include "../inc/classes/Video.php"; include "../inc/classes/Helpers.php"; if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'sort') { $objVideo = new Video(); $objVideo->SortValues(substr($_REQUEST['action'], 1), substr($_REQUEST['action'], 0, 1)); unset($objVideo); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['dragsort'])) { // handle drag sort ajax request: $objVideo = new Video($_REQUEST['id']); $new_sort_order = $_REQUEST['idx'] * 10 + 5; if ($new_sort_order > $objVideo->SortOrder) { $new_sort_order += 10; // increasing sort order so must add another 10 } $objVideo->SortOrder = $new_sort_order; $objVideo->Update(); echo "success"; exit; // just exit since this is an ajax request } include "includes/pagetemplate.php"; function PageContent() { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // fix to preserve width of cells var fixHelper = function(e, ui) {
$VideosInDB = Video::Filter($Videos, $ModelID, $Set->getID(), $matches['Name'] . $matches['Number'] . $matches['Suffix']); if ($VideosInDB) { $VideoInDB = $VideosInDB[0]; $cis = CacheImage::Filter($CacheImages, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $VideoInDB->getID()); CacheImage::DeleteMulti($cis, $CurrentUser); } else { $VideoInDB = new Video(); $VideoInDB->setSet($Set); } $VideoInDB->setFileName($matches['Prefix'] . $matches['Name'] . $matches['Number'] . $matches['Suffix']); $VideoInDB->setFileExtension($matches['Extension']); $VideoInDB->setFileSize($FileInfo->getSize()); $VideoInDB->setFileCheckSum(Utils::CalculateMD5($FileInfo->getRealPath())); $VideoInDB->setFileCRC32(Utils::CalculateCRC32($FileInfo->getRealPath())); if (!$VideoInDB->getID() && $CurrentUser->hasPermission(RIGHT_VIDEO_ADD)) { Video::Insert($VideoInDB, $CurrentUser); } else { if ($CurrentUser->hasPermission(RIGHT_VIDEO_EDIT)) { Video::Update($VideoInDB, $CurrentUser); } } } } } $infoSuccess = new Info($lang->g('MessageVideosImported')); Info::AddInfo($infoSuccess); if (isset($argv) && $argc > 0) { $bi->Finish(); } } HTMLstuff::RefererRedirect();
if ($Set->Videos) { foreach ($Set->Videos->Video as $Video) { $VideoInDb = Video::Filter($VideosInDb, $Model2Process->getID(), $Set2Process->getID(), (string) $Video->attributes()->name); if ($VideoInDb) { $VideoInDb = $VideoInDb[0]; } /* @var $Video2Process Video */ $Video2Process = $VideoInDb ? $VideoInDb : new Video(); $Video2Process->setSet($Set2Process); $Video2Process->setFileName((string) $Video->attributes()->name); $Video2Process->setFileExtension((string) $Video->attributes()->extension); $Video2Process->setFileSize((int) $Video->attributes()->filesize); $Video2Process->setFileCheckSum((string) $Video->attributes()->checksum); $Video2Process->setFileCRC32((string) $Video->attributes()->crc32); if ($Video2Process->getID()) { Video::Update($Video2Process, $CurrentUser); } else { Video::Insert($Video2Process, $CurrentUser); } $videotags = Tag::GetTagArray((string) $Video->attributes()->tags); $Tag2AllThisVideo = Tag2All::Filter($Tag2AllThisSet, NULL, $Model2Process->getID(), $Set2Process->getID(), NULL, $Video2Process->getID()); Tag2All::HandleTags($videotags, $Tag2AllThisVideo, $TagsInDB, $CurrentUser, $Model2Process->getID(), $Set2Process->getID(), NULL, $Video2Process->getID(), FALSE); } } } } if ($fileToProcess != 'setup_data.xml') { unlink(realpath($fileToProcess)); } $infoSuccess = new Info($lang->g('MessageXMLImported')); Info::AddInfo($infoSuccess);
$target = UPLOAD_PATH . '/temp/' . $video->filename . '.' . $extension; Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.before_move_video'); if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $target)) { App::Alert('Error During Video Upload', 'The raw video file transfer failed. Video File: ' . $target); throw new Exception(Language::GetText('error_uploadify_system', array('host' => HOST))); } ### Change permissions on raw video file Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.before_change_permissions'); try { Filesystem::Open(); Filesystem::SetPermissions($target, 0644); Filesystem::Close(); } catch (Exception $e) { App::Alert('Error During Video Upload', $e->getMessage()); throw new Exception(Language::GetText('error_uploadify_system', array('host' => HOST))); } ### Update video information $data = array('status' => 'pending conversion', 'original_extension' => $extension); Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.before_update_video'); $video->Update($data); ### Initilize Encoder $cmd_output = $config->debug_conversion ? CONVERSION_LOG : '/dev/null'; Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.before_encode'); $converter_cmd = 'nohup ' . Settings::Get('php') . ' ' . DOC_ROOT . '/cc-core/system/encode.php --video="' . $video->video_id . '" >> ' . $cmd_output . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($converter_cmd); Plugin::Trigger('upload.ajax.encode'); // Output success message exit(json_encode(array('result' => 1, 'msg' => ''))); } catch (Exception $e) { exit(json_encode(array('result' => 0, 'msg' => $e->getMessage()))); }
$message = null; $sub_header = null; // Verify content type was provided if (!empty($_GET['status']) && in_array($_GET['status'], array('video', 'member', 'comment'))) { $type = $_GET['status']; } else { $type = 'video'; } ### Handle "Ban" record if (!empty($_GET['ban']) && is_numeric($_GET['ban'])) { switch ($type) { case 'video': $video = new Video($_GET['ban']); if ($video->found) { Flag::FlagDecision($video->video_id, $type, true); $video->Update(array('status' => 'banned')); $message = 'Video has been banned'; $message_type = 'success'; } break; case 'member': $user = new User($_GET['ban']); if ($user->found) { Flag::FlagDecision($user->user_id, $type, true); $user->UpdateContentStatus('banned'); $user->Update(array('status' => 'banned')); $message = 'Member has been banned'; $message_type = 'success'; } break; case 'comment':
} if (array_key_exists('hidAction', $_POST) && $_POST['hidAction'] == 'VideoView') { $Video->setFileName(Utils::NullIfEmpty($_POST['txtFilename'])); $Video->setFileExtension(Utils::NullIfEmpty($_POST['txtFileExtension'])); $Video->setFileSize(intval($_POST['txtFilesize'])); $Video->setFileCheckSum(Utils::NullIfEmpty($_POST['txtFileChecksum'])); $Video->setFileCRC32(Utils::NullIfEmpty($_POST['txtFileCRC32'])); $tags = Tag::GetTagArray($_POST['txtTags']); if ($Video->getID()) { if ($DeleteVideo) { if (Video::Delete($Video, $CurrentUser)) { header('location:' . $ReturnURL); exit; } } else { if (Video::Update($Video, $CurrentUser)) { Tag2All::HandleTags($tags, $TagsThisVideo, $TagsInDB, $CurrentUser, $ModelID, $SetID, NULL, $Video->getID(), NULL); header('location:' . $ReturnURL); exit; } } } else { if (Video::Insert($Video, $CurrentUser)) { Tag2All::HandleTags($tags, $TagsThisVideo, $TagsInDB, $CurrentUser, $ModelID, $SetID, NULL, $Video->getID()); header('location:' . $ReturnURL); exit; } } } echo HTMLstuff::HtmlHeader(sprintf('%1$s - %2$s %3$s - %4$s', $Model->GetShortName(TRUE), $lang->g('NavigationSet'), $Set->getName(), $lang->g('NavigationVideos')), $CurrentUser); ?>
try { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // STEP 1 // // Validate Requested Video // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Validating requested video...') : null; ### Validate requested video $video = new Video($video_id); if (!Video::Exist(array('video_id' => $video_id, 'status' => 'pending conversion'))) { throw new Exception("An invalid video was passed to the video encoder."); } // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Establishing variables...') : null; ### Retrieve video information $video->Update(array('status' => 'processing')); $debug_log = LOG . '/' . $video->filename . '.log'; $raw_video = UPLOAD_PATH . '/temp/' . $video->filename . '.' . $video->original_extension; $flv = UPLOAD_PATH . '/flv/' . $video->filename . '.flv'; $mobile_temp = UPLOAD_PATH . '/mobile/' . $video->filename . '_temp.mp4'; $mobile = UPLOAD_PATH . '/mobile/' . $video->filename . '.mp4'; $thumb = UPLOAD_PATH . '/thumbs/' . $video->filename . '.jpg'; Plugin::Trigger('encode.load_video'); // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Verifying raw video exists...') : null; ### Verify Raw Video Exists if (!file_exists($raw_video)) { throw new Exception("The raw video file does not exists. The id of the video is: {$video->video_id}"); } // Debug Log $config->debug_conversion ? App::Log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Verifying raw video was valid size...') : null;