristics than matched = -.35
			$NOMATCHTOPLVLADD = -.15;//top level category doesn't match = -.15
			$chars = Base::toArray($item->characteristics);
			$views = Base::toArray(View::getByItem($item->itemid));
			//yes that's right, go get ALL of the items that have ANY of the characteristics
			$items = array();
			foreach( $chars as $char )
				$itms = Base::toArray(Item::getByCharacteristic($char->characteristicid));
				$items = array_merge($items, $itms);
			//now go get all the items in the category chain
			$numbers = explode('.', $item->category->number);
			$itms = array();
			while( count($numbers) > 0 )
				$newtms = Base::toArray(Item::getByCategorySearch(implode('.',$numbers).'%')); //mmm, delicious Newtms.
				$tmp = array();
				foreach( $newtms as $i )
					//disallow the same item
					if( $i->itemid != $item->itemid )
						//just push the ids now, so the array_diff doesn't choke
						array_push($tmp, $i->itemid);
				$itms = array_merge($itms, array_diff($tmp, $itms));
			//itemset is all chars + all categories
			foreach( $itms as $num )
				//go get all the items and push them onto the itemlist
				array_push($items, Item::getByID($num));
			$similarities = array();
			foreach( $items as $itm )
				$charcount['num'] = 0;
				$charcount['match'] = 0;
				$itch = Base::toArray($itm->characteristics);
				foreach( $itch as $ch )
					if( in_array($ch, $chars) )
				$itmNum = explode('.', $item->category->number);
				$thisNum = explode('.', $itm->category->number);
				$catcount['topmatch'] = false;
				$catcount['num'] = 0;
				$catcount['match'] = 0;
				for($i = 0; $i<count($itmNum); $i++)
					if( $itmNum[$i] == $thisNum[$i] )
						if( $i == 0 )
							$catcount['topmatch'] = true;
				$similarity = 0;
				if( ($charcount['num'] / 2) > $charcount['match'] )
					$similarity += $UGTMADD;
				if( !$catcount['topmatch'] )
					$similarity += $NOMATCHTOPLVLADD;
				$similarity += ($CATADD * $catcount['match']);
				$similarity += ($CHARADD * $charcount['match']);
				$similarities = array_merge($similarities, array($itm->itemid => array("itemid" => $itm->itemid, "characteristic" => $charcount, "category" => $catcount, "similarity" => $similarity)));
			if(usort($similarities, array(Predict, 'sortSimilarities')))
				return $similarities;
				return false;