public function PostProcessSuccess($video_id) { // Adjust permissions and move directory $old_directory = $this->video_dir->GetBaseDir(); @chmod($old_directory, 0777); $directory = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video_id); $this->video_dir->MoveTo($directory); // Add the embed code to the database DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', array('video_id' => $video_id, 'clip' => $this->source[Video_Source::FIELD_EMBED], 'type' => 'Embed')); // Get the relative URL for each thumb and add to database $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($this->thumbs as $thumb) { $thumb = str_replace(array($old_directory, Config::Get('document_root')), array($directory, ''), $thumb); $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video_id, 'thumbnail' => $thumb)); } // Determine number of thumbnails and select random display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($this->thumbs); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { // Select display thumbnail randomly from the first 40% $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } $update = array('video_id' => $video_id, 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail, 'duration' => $this->duration); $DB = GetDB(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_conversion_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video_id)); DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', $update); }
public static function Run() { chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../')); require_once 'includes/global.php'; $doc_root = Config::Get('document_root'); $DB = GetDB(); self::Log('Starting...'); self::MarkRunning(); while (true) { // See if we were requested to stop if (self::ShouldStop()) { self::Log('User requested stop...'); break; } self::Ping(); $DB->Connect(); $queue_item = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_thumb_queue` ORDER BY `queued` LIMIT 1'); if (!empty($queue_item)) { $video = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id'])); if (!empty($video)) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_thumb_queue` SET `date_started`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array(Database_MySQL::Now(), $video['video_id'])); $clips = $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video_clip` WHERE `video_id`=? AND `type`!=? ORDER BY `clip_id`', array($queue_item['video_id'], 'Embed')); $dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); Video_FrameGrabber::SetLogFile($dir->GetBaseDir() . '/thumbnailer.log'); $thumb_start = time(); try { if (!empty($clips)) { $thumbs = array(); $duration = 0; // Number of thumbs to create per clip $amount = round(Config::Get('thumb_amount') / count($clips)); // Move existing thumbnails $dir->MoveFiles($dir->GetThumbsDir(), $dir->GetTempDir(), JPG_EXTENSION); // Process each clip foreach ($clips as $clip) { self::Ping(); // Remote video if (preg_match('~https?://~i', $clip['clip'])) { $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->Get($clip['clip'], $clip['clip'])) { $video_file = $dir->AddOriginalFromVar($http->body, File::Extension($clip['clip'])); $vi = new Video_Info($video_file); $vi->Extract(); $duration += $vi->length; $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($video_file, $dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'), $vi); // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) { $thumbs[] = $dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb); } @unlink($video_file); } } else { $temp_thumbs = Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($doc_root . '/' . $clip['clip'], $dir->GetProcessingDir(), $amount, Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size')); // Move generated thumbs from the processing directory foreach ($temp_thumbs as $temp_thumb) { $thumbs[] = $dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_thumb); } } } // Get the relative URL for each thumb and add to database $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { $thumb = str_replace($doc_root, '', $thumb); $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'thumbnail' => $thumb)); } // Determine number of thumbnails and select random display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($thumbs); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { // Select display thumbnail randomly from the first 40% $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } $update = array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail); if (empty($video['duration']) && !empty($duration)) { $update['duration'] = $duration; } DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', $update); // Remove old thumbnails $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_thumbnail` WHERE `video_id`=?' . (!empty($thumb_ids) ? ' AND`thumbnail_id` NOT IN (' . join(',', $thumb_ids) . ')' : ''), array($video['video_id'])); $dir->ClearTemp(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Restore old thumbnails $dir->MoveFiles($dir->GetTempDir(), $dir->GetThumbsDir(), JPG_EXTENSION); Video_FrameGrabber::Log($e->getMessage() . (strtolower(get_class($e)) == 'baseexception' ? $e->getExtras() : '') . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); self::UpdateStatsProcessed($thumb_start, $thumb_end, $queue_item['queued'], true); } $thumb_end = time(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_thumb_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id'])); self::UpdateStatsProcessed($thumb_start, $thumb_end, $queue_item['queued']); } } else { break; } } self::MarkStopped(); self::Log('Exiting...'); }
public function Import() { $imported = 0; $DB = GetDB(); $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $video_feed = $yt->getVideoFeed($this->feed['feed_url']); $entry; foreach ($video_feed as $entry) { // Check for duplicates, and skip if ($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_feed_history` WHERE `feed_id`=? AND `unique_id`=?', array($this->feed['feed_id'], $entry->getVideoId()))) { continue; } // Video is not embeddable, skip if (!$entry->isVideoEmbeddable()) { continue; } // Setup defaults $video = $this->defaults; $video['title'] = $entry->getVideoTitle(); $video['description'] = $entry->getVideoDescription(); $video['tags'] = Tags::Format(implode(' ', $entry->getVideoTags())); $video['duration'] = $entry->getVideoDuration(); // Get preview images $times = array(); $thumbs = array(); foreach ($entry->getVideoThumbnails() as $thumb) { if (!isset($times[$thumb['time']])) { $times[$thumb['time']] = true; $thumbs[] = array('thumbnail' => $thumb['url']); } } $clip = array('type' => 'Embed', 'clip' => '<object width="640" height="385">' . '<param name="movie" value="' . $entry->getVideoId() . '&fs=1"></param>' . '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>' . '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>' . '<embed src="' . $entry->getVideoId() . '&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed>' . '</object>'); $best_category = GetBestCategory(join(' ', array($video['title'], $video['description'], $video['tags']))); if (!empty($best_category)) { $video['category_id'] = $best_category; } $video['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $video); if (!$video['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($video['tags']); } UpdateCategoryStats($video['category_id']); $video_dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); $clip['video_id'] = $video['video_id']; DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', $clip); $display_thumbnail = null; foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { $thttp = new HTTP(); if ($thttp->Get($thumb['thumbnail'], $thumb['thumbnail'])) { $temp_file = $video_dir->AddTempFromVar($thttp->body, JPG_EXTENSION); $imgsize = @getimagesize($temp_file); if ($imgsize !== false) { if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) { $local_filename = Video_Thumbnail::Resize($temp_file, Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), $video_dir->GetThumbsDir()); } else { $local_filename = $video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_file, JPG_EXTENSION); } $local_filename = str_replace(Config::Get('document_root'), '', $local_filename); $thumb_id = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'thumbnail' => $local_filename)); if (empty($display_thumbnail)) { $display_thumbnail = $thumb_id; } } else { unlink($temp_file); } } } if (!empty($display_thumbnail)) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video` SET `display_thumbnail`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array($display_thumbnail, $video['video_id'])); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tbx_video_feed_history` VALUES (?,?)', array($this->feed['feed_id'], $entry->getVideoId())); $imported++; } $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video_feed` SET `date_last_read`=? WHERE `feed_id`=?', array(Database_MySQL::Now(), $this->feed['feed_id'])); UpdateSponsorStats($this->feed['sponsor_id']); return $imported; }
public static function Run() { chdir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../')); require_once 'includes/global.php'; $doc_root = Config::Get('document_root'); $DB = GetDB(); self::Log('Starting...'); self::MarkRunning(); while (true) { // See if we were requested to stop if (self::ShouldStop()) { self::Log('User requested stop...'); break; } self::Ping(); $DB->Connect(); $queue_item = $DB->Row('SELECT *,`tbx_conversion_queue`.`video_id` AS `video_id`,`tbx_conversion_queue`.`queued` AS `queued` FROM `tbx_conversion_queue` LEFT JOIN ' . '`tbx_thumb_queue` USING (`video_id`) WHERE `tbx_thumb_queue`.`video_id` IS NULL ORDER BY `tbx_conversion_queue`.`queued` LIMIT 1'); if (!empty($queue_item)) { $video = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id'])); if (!empty($video)) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video` SET `conversion_failed`=0 WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_conversion_queue` SET `date_started`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array(Database_MySQL::Now(), $video['video_id'])); $clips = $DB->FetchAll('SELECT * FROM `tbx_video_clip` WHERE `video_id`=? ORDER BY `clip_id`', array($queue_item['video_id'])); $dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); Video_Converter::SetLogFile($dir->GetBaseDir() . '/convert.log'); $convert_start = time(); $conversion_failed = false; foreach ($clips as $clip) { $clip_path = null; $old_path = null; try { // Stored locally, move to originals directory if ($clip['clip'][0] == '/') { $old_path = $doc_root . $clip['clip']; $clip_path = $dir->AddOriginalFromFile($old_path); } else { $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->Get($clip['clip'], $clip['clip'])) { $clip_path = $dir->AddOriginalFromVar($http->body, File::Extension($clip['clip'])); } else { throw new BaseException('Could not download clip for conversion: ' . $http->error); } } $output_file = Video_Converter::Convert($clip_path, $dir->GetProcessingDir(), Config::Get('video_format'), Config::Get('video_bitrate'), Config::Get('audio_bitrate'), Config::Get('video_size'), array('ConversionQueue', 'Ping')); $converted_video = $dir->AddClipFromFile($output_file); $DB->Disconnect(); $DB->Connect(); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video_clip` SET `clip`=?,`filesize`=? WHERE `clip_id`=?', array(str_replace($doc_root, '', $converted_video), filesize($converted_video), $clip['clip_id'])); } catch (Exception $e) { if (!empty($old_path) && !empty($clip_path)) { rename($clip_path, $old_path); } Video_Converter::Log($e->getMessage() . (strtolower(get_class($e)) == 'baseexception' ? $e->getExtras() : '') . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString()); $conversion_failed = true; } } $convert_end = time(); $dir->ClearProcessing(); $dir->ClearTemp(); $DB->Connect(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_conversion_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($queue_item['video_id'])); if ($conversion_failed) { self::UpdateStatsProcessed($convert_start, $convert_end, $queue_item['queued'], true); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video` SET `conversion_failed`=1 WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); } else { // Update stats self::UpdateStatsProcessed($convert_start, $convert_end, $queue_item['queued']); $status = empty($video['next_status']) ? STATUS_ACTIVE : $video['next_status']; // Set video status $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video` SET `status`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array($status, $video['video_id'])); if ($video['status'] != $status && $status == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$video['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($video['tags']); } UpdateCategoryStats($video['category_id']); } } } else { break; } } self::MarkStopped(); self::Log('Exiting...'); }
function tbxUploadStepTwo() { global $t; $upload = $_FILES['video_file']; $v = Validator::Create(); $DB = GetDB(); $v->Register(sha1($_REQUEST['step_one_data'] . Config::Get('random_value')) == $_REQUEST['step_one_sig'], Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, _T('Validation:Video Data Altered')); $v->Register($upload['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, Uploads::CodeToMessage($upload['error'])); if (is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'])) { $max_filesize = Format::StringToBytes(Config::Get('max_upload_size')); $max_duration = Format::DurationToSeconds(Config::Get('max_upload_duration')); $extensions = str_replace(',', '|', Config::Get('upload_extensions')); $v->Register($upload['size'], Validator_Type::IS_BETWEEN, _T('Validation:Video size too large'), '1,' . $max_filesize); $v->Register(File::Extension($upload['name']), Validator_Type::REGEX_MATCH, _T('Validation:Video file extension not allowed'), '~^(' . $extensions . ')$~'); try { $vi = new Video_Info($upload['tmp_name']); $vi->Extract(); $v->Register($vi->length, Validator_Type::LESS_EQ, _T('Validation:Video duration too long'), $max_duration); } catch (Exception $e) { $v->Register(false, Validator_Type::IS_TRUE, $e->getMessage()); } $md5 = md5_file($upload['tmp_name']); if (Config::Get('flag_upload_reject_duplicates')) { $v->Register($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_md5sum` WHERE `md5`=?', array($md5)), Validator_Type::IS_ZERO, _T('Validation:Duplicate video')); } } // Validate input if (!$v->Validate()) { $t->Assign('g_errors', $v->GetErrors()); $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST); if (isset($_REQUEST['flash'])) { $t->Display('upload-flash-errors.tpl'); } else { $t->Assign('g_file_types', '*.' . str_replace(',', ';*.', Config::Get('upload_extensions'))); $t->Assign('g_cookie', $_COOKIE[LOGIN_COOKIE]); $t->Display('upload-step-two.tpl'); } return; } $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['step_one_data']))); Form_Prepare::Standard('tbx_video'); Form_Prepare::Standard('tbx_video_stat'); Form_Prepare::Custom('tbx_video_custom_schema', 'on_submit'); $_REQUEST['duration'] = $vi->length; $_REQUEST['date_added'] = Database_MySQL::Now(); $_REQUEST['username'] = AuthenticateUser::GetUsername(); $_REQUEST['is_private'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_allow_private') ? intval($_REQUEST['is_private']) : 0; $_REQUEST['allow_ratings'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_ratings']); $_REQUEST['allow_embedding'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_embedding']); $_REQUEST['allow_comments'] = intval($_REQUEST['allow_comments']) ? 'Yes - Add Immediately' : 'No'; $_REQUEST['is_user_submitted'] = 1; if ($_REQUEST['recorded_day'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] && $_REQUEST['recorded_year']) { $_REQUEST['date_recorded'] = $_REQUEST['recorded_year'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_month'] . '-' . $_REQUEST['recorded_day']; } // Strip HTML tags if (Config::Get('flag_video_strip_tags')) { $_REQUEST = String::StripTags($_REQUEST); } // Configure status $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_ACTIVE; if (Config::Get('flag_upload_convert')) { $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_QUEUED; $_REQUEST['next_status'] = Config::Get('flag_upload_review') ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_ACTIVE; } else { if (Config::Get('flag_upload_review')) { $_REQUEST['status'] = STATUS_PENDING; } } // Add to database $_REQUEST['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $_REQUEST); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $_REQUEST); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $_REQUEST); if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$_REQUEST['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($_REQUEST['tags']); } else { if ($_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) { DatabaseAdd('tbx_conversion_queue', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'queued' => time())); } } // Mark as private if ($_REQUEST['is_private']) { $_REQUEST['private_id'] = sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_private', $_REQUEST); } // Setup video files and generate thumbnails $directory = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($_REQUEST['video_id']); $vd = new Video_Dir($directory); $clip = $vd->AddClipFromFile($upload['tmp_name'], File::Extension($upload['name'])); if (Video_FrameGrabber::CanGrab()) { Video_FrameGrabber::Grab($clip, $vd->GetThumbsDir(), Config::Get('thumb_amount'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), Config::Get('thumb_size'), $vi); } foreach ($vd->GetClipURIs() as $clip) { $_REQUEST['clip'] = $clip; $_REQUEST['filesize'] = filesize(Config::Get('document_root') . $clip); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', $_REQUEST); } $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($vd->GetThumbURIs() as $thumb) { $_REQUEST['thumbnail'] = $thumb; $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', $_REQUEST); } // Select the display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($thumb_ids); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', array('video_id' => $_REQUEST['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail)); // Add MD5 sum for prevention of duplicates $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tbx_video_md5sum` VALUES (?)', array($md5)); // Update user stats StatsRollover(); $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_user_stat` SET ' . '`today_videos_uploaded`=`today_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`week_videos_uploaded`=`week_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`month_videos_uploaded`=`month_videos_uploaded`+1,' . '`total_videos_uploaded`=`total_videos_uploaded`+1 ' . 'WHERE `username`=?', array($_REQUEST['username'])); $t->AssignByRef('g_form', $_REQUEST); $t->AssignByRef('g_video', $_REQUEST); $t->Display(isset($_REQUEST['flash']) ? 'upload-flash-complete.tpl' : 'upload-complete.tpl'); UpdateCategoryStats($_REQUEST['category_id']); if (!Config::Get('flag_using_cron') && $_REQUEST['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) { ConversionQueue::Start(); } }
public function PostProcessSuccess($video_id) { // Adjust permissions and move directory $doc_root = Config::Get('document_root'); $old_directory = $this->video_dir->GetBaseDir(); @chmod($old_directory, 0777); $directory = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video_id); $this->video_dir->MoveTo($directory); // Get the relative URL for each clip and add to database foreach ($this->clips as $clip) { $clip = str_replace(array($old_directory, $doc_root), array($directory, ''), $clip); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', array('video_id' => $video_id, 'filesize' => filesize($doc_root . $clip), 'clip' => $clip, 'type' => 'URL')); } // Get the relative URL for each thumb and add to database $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($this->thumbs as $thumb) { $thumb = str_replace(array($old_directory, $doc_root), array($directory, ''), $thumb); $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video_id, 'thumbnail' => $thumb)); } // Determine number of thumbnails and select random display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($this->thumbs); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { // Select display thumbnail randomly from the first 40% $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } $update = array('video_id' => $video_id, 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail, 'duration' => $this->duration); DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', $update); }
function tbxConvesionLogView() { $log = Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($_REQUEST['video_id']) . '/convert.log'; if (file_exists($log)) { JSON::Success(array('html' => '<xmp class="conversion-log">' . trim(file_get_contents($log)) . '</xmp>')); } else { JSON::Success('No conversion log exists for this video'); } }
function DeleteVideo($video) { $DB = GetDB(); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_clip` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_thumbnail` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_rating` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_flagged` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_featured` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_favorited` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_custom` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_stat` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_comment` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_video_private` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_user_favorite` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_conversion_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); $DB->Update('DELETE FROM `tbx_thumb_queue` WHERE `video_id`=?', array($video['video_id'])); if ($video['status'] == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$video['is_private']) { Tags::RemoveFromFrequency($video['tags']); } $video_dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); $video_dir->Remove(); UpdateCategoryStats($video['category_id']); UpdateSponsorStats($video['sponsor_id']); $t = new Template(); $t->ClearCache('video-watch.tpl', $video['video_id']); }
public static function Import($settings) { $DB = GetDB(); ProgressBarShow('pb-import'); $file = TEMP_DIR . '/' . File::Sanitize($settings['import_file']); $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); $filesize = filesize($file); $line = $read = $imported = 0; $expected = count($settings['fields']); while (!feof($fp)) { $line++; $string = fgets($fp); $read += strlen($string); $data = explode($settings['delimiter'], trim($string)); ProgressBarUpdate('pb-import', $read / $filesize * 100); // Line does not have the expected number of fields if (count($data) != $expected) { continue; } $video = array(); $defaults = array('category_id' => $settings['category_id'], 'sponsor_id' => $settings['sponsor_id'], 'username' => $settings['username'], 'duration' => Format::DurationToSeconds($settings['duration']), 'status' => $settings['status'], 'next_status' => $settings['status'], 'allow_comments' => $settings['allow_comments'], 'allow_ratings' => $settings['allow_ratings'], 'allow_embedding' => $settings['allow_embedding'], 'is_private' => $settings['is_private'], 'date_added' => Database_MySQL::Now(), 'is_featured' => 0, 'is_user_submitted' => 0, 'conversion_failed' => 0, 'tags' => null, 'title' => null, 'description' => null); foreach ($settings['fields'] as $index => $field) { if (!empty($field)) { $video[$field] = trim($data[$index]); } } // Setup clips $clips = array(); $thumbs = array(); $clip_type = 'URL'; if (isset($video['embed_code'])) { // Cannot convert or thumbnail from embed code $settings['flag_convert'] = $settings['flag_thumb'] = false; $clips[] = $video['embed_code']; $clip_type = 'Embed'; } else { if (isset($video['gallery_url'])) { $http = new HTTP(); if (!$http->Get($video['gallery_url'])) { // Broken gallery URL, continue continue; } list($thumbs, $clips) = Video_Source_Gallery::ExtractUrls($http->url, $http->body); } else { if (!isset($video['video_url']) && isset($video['base_video_url'])) { if (!preg_match('~/$~', $video['base_video_url'])) { $video['base_video_url'] .= '/'; } foreach (explode(',', $video['video_filename']) as $filename) { $clips[] = $video['base_video_url'] . $filename; } } else { $clips[] = $video['video_url']; } } } // Check for duplicate clips $duplicate = false; foreach ($clips as $clip) { if (!Request::Get('flag_skip_imported_check') && $DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_imported` WHERE `video_url`=?', array($clip)) > 0) { $duplicate = true; } $DB->Update('REPLACE INTO `tbx_imported` VALUES (?)', array($clip)); } // Dupe found if ($duplicate) { continue; } // Setup thumbs if (!isset($video['gallery_url']) && !isset($video['thumbnail_url']) && isset($video['base_thumbnail_url'])) { if (!preg_match('~/$~', $video['base_thumbnail_url'])) { $video['base_thumbnail_url'] .= '/'; } foreach (explode(',', String::FormatCommaSeparated($video['thumbnail_filename'])) as $filename) { $thumbs[] = $video['base_thumbnail_url'] . $filename; } } else { if (!isset($video['gallery_url']) && isset($video['thumbnail_url'])) { $thumbs[] = $video['thumbnail_url']; } } // Setup duration if (isset($video['duration_seconds'])) { $video['duration'] = $video['duration_seconds']; } else { if (isset($video['duration_formatted'])) { $video['duration'] = Format::DurationToSeconds($video['duration_formatted']); } } // Use description for title if (empty($video['title'])) { $video['title'] = isset($video['description']) ? $video['description'] : ''; } // Use title for description if (empty($video['description'])) { $video['description'] = isset($video['title']) ? $video['title'] : ''; } // Use title for tags if (empty($video['tags'])) { $video['tags'] = isset($video['title']) ? $video['title'] : ''; } // Setup category if (isset($video['category']) && ($category_id = $DB->QuerySingleColumn('SELECT `category_id` FROM `tbx_category` WHERE `name` LIKE ?', array($video['category']))) !== false) { $video['category_id'] = $category_id; } else { if (($category_id = GetBestCategory($video['title'] . ' ' . $video['description'])) !== null) { $video['category_id'] = $category_id; } } // Merge in the defaults $video = array_merge($defaults, $video); // Format tags and convert to UTF-8 $video['tags'] = Tags::Format($video['tags']); $video = String::ToUTF8($video); if (Request::Get('flag_convert')) { $video['status'] = STATUS_QUEUED; } // Add to database $video['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $video); if ($video['is_private']) { $video['private_id'] = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_private', $video); } if ($video['status'] == STATUS_QUEUED) { $video['queued'] = time(); DatabaseAdd('tbx_conversion_queue', $video); } if (Request::Get('flag_thumb')) { $video['queued'] = time(); DatabaseAdd('tbx_thumb_queue', $video); } if ($video['status'] == STATUS_ACTIVE && !$video['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($video['tags']); } // Add clips foreach ($clips as $clip) { DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'type' => $clip_type, 'clip' => $clip)); } $dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); // Process thumbs $thumb_ids = array(); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->Get($thumb, $thumb)) { if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) { $thumb_temp = $dir->AddTempFromVar($http->body, 'jpg'); $thumb_file = Video_Thumbnail::Resize($thumb_temp, Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), $dir->GetThumbsDir()); } else { $thumb_file = $dir->AddThumbFromVar($http->body); } if (!empty($thumb_file)) { $thumb_ids[] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'thumbnail' => str_replace(Config::Get('document_root'), '', $thumb_file))); } } } // Determine number of thumbnails and select random display thumbnail $num_thumbnails = count($thumb_ids); $display_thumbnail = null; if ($num_thumbnails > 0) { // Select display thumbnail randomly from the first 40% $display_thumbnail = $thumb_ids[rand(0, floor(0.4 * $num_thumbnails))]; } DatabaseUpdate('tbx_video', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'num_thumbnails' => $num_thumbnails, 'display_thumbnail' => $display_thumbnail)); $imported++; } fclose($fp); UpdateCategoryStats(); UpdateSponsorStats($settings['sponsor_id']); $t = new Template(); $t->ClearCache('categories.tpl'); ProgressBarHide('pb-import', NumberFormatInteger($imported) . ' videos have been imported!'); // Start up the thumbnail and converson queues if needed if (!Config::Get('flag_using_cron')) { if (Request::Get('flag_convert')) { ConversionQueue::Start(); } if (Request::Get('flag_thumb')) { ThumbQueue::Start(); } } File::Delete($file); }
public function Import() { $imported = 0; $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->Get($this->feed['feed_url'])) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($this->ToUTF8($http->body), 'XML_Element', LIBXML_NOERROR, LIBXML_NOWARNING, LIBXML_NOCDATA); if ($xml !== false) { $DB = GetDB(); foreach ($xml->xpath('//videos/video') as $xvideo) { // Check for duplicates, and skip if ($DB->QueryCount('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbx_video_feed_history` WHERE `feed_id`=? AND `unique_id`=?', array($this->feed['feed_id'], $xvideo->id->val()))) { continue; } // Setup defaults $video = $this->defaults; $video['title'] = $xvideo->title->val(); $video['description'] = $xvideo->description->val(); $video['tags'] = Tags::Format($xvideo->tags->val()); if (empty($video['description'])) { $video['description'] = $video['title']; } // Process <clips> $clips = array(); $screens = array(); foreach ($xvideo->xpath('./clips/clip') as $xclip) { $video['duration'] += $xclip->duration; $clip_url = $xvideo->clip_url->val(); $flv = $xclip->flv->val(); // Account for malformed feeds where the clip_url contains the URL to the video // file rather than the required root URL if (strstr($clip_url, $flv) === false) { $clip_url = $clip_url . $flv; } $clips[] = array('type' => 'URL', 'clip' => $clip_url); foreach ($xclip->xpath('./screens/screen') as $xscreen) { $screen_url = $xvideo->screen_url->val(); $screen = $xscreen->val(); // Account for malformed feeds where the screen_url contains the URL to the image // file rather than the required root URL if (strstr($screen_url, $screen) === false) { $screen_url = $screen_url . $screen; } $screens[] = array('thumbnail' => $screen_url); } } if (count($clips) > 0) { $best_category = GetBestCategory(join(' ', array($video['title'], $video['description'], $video['tags']))); if (!empty($best_category)) { $video['category_id'] = $best_category; } if ($this->feed['flag_convert']) { $video['status'] = STATUS_QUEUED; $video['next_status'] = $this->feed['status']; } $video['video_id'] = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_custom', $video); DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_stat', $video); if (!$video['is_private']) { Tags::AddToFrequency($video['tags']); } $video['queued'] = time(); if ($this->feed['flag_convert']) { DatabaseAdd('tbx_conversion_queue', $video); } if ($this->feed['flag_thumb']) { DatabaseAdd('tbx_thumb_queue', $video); } UpdateCategoryStats($video['category_id']); $video_dir = new Video_Dir(Video_Dir::DirNameFromId($video['video_id'])); foreach ($clips as $clip) { $clip['video_id'] = $video['video_id']; DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_clip', $clip); } $display_thumbnail = null; foreach ($screens as $screen) { $thttp = new HTTP(); if ($thttp->Get($screen['thumbnail'], $screen['thumbnail'])) { $temp_file = $video_dir->AddTempFromVar($thttp->body, JPG_EXTENSION); $imgsize = @getimagesize($temp_file); if ($imgsize !== false) { if (Video_Thumbnail::CanResize()) { $local_filename = Video_Thumbnail::Resize($temp_file, Config::Get('thumb_size'), Config::Get('thumb_quality'), $video_dir->GetThumbsDir()); } else { $local_filename = $video_dir->AddThumbFromFile($temp_file, JPG_EXTENSION); } $local_filename = str_replace(Config::Get('document_root'), '', $local_filename); $thumb_id = DatabaseAdd('tbx_video_thumbnail', array('video_id' => $video['video_id'], 'thumbnail' => $local_filename)); if (empty($display_thumbnail)) { $display_thumbnail = $thumb_id; } } } } $video_dir->ClearTemp(); if (!empty($display_thumbnail)) { $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video` SET `display_thumbnail`=? WHERE `video_id`=?', array($display_thumbnail, $video['video_id'])); } $DB->Update('INSERT INTO `tbx_video_feed_history` VALUES (?,?)', array($this->feed['feed_id'], $xvideo->id->val())); $imported++; } } $DB->Update('UPDATE `tbx_video_feed` SET `date_last_read`=? WHERE `feed_id`=?', array(Database_MySQL::Now(), $this->feed['feed_id'])); UpdateSponsorStats($this->feed['sponsor_id']); } // Start up the thumbnail and converson queues if needed if (!Config::Get('flag_using_cron')) { if ($this->feed['flag_convert']) { ConversionQueue::Start(); } if ($this->feed['flag_thumb']) { ThumbQueue::Start(); } } } return $imported; }